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Fable - New screens (Gamespot)

Sorry if old, but they were just posted on GS and I haven't seen them before... looking good!







I joined for Erin Brockovich discussion
read in EGM where a tester for Fable, had married a girl, and then went to go see his Father in Law. He happens to a town Mayor. He then secretly kills both the Father and the Wife, and inherits the town/Mayor's wealth. If true: "WhoA"


The Legend of Zelda on GameCube will own Fable in every imaginable way. Zelda will own everything in the universe.


Omeyocan said:
The Legend of Zelda on GameCube will own Fable in every imaginable way. Zelda will own everything in the universe.

Yes, in every way but AI, customization, freeform gameplay, story, etc....

Zelda can't be beat for block-pushing puzzles, though.


Luscious LeftFoot said:
Is dressing like a pansy a perquisite for being good?

Squeenix seems to think so. ;)

The Legend of Zelda on GameCube will own Fable in every imaginable way. Zelda will own everything in the universe.

That's great, especially since they are in the same genre. That's where your "universal ownage" applies, I suppose.
Lonestar said:
read in EGM where a tester for Fable, had married a girl, and then went to go see his Father in Law. He happens to a town Mayor. He then secretly kills both the Father and the Wife, and inherits the town/Mayor's wealth. If true: "WhoA"

I've seen a lot of remarks like that, I'm curious if the gameplay is really that dynamic and intuitive, or if it's just simply killing two npc and taking their money.

Odysseus said:
Squeenix seems to think so. ;)

LoL Touché
Luscious LeftFoot said:
I'm curious if the gameplay is really that dynamic and intuitive, or if it's just simply killing two npc and taking their money.
Or if it's a totally prescripted thing, rather than an idea that the guy just came up with and it worked.
m0dus said:
And, in response, I say:

No taste. :)

And in response I say bend over.

Seriously, this game has gone from one of the Xboxen greats to lookin like a faily typical PS2 game visually. It just doesn't compare to the best the Xb is offering right now and in the coming months. Plus like many have said the character design is terrible.
The art looks pretty good,theres a nice use of fantasy color palettes going on in the game. Though I could easily do without the guy with the horns sticking out of his head,bleh.

Li Mu Bai

As I've stated previously about its inconsistency, very poor art in some grabs, (esp. enemy & hero character models) poor background textures & ground textures in some, overuse of the light blooming effect in some, lack of projected shadows in some, while others captures conversely look quite good. (esp. the building architecture & the anti-hero models) Nice to know that you have an indepth knowledge regarding the AI & every other aspect of the new LOZ already Redbeard. (rolleyes insert) Nitpicking aside, this game's customization features, sheer gameplay opportunities, world size, freeform gameplay, user altered story, make this definitely a must-buy.
T-1000_Model3 said:
The art looks pretty generic, [and] theres a typical use of fantasy color palettes going on in the game. And I could easily do without the guy with the horns sticking out of his head,bleh.

Is that what you meant? Correct me if I'm wrong.


evilromero said:
And in response I say bend over.

Seriously, this game has gone from one of the Xboxen greats to lookin like a faily typical PS2 game visually. It just doesn't compare to the best the Xb is offering right now and in the coming months. Plus like many have said the character design is terrible.

Given that the system has only so much power to go around, I'd rather play a game that looks like a 'fairly typical PS2 game visually' but offers enhanced AI and interactivity than one that can 'compare to the best the Xb is offering right now' but plays like a typical PS2 slash-'em-up. (And this is coming from a guy who likes run-of-the-mill hack-and-slash titles.)
Well I'm far more excited about Doom 3 and Halo 2 than I am about Fable's advanced AI or customization. For me Doom 3 proved beyond a shadow of a doubt that gloss and floss can make a gaming experience.
evilromero said:
Is that what you meant? Correct me if I'm wrong.

Nah I never claimed it was generic.
I actually like the games use of color,the devil guy sorta blows though. I'm an adventure/exploration freak,thats what I'm most looking forward to in the game though. So wjile I'm questing I'll just kill those ugly fucking characters all the more. haha.
Been playing some code for a few days now. Honestly, those of you who want to fault this game on its art style need to rethink your priorities. It is *so not* about the art style (which I'd personally characterise as a Super Deformed version of Vagrant Story) - it's more like Brave Fencer Musashiden meets Vice City.


Not bitter, just unsweetened
ScientificNinja said:
Been playing some code for a few days now. Honestly, those of you who want to fault this game on its art style need to rethink your priorities. It is *so not* about the art style (which I'd personally characterise as a Super Deformed version of Vagrant Story) - it's more like Brave Fencer Musashiden meets Vice City.

read. this. post. if something positive comes out of Scientific Ninja's mouth that's Xbox related... it must be good.


I love how these threads always turn into a fanboy war.

I have to say that Fable is still intriguing, and while the graphics look nowhere as stunning as Project Ego once looked like, it doesn't really matter as long as the gameplay is there.

