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FakeGAF 2.0: The Return of the Thirst

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Scaley member
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The gum over my bottom left wisdom tooth has swollen up over the tooth itself. So much pain on/in the gum, and it's giving me a headache and a sore throat (pretty sure it's infected :/). I've been gargling Listerine like mad, never had this happen before. I'd get the damned teeth pulled out right away, but fucking summer school. :'(


The gum over my bottom left wisdom tooth has swollen up over the tooth itself. So much pain on/in the gum, and it's giving me a headache and a sore throat (pretty sure it's infected :/). I've been gargling Listerine like mad, never had this happen before. I'd get the damned teeth pulled out right away, but fucking summer school. :'(

Go to the dentist. They'll give you antibiotics and rip them out a month later. Till then, down the advil.


Scaley member
Go to the dentist. They'll give you antibiotics and rip them out a month later. Till then, down the advil.

I have summer school until August, but yeah I'm gonna go take some pain killers. It's more annoying than super painful, really. I have to be scared to eat my fucking trailmix bars. :(

"Yum trailmiiiiii--ow, my gum." Fuckin' hell, it happens like every other bite.

Where is your proof that this happened? You better produce it quick, because the White Man hath no mercy.

You have this backwards. It is the duty of the prosecution (you, in this case) to provide sufficient evidence that convinces the court of the defendant's guilt / culpability beyond a reasonable doubt.


Scaley member
You have this backwards. It is the duty of the prosecution (you, in this case) to provide sufficient evidence that convinces the court of the defendant's guilt / culpability beyond a reasonable doubt.

Naw b, defend yourself. My proof is that you live in Rhode Island while Adam is in that country that prints the world map upside down. How could this bedding have taken place, given such a considerable geographic distance between you?
Naw b, defend yourself. My proof is that you live in Rhode Island while Adam is in that country that prints the world map upside down. How could this bedding have taken place, given such a considerable geographic distance between you?

But you initially argued that more than kissing had happened. So, you have just refuted yourself.

Lucian Cat

Kissed a mod for a tag; liked it
Unpack? Are you already out?
Yep. Started packing 13 hours ago and was out 6 hours ago. It was just clothes, kitchen stuff, toiletries, cat, fish tank etc. No big items except the tank thankfully. Dad came down and grabbed the things that didn't fit in my car. So it's all in boxes and bags in my room and I just had a nap cozi don't want to deal with it all yet

Edit: ^^^ I could have. Not like he'd know. He had a massive hangover and smelt like booze and smokes. Wouldn't be surprised if he pissed or vomited in the bed. So much for 3 months of quitting smoking. All wasted now. And I don't care anymore. He can live his poisonous lifestyle.
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