Sept. 2013 was the last time. Cause I started dating Adam Jan 2014 and that lasted for a year and a half (ish) and then I went to boot camp / tech school so
there's no possibilty I'm pregnant x-x
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You've become a sexy nun?
Pancakes are better anyways
Need to invent time travel and then go back to ancient Egypt and get them to adopt emojis as their writing system.
Virgin Mary also said that![]()
are you trying to tell me those aren't emojis?
not every system gives them the same image
It's not a smirk. Her face is disfigured. It just looks like she's smirking.
Also I got so much shit the other day for stanning Margaery.probably because I threw my boy Ramsay in as King in the North by right of conquest
And Shmi Skywalker.
Although I think that vapid slut was lying.
I'm not becoming a nun...yet. still have a tiny bit of hope. but no need to try hooking me up with frat boys again ;p
I'm still perched for your first lesbian encounter.
I have to live that one through you because it's biologically impossible for me.
Jesus, there are no proper frats in Germany. Don't tell me you've got involved with a Burschenschaft :O
I always interpreted "There was no father. I carried him, I gave birth, I raised him. I can't explain what happened." as the father done r-u-n-n-o-f-t when she got pregnant leaving her as a single mother
but apparently no one else saw that and i don't think thats the canon interpretation. I expected his father ot show up in episode 2 but obviously that didn't happen
bateman did. and you wanted to set us up. remember?![]()
You would be a cute couple though.Everything involving you would be cute actually :3 Don't give up hope, you're the finest catch out there
b'aw <3 :,) sweetest thing I've heard.
but we would be a weird looking couple. he's a giant and I'm a hobbit.
Sorry this is an impossible requestSomebody give me some good music to listen to that is specifically my taste and not some crazy hole in the wall indie band.
I'm super into Ke$ha and Pit Bull so that might help.
It's not Trabs level of hotness that's the issue, it's the density of dudes in her area who rollerblade.
Solution: move to Brighton I don't know anyone who rollerbladesIt's not Trabs level of hotness that's the issue, it's the density of dudes in her area who rollerblade.
Hey fuck you I know how to cook broccoli properly
I might be![]()
All this sapphic talk reminds me that my girlfriend told me after watching Deadpool that she was turned the fuck on by Morena Baccarin.
Jump up and down after sex.
there's no possibilty I'm pregnant x-x
b'aw <3 :,) sweetest thing I've heard.
but we would be a weird looking couple. he's a giant and I'm a hobbit.
It's not Trabs level of hotness that's the issue, it's the density of dudes in her area who rollerblade.
It is one of the stupidest ideas in Star Wars, which has a lot of stupid ideas.
He not only had to be the One who would bring balance to the force, have a higher Midichlorian count than Yoda (fucking fuck) but ALSO been born from an immaculate conception.
So in my SW universe, Shmi fucked everybody in the cantina and came up with that shitty story herself.
how tall/small are you?
I liked the idea that his father was a smuggler who shmi fell in love with and then he just up and left when he was done on the planet and she ended up being a slave because she couldn't afford to provide for both her and anakin(more of an indentured servant route)
hobbit size .about 1.60. and bateman is like super basketball tall.
hobbit size .about 1.60. and bateman is like super basketball tall.
Ok, sorry. My mother won't allow me impregnate you, I already bring great shame not being as tall as my father to our family. I can't taint my bloodline further, little Shakira
I would allow Bateman to impregnate me though, even without asking my mom for permission lol
I actually kind of dig the idea that Anakin was a direct manifestation of Darth Plagueis ability with the force. He was able to create life. One of the best things about the Prequels was the hinting at Plagueis' power and the life Palpatine had before these movies. I'm glad Lucas didn't get super explicit and detail that part of the plot.
All this sapphic talk reminds me that my girlfriend told me after watching Deadpool that she was turned the fuck on by Morena Baccarin.
fuck I'm doing exactly the wrong thing
also this thread is turning me gayer by the minute. all these lesbian vibes man.
part of the thing i liked about luke was he was a random farm kid on a backwater planet
then it turned out his father was the second most powerful person in the galaxy (yes i think that was an awful and sloppy twist)
then there was anakin who was a random slave kid who was found to be surprisingly force sensitive
then it turned out he was an immaculate conception from the most evil guy around
pretty much why I'm looking forward to rogue one hopefully finally not having characters with some sort of birthright (and why i hope rey isn't related to anyone.)
also this thread is turning me gayer by the minute. all these lesbian vibes man.
part of the thing i liked about luke was he was a random farm kid on a backwater planet
then it turned out his father was the second most powerful person in the galaxy (yes i think that was an awful and sloppy twist)
then there was anakin who was a random slave kid who was found to be surprisingly force sensitive
then it turned out he was an immaculate conception from the most evil guy around
pretty much why I'm looking forward to rogue one hopefully finally not having characters with some sort of birthright (and why i hope rey isn't related to anyone.)