stuburns said:FlashForward and V both for me.
will be watching theseharSon said:Community looks good
yeahSean said:Was just thinking, what happened to that sci-fi parody/comedy show from the dudes behind It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia?
canned I assume?
Wha?Sean said:Was just thinking, what happened to that sci-fi parody/comedy show from the dudes behind It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia?
canned I assume? shot the pilot and they weren't happy with it, now they're doing re-shoots. Also, now that Always Sunny's been renewed for a couple more seasons he says they don't have any time to do the show, so they're handing it off to Larry Charles (who's worked on Seinfeld, Curb Your Enthusiasm, Entourage, and some other stuff, and directed Borat and Bruno) to take over for them.
Salazar said:Que ?
BluWacky said:it's a huge success in the Czech Republic, strangely enough)
Keyser Soze said:Excited for Flashfoward, V too... but it is still a long way off
Might give Eastwick a go, as, erm, I liked Charmed
Looks like ABC have nailed what I like this time round
Still miss Journeyman... fuck you NBC
VOOK said:I'll be watching Community, V and Flashforward
But Also...
Stargate Universe
Premires 2nd of October, Scifi (Syfy ugh)
Anasui Kishibe said:oh look it's harSon
harSon said:I'm not the one pulling shit out of his ass
Well, you can download one video from Ep2 featuring a new song, apart from that....we'll just have to wait 'till 9/9/9Black-Wind said:Oh, and has Glee started showing new stuff? I just saw the pilot on TV (saw it when they first aired it as well).
Phobophile said:I wanna watch Community because it has the black dude from Derrick Comedy.
trineo_feo said:Well, you can download one video from Ep2 featuring a new song, apart from that....we'll just have to wait 'till 9/9/9
gdt5016 said:Here's me
And I think thats it.
You forgot Trauma and Parenthood (I think PH got moved to Jan though). Those should be checked out if only because of the cast/crew.
Ashhong said:eh? am i missing something on the cast list for Trauma? seems like a long list of nobodies. i only recognize one person, Reuben Palchuck from Sunshine.
gdt5016 said:Peter Berg is in there somewhere. He created this and FNL IIRC.
Ashhong said:he did indeed create FNL. he made Trauma???? i was gonna watch anyway, but thats good to know. although its like completely different worlds
VOOK said:
gdt5016 said:I don't see them as that different actually. I think it will have the same camera work (Berg also employed it in Hancock, which he directed), and it could easily have the same style. Make it about the characters doing the job. Kinda like FNL is about football players, not necessarily football. I think it could be good if it's more or less like FNL.
Edit: I also hope it'll be arc based like FNL.
Smelly Tramp said:Just Flash Forward for me, and even then i don't see that having good legs. Where can they go after they've figured out the missing time and caught up with the flash forwards? More incidents? That'd get lame pretty fast.
It'll probably be a one season wonder show for me, kind of like Heroes was.
What we really need is a new Breaking Bad. A really original show, not the constant stargates (the new show just sounds like a BSG rip off anyway) or the latest angsty teen vampire shows that have been excreted out of the Hollywood shit machine.
Atleast Futurama is back anyway, that feels quite good.
Ashhong said:Breaking Bad was a new Dexter, so what we need is a new Dexterat least imo
breaking bad was a new WEEDS (it's also 1000x better)Ashhong said:Breaking Bad was a new Dexter, so what we need is a new Dexterat least imo
His name doesn't mean much imo, FNL movie and tv series is the only thing i've liked by him.gdt5016 said:Peter Berg is in there somewhere. He created this and FNL IIRC.
sweetwasabi said:Watched "Glee" this week and it was amazing. Like really good. I'll keep watching for sure, as long as doesnt drag too much