Will it have all the features that they promised? A lot of them have been stripped away, last time I checked (Gamespot) but luckily it will still hold it on its own.

I can't say I'm not interested in it.

Li Mu Bai

This game is far from typical "PS2 quality." And there are quite a few upcoming/released PS2 games that rape this one visually. (MGS3, KZ, AC5, GT4, ZOE2, SH3, etc.) Sure, they're different genres but you understand my point.
I'd like to see how the finished game runs before I decide how it stacks up to other games on the PS2 that I've yet to play. That said, I think it looks very good...certainly far different...thank god...from the usual Anime-related stuff. This game seems to be pushing so much (for what the ol' XBOX is capable of) that I'm not surprised to see that the visuals have been slightly sacrificed to accomodate the more important gameplay design and simulations.
Li Mu Bai said:
This game is far from typical "PS2 quality." And there are quite a few upcoming/released PS2 games that rape this one visually. (MGS3, KZ, AC5, GT4, ZOE2, SH3, etc.) Sure, they're different genres but you understand my point.

I'm not hyped about Fable, but gimme a break. Ok all those games you've mentioned look amazing, and i'll given grant you that some look better (ZOE2, SH3, MGS3, GT4), but in Fable you're not dealing with closed off environments.

Li Mu Bai

I was speaking "strictly" about visuals & not game level limitations. And I was replying to the typical "PS2 quality" comment. Of course this game is accomplishing much more, read my post declaring why I think it's a "must buy," I'm not slighting what the game is, simply its visuals when being compared to the the lowly PS2.

Kon Tiki

m0dus said:
*LOL* hell, as long as we're talking about a game nobody has played, HALO 3 WILL RAPE ZELDA GC IN EVERY CONCIEVABLE WAY. IT WILL PWN EVERY GAME IN TEH UNIVERSE.

seriously, dude. give it a fucking rest. Go watch the Zelda E3 trailer again. With the Conan music ^_^

There will be no Halo 3.
MightyHedgehog said:
This game seems to be pushing so much (for what the ol' XBOX is capable of) that I'm not surprised to see that the visuals have been slightly sacrificed to accomodate the more important gameplay design and simulations.

Exactly. I don't see people complaining about the blocky characters and models in GTA games on PS2, because the graphics have to be scaled down in order for the engine to handle all the other stuff going on. Fable is most likely doing a lot more calculations "behind the scenes".
ok i have to say this but the games graphics sucks..i cant understand how you people can talk about how nice the ghrapics are when its so bad.

the art of this game sucks aswell..boring charackter art and the inviroment are not that nice.

but dont get my wrong, the gameplay in this game RULES!!

it seems like you can do alot of cool stuff in this game, and it lets the player roam free to do what ever you want and i like that in a game!
alot of new fresh things that we never saw in a game before and that is what makes this title intressting.

i will pick this title up if it ever comes to PS2 or GC

but i guess i am out of luck there :(


Digital Foundry pixel pusher
CrimsonSkies said:
"like a faily typical PS2 game visually."

I must own a defective PS2.

Visuals aren't really that important to Fable. If the game is solid and delivers on some of those promises, it should be pretty good. However, it really does look like a PS2 title now (and not an impressive one at that). It looks similar to Evergrace 2, actually (obviously better than that...but similar).


is beloved, despite what anyone might say
This game sounds real interesting to me (I like how you can even take a linear path through the game), maybe even one to get an Xbox for, but I'm just worried about the combat system... it seems to me it's gonna be dull hack and slash without any element of strategy in it. Can someone claim otherwise?


ScientificNinja said:
it's more like Brave Fencer Musashiden meets Vice City.

Why is no one focusing on this quote? GOTY if it's true. The big question is, how scripted is it? Or do you have freedom to screw with the game world as you please?


Digital Foundry pixel pusher
BTW, have there been any impressions of the MUSIC in the game? Music is a very important part of any game, and I would hope that the soundtrack would be good...


I love how these threads always turn into a fanboy war.

What do you expect from GAF? You got a little Nbot fanboy who's still sucking on his mom's nipple for milk, and Li Mu bouncing off his attack. =\


m0dus said:
And in response I say . . . are you hitting on me?

seriously, I highly doubt the PS2 could handle this level of detail coupled with the environmental diversity, lighting and special effects, and draw distance--also, keep in mind that seperate AIs run the entire game world, and all the NPCs, in realtime, all while driving the visuals for the world itself. Honestly, forget these shots and watch the new OXM video of the game actually being played. It's a whole other world. As far as character design goes, to each his own.

:) except for the bending over part

I heard from a friend that Fable has SIX AI engines running simulaneously to support the game world and that pretty much anything goes and it goes with consequences. My friend also said from what he read, the PC killed everyone in a town. Real Estate prices dropped so he bought up all of their holdings. When people started moving back in he made a killing selling and got rich. All here say of course, but that just sounds like no RPG I've ever played.
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