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Fall Anime 2014 |OT2| Idly waiting for the Dog Days of Sabre

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Log Horizon 2 - 05

Aw yeah. Definitely a more entertaining episode from an action point of view. And there was decidedly less self pitying Akatsuki so there's that too.

Log Horizon 2 - 06

This has been the most traditional "Log Horizon-y" feeling episode that's come out since before ep. 4. The sprinkles of world building and continued look into the base mechanics of the world was just something I really appreciated seeing a return to. Looking forward to seeing how
flavor text
ends up impacting the goings on of this world. That was a really mean Scythe.


Sailor Moon Mondays: Sailor Moon R: Episode 68

Well, this is almost like a counterweight to the uselessness of the previous episode as we get one of those refreshing plot revelation affairs this time out and I do mean that because it provides a respite from the Monster of the Week format. Indeed, there are no goofy plots or henchmen monsters to deal with this time as after a visit from big bad Wiseman his hatchet-man Rubeus sends out his entire contingent in order to hunt Chibi-Usa in order to hasten the fall of Crystal Tokyo to the Black Moon clan, first identified as such in this episode. Also, dear lord did Science Marches On hit this hard. They are expatriates from the tenth planet? Oh, you mean on of the many rocks out there that we now call Dwarf Planets, neat. Also, ew, gross, I never needed to see Chibi-Usa wet the bed but then again between this episode and last episode I am really desiring to see her head on a pike. The problem of having her in focus for to long as she really is her mothers daughter and indeed this is the episode that confirms that fact to the viewer. All and all strongest recommendation to watch this episode.
I consider Tamako Market to be an underrated gem.

If only it didn't have that bird...

D-Frag ! 01-02

Seen this in many AotY lists and decided to give it a try. In the relentless barrage of jokes, some of them inevitably turn out to be duds + the small bit of drama was awful but other than that it was pretty great. If it keeps it up, it might just edge out Nozaki for me.

It's mostly all jokes without much drama for the rest of the show too.

He might be starting to like yanderes now so I'm thinking about making him watch Mirai Nikki. Hopefully that goes well. :p

Sounds good!
Yowamushi Pedal: Grande Road 9

I wish this Hiroshima team would just go away. It's too late to introduce this faction and they are not compelling at all. Oh, no, water bottle drama. Honestly, Grande Road has been pretty disappointing so far other than the Midousuji flashbacks. I wonder if this series has lost all of its steam. Even the first season of the show peaked well before the inter-highs even started.


Erigu was hating on Monster and Urasawa before its cool.
I think the "Fugitive" parts of it were decently entertaining (unusual setting for a Japanese comic, too), but the Johan plot was a mess and foreshadowed Urasawa's (and Nagasaki's) future "efforts" in the mystery genre.

20th century boys and billy bat are indefensible

Naw man Master Keaton and mainly Pluto are where it's at.
Then again, who wrote Master Keaton? Urasawa and Nagasaki claim that they did (rather than Katsushika Hokusei / Kimura Hajime, who's a bit too dead to defend himself), but I don't know that I'd believe those guys.
... Oh, speaking of which, I see that they did manage to get Katsushika's name to be featured less prominently than Urasawa's on the recent edition, in the end... I don't imagine they'd want to do the same with Tezuka's name on Pluto though. Funny, that.

[Billy Bat]
The premise reads like a parody of his work. Damn.
Oh, it has to be read to be believed. Those Lady in the Water vibes...
Urasawa has clearly real talent... but he also is kind of a hack from some stuff he doesn't know how to focus on plots or how to make a good climax, or how to properly plan some developments.

Monster is good, but isn't perfect, the pace and the later half could have improved.
Pluto is also good, but even then the final part was as strong as the initial and middle arcs
20th CB started super strong but after the first seven volumes or so it starts faltering, and later it goes to the trash.
Billy Bat goes straight to the trash, from the little I've seen.


