Had an amazingly frustrating match tonight followed by an amazing win, the best Evac session I have had yet.
First game I queue into Evac, so of course the game launches me into Hunt. I play a team as Goliath. I evolve to stage 2, end up killing them pretty easy. I didn't know it but they were in a party. Hunt loads again I figure wtf, why not. One of them switches to Lazarus. I armor up and get enough meat in me to evolve but I want to fight them once first. We engage, I down the assault. I completely devour his body and run off for the trapper. I see on my screen "assault revived". What the fuck? I down the trapper. I eat him too. Like, I drain the feed bars, get armor, he no longer appears when I smell. He gets revived. Has anyone ever had this happen before? Doesn't eating the dead hunters prevent a Lazarus revive? I sat in awe and anger and pretty much let them whail on me until the game ended then left the lobby.
I went back into the Evac queue. Another group where no one has a mic. Two mid 30's and two mid teens leveled players. It begins, they have Lazarus again. This time I make the mistake of not evolving when I had plenty of chance, and I got Laz down to like a sliver of health but just could not seem to finish him off. They eventually kill me at stage one IIRC. Next match is Rescue. I down a few of them, but get no survivors. I leap into the extraction zone at stage 3 ready to fuck shit up... right as the last 5 survivors teleport off and I lose
Day 3 they pick Nest. I spawn, eat some meat to full armor, then hatch an egg. I figure I could slow them down and maybe get some strikes on them. It works a little. Eventually I kill Val (the Laz user switched to trapper) and run off. But Griffin chases me alone and I pounce on him. So two of them are dead, in comes assault. He goes down easily 1 on 1. I evolve to stage 2, hatch another egg, and that minion leads me right to where the last guy is hiding. Next up they vote Hunt. Idk the name of the map buts its a long skinny one with a power plant and a river running down the middle of pretty much the entire map. They trap me early a few times thanks to Bucket and Griffin, but the medic is Val again and once she goes down, I get strikes on the rest. I have half of them at two strikes and wipe 3 of them out and evolve. I have about 80 seconds until the ship and figure I can draw the last guy out by attacking the power relay. It works. He tries to sneak up the side of the building but I am there waiting to pounce. He gets to the top and immediately jetpacks backwards but it's too late, I have him in a pounce attack and he dies.
So 2-2 with no balance advantages on either side. I go Goliath again. They go back to Lazarus. I keep a distance and destroy the turrets with rocks, then concentrate fire breath on the hunters while they are occupied with my minions. When we destroy the first generator, a couple of them stay behind to fight me instead of going to defend the next one. This I think was a mistake on their part because before we knew it the 2nd generator was at like 33% power left. Laz does make things annoying and I found myself constantly confused as to which hunters were alive and who was dead. But I open up the last area. The hunters focus most of their fire on the minions so I take out two turrets. I am able to lure a couple of them down under the platform where the last objective is and am able to kill them a few times down there, leaving my minions a little more time with less opposition. My armor is gone and I have like two bars left, and the last generator is at maybe 20%. They are chasing me around the thing in a circular pattern but basically ignoring my minions, so I make a run for it. I figure if I make it behind something, my minions are going to finish it before they know what happened. All of them follow me, and drain all of my health. But right before I start the death animation, monster wins flashes up on the screen. Them minions though.