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FakeGAF 3.0: The Thirsty Games

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I seriously think this lizard knows he's the fucking shit.


Scaley member
You hear that, Toa Tak? I ain't spending $600+ to play Halo with your heathen ass on a console that can't even do 1080p/60fps without "the Cloud"!
Me, BlueBadger and Gugi are going on 8 years I believe.

Being friends? Yep that sounds about right!! Except Gugi and I. Gugi and I have been friends since... Like Kindergarten.. So 7 years old I guess, and we're 22 now o__o. So... Math.. 15 years? :O
Jakey-poo, do you have a PS4?

How the fuck does BC do things? You're in second/third grade when you're 7.

I think I might be a bit off. But I turned 7 years old in the middle of first grade.

To answer your question: BC does things the right way. Look at TO's mayor :3


Scaley member
Always vote for the left.

Until I'm ready to take over Canada. Then you'll all be picking up rifles to support my coup d'etat.
Yeah, I don't like her at all... :/
Thinking in the short term for votes.

I'm absolutely convinced that she's pure evil. And this is one of those odd times where I'm 150% serious. LOLLL!

I apologize if there are any fans of her in here. But I doubt it anyway.


I'm absolutely convinced that she's pure evil. And this is one of those odd times where I'm 150% serious. LOLLL!

I apologize if there are any fans of her in here. But I doubt it anyway.

Haha, I'm pretty sure most BC people are anti-pipeline.
We're pretty much all pro-environment in BC. :p

Heck GreenPeace was started here.

Halo 2

Pretty sure my roommate tweaked and threw out one of my bowls,
I IP blocked his computer from the router, he has no idea.


Waaaaat those jerks! They're obligated to give you time to vote during voting time >:O

I know, but I work for a news station,
which is giving everyone in the province updates on the vote. :|

So I kinda had to make sure stuff was working... :/

I should have done one of those early votes that they have.
My own fault.


Scaley member
Unless it's a sure bet NDP will win, I'll vote Liberal. Never Conservative, though. I'll take the lesser of two evils. Poor Jack Layton. :(
Unless it's a sure bet NDP will win, I'll vote Liberal. Never Conservative, though. I'll take the lesser of two evils. Poor Jack Layton. :(

Jack Layton was an amazing figure and leader. I'm so sad.

I vote NDP both ways, but I can understand voting Liberal federally. Our BC liberals, however, are disgusting. They're essentially conservative. They're in power right now here :/


Unless it's a sure bet NDP will win, I'll vote Liberal. Never Conservative, though. I'll take the lesser of two evils. Poor Jack Layton. :(

Jack Layton was awesome, without him, NDP is screwed.
Though the Left is split between the Libs and NDP, if they combined, they'd most likely win.

The Conservatives used to be 2 parties.
The Canadian Alliance and the Reform Party, before that, they were losing every election.
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