Urasawa has clearly real talent... but he also is kind of a hack from some stuff he doesn't know how to focus on plots or how to make a good climax, or how to properly plan some developments.
Supposing he's even interested in any of that... The guy actually went "some readers are annoyed that I didn't reveal the Friend's identity, but it never was about that (laughs)" in an interview, back when 20th Century Boys was ending. Those silly people were just reading it wrong, y'see? Never mind all the pages and cliffhangers devoted to that particular question.
So having now just about caught up with Parasyte, yeah the anime's female characters are definitely worse. Not that Murano or Kana are top tier female characters but some of the changes to them are really fucking stupid. And by making glasses girl
a full fledged side character rather than a plot device they somehow made her even dumber.


I dont really understand how/why this is happening unless people really just dont watch the shows and think anything with more than one girl in it is slice of life moeshit.

Well for some people anything thats set in the real world (or lacks major fantastic elements) and isn't Sports is all thrown in the SoL bucket. Its not about misunderstanding shows, its about having a different definition.
Ah shit. I forgot to place this here

Grisaia no Kajitsu Overall Thoughts
Erm... Not your typical everyday life anime I guess. Lots of unexpected and expected violence and girls getting frighten alot. Oh and nudity on the first episode.

What I can say is that if you don't have a good tolerance for any of the above don't even watch it, just stay the fuck away from it.

And for those who have played the vn should know that it does not follow the original plot, but is one grand route for the sequel.

Its hard to say but, I do not recommend this. It's really good for a guilty pleasure anime, but not if you are looking for a decent anime.

As for me, I am looking forward for the sequel.


Okay, circling back around again to clarify what my intentions were for the Technical Awards stuff, since it's something I'd really like to see happen: I would be taking votes through PM, so the thread wouldn't get too cluttered. As far as categories go, I wasn't really thinking of anything too technically complex; I was trying to think of some criteria that can cover more specific details of how a show is put together, but could still be ranked by a more casual viewer. I was also planning on having a super-brief description for each category to help them out. For now I was only thinking of having 5-8 categories; stuff like best direction, best animation, best art design, best sound design, best acting performance (for both males and female VAs), and so forth.

Any other comments or recommendations -- or even just a "no one cares, go away" if that really is the general sentiment -- would be appreciated.


urasawa's a hack so its fine to take a shit on him
Over the years I started to share this sentiment as well. Urasawa's major works all try to keep building this big grand mystery, but the revelations just never live up to any of the hype. Plus his works are terrible for rereads since once you are familiar with his bullshit there isn't much else to admire. Well his art is pretty so that's something.


Okay, circling back around again to clarify what my intentions were for the Technical Awards stuff, since it's something I'd really like to see happen: I would be taking votes through PM, so the thread wouldn't get too cluttered. As far as categories go, I wasn't really thinking of anything too technically complex; I was trying to think of some criteria that can cover more specific details of how a show is put together, but could still be ranked by a more casual viewer. I was also planning on having a super-brief description for each category to help them out. For now I was only thinking of having 5-8 categories; stuff like best direction, best animation, best art design, best sound design, best acting performance (for both males and female VAs), and so forth.

Any other comments or recommendations -- or even just a "no one cares, go away" if that really is the general sentiment -- would be appreciated.

It's not that I don't care - far from it - but I think you may end up with the following problems:

- Best Sound Design - in ANY artistic endeavour this is the award category that gets screwed over, because no-one knows what it means. What IS "sound design"? Is it the sound effects? Is it the music? Is it the balance between all aural elements?

- VA Performance - are you looking for something other than "(insert name here) hnnngh"? Most of us are not conversant enough in what Japanese should actually sound like to vote on technical merits, and part of this will come with a role you admire as well.

- Direction/Animation/Art Design - you'll need to be very clear on what you mean here. I suspect the "direction" category is really going to be about films and auteur works because otherwise there's nothing identifiably "director-y" about many shows; because of anime's idiosyncracies in terms of slavish adaptation of manga panels/every episode having its own director and the changes this means etc. it becomes difficult to really credit a single director with the quality of a show overall. You also need to clarify the difference between Animation and Art Design so we don't end up with people saying things like "Ping Pong has dreadful animation" when they mean that they hate the art style, or saying WIXOSS has great animation because it has beautiful Pablo backgrounds, or whatever.

Just some thoughts, sorry if they sound quite negative.


