Fall 2013 Anime |OT| When is Crunchyroll coming to GTA Online?

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Bakuman - Episode 9

Man... glasses guy is awesome. Dude has
2 girls at his house, punches a dude in the face, still has time to write stories, and said who cares that he didn't get the #1 spot on the exams in his class
. He is freakin awesome lately! Can't say the same for the main character, he's pretty boring lately.


Subete no aware
Man finished catching up with Breaking Bad, its like they pulling Code Geass on all front lol.. glorious.

Better than LWA.
I do agree with that. I think I still like Arve Rezzle a bit better, but now that I think about it, I don't even remember what it was about.
Of course. :p

I... uh...
Your secret is safe with animegaf.

When has anything in animegaf lived up to the hype?
I can't remember. :(

Got a copyright notice from Aniplex on my Youtube account again. This time for some Magi ad I uploaded ages ago. FML. Had to do that "Copyright School" Q&A crap too. >_<
Don't copy that floppy!


Otorimonogatari (II)

God damn Shinobu with that ether, that shit that makes Nedeko's soul burn slow. Shit was vulgar, just vulgar.


The sales verdict is in. From the Media Create thread:
06./00. [PS3] My Little Sister Can't Be This Cute. Happy End # <ADV> (Bandai Namco Games) {2013.09.26} (¥7.480) - 31.054 / NEW
By the way, according to Media Create's numbers at least, this means it barely outsold Wind Waker HD.



I think it would've been better to say that "she was adorable, and yet it gives this vibe that makes it feel rapey". Or something. Something similar to how I felt about that Cure Peace Cushion Cover.

But that doesn't work - it makes it sound like the rapiness is working against the cuteness, whereas in fact the two are working together in perfect harmony.

The chibi Sakura lying on the floor is pretty cute on its own, but it's the contrast provided by the full-size Natsuki entering the shot and towering imposingly over her that elevates it to the next level of cuteness. It changes Sakura's chibi appearance from a pure artstyle choice into something that makes her appear tiny and powerless at Natsuki's feet. It's that sense of helplessness/dominance - ie. rapiness - that makes the whole thing extra adorable.

And speaking of adorable, OH MY GOD I THINK MY HEART JUST MELTED. Which is worrying because I think hearts are pretty key to living. I might be about to die. That little girl has killed me with sheer cuteness.

I'm going to have to watch the Usagi Drop movie now aren't I.

I think your google search broke as that not how you spell onodera. Only one thats not terrible.

Why am I half-agreeing with DTL about something? And something relating to female characters, no less?

I mean, I don't agree that all the girls who aren't Onodera are terrible. But Onodera is clearly the best.


Tomorrow is going to be busy:

Gallei Donna
Klll La Kill
IS 2
Golden Time
Chronicles of the Going Home Club (2 more episodes)


Yeah, the fact that noitaminA doesn't start for another week is one of the only saving graces about this season for me so that I don't get completely swamped in shows for the first couple days.

Well, next Thursday is going to be nuts anyway. Everything that started this week will still air next week, and VVV, GD, and SF are all joining the fray. Crazy!


Tomorrow is going to be busy:

Gallei Donna
Klll La Kill
IS 2
Golden Time
Chronicles of the Going Home Club (2 more episodes)

Oh wow, I only just realised that Nagi no Asu Kara, Kyoukai no Kanata, Kill la Kill and Golden Time are all debuting within the first two days of the season. Autumn 2013 is hitting hard from the get go, huh.


