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FakeGAF Episode 5: The Thirst Awakens

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Critics are wrong. BvS was awesome.

Yay! I'm glad you enjoyed it :)

hmmmm.... may have to watch it sooner rather than later

also that handjob thread in OT is pretty damn funny guys

how do you fakers feel about HJs?

I don't get anything out of it. There's nothing intrinsically interesting about it to me, and it's exhausting. I'd like to say I'll still perform one out of kindness, but really I have to be in a very specific mood for that.


Gonna watch 10 Cloverfield Lane soon.

that one was great!

and Mary Elizabeth Winstead


Handjobs suck dick

I can do that myself


better than a toothy blowjob tho



when I was out in Austin a couple years ago visiting this girl we were riding around in the back of some mutual friends car and I received a stealth 1/2 hj (didn't finish obviously)

but man that was pretty hot


I did it! I beat Dark Souls! Finally, my soul can move on now. I'm off to go be productive.

Thanks, Sif. Couldn't have done it without that greatshield I made out of you.


Apparently I clicked the wrong video at some point because "dating advice for men from a chick" type videos keep showing up on my splash page

They're absolutely ridiculous

"If you ask for her number, and she tries to instead give you her facebook, this is what you say"


Kill me, I hate people


It amazes me that it's 2016 and people who can't even carry children still feel the need to govern what women do with their bodies
People care now more than ever since a certain political party (wonder who) is convincing people it's an issue (it's not) in order to artificially create voters.

I remember hearing that it wasn't even a religious issue till recently
People care now more than ever since a certain political party (wonder who) is convincing people it's an issue (it's not) in order to artificially create voters.

I remember hearing that it wasn't even a religious issue till recently

Be sure not to label people who shoot up abortion clinics terrorists either!

That term's reserved for brown people.


I was pregnant with a rather foolish notion so I aborted it

I will not eat toast in the shower after all. It only made sense before thinking more about it.


thing is I came in 4 hours late on monday because of an eye appointment so I feel kind of bad not being in the office that much this week :/


Thanos acquires the fully powered Infinity Gauntlet in The Avengers: Infinity War, but loses when all the superheroes team up together to stop him.
Alright FakeGAF, I'm drunk and by myself on a Friday night, and I feel close to all of you, so let me share you a story.

I met a girl once. She was really, really good looking. She ended up becoming my first real girlfriend. She was funny, loved games, we shared interests and philosophies, and we had sex like three times a day at least. It was awesome. She was also a trust fund baby and the inheritor to a multi-million dollar inheritance. We eventually got engaged. She was going to bring me to Puerto Rico and I was going to live the easy life forever.

Eventually, some red flags began to surface. She started telling me about her different personalities, which she eventually started giving names to. She began to tell me she delved into Satanism at various points in her life. She started to show signs of serious mental instability. Eventually, the worst happened, and we had a miscarriage. I still haven't gotten over that and it hit me very, very deeply. We decided that the relationship wasn't working out, and I called it off, despite us having our wedding planned and everything and her being very adamant about continuing our relationship. My easy life was now gone. She started spreading nasty rumors about me, and I lost all of my old friends, which she was able to keep. I still can't talk to most of them. I moved back in with my parents and started to work in retail hell, in a freezer at the local grocery store. I've since found a better job, but since then, I've been too afraid/traumatized to pursue another relationship. It's been five years, and there've been sparks between myself and others, but I never pursued them out of sheer terror of repeating the horrible experience I had before.

There's no point to this post; I'm just venting. Every day I wonder what my life would be like if I went through with our marriage. Did I make the right decision? I dunno. I think I did. But I still miss her, and the last words we said to each other were "I love you." Fuck.

Sorry for the serious, depressing talk. If you read this whole thing, thanks. I've had nobody to talk to about it and it's been boiling inside of me for a while.


Redmond's Baby
Alright FakeGAF, I'm drunk and by myself on a Friday night, and I feel close to all of you, so let me share you a story.

There's no point to this post; I'm just venting. Every day I wonder what my life would be like if I went through with our marriage. Did I make the right decision? I dunno. I think I did. But I still miss her, and the last words we said to each other were "I love you." Fuck.

High five, you are no the only drunk person here.

First thing, it is good to share this kind of stories. Venting is good. Even if to complete strangers.More than I read your post, more I think that you really dodged a bullet. Love is seriously blind and we often made some weird/bad decisions before the truth surfaces. But keep your head up!

It is been a year since I ended my last 'serious' relationship. She was cheating on me and I still think about her from time to time. But somewhere inside there is a voice telling me 'you deserve much much better person in your life'. But I have no intention of seeking that person before I manage to sort out some things in my life (get a better job etc.) and this makes me very miserable on some days.


