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FakeGAF Episode 5: The Thirst Awakens

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Thats also kinda what trump does but I don't think he's remotely aware of it.

Yea there's no way Trump is doing it in the deliberate and mechanical way that GG is. They have tutorials and guides on how to make these so that they all share the same basic style and all appear to be more than what they are, which is basically magazine cut out screeds with defaced pictures of their latest victims attached.

also when i think about how walking works, i suddenly get very terrified that it won't work properly on stairs.

Being a tall dude, I'm terrified of stairs. Any little shift in my balance can result in me taking a tumble. Luckily, all the times I have started to fall I've hit my head on the ceiling above and it's stopped my fall yay.


Yea there's no way Trump is doing it in the deliberate and mechanical way that GG is. They have tutorials and guides on how to make these so that they all share the same basic style and all appear to be more than what they are, which is basically magazine cut out screeds with defaced pictures of their latest victims attached.

Being a tall dude, I'm terrified of stairs. Any little shift in my balance can result in me taking a tumble. Luckily, all the times I have started to fall I've hit my head on the ceiling above and it's stopped my fall yay.

I'm very average for a human in height but I have a tendency to just fall over randomly when standing still :|


I don't think there's anything worse than falling down as an adult. Like you're in the parking lot and slip on some ice right onto your ass.

There's always a moment I try to resist then you just get the "this is my life" moment and embrace it.


I don't think there's anything worse than falling down as an adult. Like you're in the parking lot and slip on some ice right onto your ass.

There's always a moment I try to resist then you just get the "this is my life" moment and embrace it.

just wait till you fall and need a hip replacement
I'm tall and a klutz.

It's a great combo.

I'm so fucking clumsy. It's like I've been here 25 years and still can't work out how to move my body through 3d space properly. I feel like I'm the only person who has trouble getting in and out of chairs without making enormous sounds scraping the chair across the floor in restaurants and cafes and such. It's like everyone else figured the correct technique out and I'm just there going "fuck what how does this even"


I just figured out that Overwatch is a $60 game. Has "F2P" written all over it.

And don't tell me they're going to keep the microtransactions away because you paid $60.

Good thing I don't give a shit about anything that's FPS


I don't think there's anything worse than falling down as an adult. Like you're in the parking lot and slip on some ice right onto your ass.

There's always a moment I try to resist then you just get the "this is my life" moment and embrace it.

The taller you are the worse it is. The ground is usually SO FAR AWAY.

During a game of high-school basketball I took a shot to the gut while trying for a rebound and fell face first from basically rim height, it split my lip open like a perfectly baked potato and exposed a large vein underneath. It was hilariously bloody and they had to cancel the game :lol

just wait till you fall and need a hip replacement

Is this a jab at the old-GAF here? I'll have none of it! *waves cane at you*

I'm so fucking clumsy. It's like I've been here 25 years and still can't work out how to move my body through 3d space properly. I feel like I'm the only person who has trouble getting in and out of chairs without making enormous sounds scraping the chair across the floor in restaurants and cafes and such. It's like everyone else figured the correct technique out and I'm just there going "fuck what how does this even"

I'm blessed with not being clumsy at least.
The only reason I'd try to avoid doing that is its not limited to them or even trolls or even on the internet. you can easily get the same things from family members and coworkers. its unfortunate how so many people are :\

and on that note add tennessee to the list of states I'm not going to go to any time soon

That's a fair point, actually.

All we need to do now is spread good vibes and "Don't be an asshole to people over the internet" memes.


Re: Walkin'. I'm a real clumsy son of a bitch but only when I'm moving my own limbs. Skateboard? No problem. Putting on pants in the morning? Send help.

I almost broke my ankle trying to do the reject while in a suit at my friends wedding.


I'm so fucking clumsy. It's like I've been here 25 years and still can't work out how to move my body through 3d space properly. I feel like I'm the only person who has trouble getting in and out of chairs without making enormous sounds scraping the chair across the floor in restaurants and cafes and such. It's like everyone else figured the correct technique out and I'm just there going "fuck what how does this even"

I'm getting better at fluid movement out of necessity. Whenever I'm in a class and I get up to use the restroom I try to do it with as little noise as possible.


Misha's avatar just reminded me that Kuvira is voiced by Robin Williams' daughter Zelda.

And Asami is voiced by live action Princess Yue
I slip and slide around a lot and then inexplicably save myself at the final critical moment.

Also, never drink anything that could stain clothing around me. There's always a chance my gauche hands will knock the glass over and spill it.
I once broke a toe because I didn't remember I have duck feet— my knee cleared the door frame but my foot didn't.

I've twisted my ankles so much and so often I have to wear armoured socks for sports and don't dare go in the water at the rocky beach where my partner surfs.

I have to eat pizza with a knife and fork or I will wear it. I may be past that now, but it was true for my late teens through mid-twenties at least.


I broke my arm by roller skating down a flight of sidewalk steps. It was my first day skating and I didn't know how to brake.

I was so focused on staying level that I forgot that they did something like this:


As I lay on the road writhing in pain and crying for help, my sister walked up to me and said to stop faking and went home without telling my parents. It took a neighbor's parents to see that I was injured and flag down my dad.