Fractale wasn't special among bombs for being an original concept; people just chose to use it because it was fun to tweak Yamakan after he declared that he'd leave the anime industry if the show was a failure. I don't think that C3bu escapes some lasting notoriety given that it basically officially marks the end of GAINAX as a studio with any discernible creative vision or real relevance in the anime industry.
Officially marks? I'm pretty sure most of us called that before C3bu.
It was clear a long time ago that all of the talent was gone, but the case for the studio being totally irrelevant is stronger now that they've had a string of complete commercial failures. They're basically the kiss of death now.
Don't worry, remember they even went to Yonago to nurture that new talent... where they helped to create initiatives that go from sponsoring filmmaking school camps to just yesterday announcing the inauguration of their own, rented screen at a local theater; the GAINAXSIATER&#9733;, as it is called:

&#31859;&#23376;&#39365;&#21069;&#12452;&#12458;&#12531;&#12398;&#26144;&#30011;&#39208;&#36321;&#12408;&#28508;&#20837; | &#31859;&#23376;&#12471;&#12493;&#12510;&#12463;&#12521;&#12502;&#65286;&#20803;&#27671;&#12415;&#12394;&#12392;&#21830;&#24215;&#34903;&#12289;&#27963;&#21205;&#26085;&#35352;

They'll leverage here with affordable screenings all those late shows from them that didn't sell... tremble in fear ufotable CINEMA! :)

I still think there is still the time to come for Hiroyuki Yamaga to get personal! Their two backed projects he personally is in charge of (There Is a Reason That We Yawn and Blue URU) are not to be in full production soon because Mr. Akai specifically mentioned the reformation process the studio is immersed in and the amount of hours lost working in now 'on-hold' projects Mr. Yamaga was also very invested in, like Ghost Rhapsody.

My Blu-Ray box set came in a while ago, so I show it now!
Very pretty, my friend!


Kana Asumi joins Nisekoi cast as Marika Tachibana

From my quick Google search of the main cast, she may be the best girl. Time to read the manga I guess!


When has anything in animegaf lived up to the hype?

I'll second or third Perfect Blue.

Uhm...well Watamote was exactly the kind of show people were expecting!

But that doesn't work - it makes it sound like the rapiness is working against the cuteness, whereas in fact the two are working together in perfect harmony.

The chibi Sakura lying on the floor is pretty cute on its own, but it's the contrast provided by the full-size Natsuki entering the shot and towering imposingly over her that elevates it to the next level of cuteness. It changes Sakura's chibi appearance from a pure artstyle choice into something that makes her appear tiny and powerless at Natsuki's feet. It's that sense of helplessness/dominance - ie. rapiness - that makes the whole thing extra adorable.

And speaking of adorable, OH MY GOD I THINK MY HEART JUST MELTED. Which is worrying because I think hearts are pretty key to living. I might be about to die. That little girl has killed me with sheer cuteness.

I'm going to have to watch the Usagi Drop movie now aren't I.

Why am I half-agreeing with DTL about something? And something relating to female characters, no less?

I mean, I don't agree that all the girls who aren't Onodera are terrible. But Onodera is clearly the best.

I must say you have quite interesting definition for "adorably rapey" but it makes sense.
Yeah, it's not a "trainwreck" in any sense.

I think you can call a narrative a "trainwreck" in the sense that it's a trainwreck for one of the characters in it, where his life spirals downwards until it ends in complete ruin. This is, of course, quite different from a "trainwreck" in the sense of bad writing.


I think you can call a narrative a "trainwreck" in the sense that it's a trainwreck for one of the characters in it, where his life spirals downwards until it ends in complete ruin. This is, of course, quite different from a "trainwreck" in the sense of bad writing.

That's what I mean, thank you.


Are there any good anime with literal trainwrecks? You know, trains crashing. Oh wait, I know of one recent one. The Blue Exorcist movie! ^_^


For day one I am looking at Coppelion, Gaist Crusher, Kyousougiga and maybe Kyoukai no Kanata, maybe others.


Are there any good anime with literal trainwrecks? You know, trains crashing. Oh wait, I know of one recent one. The Blue Exorcist movie! ^_^

Can I just stick with anime with train wrecks? In which case Daughter of Twenty Faces would count (that was a good trainwreck, even if the anime itself ended up being a bit...weird... by the end).

also Angel Beats has a train crash!
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