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FakeGAF Episode 5: The Thirst Awakens

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Unconfirmed Member

oh shit it's gone deep pink

we've got a code Ellen Page happening, this is not a drill


Is currently on Stage 1: Denial regarding the service game future
Everyone's gonna end up dating everyone in this thread.
We'll go gay, then straight, then gay again, then straight, then may gay-straight.

Even Jobbs will find some sexy male nurse.


I hope they don't go back to that same well for the new trilogy and Rogue One.

I feel like having Plagueis create Anakin and then having Luke redeem Anakin and kill Palpatine was a great little circular story that wrapped up rather nicely. Of course, the prequels sucked but that's not for lack of a decent little outline to work with.

Now, moving on from there, let's get away from Plagueis and Luke and start poking around at other corners of this world.

90% why i like the prequels so much is the plot is actually interesting. its sorta the opposite of the OT which had a pretty barebones plot but great execution. to me they're more about palpatine's rise to power which is pretty interesting with vader being one of the things he accomplishes
From now on, we will be using code names. You can address me as Eagle One. Jake, code name -- Been There, Done That. Professor Beef is -- Currently Doing That. Vazra is -- It Happened Once in a Dream; Trab, code name -- If I Had To Pick a Girl. Funky is -- Eagle Two.


speaking of parks and rec references, i remember hearing someone say something about "teddy bear suicide" and another say "that would be a good name for a band" was that here or ?
completely went over my head when i heard/saw it but i just got it

she's my avatar on tumblr(a still from that iirc) and probably my most common one on other sites :)


Smells like fresh rosebuds
Thread is gonna turn me gay too.

Hell, I'm already gay for Carol Danvers and Jane Foster. Just bought these

I'm supposed to be at work but I'm skating at the exchange and Starbucks


We went for a walk last night. I round a corner of a road which runs uphill.

I see a man running down the street. He's chasing a rolling baseball but it's traveling way too fast for him to catch up and grab it.

"I GOT IT," I shout. I hand my wife the stroller and give her a steely glance. "This is my moment. I'm gonna save the god damn day."

Three years of little league has prepared me for this. I was the golden fucking glove 1995.

It approaches, skips, bounces....dances across the asphalt. The sun has gone down and I'm losing light. No pressure.

I snatched that son of a bitch one handed. I saw a different "gloved" man and his son following the short-breathed slow man and give him a grin. I tossed him the ball and he said thanks.

My wife wasn't impressed.


Unconfirmed Member
:: has this ::

if that tells you anything about me

Has disposable income, sits down a lot, likes video-games/video-game paraphernalia (possibly antisocial), has Playstation, imgur upload, likes art (ostentatious), has collector/orderliness tendencies, has camera, shy.

Need more info show more room.


Has disposable income, sits down a lot, likes video-games/video-game paraphernalia (possibly antisocial), has Playstation, imgur upload, likes art (ostentatious), has collector/orderliness tendencies, has camera, shy.

Need more info show more room.

Yeah mostly right!

and I would but there are too many naked women in here sorry
Is The 100 any good?

First five episodes of season one are absolute garbage. No lie. But then it becomes really awesome and season two is incredible from start to finish.

Season 3 is fine up until episode 7 and then it goes to shit. But I'm trash for it anyway because I'm in denial about...certain events.

I'll embrace it and then I'll embrace you.


I'm on my phone but if I was at my computer id be posting like a million winking gifs


Once Upon a Time needs to kill some people off. The cameos already introduce enough new characters as it is and the main cast is too large. I can't spread my character investment that far. The Charmings are just sorta there and no longer have much of a stake in the world besides their baby. Henry's just The Watcher now, and most of the season 1 regulars are just gone. So far they've recently only killed new characters and characters who were already dead.

And give the interesting characters something to do. Robin Hood hasn't done shit in a long time.

And stop sending me ads for depression treatmemt, GAF banner. I know and I already took steps to deal with it. Stop bringing it up.


Is currently on Stage 1: Denial regarding the service game future
The thumb button on my mouse is squeaking and I think I'm going to go insane.

Yeah mostly right!

and I would but there are too many naked women in here sorry

Sounds like naughty nurse is still going well for you. Have you explained GAF to her yet?


The thumb button on my mouse is squeaking and I think I'm going to go insane.

Sounds like naughty nurse is still going well for you. Have you explained GAF to her yet?

yeah it's going better. I kinda like her. we had a good talk last night.

she works long/late shifts too which is nice for me since I don't like doing things.

and why the hell would I do that? jesus that sounds like a bad idea

"there's this place where I bullshit all day and may occasionally talk about you or complain about you"

and just for the record she wasn't actually naked, I was bullshitting

she just left a bit ago


yeah it's going better. I kinda like her. we had a good talk last night.

she works long/late shifts too which is nice for me since I don't like doing things.

and why the hell would I do that? jesus that sounds like a bad idea

"there's this place where I bullshit all day and may occasionally talk about you or complain about you"

post pics of her. for science


Unconfirmed Member
yeah it's going better. I kinda like her. we had a good talk last night.

she works long/late shifts too which is nice for me since I don't like doing things.

and why the hell would I do that? jesus that sounds like a bad idea

"there's this place where I bullshit all day and may occasionally talk about you or complain about you"

and just for the record she wasn't actually naked, I was bullshitting

she just left a bit ago

Kinda like her. What the shit is this.

Don't ya love her madly
Don't ya need her badly
Don't ya love her ways
Tell me what you say

Don't you love her madly
Wanna be her daddy
Don't ya love her face
Don't ya love her as she's walkin' out the door


I just want to play dark souls 3. I've only barely made it past vordt and the game is just begging me to return.

You're telling me. I've got one lord of cinder to go.
Boreal Dancer
was a pain in my ass. I survived on pure luck alone.

Misha I should've known you'd be repping
in that villain thread. That said, you do have a point.
She could have been a great leader, but if they had left it at that then there really wouldn't be a conflict. The whole thing was that she was more than willing to repair the country, but it was her way or the highway...to hell. Free will almost always wins in a free will vs safety conflict. It would have ended the way that the Invasion of the Body Snatchers remake ended, with the protagonists wondering if they were right.

It could have gone that route but not for a full season. It would have been Korra realizing that the human world is fine for now and doesn't really need her, and then transitioned to her going to the spirit world with Asami. That's more of an epilogue story than a full season story. I guess you could shift the focus on Korra traveling around on her own, trying to regain her strength, and have that generate the central conflict to negate the need for a main villain, then sprinkle in the Kuvira stuff as a side thing so it doesn't come out of nowhere. That would arguably weaken the season, though.
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