My sister is a bitch. Here she is giving the nazi salute. Also the same sidewalk I fell on. This was probably the fall before the fall.



weirdly my perceived (and in some circumstances actual) clumsiness is a point of contention in my home

Wait so, who is Pro-Misha clumsiness and who is Anti-Misha clumsiness?

I broke my arm by roller skating down a flight of sidewalk steps. It was my first day skating and I didn't know how to brake.

I was so focused on staying level that I forgot that they did something like this:

As I lay on the road writhing in pain and crying for help, my sister walked up to me and said to stop faking and went home without telling my parents. It took a neighbor's parents to see that I was injured and flag down my dad.

My sister is a bitch. Here she is giving the nazi salute. Also the same sidewalk I fell on. This was probably the fall before the fall.




Were they inline skates? Asking for a friend.

Also, learned to drive stick on a blue version of that car.

No they were just cheap roller skates.

My dad was hot shit for a few weeks when he bought that car. One of the only people in the DC metro area with the new body style 88 Grand Prix.


Wait so, who is Pro-Misha clumsiness and who is Anti-Misha clumsiness?


everyone is anti-me :(

really though its mostly my dad. complains how hard i walk and how i close doors and about losing things and breaking things. "why do you always seem to run into problems when you do anything?" etc etc


anyone have these when they were little?

My dad was hot shit for a few weeks when he bought that car. One of the only people in the DC metro area with the new body style 88 Grand Prix.

Mom had a '90 SE coupe. 4 bucket seats and a giant digital compass. Steering wheel covered and ringed with buttons and switches IT WAS LIKE THE FUTURE.

really though its mostly my dad. complains how hard i walk and how i close doors and about losing things and breaking things. "why do you always seem to run into problems when you do anything?" etc etc

"My therapist blames the poor parenting I received."

anyone have these when they were little?

Had friends on my street with them— can't say they appealed a whole lot.
I rollerskated once when I was a kid at my cousin's house.

I'm amazed I made it out alive and with no broken bones. Have never even attempted it since. Knowing how to ride a bike without training wheels is adventurous enough for me.


No they were just cheap roller skates.

My dad was hot shit for a few weeks when he bought that car. One of the only people in the DC metro area with the new body style 88 Grand Prix.

DC Metro Area sounds lame af

everyone is anti-me :(

really though its mostly my dad. complains how hard i walk and how i close doors and about losing things and breaking things. "why do you always seem to run into problems when you do anything?" etc etc

We here are FakeGAF are Pro-Misha, but man that sounds pretty bad, like Harry Potter living under the stairs level of bad.


"My therapist blames the poor parenting I received."
true story

Had friends on my street with them— can't say they appealed a whole lot.

they really sucked. the wheels were sticky so it was actually slower than walking

We here are FakeGAF are Pro-Misha, but man that sounds pretty bad, like Harry Potter living under the stairs level of bad.

its not quite that bad :p more of a once a month thing. often enough to keep it fresh in my mind but rare enough that you can have a functioning relationship the rest of the time
Oh and once at my cousin's we both rode bikes down this steep hill that was right by her house.

I can still recall that adrenaline rush. But again, I don't know how I made it out unscathed.


I've had random bouts of hiccoughs the past couple of days.

this is an indicator of subconscios stress is it not?

pretty sure I need to increase my chill

Xiao Hu

Haven't broken any body part before
except for my dick when I was really drunk and really horny
. I think breaking a foot is really annoying due to lack of mobility, if it ever happens to me I would like Jobb to smell the affected foot. Heared he was really into it and you know how kinky he is...
I'm getting a Paypal and a Fat Jack's Pizza ad.

It's a sign tbh.

Haven't broken any body part before
except for my dick when I was really drunk and really horny
. I think breaking a foot is really annoying due to lack of mobility, if it ever happens to me I would like Jobb to smell the affected foot. Heared he was really into it and you know how kinky he is...

Just dip your foot in pickle juice first and he'll happily do it.


Went looking on Imgur for a bigwheel GIF I saw the other day and the only thing I found is that I'm thirsty as fuck damn.

It was an awesome GIF though so you guys just pretend you saw it okay/
Speaking of weird food combos, I'll keep telling y'all peanut butter and sweet onion can't be beat.

I used to eat mustard and pickle sandwiches because we didn't have any food. We also had well water that tasted like sulfur and I'd make kool-aide that tasted like rotten eggs.

I ate peanut butter and miracle whip sandwiches all the time. It's not that far off.

Hmm, I definitely ate pickle and mustard sandwiches. And I've eaten cheese and peanut butter. Yogurt and cheese (but not in sandwich form.)

I like mayo and I like bananas. I'm just not sure how well they'd mesh.


Speaking of weird food combos, I'll keep telling y'all peanut butter and sweet onion can't be beat.

Hmm, I definitely ate pickle and mustard sandwiches. And I've eaten cheese and peanut butter. Yogurt and cheese (but not in sandwich form.)

I like mayo and I like bananas. I'm just not sure how well they'd mesh.

It's not going to taste all that crazy. There's not alot of contrast. White bread, salty cream, then sweet mushy banana.
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