I'm all over the place with my taste. Some of it is really bad.
I haven't seen Dawn of the Dead, new or old. Zombieland, The Last of Us and Brad Pitt's World War Z are the only zombie media I like.
I prefer Mark Webb Spiderman over Sam Raimi by a lot. Iron Man 3 is the best Iron Man movie. Green Lantern is at least as good as Ultron and Ant Man.
I have a hard time enjoying The Dark Knight Rises but I've seen TDK 20+ times because I love it so much. The Killing Joke comic is overrated and even bad by contemporary standards (I don't know enough about comics to say what it did for the series). Frank Miller's Batman is generally not very good, including the animated movies based off of it.
@Lilith did you like iron man 3?
I haven't read a single Iron Man comic in my life, so I have no attachment to being true to the characters. I just want to be entertained, and IM3 is highly entertaining. I love the Christmastime elements, I love the way Tony deals with trauma by pretending it doesn't exist until something triggers him and it blows up in his face (I deal with trauma nearly identically). I love the Mandarin twist, I like the mystery/detective angle, I love Tony having to do some work outside of his suit, and then I love all the suits coming at the end as a well-deserved culmination of all his work. Killian is kind of boring but I don't notice because the rest of the movie is so fun.
It raises the question of why in the world doesn't Tony outfit the Avengers in Iron Man suits, Hulk excepted. You think Cap and Hawkman wouldn't be amplified a hundredfold in an Iron Man suit? C'mon.
Also, speaking towards being true to the original material, I really don't care. Actually, I do care. I think there's some kinds of stories or parts of stories that books and even comics can tell better than movies and TV shows. And I think those movies and TV shows would be silly to try to tell those parts of the stories. I think all of Peter Jackson's changes to Lord of the Rings were for the better, for the movie format. I still love the books and am going through Return of the King right now, but the movies cut out and changed things so they could be better movies. Not better stories, better movies. I think that's key. From my understanding IM3 did the same with The Mandarin, but that's only speculation.