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FakeGAF Episode 5: The Thirst Awakens

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Like Jesus, I plan on getting nailed tomorrow.




I laughed way too hard.

I managed to get it to her before her plane took off and she just said 'lol', which is better than her answer to the archeologist question, which results in an emphatic "No.".

I don't. But I don't really text my parents.

Oh, I send my folks messages all the time. use FaceTime to get dad's advice about home repairs all the time so I don't have to drag his arthritic body over to my house. I may have sent ✊🍆 [fist eggplant] emojis to my parents before.

I think my mom is going to join Facebook once a babby is formed, which should be interesting.

Hmm, quarter to three. Should actually pass out now. G'night fakers.
Like Jesus, I plan on getting nailed tomorrow.

Yay! Good luck :)

Wait, people really have 'father' and 'mother' for their folks in their phones?

Father is what I call him. "Reid" would be so boring.

Lilith is a zack snyder apologist.

Watchmen is the only other good movie he's made.

You...liked it?

Was I giddy throughout every scene that didn't have Amy Adams in it? Yes. Did I whoop and cheer at certain moments? Absolutely. Did my cheering cause some of the audience to laugh? You betcha!
Refusing to comment on BvS because I've already been called out once for being a dismissive fuck.


I forgot my wondercon info at home lol
Send it to Dragonz, I only posted it for the stupid joke (though my partner is home from the west coast).

Oh, well I rescind it then! Good luck to me instead >:)

Oh, I use 'mom' and 'dad', but my phone doesn't-- thinking of changing their contacts to that makes me twitch and I don't know why.

I'm pretty close with my parents. Not "daddy" close, but close. Putting their given name would make me feel like I'm trying to distance myself from them. But it's just a personal thing. I don't think there's anything wrong with other people choosing not to!
Oh, well I rescind it then! Good luck to me instead >:)

I thought that was going well already! Good luck!

I don't think there's anything wrong with other people choosing not to!

Oh, I am very judgemental about inconsequential things like phone contact entry standards, MP3 tagging, and cheese placement on uncooked pizzas. I feel this is an edearing character flaw that makes everyone love me as they mercilessly mock me. They mock me at any rate.

I am not not judgemental about important issues, either.

I saw my parents fucking at a young age.

Dodged that one, though I heard a lot. Got told I could sleep in the car if I wanted.
I've never caught my parents which is weird. I have three siblings so they must be going at it literally all the time.

I thought that was going well already! Good luck!
It is but I'm being greedy! :p

Oh, I am very judgemental about inconsequential things like phone contact entry standards, MP3 tagging, and cheese placement on uncooked pizzas. I feel this is an edearing character flaw that makes everyone love me as they mercilessly mock me. They mock me at any rate.

I am not not judgemental about important issues, either.
This is why we're not dating.
I never caught my parents doing the deed but my friend did. Im the youngest of 6. If I were my dad, I would have had stopped having sex many years before I was born.

A Fish Aficionado

I am going to make it through this year if it kills me
I don't have any interest really in superhero films. I liked Nolan Batman, Ironman, and The Avengers, but haven't really seen much.


There's honestly a bit more to it than that in this case. Plus, a lot of people just think it is a bad film, period.

I generally don't agree with nerds with what they have to say about films lol.

I really didn't like Cap 2 but is like supposedly the best thing ever. I thought Ant-Man was like much much better
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