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Fable - New screens (Gamespot)

White Man

Folks that think this is generic fantasy art really need to play Everquest for a while.

ALSO: Mods need to do something about people that come into threads just to say 'bad art' with no qualifiers or explanations of WHY the art is bad. It's gotten really common over the past couple of days, and it does nothing but start stupid arguments. It's really, really stupid.


Queen of Denmark
Not terrible-looking, but certainly not incredible, either. Some of those textures in particular are not so hot.

Obviously, that has nothing to do with the gameplay, which sounds really cool, but...this is a screenshot thread, after all.
adelgary said:
Exactly. I don't see people complaining about the blocky characters and models in GTA games on PS2, because the graphics have to be scaled down in order for the engine to handle all the other stuff going on. Fable is most likely doing a lot more calculations "behind the scenes".
I've been complaining about that from day one.
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