How did you know I did this at the last GAF meetup? ;__;
TemplarDude's mustache was just... so perfect... ;___;
I had to stroke it
Browsing the series on the Marvel comics available on Unlimited isn't easy -_-
Cat photo?
Cat photo.
It's a pain. At least when you finish one issue there's a next issue option.
Mine too! <3
Zoom and enhance on that eyeball reflection.
I still haven't posted pictures of my pets. But my cats are all elusive bastards who only like being around me occasionally.
Wait tho! I'm pretty sure my computer screen wasn't even there for that pic ;___;. Those are the blinds and window :3
It'll be interesting to see if they can deviate from the established world in a meaningful and fulfilling way. I really want this to be good (story and gameplay wise, although it seems they've got the gameplay in the bag) and succeed after how mediocre LotR: Conquest and War in the North were.
I love Paul Rudd, I do, but everytime I see Ant Man news my reaction is always:
What is this? A movie for ants?
so far my PS4 adventure has been a nightmare. I ordered online from a retailer who was selling it at a discount, I didn't think much of it. It came without that blue packaging, only the white box was there. It wasn't even sealed and the retailer said it's the spanish version. Didn't feel right to me so I said I want to return it.
Then I went into the city to buy one for the normal price (399). Turned out that thing is a turbine it was so loud during Destiny. I have heard a PS4 before, that was definitely not normal. Destiny too was a disappointment, it's Borderlands in a sci-fi setting that is basically Halo. No atmosphere, no story, no epicness like Halo. My BF4 finally arrived though.
Now I'm waiting for that shop in the city to open so that I can get my third PS4 in two days...
I only recently found out he still has a career!
He kind of stopped existing for me after Clueless tbh.
i just looked through my fb for a pic of my dog or cat but can't find the one of my dog
also dying at my statuses from 09
edit: just went to 07 for wazzy and first post it jumps to is "PENIS PENIS PENIS"
Lol it's so true.
I once was telling this scumbag in highschool I thought was a decent person at the time that my friend thinks he is cute because he was having self esteem issues. He responds with "WHOS THIS FAGGOT?" and I'm like "uhhh what the fuck did you just say?"
He then chickened out and was like "sorry sorry I just reacted fast. But seriously, who is this faggot?"
Sick gazelle looking fuck.
Wow, it was so nice of him to use the word faggot again but in a calm manner the second time.
That is like the most non-backpedal backpedal ever.
Yeah he's a terrible person. Hope I never have to see his stupid ass face again.
Or you could prank him by having Stephen hit on him.
Just another guy smiling at him would probably set him off. Sounds like a completely vile person.
It's a 924s. The S is important because the 924 is known as the cheapest possible Porsche that had an engine from a VW van. However the S has the same engine from a 944, but since it has a lighter body it's more fun.
Abso-lutely!Rudd on Tim and Eric is Da Best™
I'll do it
Finally home and now I can at least feel better here.
I've really started liking this song except for the "lalala" part which isn't bad but Sam Smiths vocals are the best.
Just another guy smiling at him would probably set him off. Sounds like a completely vile person.
If I was there I'd walk up and act thirsty next to him.
Oh and I got to drive my dad's new toy which is so damn fun I want to trade him cars now.
It's a 924s. The S is important because the 924 is known as the cheapest possible Porsche that had an engine from a VW van. However the S has the same engine from a 944, but since it has a lighter body it's more fun.
HERE IS SUBZERO, NOW PLAIN ZEROI finally watched The Running Man. Animation is pretty awesome. I kind of don't want to talk about the content though.
back then, all we needed was IE and iTunes
tinder confuses the fuck out of me
like what do I even write
1) my broken pinky
2) naked freshman year strip poker
3) stupid south park photos
Or something else?
fake edit: Ah, musica.
I'm actually contemplating it
just for shits and giggles
or the
"on a scale from 1 to america, how free are you tomorrow" line
"Are you a campfire? Because you're hot and I want Smore."
"Were you raised on a chicken farm? Because you sure know how to raise cocks."
I haven't heard that first one before LOL