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Evolve |OT| Leaving Monsters 4 Dead


Its really satisfying winning as the monster. I played my first game as the kraken and was able to destroy the reactor. Feels good.

I have a question though. What do yall do when you down somebody? I just sit on them and finish them off while fending off the hunters so they cant be revived and just eat whatever damage the rest of the team throws at me. I figured its better to take some damage and have one less player than have more health and the chance of that downed player coming back.

Any pro tips for handling downed hunters?
Depends on the situation. I usually won't sit know the downed hunters if the other 3 are all damaging me. I will usually charge and fire breath one of them which should take down most of their health and then immediately turn around and leap smash the hunter who thought I forgot about him reviving the downed hunter.

If I took down the Medic and only support is next to me with his pathetic gun them I'll just wail on downed hunter. Once Medic is dead I'll go for the win.

So normally I won't sit on hunter. My leap smash tactic can also be replaced with rock throw. If using kraken substitute those two with lighting strike.


fired zero bullets in the orphanage.
Its really satisfying winning as the monster. I played my first game as the kraken and was able to destroy the reactor. Feels good.

I have a question though. What do yall do when you down somebody? I just sit on them and finish them off while fending off the hunters so they cant be revived and just eat whatever damage the rest of the team throws at me. I figured its better to take some damage and have one less player than have more health and the chance of that downed player coming back.

Any pro tips for handling downed hunters?

I'd say a lot of this depends on both who got downed, what monster you are, and how your health is looking. I try to engage atleast twice in stage 2(if not outright win the game) and I try to first down and run, mainly on the medic. If I can get a strike on two different people, great. The next time I fight I go for the medic again, only this time I stay near the body and kill them off. I do this when I plan on finishing the game off, as I then can work at toppling everyone else over while the respawn timer is ticking. Even if someone slips by, once everyone respawns, they're littered with strikes and really easy to kill.

This is mainly from a goliath player, but in the early game it can be risky to try to camp a body based on who is playing. If Cabot is in the game it's generally impossible as damage amp + assault pounding on you is EXTREMELY effective. Ultimately even if they die, the timer will start again as you armor up. While it may let you do this safely for a bit, you don't want to really take health damage in the process, since when they come back from the dropship they still only have a strike as if they got picked up. I also don't just stand there and smack the body, I reposition to a safer spot where I can see the body, then do a rock throw or a leap smash into charge to get people away from the body.

Kraken seems like he can pelt bodies and cover them very well from afar, so he can probably get away with it with more success. Wraith would want to avoid damage, but if you have some armor going supernova crazy on a body seems to work fine.
Some more clips.
Here I was in Skirmish but ended up in a Nest match somehow.
Anyway, me and Support ending up trying to take down a minion by ourselves, I was a Medic. We couldn't quite pull it off without the rest of the team. The Assault was a bot way off to the side, after dying I went to spectate and saw him way out of the map somehow.


Another match of giving the slip to the Hunters who were shooting at me... by moving maybe 10 meters or so.

Had an amazingly frustrating match tonight followed by an amazing win, the best Evac session I have had yet.

First game I queue into Evac, so of course the game launches me into Hunt. I play a team as Goliath. I evolve to stage 2, end up killing them pretty easy. I didn't know it but they were in a party. Hunt loads again I figure wtf, why not. One of them switches to Lazarus. I armor up and get enough meat in me to evolve but I want to fight them once first. We engage, I down the assault. I completely devour his body and run off for the trapper. I see on my screen "assault revived". What the fuck? I down the trapper. I eat him too. Like, I drain the feed bars, get armor, he no longer appears when I smell. He gets revived. Has anyone ever had this happen before? Doesn't eating the dead hunters prevent a Lazarus revive? I sat in awe and anger and pretty much let them whail on me until the game ended then left the lobby.