We're talking about Tenma here?
I recommend all of the bolded!
You know, you're pretty cool for a cute girls fan. Not bolding those other two wounds me deeply, though.
Technical Awards
I see a logistical problem. How will you keep people informed that this is a thing if you're keeping it through PM's?
- VA Performance - are you looking for something other than "(insert name here) hnnngh"? Most of us are not conversant enough in what Japanese should actually sound like to vote on technical merits, and part of this will come with a role you admire as well.
We'll be rating dubs, of course. Subs are for chumps anyways
L'Animation indépendante japonaise



The struggle of a cicada in its life cycle. Their mode of life reminds you how life is just a system for information (dna) to perservere across time...
and then
]Fukushima comes and mutates the poor cicada throwing hundreds of thousands of year of dna transmission to the garbage bin, lol.
The punchline is simple, good and heartfelt.

Pika Pika

More lightpaint (from the same people as Maze). I liked this one more, it moves around nicely outside and more focus on the sound.

Airy me


Good original art, solid animation, good music, and interesting theme.


By author Mirai Mizue (this dude has done a few more).
Fluid organic abstract animation, things move and grow big and small and always change, accompanied by a happy music. Animation is smoother than in his other works and it repeats less, I suppose he had more budget.



A tone work. Because lots of these animation shorts are what we could refer to modern abstract art, in fact I think some were comissioned or shown in modern art museums.
So in lots of them you barely get a specific tone, a "feeling" they express through visuals and audio. No story, no characters. And well, I would say the authors also reject the very idea of making it more clear what their short is about (in the case there is something hidden in there!) as that would be catering to the mainstream, a cardinal sin for them, therefore lots of them are "obscure" as fuck.

In this one, the tone is anxiety, horror, hostility, and it's well done through striking bold lines, primary colors like red or blue filling the world, actions of violence and a discordant music.



(very)Stop-motion. The stillnes, the super minimal sound scape and the symbolic figures gives it an air of mystery and secrets.
I think it tries to use a curious perspective where the same murder scene is seen across time in the same place divided in four cuadrants (each one corresponding to different times), representing how our detective genius (Columbus!) solves the cases with his all-seeing discerment of what happened, as if he could see what we see, the same scene from different time perspectives.



Calmness, comfiness, sleepiness. Nice music, soft colors. It plays around with shapes of lips, human bodies, blankets and food, which they transform when they want,


A light-motion-paint or however it's said. Neat.

Sougiya to Inu

Decent 'ugly' art style and music, it has some nice use of perspective and at least it has some kind of story.


More from the author of Wonder, Mirai Mizue, but this is't as good.

And And.

And still more. It has a catchy song.



The closest thing a more a traditional format, in duration (55 minutes), focus on a story with a main character, voice acted, and we even have a girl shouting "baka baka baka!" so people can feel at home ;).

A super, super weird fantasy story about the nature life: fighting, surviving and eating. But it goes on for too long barely mantaining the interest in such weirdness, until we finally get the lesson for the MC in the last scene the middle part lost my interest.
Lovely illustration type of visuals, too.




Pure abstract art. It has a few neat images, but mostly trash.

Red Colored Bridge.


More abstract art, I suspect it's from the same author. I think the theme is... clash? or annoyance? Because it all clashes horribly, it combines pencil work with vector graphics and a grating music.

Great Rabbit

Idle trash. Some likes fatty boys.

Haru no Shikumi.

Same author, same crap, same fatty boys.

Hand Soap

Slow as hell. Didn't like it but at least it had a theme, mundane life and puberty. Guess what "hand soap" actually refers to.


I feel I could stretch out and make a guess about the hidden meaning of this short, but I also could make myself a fool while doing it.

Modern No 2

Shapes moving around and transforming. At least the music and the visual rythmn is well coordinated.


Same author as Futon, but I liked this less.

Ninja & Soldier.

Oh well, at least this one has a clear story and theme going, child soldiers and their drama. But I didn't like it. Zero sublety in how both children are compared, it just makes the work uninteresting.

