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Fable made me puke :(

I get motion sick when I watch other people play games with a lot of camera movement... particularly my brother. I can usually play the same games myself with no problems.


DCharlie said:
I hurled chunks after playing FZero GX
projector + lots of spinning movements = scene from the exorcist

Fable has made me hurl so far, but it's supposed to get better later on ... i hope.

haha! Sorry, don't mean to be nasty, but I have with almost any game on a projector. Something to do with field of view. Bigger screens exaggerate any ill effect.

Its a pisser too, as a projector should be perfect for gaming. Oh well.
mrklaw said:
haha! Sorry, don't mean to be nasty, but I have with almost any game on a projector. Something to do with field of view. Bigger screens exaggerate any ill effect.

Its a pisser too, as a projector should be perfect for gaming. Oh well.

imagine the motion sickness with VR.


Banstick Emeritus
Success! Took my Gravol and was able to play for a couple of hours without any ill effects. Good thing too, Fable is a lot of fun. :D
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