I went back into the Evac queue. Another group where no one has a mic. Two mid 30's and two mid teens leveled players. It begins, they have Lazarus again. This time I make the mistake of not evolving when I had plenty of chance, and I got Laz down to like a sliver of health but just could not seem to finish him off. They eventually kill me at stage one IIRC. Next match is Rescue. I down a few of them, but get no survivors. I leap into the extraction zone at stage 3 ready to fuck shit up... right as the last 5 survivors teleport off and I lose :(

Day 3 they pick Nest. I spawn, eat some meat to full armor, then hatch an egg. I figure I could slow them down and maybe get some strikes on them. It works a little. Eventually I kill Val (the Laz user switched to trapper) and run off. But Griffin chases me alone and I pounce on him. So two of them are dead, in comes assault. He goes down easily 1 on 1. I evolve to stage 2, hatch another egg, and that minion leads me right to where the last guy is hiding. Next up they vote Hunt. Idk the name of the map buts its a long skinny one with a power plant and a river running down the middle of pretty much the entire map. They trap me early a few times thanks to Bucket and Griffin, but the medic is Val again and once she goes down, I get strikes on the rest. I have half of them at two strikes and wipe 3 of them out and evolve. I have about 80 seconds until the ship and figure I can draw the last guy out by attacking the power relay. It works. He tries to sneak up the side of the building but I am there waiting to pounce. He gets to the top and immediately jetpacks backwards but it's too late, I have him in a pounce attack and he dies.

So 2-2 with no balance advantages on either side. I go Goliath again. They go back to Lazarus. I keep a distance and destroy the turrets with rocks, then concentrate fire breath on the hunters while they are occupied with my minions. When we destroy the first generator, a couple of them stay behind to fight me instead of going to defend the next one. This I think was a mistake on their part because before we knew it the 2nd generator was at like 33% power left. Laz does make things annoying and I found myself constantly confused as to which hunters were alive and who was dead. But I open up the last area. The hunters focus most of their fire on the minions so I take out two turrets. I am able to lure a couple of them down under the platform where the last objective is and am able to kill them a few times down there, leaving my minions a little more time with less opposition. My armor is gone and I have like two bars left, and the last generator is at maybe 20%. They are chasing me around the thing in a circular pattern but basically ignoring my minions, so I make a run for it. I figure if I make it behind something, my minions are going to finish it before they know what happened. All of them follow me, and drain all of my health. But right before I start the death animation, monster wins flashes up on the screen. Them minions though.


I started playing this with my best friend last week, and we're really enjoying it.
But one thing i don't get is...

How do you get to level 20+ and still suck ass at playing?
I mean, if you're really bad, how can you have so much fun that it keeps you going for so long?
It's really frustrating to see people running in circles, doing nothing at all, being at the other side of the map, not resurrecting etc.

Can't wait for 2 other friends to pick it up so we can really get this going


I started playing this with my best friend last week, and we're really enjoying it.
But one thing i don't get is...

How do you get to level 20+ and still suck ass at playing?
I mean, if you're really bad, how can you have so much fun that it keeps you going for so long?
It's really frustrating to see people running in circles, doing nothing at all, being at the other side of the map, not resurrecting etc.

Can't wait for 2 other friends to pick it up so we can really get this going

Because I could play solo bot matches on easiest settings till lvl 40.

lvl just means how much XP someone earned.


How do you get to level 20+ and still suck ass at playing?
I mean, if you're really bad, how can you have so much fun that it keeps you going for so long?
It's really frustrating to see people running in circles, doing nothing at all, being at the other side of the map, not resurrecting etc.

I can confirm that this doesnt get any better at level 30+. I've had our trapper dome up in a rescue mission when the survivors were 3 meters away from evac... With Kraken inside. RIP in delicious pieces, "survivors".


Evacuation is so much fun when you can play with the same people for the whole round.

The mindgames as a monster once you learn their playstyle add so much :D


I can confirm that this doesnt get any better at level 30+. I've had our trapper dome up in a rescue mission when the survivors were 3 meters away from evac... With Kraken inside. RIP in delicious pieces, "survivors".

Oh god random trappers..
I LOVE when people who can't handle the class don't even choose Maggie.
Oh god random trappers..
I LOVE when people who can't handle the class don't even choose Maggie.

I fought a Griffin yesterday who didn't use a single dome. It was bizarre.

I also fought what was probably the best Maggie I've ever seen. I was Kraken and she had laid out harpoon traps in such a clever way that I was always bumping into one or the other while moving around. She was always the last alive, too, and survived through two dropships until finally getting caught with the rest of her team in my electric hugs.

PS - I love Kraken, such a blast to play and so good at controlling fights.


I fought a Griffin yesterday who didn't use a single dome. It was bizarre.

I also fought what was probably the best Maggie I've ever seen. I was Kraken and she had laid out harpoon traps in such a clever way that I was always bumping into one or the other while moving around. She was always the last alive, too, and survived through two dropships until finally getting caught with the rest of her team in my electric hugs.

PS - I love Kraken, such a blast to play and so good at controlling fights.

