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Evolve |OT| Leaving Monsters 4 Dead

Had some good games in our PC party just now against a very friendly monster player.

T'was very nice playing with you and Skyzard.

Also went up against a really good Goliath earlier and we got him to maybe half health. Browsed the leaderboards while I was waiting before a match and saw they had a 63 WLR with 0 deaths as Goliath or something ridiculous. It was a nice learning experience and I don't feel so bad now!


Just got the game this afternoon. Pretty bad first impressions so far. The single player seems unplayable. The AI is just worthless.

MP keeps sticking me with my 4th and 5th choices in games already in progress. It's annoying as shit.

I've played a couple games as the Kraken and Goliath and definitely find myself preferring the hunter playstyle. It just kind of feels like you're slapping around toys rather than viciously battling deadly hunters or something.

Hoping it grows on me. Right now, I'm prepping the gamefly queue for some use.


I wish the game didn't lock weapon types to certain classes. I love playing medic but I hate using a sniper rifle. Especially Val's bolt-action rifle. Lazarus' rifle fares better, but I'd prefer a carbine or something.
Watching people play stealthfully is really entertaining. One had a whole group pass by a guy like 5 times before moving on. I'm guessing it only works on dark maps though?

I had somebody play super sneaky against me. They made it so hard. They'd leave misleading foot prints and hide behind things really well. I caught them one time and it was so funny. I thought they were long gone. I just happened to looked down and saw them but it didn't register with me that it was the monster just chilling there in the corner. It caught me off guard.
Screw mastering hunters... I thought I could get some sort of alternative costume when I mastered Caira earlier, and all I got was a different gun color. I didn't even notice the change after I equipped it...


Finished the night playing with a friend with a sub 2 minute game. The monster got stuck on terrain or something. Will upload video later.


Nope, it works on all maps.
Bushes are placed all over the map and they work wonders.
We had it done to us masterfully by a player a few times today.

Yup, one time I saw a Goliath cower in some bushes and my team ran by it, I marked it with my tranq gun and shouted into the mic, pressed Q a lot but my team still ran into the wrong direction. The Monster then killed me - and I ragequittet, heh.


I had the most intense game as a kraken yesterday against really sticky hunters. It was on the biome map with all the tunnels.

I damaged them pretty well on level one, nearly wiping them our but loosing all but 1,5 bars of health.

Lucky enough I managed to escape and could evolve to level 2 and we had a good fight on the center of the map. They lost 2 people and I lost my armor. Again I had to get off so I bailed. They chased me across the whole map I had barely time to feast so I was shaking half the time but fuck those birds. Somehow I managed to to shake the tracking off and evolved in a near corridor.
Damn you tracking dart - they found me and I already wrote the win off having no armor and being bombarded by buckets towers.

I fled into the snow biome, hiding in a bush and praying and holy shit it actually worked.

After wandering around and again being shot at most of the time I had like 1 cm HP and barely any armor. They were right behind me, damaged bad too, and I dashed into a narrow tunnel.

A sloth greeted me with his rooooaaar and ran past me into the grouped hunters.
I can't tell you what happened excacly but as they fought off the sloth popping some cds and loose some health I turned around, charged my lightning strike and quickly charged into the disoriented and struggling hunters with the aftershock, killing three of them instantly.

The remaining bucket was shared by my mines as I sighted in relief and could feel my heart.

Never experienced anything like this in 20 years of gaming.


Dann I auch i had mine turned on... How does this work? Does it need much performance and disk space while recording?

Performance wise it seems like it takes up nothing. Disk space wise you can set it to whatever quality and time limit you want and it tells you roughly what it turns out to be. I have it set to medium quality and 5 minutes at roughly 825 mb


Yeah, I'd prefer alt costumes.
Weapon skins are don't care tier.

They've stated that making entirely new hunter skins is as extensive as modeling a whole new character since their models are so detailed, so instead of making skins now they are rather focusing on bringing out the new hunters.

A dev posted that on Reddit.


In what situation would you use Bucket's UAV ability? I tried using it at the beginning of the round but the trapper just got annoyed with me. This was actually the first time I had a bad group, 2 people didn't communicate at all and the other was the biggest dick.


Bucket is now my favourite hunter, I love that English butler voiced bag of bolts.

The UAV compliments the trapper perfectly, especially Abe with his tracking darts when the signal has been lost, any player who complains about the extra help (especially a trapper) has got to be clueless. I usually wait for the monster player to trigger some birds, quickly find a safe area then pop the head and fly off in pursuit. I used to launch right at the start of the match but found waiting for the first bird trigger to be a lot more productive.

As for the other abilities? Sentry turrets really put the smack down, I used a 7% damage perk and hit for over 26000 damage alone one match. Even the rocket launcher hits like a mule!

I didn't think I'd find a character that matches my play style better than Abe but Bucket in support is a revelation.


Server disconnects happen way to often on XB1. Really annoying when you play 4 matches in evacuation mode and then there is a disconnect. And why when I have monster #1 would it kick me to playing a hunter once I have already played the monster twice in an evacuation mode.


