I've surpassed Jobbs in post count in this thread.
There is no much action tonight on GAF. Sigh
I've been shooting bullymongs and bandits instead of entertaining you all. Borderlands Weekend has officially begun!
(yes, it's a three day weekend +earlier today)
Nice. Have fun
from the other side?Hello
My tense was ambiguous, so let me clarify: we just spent the last six hours playing so that's why I haven't been online. It's basically midnight now, so he's going to bed and I'm going on a walk. I'll be online though.
Any fun weekend plans?
Job go better today?
Yes, but only because I'm already dead inside
Wake her up.jpg
Sadly I got no plans all of the time. The only interesting thing Im doing this month is going to a videogame orchestrated concert on the 30th. That and probably going to a restaurant after with some friends.
Yes, but only because I'm already dead inside
My last concert was Evanescence in October 2011 R.I.PI've never been to something like that, but then again I've never been one for concerts in the first place. I don't think I've been to a concert since Lindsey Stirling in 2012.
But it's good to have things to look forward to! I hope you're really able to enjoy it
Hmm. How much longer do you have?
That's longer ago than I thought :O
Hmm. How much longer do you have?
5 years lol
This is how impulsive I am. Matt, I'm not even mad.
This is how impulsive I am. Matt, I'm not even mad.
oh yikes! Hopefully things turn around for you soon then.
sometimes nothing will work but a comically large pretzel.
:: rehydrates ::
Good morning all you beautiful people.
Wie sind Sie an diesem schönen Morgen , du schöne Hurensohn ?Guten Morgen
Wie sind Sie an diesem schönen Morgen , du schöne Hurensohn ?
Damn time zones.It's not actually morning for me. I'm about to crawl into bed. Nevertheless I appreciate that!
Today was a good today. Tomorrow is highly promising. I was given the day off for working extra hard earlier, so I'm going to spend it with my brother playing video games. I haven't connected with him on this level in quite a while, so I couldn't be more excited.
Damn time zones.
I'm glad you're good. It's always nice to kick back with some quality family bonding time, even better when it's bonding over videogames.
when I was a kid I kicked my brother in the back as a result of NBA jam
Yes, but only because I'm already dead inside
The violence.
I always just got supremely pissed off at the games themselves. I mean full blown tantrums.
I think I've only experienced ragequits with God of War 2 and XCOM.
Well, and Uncharted. Because fuck Uncharted's QTEs.
I initially suggested to remove your name. But after an innocent online stalk I found out that you're quasi a public figure. So nevermind
Oh fucking great. Cat hair all over my new skinny jeans
Good morning you sexy sonsofbitches.
It's Friday and I'm gonna fondle myself shamefully in the shower shortly. Shhhh
lol skinny jeans.
Enjoy the bloodclots in the future!
Why don't you come over and we enjoy it together
Morning fakers.
Going to get some iced coffee soon and try to do nothing at work today.
Anyone know if the https issue on gaf was solved? I've been getting around it via mobile
Deep vein thrombosis is hot.
5 years lol
It'll get better In 5 yrs you'll probably make it up to at least SSgt I bet. Then you get to complete the circle by shitting down the necks of young airmen, lol.