Watashi no Kao


Lots of ugly imagery and gurggling sounds.


lol I've heard about the disappointing ending for a while now. I'm actually curious if I will feel the same way about it.

It has some of the most amazing comedic bits that I've seen.

It's okay we will always have our hate for Bebop to unite us.

Oh wait.

It's a really weird harem. I disliked the ending, curious what you will think of it.

Is it even possible to hate Bebop? I mean its possible to just not like the way it is or the style but to outright hate it seems kinda impossible. At the very least respect what it is and has accomplished.

Its the sequel-presequel and the sequel sequel that was a presequel sequel to the first season.
Basically, more girls pissing herself.

Im completely confused but this sounds like a terrible idea.


So kinda... no.

Rest of Grisaia games getting anime adaptations in Spring.

OK. Is it more like a generally fantasy world kind of show then? Like Ragnarok or something?

He might be starting to like yanderes now so I'm thinking about making him watch Mirai Nikki. Hopefully that goes well. :p

This. This is a GREAT idea!

Okay, circling back around again to clarify what my intentions were for the Technical Awards stuff, since it's something I'd really like to see happen: I would be taking votes through PM, so the thread wouldn't get too cluttered. As far as categories go, I wasn't really thinking of anything too technically complex; I was trying to think of some criteria that can cover more specific details of how a show is put together, but could still be ranked by a more casual viewer. I was also planning on having a super-brief description for each category to help them out. For now I was only thinking of having 5-8 categories; stuff like best direction, best animation, best art design, best sound design, best acting performance (for both males and female VAs), and so forth.

Any other comments or recommendations -- or even just a "no one cares, go away" if that really is the general sentiment -- would be appreciated.

Again I just dont know enough about the technical aspects to participate in a meaningful way. However I dont think this is a bad idea at all.


You know, you're pretty cool for a cute girls fan. Not bolding those other two wounds me deeply, though.

I see a logistical problem. How will you keep people informed that this is a thing if you're keeping it through PM's?

We'll be rating dubs, of course. Subs are for chumps anyways

Thanks :)
Regarding the unbolded ones I just havent seen them so I can make an opinion really.
You generally seem to have tastes in anime that I would agree with so take that as you will.

Link Man

And Yet the Town Moves 2

Cute backstory,really loving Hotori in this. And of course, it wouldn't be Studio Shaft without lovingly drawn foot shots.
Rage of Bahumet Genesis 12 [end]

Would have been better as a two hour movie instead of a 12 episode anime. Average at best though this whole final episode was an incredible ride. Loved the parts on the duck the most. 5/10


Aww yeah, all the way from the US and A
"The Complete Collection". Heh.
Animation director: Tetsuya Takeuchi
Character design: Mami Itoh
Story: Hikaru Sakurai
Designs are pretty but I know nothing about the people involved.
Thanks :)
Regarding the unbolded ones I just havent seen them so I can make an opinion really.
You generally seem to have tastes in anime that I would agree with so take that as you will.
Alright you're off the hook, now go watch Death Billiards so you can get (more?) hyped for the show airing on the 9th. Or tell me what pretentious garbage it is!

Link Man

Bodacious Space Pirates 8


A blonde princess named Serenity who wears her hair in tails, tied at the top in buns. Haven't seen that before. But she seems like she could be a fun character. Also, we get an introduction to the main crew, well done on them for the way they did that.
A cursory look at the AOTY thread leads me to think Nozaki-kun has a good shot at #1 and NGNL will not make the top 10. Both of these things make me very happy.
Bahamut - 12 [End]

This had some good moments, I liked the recall to bounty hunting as the juke. The last scene reminded me of good old first episode ;_;

Bahamut as a whole I think started off incredible. It started going downhill with the introduction of the angels and demons and save the world crap.
Though this has still been a entertaining show throughout, it does feel a bit disappointing that this is the end product we got from the promising start. Favaro is awesome, Rita is neat, and Amira.. well.. let's just say I wasn't a fan of how she.. progressed.
Now let us remember the first few episodes and dream of what could've been


L'Animation indépendante japonaise

It's nice seeing somehow post impressions of all the work on the two volumes! I'm going to be watching some of the other works on volume 2 tonight (all I've seen off it is Midori-ko and Wonder). Looking forward to seeing more of Mizue's work, Wonder left a really good impression on me.
Bahamut Overall Thoughts
You get a dismemberment and you get a dismemberment!

