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Facebook |OT| The Social Network


fired zero bullets in the orphanage.
crazy monkey said:

this was also my space. YOU can pick bad user front page[/QUOTE]

His picture was a profile, which was all customizable. And most people are blind to what looks good, and had it contrast with the font to essentially burn your retinas.


Korey said:
It's chronologically spread over two same sized columns. It's hard to read. Imagine a book where each paragraph are in alternate columns

You think this is easier to read than your current feed of one column? https://www.facebook.com/about/timeline

It would be an apt comparison if I (or anyone) read Facebook like an actual book. They're just chunks of information in a reverse chronological order made for cherry picking what seems interesting.


Space, like outer space. Link.

Zucks profile is the same way. It's ugly as sin.

They went from seeming to start having too much noise, to gaps between events being barren wastelands. They may be thinking "If FB's recording everything about you, the gaps will inevitably fill". We'll see.


edgefusion said:
It would be an apt comparison if I (or anyone) read Facebook like an actual book. They're just chunks of information in a reverse chronological order made for cherry picking what seems interesting.
Uhhh...did you not see the bitching about the new facebook feed? A LOT of people read facebook feeds chronologically

It's certainly not easier to read things in two uneven columns where one side might have two consecutive updates. This is why most websites do not have two equal columns of information (even if it's not chronological): there's no visual hierarchy when things are 50/50 so it looks like a mess and your mind doesn't know where to look


The only spaces I get are in between months where they show a summary of wall posts, added friends, etc. The actual content inside the months look great to me.



The spaces aren't a bad thing. They help denote spaces in time between updates. It is also good to note that privacy settings may affect gaps.


Korey said:
Uhhh...did you not see the bitching about the new facebook feed? A LOT of people read facebook feeds chronologically

It's certainly not easier to read things in two uneven columns where one side might have two consecutive updates. This is why most websites do not have two equal columns of information (even if it's not chronological): there's no visual hierarchy when things are 50/50 so it looks like a mess and your mind doesn't know where to look

They're not showing two separate timelines though, pay attention to the line and the dots down the middle. It's one chronology with updates and stuff coming off it to either side, as has been said over and over it's a timeline, just follow your eyes down the middle.

I think the spaces thing is a bug. It was like that on my profile until they suddenly all locked together.
I'm not sold on it yet. It looked neat in the presentation, but on my own profile it looks messy, and its choosing which status updates to show me - if I want to scroll down to one to reply to someone's post from a bit back its not necessarily there.

Also - It goes live on the 29th of september
edgefusion said:
They're not showing two separate timelines though, pay attention to the line and the dots down the middle. It's one chronology with updates and stuff coming off it to either side, as has been said over and over it's a timeline, just follow your eyes down the middle.
It's still annoying that your eyes have to go left and right and left and right constantly instead of just down down down.


Expendable. said:
I need to know this information.
Just add the facebook developer app. and start creating at an app. (all you have to do is fill in a name for an app ie: "testapp") and add the "open graph" feature to your test app and you will get a notification to activate timeline.

Anyone can add it in 3 mins.
DiipuSurotu said:
It's still annoying that your eyes have to go left and right and left and right constantly instead of just down down down.

I think what makes it more difficult is the use of white background and light blue depending on whether it is the initial post/activity or follow up responses. As you read down the replies your eye (being lazy) is drawn across to any posts on the other side even if you are still reading replies.
if you can't figure it out in less than a minute you may as well just wait when they roll it out lol.

Deadly Cyclone said:
That page requires a password. You must have to get into the dev program.

that's YOUR facebook password.


Expendable. said:
I just created a dummy app. Is there something I have to do to activate the new layout?
if you've added the open graph feature to your dummy app, something should pop up on the top of your facebook page within a min to activate timeline


Korey said:

You just created an incredibly thin page that requires double the amount of scrolling for the same amount of information just because your eyes apparently can't handle moving from left to right.


edgefusion said:
You just created an incredibly thin page that requires double the amount of scrolling for the same amount of information just because your eyes apparently can't handle moving from left to right.
Hey guys! Maybe we should change GAF threads to a two column layout. Edgefusion thinks that's a good idea!


brazen editing lynx
joshlee said:
Just add the facebook developer app. and start creating at an app. (all you have to do is fill in a name for an app ie: "testapp") and add the "open graph" feature to your test app and you will get a notification to activate timeline.

Anyone can add it in 3 mins.
Wow, that actually worked. Thanks.

I'm digging the timeline now that I can get a firsthand view.
edgefusion said:
You just created an incredibly thin page that requires double the amount of scrolling for the same amount of information just because your eyes apparently can't handle moving from left to right.
The lines would obviously span the width of the page if this design was implemented.


I'm glad the back button is broken in this thing. Not that it worked in the previous iteration anyway.

I don't update a lot on facebook, my timeline is pretty boring and sad.


MasterShotgun said:
Wow, that actually worked. Thanks.

I'm digging the timeline now that I can get a firsthand view.
quite welcome. Only downside is that only other developers can see your timeline untill its actually released


Okay I'm digging this A LOT now. Being able to view things the way they have it presented is fifty times better than the current situation on facebook. Kudos Mark even though you're a smug fucktwat.


Korey said:
Hey guys! Maybe we should change GAF threads to a two column layout. Edgefusion thinks that's a good idea!


When will you stop with the terrible analogies? A message board thread is a conversation, Facebook updates are not. They are not read the same way. Stop trying to liken it to a book, or a message board or whatever other inappropriate idea you have and instead consider its real world use cases. They're simply clips of information with little bearing on one another placed with the most recent at the top. It's really not a difficult concept to grasp, it's just a timeline. A goddamn timeline.


Korey said:
Hey guys! Maybe we should change GAF threads to a two column layout. Edgefusion thinks that's a good idea!
Facebook status updates, wall posts, photo albums, or check ins are not at all equivalent to GAF threads or books.

jon bones

hot hot hanuman-on-man action
Damon Bennet said:
hmm it is a bit too much for me. i dont like the sound of semi-automatic data collection about me in one click.

i mean - you're probably not using the best website for you then (facebook, that is)
ShdwDrake said:
My Google+ just went from 13 people in my circles to 46 today lol

Well, they just went public rather than requiring an invite within the last few days.

kaskade said:
So with the dev thing my profile is timeline for everyone? I don't see other peoples profiles in timeline.

Not everyone, just other "developers".


Duane Cunningham said:
Well, they just went public rather than requiring an invite within the last few days.

Not everyone, just other "developers".
Ok. Is the timeline going up for everyone on the 29th? That's what that little box makes it seem like.
I think so.

You know what? You could really do some cool stuff with the cover picture if you create it knowing it'll be a cover picture. You could make it say stuff, like a Magazine title, or you could have it be a giant comic book dialogue bubble pointing to your profile pic. Or a bunch of other things.


Duane Cunningham said:
I think so.

You know what? You could really do some cool stuff with the cover picture if you create it knowing it'll be a cover picture. You could make it say stuff, like a Magazine title, or you could have it be a giant comic book dialogue bubble pointing to your profile pic. Or a bunch of other things.
Yea, it's my favorite part.

Just gotta find a good pic now..


Meus Renaissance said:
Quick question. Is there a way to revert back to the original design if I apply this now?
the old view is still there, you only see the new view if you go to your profile. idk if it's supposed to be like that and will change soon or will stay that way untill the official release.
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