In what situation would you use Bucket's UAV ability? I tried using it at the beginning of the round but the trapper just got annoyed with me. This was actually the first time I had a bad group, 2 people didn't communicate at all and the other was the biggest dick.

You can use his UAV when you have an Abe or a Griffin to scout into a direction your team is not going to check it out.

You should definitely use your UAV when a dome is about to come down (when the trapper gives off his "dome coming down!" warning,you have ten seconds before it disappears) to go after the fleeing monster and tag it.
Obviously unneccessary when you have Abe with a tracking dart in it or Cabot just dusted it, but for all other situations you want to do this.

My new favourite hunter is Bucket, love that English butler voiced bag of bullets. His UAV compliments the Tracker perfectly, especially Abe with his tracking darts. Sentry turrets really put the hurt down, I used a 7% damage perk and hit for over 26000 damage alone. The unguided rocket launcher also hits like a mule.

Isn't his rocket launcher guided? I am sure they follow your cursor.


I love Shadowplay. Its the best thing ever for pc games. Said glitched monster win from earlier


Wish it would be available for AMD cards too - there is an equivalent via the gaming evolved app but it's software based and takes away too much performance :(

I'm pretty sure out of the 15-20 matches I've played I've only lost to wraith, I've yet to kill one.

I managed to kill one level-2 wraith last night with a random group, that teleporting fucker is vicious.


Had a few bugs yesterday. Couldn't respawn from the ship, when the doors opened i just floated for a minute and then died.

Also having a decent team vs good monsters is really needed. Got my ass handed vs Kraken and Wraith one game after the other. I find it really hard to get the monster down if the trapper is compleet shit.

Then its a lvl 3 monster clusterfk and you get raped.


You can use his UAV when you have an Abe or a Griffin to scout into a direction your team is not going to check it out.

You should definitely use your UAV when a dome is about to come down (when the trapper gives off his "dome coming down!" warning,you have ten seconds before it disappears) to go after the fleeing monster and tag it.
Obviously unneccessary when you have Abe with a tracking dart in it or Cabot just dusted it, but for all other situations you want to do this.

Isn't his rocket launcher guided? I am sure they follow your cursor.

Thanks for the tips, I didn't even think to use it when a dome's coming down.
Also just had my first game against wraight as a trapper, I've only had 2 games under my belt beforehand and facing wraight made me a bit nervous, I had a really hard time figuring out when to dome as it leaves clonea behind, out of fear of doming for no reason I probably let it escape once or twice.


Thanks for the tips, I didn't even think to use it when a dome's coming down.
Also just had my first game against wraight as a trapper, I've only had 2 games under my belt beforehand and facing wraight made me a bit nervous, I had a really hard time figuring out when to dome as it leaves clonea behind, out of fear of doming for no reason I probably let it escape once or twice.

With the wraith, there is no reason to dome if you are not 100% sure it's him and in a position where you can properly fight him.

He can very easily hide inside difficult terrain in the dome and just let the time run out while you're trying to fight him.
I found that putting lots of pressure on him constantly and only using the dome when it'll be a proper battle in your favor is how to fight the wraith.


So, in the end I decided to get the game. It seems like there aren't that many people playing monster, as I went online a couple times and always got the monster (which is what I like).

I got my ass handed to me in rather brutal way all times, and then decided to go back to Solo and practice with the game. The game really lacks emphasizing how vital it is to use Smell for the monster to keep track of the hunters, and also explaining that, if you just want to escape, you need to take down the Trapper to destroy the dome.

Oh, and the Kraken rules (until I get the Wraith, I guess?)


With the wraith, there is no reason to dome if you are not 100% sure it's him and in a position where you can properly fight him.

He can very easily hide inside difficult terrain in the dome and just let the time run out while you're trying to fight him.
I found that putting lots of pressure on him constantly and only using the dome when it'll be a proper battle in your favor is how to fight the wraith.

Yea I'll keep that in mind, I found tracking her fairly easy, this maybe because they weren't the best wraith player though. The big fights we had were complete chaos, which was amazing


So, in the end I decided to get the game. It seems like there aren't that many people playing monster, as I went online a couple times and always got the monster (which is what I like).

I got my ass handed to me in rather brutal way all times, and then decided to go back to Solo and practice with the game. The game really lacks emphasizing how vital it is to use Smell for the monster to keep track of the hunters, and also explaining that, if you just want to escape, you need to take down the Trapper to destroy the dome.

Oh, and the Kraken rules (until I get the Wraith, I guess?)

It's funny you say that because every time I play monster the tip "use smell to help track the hunters and prey" shows up on the left of the screen basically at all times XD


It's funny you say that because every time I play monster the tip "use smell to help track the hunters and prey" shows up on the left of the screen basically at all times XD
Yeah it does. But still failed (to me, obviously) to state that you should literally spam it constantly rather than use it scarcely.
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