Well, it did start out strong and overall it was OK only. It did not try anything new-ish as you get the same old tale of normal people savin the world only within a different setting and different set of events.

The characters can range from great to meh. FAVAROOOOO being the main character is kinda nice cause you just want to see someone not super mary sue their way through everything now.

Well, I do recommend this, you will get a whale of a good time, just don't expect much from this.

Is it just me, or have webms been loading like ass lately?

Yeah, ever since everyone started using that pomf.se website, everything starts to load like crap.


A cursory look at the AOTY thread leads me to think Nozaki-kun has a good shot at #1 and NGNL will not make the top 10. Both of these things make me very happy.

Really ? It looks to me like it's between Dandy and Ping-Pong. With maybe HxH trailing far behind.

Is it even possible to hate Bebop? I mean its possible to just not like the way it is or the style but to outright hate it seems kinda impossible. At the very least respect what it is and has accomplished.

It was okayish I guess. I imagine today I would have greater appreciation for the production values at display and character arcs but a lot of the episodic stuff and even Spike's story never grabbed me.

Shingeki no Bahamut 12

Man those bounty hunter bracelets are too overpowered. I thought you
would at least have to weaken an enemy before turning him into stone cart
. Kudos to the Kaisar for taking one for the team and for Amira for again providing the most heartfelt moment in the episode.

Not quite sure what to think of this finale or even of the show as whole. They really could have used those 20 minutes wasted on the recap for the events in last two episodes and for a longer denouement.
Bahamut - 12 [End]

This had some good moments, I liked the recall to bounty hunting as the juke. The last scene reminded me of good old first episode ;_;

Bahamut as a whole I think started off incredible. It started going downhill with the introduction of the angels and demons and save the world crap.
Though this has still been a entertaining show throughout, it does feel a bit disappointing that this is the end product we got from the promising start. Favaro is awesome, Rita is neat, and Amira.. well.. let's just say I wasn't a fan of how she.. progressed.
Now let us remember the first few episodes and dream of what could've been

Same for me. It's disappointing how the plot early on seemed to be rather cohesive and comprehensive but then turned into s.th. without much logic and reason. Shit happens because it has to and my reaction is mostly "I guess that's how that works then?".

This episode there were a bunch of questionable events, too. First of all I have to facepalm at Beelzebub who faced the most obvious end, then Kaisar impales the evil schemer which apparently does nothing to him, but later on using the severed arm and card-collecters' bracelet they simply turn him into one of those cards. I guess it may have required the surprise factor and everything, but mostly it just feels super weak how he's turned into a card and that's that. Quite the powerful bracelet, though I suppose it is crafted by gods. Welp and then they easily rid themselves of Bahamut, you know, CGI destroyer of worlds and stuff.

With the exception of Bahamut though, the episode was really nice on the eye. Seemed like they changed the artstyle slightly for the protagonists...or maybe it as just the new hairstyles.

I'm really not sure what to think of Amira. Liked her early on but eh, her path throughout the story was kinda weird. At least she got a nice conclusion with that last dialogue between her and Favaro and a kiss! That scene was the highlight of the episode for me. Amira is probably not dead, though, considering Favaro seemed to hint at his tail still existing in the end (?).
edit: One aspect that I initially liked when it got mentioned is Amira's actual age being more like 5 years, as that explained her childish behavior well. In that sense though, Favaro just knowingly kissed a 5 year old! Reverse 'she's actually a 5000 year old witch!" situation.

Oh and apparently there's one last scene in the middle of the end credits...y u gotta keep doing that show!!


Seeing as there's a sudden interest in indie animation and particularly Mirai Mizue's Wonder, I thought I'd post the thingy he put on Youtube today:
It's pretty cool. Fairly different from his previous work too, there's none of the cell characters he's known for; it's more like a modern Norman McLaren "visual music" short. It also has some images you'll probably recognize if you've seen Fantasia (1940) :p
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