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Evolve |OT| Leaving Monsters 4 Dead

If you can get it for really cheap I don't think it'd be much of a problem.
If you solo queue you will definitely end up playing as the monster, somedays more somedays less. The moment you queue with one other person you won't be the monster ever (if the matchmaking doesn't bug ;) ).

But yeah, playing hunters is very fun and so is playing monster.
I actually am way more of a hunter player, I barely played or play monster but the funny thing is, the more you play as hunter and get better at the game, the easier it actually is to play some rounds as monster and have fun, cause you become what you hunted and know what to do and what to avoid.

Thanks for the reply. I ended up biting and getting the game after reading your post :) Excited to get started!


So I got put into yet another ongoing game as Lazarus. I'm doing my job, healing as best I can, spot the monster in the distance so I mark him and boost a few times in its direction. All of a sudden I see two skull icons on my screen. One teammate was grabbed by a megamouth and the other walked into a plant. Over a hundred meters away. As I start heading over to them to revive, I see yet another skull icon: the third teammate continued to the monster solo and was pounced.
And that's why I always play Monster.

Yesterday I was in a team where the monster was level 2 maybe 3. 3 of us got incapped and dropship was coming in 10 seconds. Guy proceeds to run into a plant.


Well, that's it folks, we had a good run, but I guess the game has been figured out now.
See you in Evolve 2!

So, what other tactics, depending on the situation, do you consider more efficient as the monster? Care to elaborate on that?


So, what other tactics, depending on the situation, do you consider more efficient as the monster? Care to elaborate on that?

The only thing I ever do when I play monster is use rock throw level 3 and fight at Stage 1 with full armor throwing rocks.
I'm not a monster player so I can't comment on that.

I just think it's funny that basically here you are presenting the "one strategy, always works, nothing can be done, 100% win" which apparently has never been talked about on any forum I frequent, has never come up like that in any of the "competitive" (in big quotes) tournament matches I've seen and I have also never really experienced.

I mean, hey, it might be true, more power to you.

I just don't really see this game with these devs and all the playtime already put into it by players boiling down to "kill medic, lel"


fired zero bullets in the orphanage.
Yesterday I was in a team where the monster was level 2 maybe 3. 3 of us got incapped and dropship was coming in 10 seconds. Guy proceeds to run into a plant.

One of the coolest things i've seen done is a Wraith abduction right into a plant.


Still loving and rocking this incredible game, had so many awesome moments this past week that I swear only Evolve can bring.

Was privileged to play my part in a live stream of Evacuation yesterday. I blew my initial start as Abe through a real world interruption at the opening of the first game. Got left behind by my team and deservedly berated only to catch up mid battle with a level 2 Wraith. I threw the arena and just contained the beast mid decoy. Direct shots with stasis grenades, shot gun shells and the tracking dart hit home as did my revives on all three team mates. After the dome dropped the battered monster fled but a combination of stasis and the Medic's tranquilisers meant I'd snagged it again in under a minute (using the 15% ability recharge perk) ultimately winning us the round. Redemption never felt so good!

Also used Hyde during Nest and took out the last three eggs single handed with a sliver of health in reserve as my fallen team mates watched nervously on. Gas grenades and the flame thrower combine to make Hyde a one man monster omelette making machine. I also found out that killer leaping monkeys that blindside you while you fumble for your personal shield can make for very shaky hands!

In the end we won every round of that Evacuation session due to a team that communicated and worked together as a whole. I've met so many good players on Live these past days all through chatting on Evolve. If you take the time to communicate over your headset you'll be surprised just how many great people are out there waiting to talk back.

If anybody here wants to add me, please feel free, just let me know you're from GAF.

GT: Bru


The only thing I ever do when I play monster is use rock throw level 3 and fight at Stage 1 with full armor throwing rocks.
I'm not a monster player so I can't comment on that.

I just think it's funny that basically here you are presenting the "one strategy, always works, nothing can be done, 100% win" which apparently has never been talked about on any forum I frequent, has never come up like that in any of the "competitive" (in big quotes) tournament matches I've seen and I have also never really experienced.

I mean, hey, it might be true, more power to you.

I just don't really see this game with these devs and all the playtime already put into it by players boiling down to "kill medic, lel"

There's much more to it than that. You have to know how to go after the medic, because it's very easy to be distracted and switch targets, be it because of Lazarus' invisibility, Caira's speed boost, the threat of other, higher damaging hunters, or the trappers' annoying tools. I am not necessarily criticizing the game. In fact, I love it, being my favorite multiplayer game of the last decade or so. I'm not implying that it lacks depth either. Going after one medic is not the same as going after a different one, and neither it is doing it under the pressure of one team of hunters or another. I'm just saying, going after the medic first is indeed, in 99% of the situations, the best strategy for the monster. But there's much more to it than that, and simply following this advice isn't going to make everything an instant win for the monster (although I still do think that a stage 2 or above, full health monster is virtually unstoppable if he plays the right way).

