Tywin - The Last Action HeroPicture isn't showing up for me, but
Cersei-300 and Dredd
Margaery-The Forest and Hunger Games and The Tudors
Tyrion-Pixels and Days of Future Past
Jaime-The Other Woman
Missandei-Furious 7
Ned Stark-LotR, Jupiter Ascending, and whatever else Sean Bean has been in
Dany-Terminator Genisys
Theon Greyjoy-John Wick
Sansa-X Men Apocalypse
Jon Snow-Pompeii and Silent Hill 2
Awesome game. Might be time for another playthrough soonMafia II's finally available on Steam again.
Describe itI wish I would have recorded that quadruple kill in overwatch last night
I'm still in the afterglow on that
one of my best moments of competitve gaming tbh
What the fuck
I'm listening to Off With Their Heads right now
What the fuck
What the fuck
Describe it![]()
I thought it would be something impressive and here it was just an aim bot smhend of the match push the payload thing
we were making it to the final objective. enemy team was making their last stand. 1:30 left on the clock....
Ult'ed with soldier 76 and killed 4 motherfuckers at the point. Quadruple kill. Achievement unlocked.
hiss of greeting!
I thought it would be something impressive and here it was just an aim bot smh
Doing those sort of things are definitely more satisfying when you're short on time and it gets you the victory. Most of the nice stuff I do goes unnoticed cause it's just a short thing in the middle of the match
You know the one thing that really annoys me about soldier 76? That you can't use a scope or ironsights. Every time I stop sprinting I feel the need to zoom in but I just can'taim bot utilized at just the right moment.
Was jokeehhhh... don't diminish my glory
it was my first play of the game too
You know the one thing that really annoys me about soldier 76? That you can't use a scope or ironsights. Every time I stop sprinting I feel the need to zoom in but I just can't![]()
awwww <333
I've been playing battlefield forever so it's really frustrating to have a gun without it. I'd take it without any aim bonus and with minimal zoom and it skowing your movement down. Just can't play him without itI love that there isn't much in the way of ADS in overwatch.
it's part of why I lost interest in other modern first person shooters
I could just be making more of my own kitten gifs. Just have to be ready to film when she does something cute/stupid/funny
are you still working this?
hah yeah. especially sucks since they almost didnt give me any days to work next month..... will only do this until early next year max tho, then I'll find something new somewhere else.
aye that sucks.
just tell them what you want!
"and pay me on time!"
I'm just gonna vent for a bit.
I hate when you go out of your way to be nice and people ignore you or even push you away. Is it really that weird that I'd compliment you on your taste in movies? Is it really so odd to hold the door open for people? Is it really discomforting to agree with someone's social media post even if you don't talk to them that often?
I get that people don't owe you anything, but the apprehension people give you when you go the extra mile is disconcerting as hell. People are so used to minding their own business in their own little groups that when someone breaks the mold it upsets them.
I know the whole point is the kitten in the gif but that doggy is so adorable *.*
I've said it before but it reminds me of the super smash Bros of shooters. You can come up with pretty much any character concept and find a way to fit them in the gameI stll haven't even played all of the characters yet
I'm really excited for this games future though. The skeleton is definitely there for them to build upon.
I would love to see a poison based character that does damage over time. Maybe a witch doctor theme with blow darts![]()
I'm just gonna vent for a bit.
I hate when you go out of your way to be nice and people ignore you or even push you away. Is it really that weird that I'd compliment you on your taste in movies? Is it really so odd to hold the door open for people? Is it really discomforting to agree with someone's social media post even if you don't talk to them that often?
I get that people don't owe you anything, but the apprehension people give you when you go the extra mile is disconcerting as hell. People are so used to minding their own business in their own little groups that when someone breaks the mold it upsets them.
I'm so fucking bored. My girlfriend left and I should be working but I don't want to + I'm having trouble holding the pen.
I need to be entertained more and faster by you guys.
When was the first time you realised you were a ghost?
I'm so fucking bored. My girlfriend left and I should be working but I don't want to + I'm having trouble holding the pen.
I need to be entertained more and faster by you guys.
Buy Senran Kagura Shinobi Versus, Onechanbara ZII Chaos, Mitsurugi Kamui Hikage, Akiba's Strip and Dead or Alive 5 Last Round on Steam.
or watch Mad Max
I own 3 out of 5 and like them
how man. how.
is it cause they are like almost nude girls in it? the pervy aspect?
overwatch also needs more modes
I'd suck a dick for an old school capture the flag mode
I wouldn't really
It wouldn't be hard to just set up death math and team death match. Doesn't even need to be balanced, would just be fun to mess around in.overwatch also needs more modes
I'd suck a dick for an old school capture the flag mode
I wouldn't really
overwatch also needs more modes
I'd suck a dick for an old school capture the flag mode
I wouldn't really
Buy Senran Kagura Shinobi Versus, Onechanbara ZII Chaos, Mitsurugi Kamui Hikage, Akiba's Strip and Dead or Alive 5 Last Round on Steam.
Hi fakers
It'd be cool but unless you disable character abilities on Overwatch it'd be pointless because everyone would just pick Tracer and Lucio, and without their abilities, those characters would be useless.
Or have one guy be Reinhardt and the rest are healers.