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Fable made me puke :(


Banstick Emeritus
I picked this up on rental this evening, hoping to get my bad-side slaughter on....and experienced the absolute worst case of camera nausea ever. Which is weird, because I never, ever get disoriented from 3-D cameras. For some reason, I just can't handle this one. I struggled through the training session to the final Guild test before I ran into the bathroom and yakked into the toilet. I'll try again tomorrow after taking some Gravol tablets, because the game itself seemed pretty fun. But for now I'm going to bed because my head is spinning something awful from the camera.

Anyone else have this problem? Is this supposed to develop later on in life or something? This better not screw me up for San Andreas or else I'm going to be verrrrrrrrry unhappy.


You are getting too old for this shit, bishie. It begins with "damn this camera work is giving me nausea", then "those damn controllers have too many buttons", and the last stage is when you start talking about how great pre-1980 arcade games were compared to today's videogames.

It's only a matter of time :(


not an idiot
you wouldn't happen to be using an HDTV would you? if so the game is real jittery in progressive scan and for some reason, progressive scan also makes the game look like shit with this game, that's on top of the jittery camera (bad framerate?). but this only happens when running the game in progressive for some reason. if you can, play the game with a smaller regular non-hdtv standard television.

but here are some known tips to help your problem...

play as far back from your tv as possible


turn a light on behind the tv, if you can, a blue light

those will help a ton. btw, Fable is just an amazing game and is definately one of my favs on the Xbox, well worth the effort so don't give up! good luck bud.


well not really...yet
I felt the same thing, though I cant say I actually puked, but gave me a huge headache and made me nauseous


my friend isn't able to play Halo because of the bobbing.. he gets intense headaches and waves of nausea. He's seriously worried he may not be able to play Halo 2...

there are fates worse than death.


Banstick Emeritus
It's weird. I've played more first person shooters than most of you have had hot dinners, yet have never been this disoriented or nauseated. Right from the childhood sequence on and just got worse and worse. I'll try that blue light suggestion, thank you.


I also get nauseated when playing any games with lots of movement in the camera. This only occurs if I'm playing PC games, in which I'm sitting pretty close to the monitor. I don't get affected by console games so my only suggestion would be to sit farther away from your tv and see if that helps.

Because of my condition, I have given up PC gaming altogether.
I've never felt nausea from a game's jerky movement, but Fable's certainly made my eyes strain as well as giving me an occasional weird feeling in my head.


No longer boycotting the Wolfenstein franchise
I've never actually hurled from playing a game, but I have gotten basic motion sickness. It's always games that play from a first person view. The first game that did me in was Forsaken for the N64. I rented it, and within 15 minutes of playing I was out. I had to go close my eyes and lay on my bed for two hours to feel normal. Jedi Outcast did it to me as well, and a couple others that I can't remember. It sure sucks though.


The only two games that have made me even close to sick are Breakdown and Enclave. In both cases, I actually had to stop playing the game because I just couldn't handle it.


Running off of Custom Firmware
Never happened to me, thank g-d, but I've seen it happen to my sister when first playing Ocarina of Time.

Then again, it was her first 3D game, haven't noticed it since.

Good luck Bish!
The only time I got some kind of motion/disorientation sickness, was when I was watching my friend play Hexen a long time ago. I think it was because my brain was anticipating where the game was going to go next, and my friend had a rather weird way of playing. My brain was thinking "go down hall and turn right" and my friend would go, stop, turn right, go straight, turn around, back track, strafe right, left, right, and back down the hall. It was fucking annoying.
FPS tend to do these to me. XIII.. Half-Life.. the lot. My most hated genre.

except the hours of goodness and fun I've had with Unreal Tourney on the dc with my mate.


We entertained ourselves! We didn't need moooovin' pitchurrrres. In my day, there was only one show in town -- it was called "Stare at the sun!" ... That's right! You'd sit in the middle of an open field and stare up at the sun till your eyeballs burst into flames! And you thought, "Oh, no! Maybe I shouldn't've stared directly into the burning sun with my eyes wide open." But it was too late! Your head was on fire and people were roastin' chickens over it. ... And that's the way it was and we liked it!


Tag of Excellence
This is a VERY VERY serious matter and someone should do a study on it. There doesn't seem to be a default standard where everyone affected experiences nausia but it seems to happen between sporadic games. If we are going to go any further in 3D design then important camera implementation groundrules need to be agreed upon in order to bring the utmost comfort to the player. I don't think a study of this kind has ever been performed and we are already approaching a third generation of consoles that have given the masses access to 3D worlds and all the VA related problems that human perception can pick up.


Junior Member
TekunoRobby said:
This is a VERY VERY serious matter and someone should do a study on it. There doesn't seem to be a default standard where everyone affected experiences nausia but it seems to happen between sporadic games.



Tag of Excellence
Gek54 said:
It seems like it to be honest, might be a big issue for people who are hyper-sensitive to frame rates. I'm assuming it's a combination of a large amount of issues, I've known (and read on these forums) of people complaining about the same problems in games that are 60fps and sporadic like the games on a PC.


Tag of Excellence
Mr. Bigglesworth said:
People honestly throw-up from motion sickness in a video game?

Yeah and although the ratio of people is very small it happens. I've known people who can't handle a FPS because of heavy motion sickness. Also there have been many problems springing up lately due the consoles heavy penetration and the predominant use of 3D graphics.

I don't think there has been any official study to diagnose the reason and logic behind these effects but I think it needs to be done. There should be some guidelines issued in order to ensure that people don't suffer from motion sickness, etc. in the future. Possibly having FPS locks, etc. Atleast discover what causes it and have the appropriate warnings for specific situations.