I am open to other opinions, or to facts that prove me wrong, but as someone who plays almost exclusively with monsters and who has spent a ridiculously high amount of hours with the game, I still haven't seen a strategy that works better.

In any case, since you mentioned it, are there any recorded tournament matches of the game that I can watch? I'd be very much interested in checking those out.


From my experience as a monster, going Hank first and medic second is a big big mistake, one that many monsters are tricked into making precisely because of the intuitive (though in my opinion wrong) idea that once Hank is down, killing other members will be easy without his shielding ability. But this creates some problems for the monster: If we are talking about ignoring the trapper (or leaving them for last), going 1) Hank, 2) Medic, 3) Assault, that makes it three hunters that you have to kill off before the threat of heavy damage (Assault) is gone. That's a huuuge time for that very same person to take off a huge chunk of your life bar... if not all of it! Going 1) Medic, 2) Assault, though, is fast an efficient. Even if you don't kill off assault, taking the medic out completely cripples the hunter team. And even if you don't get to kill the medic off, simply taking them down once will already help in doing so quickly next time you have to battle the hunters (due to the reduced health handicap).

This is my reasoning for why Hank is not such a threat for you as a monster:

First off, Hank's shield is a life bar of its own, meaning, the monster can just keep beating up the person who is being protected and the shield will go down faster. It's a useful ability, of course, but not one that will protect a target from a fully committed monster. Once the shield's charge is up, it takes a long time for it to become fully effective again; by then, whoever the monster was targeting will be dead already. If anything, I'd argue that Val and Caira healing you up acts as a more effective shield than Hank's actual shield.

The orbital strike is dangerous indeed, but if you can recognize when firing is raining over your head, all you have to do is get away from the impact zone. Problem solved. You won't have to worry about the orbital strike for the remainder of that battle.

Invisibility has too many counters for it to work against skilled monsters; from the footprints that hunters make, to the visual cues that give their locations away (like being hit or when they use their jetpacks). Invisibility is a tool that works well when the monster isn't aware of you and you want to keep it that way, and while sometimes it can force the monster to give up and switch targets, good monster players will still be able to locate the person they want to kill.

I appreciate the reply. You have given me some interesting pieces of information to contemplate. I hadn't thought of that order of taking out the opposing team. :)


They made some progress with the Behemoth and the Rock Wall ability. Looks awesome.
Man that's just....

Indeed. A true smh moment.
I had a game yesterday as the monster where I got cut off by the medic by himself, with none of his team rates even in smell ping range. I don't understand what people are even trying to do sometimes.
Some people have no awareness and just don't pay attention to their teammate icons.
I apologize!

It wasn't me but hey, mistakes happen ;)
Yeah they do, but to be punished by those mistakes 3 times in the span of two minutes was a bit much lol
Yesterday I was in a team where the monster was level 2 maybe 3. 3 of us got incapped and dropship was coming in 10 seconds. Guy proceeds to run into a plant.
Was it a Kraken? I was playing a team yesterday and I let one guy go so I could feed and evolve to 3, and as I'm about to start the evolve process, I get the win screen. I'm still not sure what happened but I'm guessing he stepped into a plant lol

But yeah that Behemoth gif is pretty crazy. Hype!


They made some progress with the Behemoth and the Rock Wall ability. Looks awesome.


Was it a Kraken? I was playing a team yesterday and I let one guy go so I could feed and evolve to 3, and as I'm about to start the evolve process, I get the win screen. I'm still not sure what happened but I'm guessing he stepped into a plant lol

Maybe? I can't remember, but it was the day before. Yesterday I didn't have any time in the game due to long commute, meal prep for this week, and catching up on tv shows. I'm hoping to get some time tonight.
In the end we won every round of that Evacuation session due to a team that communicated and worked together as a whole. I've met so many good players on Live these past days all through chatting on Evolve. If you take the time to communicate over your headset you'll be surprised just how many great people are out there waiting to talk back.

I play on Steam.

I have not heard a single voice chatter :(
That's a damn shame, I would have expected voice chat to be even more popular on PC. Maybe it's because the consoles come packaged with a headset in the box?

