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FakeGAF 3.0: The Thirsty Games

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Halo 2

yeah. a damn shame we'll never have a great halo multiplayer again. well we might, but it'll never be as good as the halo2 mp. played that for hundreds of hours. I think it was the first big xbox live game and back then everyone had a headset because you got it with your xbox live subscription and there were no parties so everyone talked to each other. it still has the best maps that made for epic fights. things like zombie were also a lot of fun. at that time dice also released Battlefield 2: Modern Combat which is still my absolute favourite console BF (haven't played BF4 yet). good times, had so much fun back then.

halo3 was kind of fun but I didn't like the map design. especially big maps were lacking. Reach was again great with the jetpack, although that stupid shield pissed me off to no ends. with every other perk you could at least kill the guy, with the shield nothing. you tag a guy with a grenade and he goes into shield mode, loosing the grenade, making him invisible for what felt like ages and then giving him some sort of first strike ability once he gets out of shield mode. absolutely ridiculous.

halo4.. lawl.

I Agree with most of this.
There will never be another game where I play as many custom variants as I did during H2 and 3. I had a ton of fun with 3 but the community was definitely lacking in the chat department, which was one of the main factors in making Halo 2 such an immersive experience for me. I still remember the first H2 game I ever joined, our entire team was singing jungle fever by the end.

*nostalgia tear*

I didn't have a problem with the H3 maps, the shield ruined reach for me too and honestly I only played 4 for a total of 10 minutes. That came when I was actually invested in school and not playing anything.
I plan on playing through when I get the MCC.

I lub everyone in FakeGAF
yeah. a damn shame we'll never have a great halo multiplayer again. well we might, but it'll never be as good as the halo2 mp. played that for hundreds of hours. I think it was the first big xbox live game and back then everyone had a headset because you got it with your xbox live subscription and there were no parties so everyone talked to each other. it still has the best maps that made for epic fights. things like zombie were also a lot of fun. at that time dice also released Battlefield 2: Modern Combat which is still my absolute favourite console BF (haven't played BF4 yet). good times, had so much fun back then.

halo3 was kind of fun but I didn't like the map design. especially big maps were lacking. Reach was again great with the jetpack, although that stupid shield pissed me off to no ends. with every other perk you could at least kill the guy, with the shield nothing. you tag a guy with a grenade and he goes into shield mode, loosing the grenade, making him invisible for what felt like ages and then giving him some sort of first strike ability once he gets out of shield mode. absolutely ridiculous.

halo4.. lawl.

I Agree with most of this.
There will never be another game where I play as many custom variants as I did during H2 and 3. I had a ton of fun with 3 but the community was definitely lacking in the chat department, which was one of the main factors in making Halo 2 such an immersive experience for me. I still remember the first H2 game I ever joined, our entire team was singing jungle fever by the end.

*nostalgia tear*

I didn't have a problem with the H3 maps, the shield ruined reach for me too and honestly I only played 4 for a total of 10 minutes. That came when I was actually invested in school and not playing anything.
I plan on playing through when I get the MCC.

coming from the Halo community, i relate to all of the above. Halo 2 definitely has the nostalgia factor going for it, big time. I remember being in high school, up until like 2 am on school nights having so much fun. Halo 3 though, that was the best gaming experience ever. It really shined once the community got all up in forge mode, with map packs for people to make whatever their hearts desired, plus i made so many close friends in that game that i still have today, (that includes Shuman). Reach had a streamlined forge mode and custom game options which saved that game from being awful, campaign was super good too. then Halo 4, well, that didn't even feel like a finished game at any point. gameplay was bad, custom game options were bad, forge was bad. bad bad bad. i tried so hard to stay involved too.
I'm one of those weird people that only ever played the campaigns in Halo.

But I don't like multiplayer in general. Only games I've played with others are MMOs.

Funky Papa

I'm one of those weird people that only ever played the campaigns in Halo.

But I don't like multiplayer in general. Only games I've played with others are MMOs.


I'm not really into multiplayer myself. I tried some split screen matches one day and I had a lot of fun, but that was about it. It's not the same without friends.


lol I've never even touched the campaign of any CoD or Battlefield. in some cases (BF3 for example) I never even put the campaign DVD in except for the installation at the beginning.

played every Halo campaign though (except 4..), I like the story.
i actually never played the campaigns really hahah. for me the multiplayer started with irl friends and family, then once they all moved on from gaming i was all alone. i've always had a knack for becoming friends with people on the internet so that didn't last long.

shit, i dated a girl i met on Halo 4 last year even. my knack is really more of a problem than a skill.

Halo 2

I'm yet to play a cod campaign I didn't enjoy.

*watches all credibility fade away*

I would totally date any girl who at least knew how to jump in halo.

Funky Papa

I used to be a massive Quake 2/3, UT and CS fanboy back in my LAN days. It had so much fun on Saturday nights with my fellow nerdling friends. Maybe a little too much for my own good...


I don't know, I have difficulty enjoying a story through the FPS lense. most FPS stories are just so shallow... Halo is the exception, Halo ie epic. for my story needs I play RPGs.

Halo 2



i'm telling you know, you don't. trust bruv.
I Come for the snappy gunplay and exaggerated set pieces. Leave happy.
Well I don't leave I keep playing hardcore headquarters.


Not gonna lie, love being a terrorist!
For this gun especially:

SG 553

this gun sucks in CS:GO


Nice! I've never been skiing but I want to go next time it snows a lot.

That pic was the 1st time I'd been skiing since elementary school... :|
Also, GAF Ski day this winter! XD

this gun sucks in CS:GO

Nah, I get good scores with it still... :p
Just have to be sighted... :|
MW2 hardcore search and destroy is where it's at

Hardcore mode for everything.
That's one of the reason's they killed the PC version with MW2.
Took out Dedicated servers, leaning (Which made the games more tactical), and several options.
CoD4 allowed for changing however you wanted to play, they made MW2 more like consoles on PC. Pretty much noobified it... :(
Hardcore demolition would have been fun, but they didn't give the option for it.
They brought those options back with Black Ops, but it sucked compared to MW and MW2.
Also, MW2 had the best single player of the CoD games.
So well polished.


Never played CS in my life obviously it is cult. Can't see how though. Every time I watch the game on YT is seems so stiff.


Never played CS in my life obviously it is cult. Can't see how though. Every time I watch the game on YT is seems so stiff.

I play it, and still don't think it's the best,
can't even scope in with most guns, and the bullets can get random.

Still, the way it's setup is very community oriented, will last for years, if not over a decade.
I hate yearly games, and paid map packs.
Paid map packs split the community. (which is what they want with yearly iterations)
They can charge for skins, but charging for weapons and maps is sleazy.
When MW2 came out me and like 5-6 of my high school buddies got it at midnight and won 36 games straight.
One of my fondest online gaming memories.
seriously that was Transhuman and i with a few others. we kicked so much ass

holy shit over five years of being friends with that weirdo

Halo 2

seriously that was Transhuman and i with a few others. we kicked so much ass

holy shit over five years of being friends with that weirdo
He kinda looks like one of my long time Internet friends too, Same hair and errythang.

He sent me a pm one of my first weeks on gaf and I thought it was my buddy at first bc his avatar. :p

Halo 2

Just ran a few laps inside this warehouse.
Then I realized I'm probably breathing in cancerous dusts from around the world.

that's still impressive, people on the internet tend to come and go so fast it can be hard to maintain friendships.


I met her on another forum and she's the only person from that forum that I still talk to regularly. Besides Daniel (Turin) I mean. Only known him about two years now I think.

[Wonderball jingle intensifies]
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