I REALLY need to play some training rounds as Kraken. I got no idea how to move as him. I have a general idea of how to use his skills and such but I need actual training as him
I REALLY need to play some training rounds as Kraken. I got no idea how to move as him. I have a general idea of how to use his skills and such but I need actual training as him

His flight can be a little awkward because it's difficult to gain altitude comfortably. Best hint for moving fast is that if you do a transversal from the ground you gain a lot more speed than if you do it from the air, so you want to burst to the air, float, descend to the ground, burst back in the air, etc.

If you want to get really high up, climb up a cliff first and jump off of that. You also want to be aware that there are invisible ceilings to the maps. For instance, where the relay sits on "The Dam", that platform is just below the ceiling so if you try to fly around there you'll only be about 20' off the ground max, it's a trap.

As for abilities, Banshee mines do a ton of damage and most players don't realize they can shoot them to destroy them. Lightning strike and Vortex are awesome for keeping downed players down by preventing others from getting too close.


I'm level 14 now and have a lot of fun with this game, but playing with randoms is always hit and miss. No one on my friendlist has bought the game, so I'm looking for some GAFfers to play with!

Feel free to add Mathi on Steam.


So I took the punt on it and got it for PS4.

Any gaffers wanna add me? PSN: Silentchiloner

Just added you.

Had some weird games last night with a player that kept playing monster and would immediately try to fight us at the beginning. So, he lasted a grand total of 2 minutes at the most each time. I don't understand. And they were a level 10 or 11 so it wasn't like they just started playing.


I never thought this would come true but I love playing every class and every character.
There isn't a single role in the game where I go "awwwwshit nooo".

This is a first for me for any game with classes/roles


Just added you.

Had some weird games last night with a player that kept playing monster and would immediately try to fight us at the beginning. So, he lasted a grand total of 2 minutes at the most each time. I don't understand. And they were a level 10 or 11 so it wasn't like they just started playing.

I was actually wondering about this.
I mean, Ghost is pretty strong.
Should be possible to kill the hunters right away?


I was actually wondering about this.
I mean, Ghost is pretty strong.
Should be possible to kill the hunters right away?

Ghost? You mean the Wraith?
Every monster can kill a hunter team at stage 1, it just needs to have the right skills and fight in the right place. oh and the hunter team needs to not be very good.


Ghost? You mean the Wraith?
Every monster can kill a hunter team at stage 1, it just needs to have the right skills and fight in the right place. oh and the hunter team needs to not be very good.

Yeah Wraith, sorry. I actually play in English but my friend keeps calling him "Geist" from the German version.
Yeah it just seems very possible and I wondered why I've never encountered it


Yeah Wraith, sorry. I actually play in English but my friend keeps calling him "Geist" from the German version.
Yeah it just seems very possible and I wondered why I've never encountered it

Haha np, German here too but play English version.

"Geist" oh man.


Haha np, German here too but play English version.

"Geist" oh man.

Yeah I guess the German version is not the best.
He wondered why I was bursting out in laughter one time, when Bucket (in my version) said..
"Birds in the air.... Robot stating the obvious""
Guess they didn't get that across.


Yeah I guess the German version is not the best.
He wondered why I was bursting out in laughter one time, when Bucket (in my version) said..
"Birds in the air.... Robot stating the obvious""
Guess they didn't get that across.

"Vögel in der Luft...Roboter sagt das offensichtliche"

Yeah just....don't play German versions XD


I was actually wondering about this.
I mean, Ghost is pretty strong.
Should be possible to kill the hunters right away?

Not really, because you wouldn't have any shield and your health bar is pretty low in the beginning. It would take a combination of picking the right skills, a ridiculous player doing monster, and a poor hunter team. Also, I think it would benefit from playing repeated rounds where you didn't do that, so then when you did fight from the beginning it was a surprise. Last night, the player kept doing it over and over. It wasn't really even that fun, though it did help me level up Hyde some.
Not really, because you wouldn't have any shield and your health bar is pretty low in the beginning. It would take a combination of picking the right skills, a ridiculous player doing monster, and a poor hunter team. Also, I think it would benefit from playing repeated rounds where you didn't do that, so then when you did fight from the beginning it was a surprise. Last night, the player kept doing it over and over. It wasn't really even that fun, though it did help me level up Hyde some.

There are videos out there of Kraken killing people at stage 1. They put points in banshee mines and lightning strike then hang out at the drop point. Lay down mines where the hunters will drop and as soon as you see them coming down, lightning strike on the landing zone.