I'm a voice chat noob on PC, as I haven't played a lot of multiplayer games on it in the past few years. I may be doing something wrong, I've realized.

I'm going to check my default communication device, as I was under the impression that that had nothing to do with game voice chat, as the games I've played usually output the voice from the main output device no matter what.


That's a damn shame, I would have expected voice chat to be even more popular on PC. Maybe it's because the consoles come packaged with a headset in the box?

Every random game I join there is usually one other person with a mic.
Just gotta say hi most of the times and suddenly 1 or 2 voices will answer.


Headset included but still, people are quiet on consoles.

Maybe I've been lucky but as I said in my earlier post, I've befriended a lot of good players this week by chatting in Evolve. I was pleasantly surprised by how many people actually responded over XB Live.

Every random game I join there is usually one other person with a mic.
Just gotta say hi most of the times and suddenly 1 or 2 voices will answer.

Yeah, that's similar to my experience while playing online. Is this on Live, PSN or Steam?


All of that has a counter in the monster's arsenal. The monster is just faster than the hunters, arguably even faster than Caira's speed bost (which is extremely limited and needs a long time to recharge, anyway), so running away is not an option unless the monster is constantly changing targets in the middle of combat before the previous one is down. Which is about the worst mistake that a monster can make in a match.

Many times have I eaten up loads and loads of mines, harpoons, grenades and what have you as a Goliath when chasing down a target (Wraith is a different story though, definitely). And it just doesn't matter. Once you are dead set on a hunter, he or she is going down, unless you as a monster are a level 1 or a low health level 2. If you can get get away so easily from a monster, I'd argue that you are playing against pretty bad monsters. Smell, speed, strength, life... The monster just has every possible tool at its disposal to commit to a target, track it, chase it down and eliminate it, all while eating up whatever the other hunters throw at it in the process. So, the monsters that you are facing are either not making full use of the monster's prowess, or they are making the huge mistake I mentioned of changing targets mid-battle (which is the sign of a bad monster).

From my experience as a monster, going Hank first and medic second is a big big mistake, one that many monsters are tricked into making precisely because of the intuitive (though in my opinion wrong) idea that once Hank is down, killing other members will be easy without his shielding ability. But this creates some problems for the monster: If we are talking about ignoring the trapper (or leaving them for last), going 1) Hank, 2) Medic, 3) Assault, that makes it three hunters that you have to kill off before the threat of heavy damage (Assault) is gone. That's a huuuge time for that very same person to take off a huge chunk of your life bar... if not all of it! Going 1) Medic, 2) Assault, though, is fast an efficient. Even if you don't kill off assault, taking the medic out completely cripples the hunter team. And even if you don't get to kill the medic off, simply taking them down once will already help in doing so quickly next time you have to battle the hunters (due to the reduced health handicap).

This is my reasoning for why Hank is not such a threat for you as a monster:

First off, Hank's shield is a life bar of its own, meaning, the monster can just keep beating up the person who is being protected and the shield will go down faster. It's a useful ability, of course, but not one that will protect a target from a fully committed monster. Once the shield's charge is up, it takes a long time for it to become fully effective again; by then, whoever the monster was targeting will be dead already. If anything, I'd argue that Val and Caira healing you up acts as a more effective shield than Hank's actual shield.

The orbital strike is dangerous indeed, but if you can recognize when firing is raining over your head, all you have to do is get away from the impact zone. Problem solved. You won't have to worry about the orbital strike for the remainder of that battle.

Invisibility has too many counters for it to work against skilled monsters; from the footprints that hunters make, to the visual cues that give their locations away (like being hit or when they use their jetpacks). Invisibility is a tool that works well when the monster isn't aware of you and you want to keep it that way, and while sometimes it can force the monster to give up and switch targets, good monster players will still be able to locate the person they want to kill.

I do honestly think that going after the medic first and fully committing to taking him or her down is an unbeatable tactic. That is, unbeatable for any level 2 monster or above. The only real counter to it, in my opinion, is to effectively track the monster down and take as much of its health as possible while it's still stage 1. In my experience, letting a skilled monster player who uses this tactic evolve even once while being near full health (assuming the hunters equally skilled) means that the hunters have already lost. It's not even a match at that point.

One of the best and most accurate posts I've seen in the entire OT. There is definitely some nuance required, but rushing down the medic is almost always the best strategy. As long as the monster is smart and uses their skills appropriately, they should be able to take down the medic reasonably quickly and then lay waste to the rest with ease. I expect to see more of this as people get better at the game.

