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FakeGAF Episode 5: The Thirst Awakens

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Unconfirmed Member
You forgot to glue a gear to your forehead


“The thing people don’t realize about the Gear Wars is that it wasn’t really about the gears.” -Gear Head


I wonder what it would be like to fuck a dead person

I'm thinking about this for no reason in particular

the more interesting question is -- what if you're fucking a living person, and then just before you finish, they die. Does finishing up make you a necrophiliac? Is it wrong or is it what they would have wanted? Does implied consent apply here?


the more interesting question is -- what if you're fucking a living person, and then just before you finish, they die. Does finishing up make you a necrophiliac? Is it wrong or is it what they would have wanted? Does implied consent apply here?



irresponsible vagina leak
I wonder what it would be like to fuck a dead person

I'm thinking about this for no reason in particular
I could play dead for you and you could embalm me with your fluids.
I think it does. You are already in the process of. In a way it's the dying persons last wish.

and what a way to go out.

I'd love to be literally fucked to death one day

Fucked to death? You? Pucker up cowboy.


the more interesting question is -- what if you're fucking a living person, and then just before you finish, they die. Does finishing up make you a necrophiliac? Is it wrong or is it what they would have wanted? Does implied consent apply here?

I think it does. You are already in the process of. In a way it's the dying persons last wish.

and what a way to go out.

I'd love to be literally fucked to death one day


yeah it's going better. I kinda like her. we had a good talk last night.
did you ask her if she likes you yet?
You're telling me. I've got one lord of cinder to go.
Boreal Dancer
was a pain in my ass. I survived on pure luck alone.

Misha I should've known you'd be repping
in that villain thread. That said, you do have a point.
She could have been a great leader, but if they had left it at that then there really wouldn't be a conflict. The whole thing was that she was more than willing to repair the country, but it was her way or the highway...to hell. Free will almost always wins in a free will vs safety conflict. It would have ended the way that the Invasion of the Body Snatchers remake ended, with the protagonists wondering if they were right.

It could have gone that route but not for a full season. It would have been Korra realizing that the human world is fine for now and doesn't really need her, and then transitioned to her going to the spirit world with Asami. That's more of an epilogue story than a full season story. I guess you could shift the focus on Korra traveling around on her own, trying to regain her strength, and have that generate the central conflict to negate the need for a main villain, then sprinkle in the Kuvira stuff as a side thing so it doesn't come out of nowhere. That would arguably weaken the season, though.

there still could be conflict. the strong arming people into joining her empire was incredibly morally questionable but at the same time, it had results. stuff like the work camps were just straight up evil and didn't really fit in with the rest of the things where she was doing it because it would have benefit.
even developing a superweapon so she didn't have to worry about the avatar having her way with things wasn't a horrible thing, its sorta like batman having kriptonite in case he has to deal with superman
invading her hometown could still work too since they had a large portion of the earth kingdom's wealth and technology and were mostly refusing to help anyone else so it would be an interesting moral dilemma of whether it would be good to do a robin hood type
I've seen her compared to mao style communism which is a pretty interesting perspective and if done right could have educated western people about concepts they never bothered learning.

just an unfortunate missed opportunity of something that could have been great just being good


I just went in and talked to my boss about a raise/promotion which was way more nerve wracking than I was expecting.

I sincerly hope that whatever promotion you are going for doesn't take you away from us.

you are integral to my time wasting effort at my office


Told this story on GAF before, but my first GF actually made me sit in ice water once because she wanted to know what it was like to fuck a corpse.

I dunno if it worked out for her, but she routinely mentioned that she could just kill me and keep my body around for sex if I disappointed her.

Sorry, just wanted to tell my necrophilia story.


I'm not worth worrying about. I went out with a bottle of booze, some pills, passed out, and someone found me. Woke up in A&E, had my stomach pumped, an appointment was made with the mental health team, and I was discharged. Again, I'm sorry. I shouldn't have worried you.


^ glad you are okay, and please GO TO THAT APPOINTMENT.

did you ask her if she likes you yet?

She kind of initiated all of this so I didn't need to. Had she not been so assertive I would have just left without seeing her again. I had no plans to hit on the hospital staff
I'm not worth worrying about. I went out with a bottle of booze, some pills, passed out, and someone found me. Woke up in A&E, had my stomach pumped, an appointment was made with the mental health team, and I was discharged. Again, I'm sorry. I shouldn't have worried you.

Please. Talk to someone. I am glad that you're okay but this won't go away. You owe it to yourself to be happy.


I'm not worth worrying about. I went out with a bottle of booze, some pills, passed out, and someone found me. Woke up in A&E, had my stomach pumped, an appointment was made with the mental health team, and I was discharged. Again, I'm sorry. I shouldn't have worried you.

Hey, you should go to that appointment.

Unless you got better things to do I guess.


So, um, about last night. I just got discharged from hospital.

I'm sorry.

glad to hear from you :)

don't worry about us. I've had a few friends that were in that position before and the important thing is that they bounced back in the end. Its definitely hard to put it into perspective at the time so its always good to take it one step at a time and preferably use external help like a therapist (theres really no shame in a therapist. I find a lot of people are against the concept initially but I had one and he definitely helped me a lot)


I don't deserve happiness, Em.


what would compel you to say such a thing?

I don't. What I want and what I deserve are different. You know what I want, and I have none of it. No friends, no social life, etc. No queen to call my own.

is this really what all this is about? lack of friends and romance?

I promise you that if you put the energy you spend hating yourself for what you think you lack into making yourself a better person those things that you are missing will come to you.


irresponsible vagina leak
I don't. What I want and what I deserve are different. You know what I want, and I have none of it. No friends, no social life, etc. No queen to call my own.
All those things you can work on improving them. You are putting negative filter at everything instead of working towards the things you want. Life ain't easy but we gotta keep working within the hardships for the things we want.
I don't. What I want and what I deserve are different. You know what I want, and I have none of it. No friends, no social life, etc. No queen to call my own.

Self-confidence and self-love is not measured in the number of people who surround us, it's about who we are, as individuals.

You have to love yourself first and foremost, and to do that, you need to go to that mental health appointment. Once you realize that you are a good person, and that what you want and what you deserve are, in fact, the same, I believe everything will start to fall into place. Just give it a shot.
You'll get out of the depression you're in Symphonia, you just have to have the mental fortitude to do some introspection upon your soul, heal the worst of the wounds in it and improve what needs to be improved.

All humans deserve to be happy.

You're a human and you should have a right to happiness and the courage and desire to change for the better of yourself and your friends and family.

Don't mistake moments of misery to be how your life will be from then on. They're meant to make you change your perspective.

If nothing else, live to see your daughter and influence her in a way that helps you and her.
I just lost everything I had and almost drank myself to death. It took my dad to fly accross the country to physically remove me from my bed and give me the help I needed. Sometimes we all need help man. Dont be afraid to ask for help. Things will get better if you truly want it to. Dont let the depression consume you. Get help.
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