I hate being allergic to bananas![]()
You aren't missing much, they're the most mediocre of foods.
I hate being allergic to bananas![]()
mayonnaise and miracle whip are awful btw and you should be ashamed for liking it
I swear 1/100 of my posts on this site are actually about video games
Come for the gaming side, stay for Off Topic
I swear 1/100 of my posts on this site are actually about video games
I don't eat either. It's one of the things I cut from my diet because it's always exclusively for taste but it has tons of calories. I feel the same way about butter and cheese for the most part.
The only time I talk about videogames on here are when y'all start talking about them for the most part.
The rest of my posts are about: food, penis, sex, music, shitposts.
Miracle whip is filth, and not of the good kind.
Being a tall dude, I'm terrified of stairs. Any little shift in my balance can result in me taking a tumble. Luckily, all the times I have started to fall I've hit my head on the ceiling above and it's stopped my fall yay.
I'm very average for a human in height but I have a tendency to just fall over randomly when standing still :|
I like that songEmber McClain "Remember"
Yes it's that song.
unrequested advice: ditch coffee, it completely wrecks my sense of balance among other things due to the constant anxiety it causes. Second, hit the gym, particularly core compound (deadlift? deadlift. ) exercises.
is it too much or too few?
unrequested advice: ditch coffee, it completely wrecks my sense of balance among other things due to the constant anxiety it causes. Second, hit the gym, particularly core compound (deadlift? deadlift. ) exercises.
I had the same thing roughly three years ago, while being even less obese that I am now (currently at 105 kg) at an average height of 1m80 ( 6'' is average for the Netherlands, so I'm... short? ****! ), and what I have noticed that along with the stronger grip on whatever I'm holding, I'm also less clumsy with stuff as a result. Or perhaps simply the positive reinforcement of knowing that I can maintain control regardless of body position.
I also no longer have problems maintaining my balance while just standing or moving.
At this point, I no longer describe myself as clumsy (I used to think this was just 'me' too btw) and think it's really just due to having too little muscle on that gigantic body we (humans I mean) now have, in part due to sedentary lifestyles. The human body being upright was never 'intended' in the first place, and we pay the price for being bipedal four-leggers by back problems (see 'your inner fish', which is a great documentary / book), so to me that relation between muscle atrophy and lack of control makes sense.
I'm early thirties, should you think it's too late for that in your twenties. (which is a ridiculous sentiment anyway)
Fitgaf opinions?
I dunno yet I'm still making calculations.
(or you know, go straight up to "The Mountain" levels if you're that tall. Hollywood career guaranteed. )
now that I think about it. i might have less than 100 posts talking about playing games. there is 1 in the hearthstone thread, like 2 in the enter the gungeon thread, 5 in binding of iasaac, uhhh maybe like 50 random ones. idk
If only I had the dedication to get big like that dude. I have the frame for it but I can hardly be asked to have a normal workout routine much less the insane levels of dedication it would need for Mountain levels of muscle.
You're 6'9?
I'm 6'4" but I have a huge chest. Sure I wouldn't be QUITE as tall, but it'd still be imposing enough I suppose.
I don't like The Mountain's face. And he's too beefy for me.
I'm picky dammit. Face is most important tho.
Do posts talking about talking about playing games count?
Honestly, of all my (sadly numerous) posts on GAF, I don't know if I have that many where I actually talk about PLAYING a game. While there are a lot where I talk about [game], and many more where I talk about anything else.
:13 seconds in hmm
if you want. I was just trying to exclude controversy around games and talking about making games.
This brings up the question I ask of people who get hype about Kim Kardashian topless pics: why are you excited over a nip slip of a person who is bare-ass naked on screen?
I'm only 6'3. I feel inadequate compared to FakeGaf's male standards.
anyone been to an anime convention? are they as awful as I'd expect they are?
Fuck that guy. :'< So jelly.it's a good thing he's big enough for a role though, yay!
You guys are also taller than me. Grrr. #TonyStark
Also, being fit may not be same thing as having adequate strength in terms of walking upright and avoiding back problems and / or lack of control. I mean, I used to think I was fit enough too, yet clumsy. Not pushing an agenda here or anything, those are just my observations about stuff.
I suddenly miss A Fish... hmm.
I'm only 6'3. I feel inadequate compared to FakeGaf's male standards.
anyone been to an anime convention? are they as awful as I'd expect they are?
Nope, closest I've ever got is the local Comic conventions. They're pretty cool, so if you're into Anime I guess an Anime convention would be cool?
I super want to go to Gen-Con or Dragon-Con though.
I ain't going to lie, all my boots have heels just cause I want to be even taller and I usually wear my hair high.
I'm only 6'3. I feel inadequate compared to FakeGaf's male standards.
I made it. I'm free
Well I mean, I have good core strength I think.
I can always use more motivation for having a consistent workout though. Can't get to the gym these days so it's all self-motivated inhouse stuff + street running.
I have. Anime Expo in LA. I'm going again this year. There's some creepy shit but for the most part it's fun. Cool costumes, interesting panels, tons of vendors, etc.
I was glad to not be fat for a license picture for a change. My last one was horrendous.
Did you get a good picture at least?
When I last renewed my license my attendant either didn't care or wasn't paying attention because they let me put all sorts of erroneous information on the record. I had to wait in line for four hours but it was worth it to be 5'10", 90 lbs and blue haired.