With the current game balance, Wraiths should win 100% of the time using this strategy. Thanks to its ridiculous speed and skillset, medics have a 0% chance of escaping. A speed-boosted Caira firing grenades at her feet while running away is still going to be destroyed in short order by a fully-committed Wraith.

Goliaths should win the vast majority of the time as well. Charge and the knock-back/disorient from its hits make escape near impossible when done properly.

I'd actually argue the Kraken is the weakest monster using this strategy/overall. You can avoid all of the Kraken's abilities for the most part if you pay attention. Almost all of my losses to Krakens have been because my team was too stupid to avoid any of its hilariously telegraphed attacks and get obliterated in seconds.


One of the best and most accurate posts I've seen in the entire OT. There is definitely some nuance required, but rushing down the medic is almost always the best strategy. As long as the monster is smart and uses their skills appropriately, they should be able to take down the medic reasonably quickly and then lay waste to the rest with ease. I expect to see more of this as people get better at the game.

With the current game balance, Wraiths should win 100% of the time using this strategy. Thanks to its ridiculous speed and skillset, medics have a 0% chance of escaping. A speed-boosted Caira firing grenades at her feet while running away is still going to be destroyed in short order by a fully-committed Wraith.

Goliaths should win the vast majority of the time as well. Charge and the knock-back/disorient from its hits make escape near impossible when done properly.

I'd actually argue the Kraken is the weakest monster using this strategy/overall. You can avoid all of the Kraken's abilities for the most part if you pay attention. Almost all of my losses to Krakens have been because my team was too stupid to avoid any of its hilariously telegraphed attacks and get obliterated in seconds.

Evolve monster meta: "Wraith so OP, kill medic, 100% win rate, 420erryday"
One of the best and most accurate posts I've seen in the entire OT. There is definitely some nuance required, but rushing down the medic is almost always the best strategy. As long as the monster is smart and uses their skills appropriately, they should be able to take down the medic reasonably quickly and then lay waste to the rest with ease. I expect to see more of this as people get better at the game.

With the current game balance, Wraiths should win 100% of the time using this strategy. Thanks to its ridiculous speed and skillset, medics have a 0% chance of escaping. A speed-boosted Caira firing grenades at her feet while running away is still going to be destroyed in short order by a fully-committed Wraith.

Goliaths should win the vast majority of the time as well. Charge and the knock-back/disorient from its hits make escape near impossible when done properly.

I'd actually argue the Kraken is the weakest monster using this strategy/overall. You can avoid all of the Kraken's abilities for the most part if you pay attention. Almost all of my losses to Krakens have been because my team was too stupid to avoid any of its hilariously telegraphed attacks and get obliterated in seconds.

If there is a Laz and you are Kraken. Put the pressure on early. Try dropping BMines at spawn and luring them to some sort of dangerous wildlife.

Then you can potentially rek them as Kraken.


If there is a Laz and you are Kraken. Put the pressure on early. Try dropping BMines at spawn and luring them to some sort of dangerous wildlife.

Then you can potentially rek them as Kraken.

Laz is almost a different class than the other medics because he plays so differently. I'd argue that focusing on Caira/Val is the most effective strategy when they're around. Not sure that's true for Laz at all as he doesn't really extend fights in the same way. Kraken might actually be the best against Laz as you can keep pressure on the team while also being able to keep an eye on the corpses and prevent revives with long range attacks.
Why are there only tutorials for Monster and Assault? How am I supposed to learn what these other classes do?
In the Extras there are tutorial videos for every character that discuss the approach you should take with each character. Also, playing Solo is a good way to practice techniques.
Does anyone know if there are some deals going on for Evolve on PC? I've been tempted to pick this up by friends on Steam, but I'm far too broke to afford the 100 dollars for the game/DLC.


I don't think Wraith is OP.

Forcing him into level 3 is almost a sure win as the hunters if you set up at the power relay well, and spread out a decent amount and stay elevated. Wraith doesn't like hunters who stay high and are always on the move.


I don't think Wraith is OP.

Forcing him into level 3 is almost a sure win as the hunters if you set up at the power relay well, and spread out a decent amount and stay elevated. Wraith doesn't like hunters who stay high and are always on the move.

Agreed. I don't think any of the monsters are OP as long as you have teammates who know what they are doing.

Just like you said - spreading out, medic staying out of combat, using the map to track, etc. There are quite a few small things which people don't pay notice in the game that helps them keep up with the monster (or hunters)
Can't find any games. Been searching for like 20 minutes now... anyone else ?

Edit: and I chose to go with "random"...

Edit 2: first it was MCC and now this?!?
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