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FakeGAF 2.0: The Return of the Thirst

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Sorry to hear USA lost. I actually thought they might win.

Is there actually foot fetish GAF?

If they found swollen feet attractive I'd be all

Steve are you a part of Foot fetish GAF?


You guys are so silly. But the compliments are well taken! so thank you. <3

There is this pretty big foot fetish thread in off-topic that gets bumped occasionally.

But no, not really, just joking.


Damn it Wazzy, you've led Foot Fetish GAF right to us!

I did end up seeing Transormers, finally. I legitimately did not like it. The continued human stupidity, the fact that the daughter was Katara from The Last Airbender/Bradley from Bates Motel, giving the boyfriend way more screentime and importance than he actually deserved, under-use of Grimlock. I just couldn't handle it. I almost walked out a couple of times. I don't know if I've just reached my breaking point for Michael Bay films or if it was just that movie in particular but...I-I just can't do it. Never again. I don't care if Unicron is going to be in the next one.

One redeeming factor is that they used some of the original sound clips from the cartoon.


We have more posts here than FurryGAF does. All is right with the world.

Good. They're well...

anyway. I'm not that furry, I just shaved today, it's why my face hurts.

and your wang shouldn't be poking people when hugging.

Trust me, I'm a doctor.


Scaley member
You know windam there's more to the world than just sexual things.

no there isn't.

There's more to a heart than just anger or hate. It's full of all kinds of feelings. Unfortunately, I don't remember what they are.

All I know is thirst.


I just had that today


I really really really like this girl. But on the twitter I play it cool and not get all...overthirsted. B^)
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