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Evolution 2015 - The Fighting Game Tournament of the Year - July 17-19th

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Normally, I don't care for the insistence on Japanese voices for fighters. But, with Xrd, where less than half of the English voices are particularly good, it's for the best (the change during the stream needed to happen).


Come ON, Mitsuru! Beat this Minazuki!

Normally, I don't care for the insistence on Japanese voices for fighters. But, with Xrd, where less than half of the English voices are particularly good, it's for the best (the change during the stream needed to happen).

English audio for anime FG's or RIOT! DeKappa
Didn't even notice they put up the $12 paywall because I've been streaming using the Twitch iOS app all day. I really hope it doesn't crash.

Why would they do this? So annoying.

They got you to donate to charity for 2.5 days x 6 streams of fighting game world championships and you feel like you've been had?

Ask for a refund

That's sort of the thing, it's not a large amount and I probably would've paid it eventually, but I'd rather do it because I wanted to instead of being assaulted by compression artifacts
Did they seriously enter 8 player smash by accident? XD
Still not as bad as the little mac that didn't know how to change his tag but still... :p
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