Hmmm, I was just playing Fable just now and I was getting a nauseting feeling too. I think it was just hunger though, as I grabbed a bite to eat while playing and it seemed to help. I am playing the game in progressive scan (atleast I think I am... I have 480p and 1080i turned on, but it still looked interlaced and I don't see any in game options for it).


I don't mean to alarm you but you have dogs on your face
I got an intense nauseating feeling from Fable as well within minutes of starting it. I believe it had something to do with extreme disappointment.
It hasn't actually made me naseous but I have noticed that there is something up with Fable's look that's affecting me. I find when I play it I have to try and not focus on the screen otherwise my head starts to hurt a little.


I think this is more to do with image lag, and the brains perception of where the image should move vs where it does actually go.

So you move right, the camera doesn't immediately follow, or its an automatic one that has an odd way of following (laggy), that can set you off.

Thats also why you can feel nauseous when watching someone else play (you can't predict their movements, but your brain is still trying to).
The only game to cause me physical pain was Timesplitters 2. I figure it was the fast camera movement along with the frantic action, but I had to trade it in a couple of weeks after I bought it because I would get vicious headaches that wouldn't subside for an hour or so. I thought it was odd because I've played equally fast games with an equally fast framerate, but they never affected me in any way.


GameFan Alumnus
I can relate, Bish. I get queasy playing FPS or any game with indoor environments that runs below 30 fps. It's the motion of turning a camera 'quickly' and watching wall textures rotate by that does it for me, especially with a low frame rate. Games that I can't play: Deception 1 (PS One), Doom (PS One), Alien Ressurection (PS One), Halo, to name a few.

The strange thing is I can play FPS with a high frame rate just fine. I play Enemy Territory a lot, but it runs at 60+ fps constantly on my PC. Never had a problem with Fable, but I don't remember adjusting the camera too much. There were a couple times when I walked 'into' the camera until it swung around for a better angle, but never got nauseous from it and I beat the game.

If you think you've got it bad, imagine working on an FPS. I get headaches at work daily on this current project. I'm considering bringing Dramamine to work. Next gen systems should really make 60fps standard. 30fps physically hurts some people.


robojimbo said:
My eyes used to burn really bad when I would play Link to the Past. Only game that's ever consistantly happened with.
That's probably because it's the only game you've played for 15 hours straight each day until you did everything!


Urban Chaos on Dreamcast makes me ill...

Sonic Adventure 1 also gets me a little sick now that I've played Sonic Adventure 2. The difference in frame rates is amazing, but it's weird because I clocked in over 120 hours on SA1 before SA2 and was fine.


ZootedGranny said:
The only game to cause me physical pain was Timesplitters 2. I figure it was the fast camera movement along with the frantic action, but I had to trade it in a couple of weeks after I bought it because I would get vicious headaches that wouldn't subside for an hour or so. I thought it was odd because I've played equally fast games with an equally fast framerate, but they never affected me in any way.

And the only game to make me sick was also Timesplitters 2. But only the PS2 version. It had this motion blur filter added that I just couldn't stand...I had to return it, and I picked up the GC version instead, never had any trouble with it.


The only game that really made me nauseous was Jurrasic Park on the the SNES. Those 3D sequences were just pathetic, 15fps, tops.


And even i am moderately surprised
I hurled chunks after playing FZero GX
projector + lots of spinning movements = scene from the exorcist

Fable has made me hurl so far, but it's supposed to get better later on ... i hope.


I've had alot of motion sickness with various 3D shooters... even as recently as Doom 3. But played Fable today and I can say that.... you're probably just using the camera wrong. It's not a great camera IMO... but it doesn't induce motion sickness... not even a hint of that... at least not in me.

Maybe your camera is too close to your character?


I good friend of mine couldn't play the Nhl 2k3 because of motion sickness. He didn't have that problem with 2k4 for some reason.



Trevelyon said:
I've only ever yakked my guts up once to a game, and that game was Turok: Rage Wars.

Funny, I got sick from playing Turok 2. I haven't had problems with FPSs before or after.

The only other time that I felt ill playing something was F-Zero GX. The first day I played it my head felt like it was going to burst.


The only game whose I can recall that ever made me really ill was Turok: Dinosaur Hunter on N64. There was some other game that I played that made me really sick consistantly, but I can't remember which game it is.

My dad gets really sick fromany kind of FPS, though.


if you see me in a fight with a bear, don't help me fool, help the bear!
bishoptl said:
Well, I just dropped a couple of Gravol tablets and will try again in a few minutes. Wish me luck!

Good luck!!!
good to hear that so many people suffer the same condition. Sometimes, Metroid Prime makes me feel like I am going to vomit all over the floor - its basically FPS that do it for me - don't really know why but I reckon its the brain trying hard to reconcill with the movement on screen. Horrible. With FPS, I just have to stop playing to recover.

do the gravol tabs work? I read they do and was hoping to pick some up for MP2E and Halo2...


Supersonic, idiotic, disconnecting, not respecting, who would really ever wanna go and top that
ZootedGranny said:
The only game to cause me physical pain was Timesplitters 2. I figure it was the fast camera movement along with the frantic action, but I had to trade it in a couple of weeks after I bought it because I would get vicious headaches that wouldn't subside for an hour or so. I thought it was odd because I've played equally fast games with an equally fast framerate, but they never affected me in any way.

You and me both. Timesplitters 2 is like the only game that has done that to me. I've never passed the first missions...I always have to quit after 10 minutes of playing. I play for a few minutes and then feel the need to lay down.
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