Still a stupid idea and it takes bad hunters for it to work, but it can work.


There are videos out there of Kraken killing people at stage 1. They put points in banshee mines and lightning strike then hang out at the drop point. Lay down mines where the hunters will drop and as soon as you see them coming down, lightning strike on the landing zone.

Still a stupid idea and it takes bad hunters for it to work, but it can work.

Exactly, it can happen but when it happens it feels like more the exception than the rule and feels more like the hunters just don't know what they're doing. With the kraken you want to not be in a cluster so the lightning strike doesn't take you all out.
I was playing the absolute hell out of this game, was loving it.

Then i played it at a friends and all my progress was lost.

I tried playing again last night, its just so annoying having to reunlock EVVVEEERRYYTHING.

Bugs ruining my time with a game, pretty par for the course this generation.


I was playing the absolute hell out of this game, was loving it.

Then i played it at a friends and all my progress was lost.

I tried playing again last night, its just so annoying having to reunlock EVVVEEERRYYTHING.

Bugs ruining my time with a game, pretty par for the course this generation.

Is this only on a certain platform? I hope it doesn't happen to me.


I was playing the absolute hell out of this game, was loving it.

Then i played it at a friends and all my progress was lost.

I tried playing again last night, its just so annoying having to reunlock EVVVEEERRYYTHING.

Bugs ruining my time with a game, pretty par for the course this generation.

let me guess, you played on his xbone instead of on yours?

it's an xbone bug.

Surface of Me

I'm not an NPC. And neither are we.
He's pretty beast, yeah. Apparently he'll get a slight nerf or two.

The Dust tagging is super generous, there were tons of times I shot it and the monster moved and I thought "Damn, wont get him!" and he still was tagged. I think that's the only thing that might need nerfing on him. It would be some real weaksauce if they nerf his railgun.
I played this morning and all of a sudden had a horrible time trying to pounce people. I'd be crouched, click to attack, not see anything happen, click to attack again, and then I see my monster pounce them and immediately get back off.

I think I might be having lag so that my subsequent clicks (made while it doesn't look like I've pounced yet) are cancelling the pounce?

I'm playing with Vsync on, locked 30fps on PC. I believe triple buffering is enabled in CCC. I'm not sure if it's internet lag, vsync lag, or just me.

Maybe it's just the way the game works, because it doesn't feel like I have significant lag on leaping around or anything.


Getting sick of playing without a party tbh. Don't mind losing in skirmishes with randoms but it constantly puts me as the monster even though it's my last choice. Every day, 5times+ in a row. Play as monster for a round to get it over with, get to enjoy maybe a round or two as not the monster before I'm back on him.

"What platform do you play on? "


Getting sick of playing without a party tbh. Don't mind losing in skirmishes with randoms but it constantly puts me as the monster even though it's my last choice. Every day, 5times+ in a row. Play as monster for a round to get it over with, get to enjoy maybe a round or two as not the monster before I'm back on him.

What platform do you play on? For people that play on PS4 add me Semperfi-NL
It's hard to say but I think playing the monster may be my favorite. It's more stressful but it's much more engaging and thrilling.

Edit: I'm one of those blessed people that enjoy every class.


It's hard to say but I think playing the monster may be my favorite. It's more stressful but it's much more engaging and thrilling.

Edit: I'm one of those blessed people that enjoy every class.

Same here, i enjoy every role.

I just played my first evacuation as Monster from start to finish.

I need a break XD


Is there a way to change the NPC characters when doing co-op? It's usually just a friend and I playing Evacuation, trying to level our characters, and it's a pain in the ass when Daisy revives everyone when we're trying to level Lazarus.


Is there a way to change the NPC characters when doing co-op? It's usually just a friend and I playing Evacuation, trying to level our characters, and it's a pain in the ass when Daisy revives everyone when we're trying to level Lazarus.

yes, you can select "customize team" in the top left

btw Daisy shouldn't revive people when Lazarus is in the game. It's in her AI. She should ONLY revive Laz when he is down.
Might be buggy though

edit: Add "Klyka" on Steam!


fired zero bullets in the orphanage.
yes, you can select "customize team" in the top left

btw Daisy shouldn't revive people when Lazarus is in the game. It's in her AI. She should ONLY revive Laz when he is down.
Might be buggy though

edit: Add "Klyka" on Steam!

I think in rescue specifically this gets abandoned as she rushes to people.
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