So I bought tickets to a concert for my sister and her bf. That was a couple weeks ago and now yesterday my sister's bf just found out he's going to open for that band so now neither need their tickets.

Also I just got to listen to my dad talk about a "feminist agenda"



now do NG+ or the DLC

I'm actually just going to use this moment of accomplishment to my advantage. I started playing this game years ago, and worked little by little with what free time I had to get through about half of it, then my computer decided it was a good time to wipe my save data and I gave up for a while. Now that I actually managed to finish it I feel great and productive.


Alright FakeGAF, I'm drunk and by myself on a Friday night, and I feel close to all of you, so let me share you a story.

I met a girl once. She was really, really good looking. She ended up becoming my first real girlfriend. She was funny, loved games, we shared interests and philosophies, and we had sex like three times a day at least. It was awesome. She was also a trust fund baby and the inheritor to a multi-million dollar inheritance. We eventually got engaged. She was going to bring me to Puerto Rico and I was going to live the easy life forever.

Eventually, some red flags began to surface. She started telling me about her different personalities, which she eventually started giving names to. She began to tell me she delved into Satanism at various points in her life. She started to show signs of serious mental instability. Eventually, the worst happened, and we had a miscarriage. I still haven't gotten over that and it hit me very, very deeply. We decided that the relationship wasn't working out, and I called it off, despite us having our wedding planned and everything and her being very adamant about continuing our relationship. My easy life was now gone. She started spreading nasty rumors about me, and I lost all of my old friends, which she was able to keep. I still can't talk to most of them. I moved back in with my parents and started to work in retail hell, in a freezer at the local grocery store. I've since found a better job, but since then, I've been too afraid/traumatized to pursue another relationship. It's been five years, and there've been sparks between myself and others, but I never pursued them out of sheer terror of repeating the horrible experience I had before.

There's no point to this post; I'm just venting. Every day I wonder what my life would be like if I went through with our marriage. Did I make the right decision? I dunno. I think I did. But I still miss her, and the last words we said to each other were "I love you." Fuck.

Sorry for the serious, depressing talk. If you read this whole thing, thanks. I've had nobody to talk to about it and it's been boiling inside of me for a while.

man that sounds incredibly difficult. so sorry that you went through that

I won't trivialize what you went through by telling you how I've been through the ringer but I will say that in the year that I've been divorced I have become a better person because of it.

sometimes cutting loose of a toxic relationship is the best thing for you. and while it may seem like you missed out on this great life you could have had, it's clear that you dodged a real bullet here.

continue to improve your life and work towards a goal. your betterment is your best revenge against how she screwed you over. I went back to school. I furthered my career.

surround yourself with good friends and family and it will get better!

we are also all here for you too. don't ever feel bad about venting or being transparent.


Floaton you look perfectly handsome and everything but your avatar keeps making me think you're blind

are you blind?


Floaton you look perfectly handsome and everything but your avatar keeps making me think you're blind

are you blind?

I was virtually blind on that day. I had my eyes dilated and I was strolling around my office with those sunglasses on like some kind of goth


We need to go back to the good ole days when women couldn't vote tbh.

At least he didn't rant about a gay agenda?
He has no problems with women's rights (well aside from abortion.....) but he thinks feminists are crazy

He definitely does have a problem with gay rights though


So I bought tickets to a concert for my sister and her bf. That was a couple weeks ago and now yesterday my sister's bf just found out he's going to open for that band so now neither need their tickets.

Also I just got to listen to my dad talk about a "feminist agenda"

There are certain people where if they even use a certain word or phrase I just won't bother entering discussion. They're non starters.

If someone uses the acronym "SJW" even once in an unironic way, I'm out. If someone says "_____ agenda" I'm probably out. "All lives matter" -- out.

So what concert


So I bought tickets to a concert for my sister and her bf. That was a couple weeks ago and now yesterday my sister's bf just found out he's going to open for that band so now neither need their tickets.

Also I just got to listen to my dad talk about a "feminist agenda"

have fun at the show!

I was going to see the slackers tonight but it's been raining the past couple of days and I feel like being a recluse

I may even play a video game tonight.
Alright FakeGAF, I'm drunk and by myself on a Friday night, and I feel close to all of you, so let me share you a story.

Please don't be offended, I thought this was a joke at first (and that you were referencing me or someone very nearly like me). That's a crazy story you don't expect most people to have!

I'm really sorry you had to go through that, but I'm glad you feel close enough with us to share. And I'm also glad the new job is working out for you in the most part. Let's hope things continue to improve! :)
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