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Fall Anime 2014 |OT2| Idly waiting for the Dog Days of Sabre

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Selector Infected WIXOSS 6





Okada herself appears in this episode. This is truly the work of an auteur.


Okada is animegaf's guiltiest of pleasures.

Looking her work up, I'm actually pretty surprised. I knew she did Fujiko Mine, which seems generally disliked around here (I enjoyed most of it, personally). I didn't know that she was credited with the script for Wandering Son, which I thought was legitimately great. Guess she just had strong source material to work with in that case.


okada's mostly fine with adaptations but the real fuckery begins when she's let loose onto the word. free from the restraints of sound parenting and mentlal health services


Sword Art Online 2 Episode 7

Sugu finally makes an appearance. She seems to be training her housewife stalker skill. The lack of incest was starting to worry me. Glad we're back on the right track.

lol @ Spiegel trying to hit it off with Sinon. It's too late. She's part of Kirito's harem of waifus now. Best he can hope for is a death scene where he sacrifices himself for her. Meanwhile, we see Kirito get some counseling from Aki-san before he heads back into GGO. Too bad she didn't have a jar with her. Kirito's tears could cure terminal illnesses.

Anyways, we cut to ALO and see our bro Klein. Looks like he's been taking care of Kirito's waifus while he's away. Next episode gonna be the final battle of the tournament. Gonna save that for tomorrow.


Hm... There's no way they'll make it region free, right? :p

Looking through my collection, all but one of my Sentai BDs is locked to region A. The exception is part 1 of From the New World, which is listed as both region A and B. Given that part 2 is locked to region A, it's entirely possible that it was a mistake.

So I wouldn't be counting on a region free release. :p


Sailor Moon Mondays: Sailor Moon R: Episode 63:

Our parade of character focus episodes continues onward to put a capstone on how useless the Tree of Doom arc as they are already upgrading each of the scouts to the new Star powers. Really, when it get down to things the only worthwhile Crystal upgrade has proven to be Sailor Moon's as she still uses it for the moment to villain ending effect, until it is her turn of course. Anyway, this episode decides to focus on Rei in relation to the walking lawsuit she calls a grandfather and he hapless and pointless dead end of a love interest called Yuchiro. This is unusual because even at the stage of Sailor Moon R the series was beginning its long purge of normal humans. Though these two proved to be surprisingly resistant, hanging around until at least Super S, which is an eternity for the regular humans.

Anyway, not much else to say, this is pretty typical Sailor Moon. Though I will note that the producer change over does shine through even with the less substantial episodes, it is something I can't quite put my finger on yet, but ever since the Ikuhara era began, the very essence of these episode feels changed, more character then narrative driven, it is something I hope to have the words for in due time. Anyway, recommendation to watch.
Looking through my collection, all but one of my Sentai BDs is locked to region A. The exception is part 1 of From the New World, which is listed as both region A and B. Given that part 2 is locked to region A, it's entirely possible that it was a mistake.

So I wouldn't be counting on a region free release. :p

Hm... Searching for region free Sentai BDs gave me this page:

That's interesting.

Time to get some US BDs then :p


gugure 8


p. sure kokkuri turns into a woman every now and then in the manga so the otp lives on~

You saying you didn't cry for the water bottles, bruh?
his fault for buying shit bottles at a dollar shop. now the girl he broke up with otoh…
Akame ga Kill end

I think even if I had no knowledge of the manga, I would feel that something is INCREDIBLY off here. While the fight was decently animated, there's a clear power scale in the series that it defies, which was pretty consistent up until the back half of the filler episodes.

Then there's the shift in tone and how nothing is anywhere near as bleak as it should be. Add in the sudden importance placed on the titular character and it all becomes super weird.

But hey, I'll totally take some effective catharsis in this alternate reality, even if I can't find it wholey satisfying knowing it isn't canon. At least
Bors family doesn't get raped and murdered.

Passable/above average adaptation until it went completely off the rails with a tone-screwing original ending. White Fox did the best they could, but I'm just going to recommend the manga.


Sailor Moon Mondays: Sailor Moon R: Episode 64:

Oh look an episode designed to make me feel sad emotions towards Chibiusa, that is almost adorable, the only sadness I feel is the sadness that she did not get roasted by the lightning and Uasgi for that matter since they were both on the bratty side this episode. Also, have I mentioned I hate the break up subplot lately because it bears mentioning every time I have to watched the contrived bullshit of them not being a couple on my screen.

Anyway, standing in difference to the Sato era things are getting mixed up and new approaches are being taken. Usually the pattern is we get a row of singular character focus episode featuring the token powerup for that arc or season. We actually take a break from that so that Sailor Moon R can do something else not typically seen up to this point, building up intrigue for the overarching plot. Not that the series is unfamiliar with the idea, but those episode usually come at the beginning and end of arcs and it actually rather refreshing to see.

Indeed, we are getting the first real bits of Chibiusa's backstory as she is a kid from another era of time sent back into the past in order to save her mother and is being guided by a mysterious timekeeper who is decidedly not Artemis.
Also, things to look out for, certain chracter traits are beginning to be ratcheted up and I believe the term is Flanderized. Ami is become a lot more focused on her studies, I knew this was a thing that happened though the series but I didn't think is got this ridiculous this soon. Finally, as much as I detest many things in this season, I do like the Black Moon clan as overall villain force. I have mentioned one of the biggest failing with the filler villains is the lacked the menace and the Black Moon Clan not only bring back the menace but also give an escalation to the threat level. The clan is expansive enough where the commander in charge of ground operations has his own quirky mini-boss squadron. Anyway, overall, this episode has a high recommendation to watch if only for the storyline progression.


Started Watching Infinite Ryvius. I watched the first 7 episodes and honestly I wanted to watch more but I thought that 3 hours non-stop was enough for now and I'll watch more later :p

As I heard prior, the music in this show is a bit strange. Awesome music! Love the variety. But it can sometimes not suit the scene or cut off at a climax of a scene...but I kind of instantly grew accustomed to that and take it as part of the experience :p No issues with it personally but I know it's there.

My time with the first 7 episodes went by fast and I enjoyed it a lot! Interesting and keeps me engaged but there's a lot of talking and thus lots of reading. I'm fine with that personally. Very interested to see how it progresses as I've been meaning to watch this show for a long time now. It contains the right amounts of laughs, rage inducing moments and more emotional scenes. It also does a great job of making you feel a part of the crew on the ship, as you get to know each personality and thus grow to love and also hate some characters...which is a good thing because lets be honest here, being stuck on a ship with over 400 people will create friction with others no doubt! I'm sure everyone has their motives and we'll learn more about them as the show goes on.


Akame ga Kill end

I think even if I had no knowledge of the manga, I would feel that something is INCREDIBLY off here. While the fight was decently animated, there's a clear power scale in the series that it defies, which was pretty consistent up until the back half of the filler episodes.

You know...whilst it did go off the rails a bit, if I'm honest it played out as I expected in broad strokes.


gugure 10


damn, this went all natsume yuujinchou in it's own way for this ep. good ep that would've been better without the gay pedophile tengu ._.

a disgrace to the tengu name


Just placed the order for the 2 Clannad Blu-Ray sets.

Apparently the last time I ordered from TRSI was in 2007

7 years ago. lawd

Damn thats a long time. any reason for the hiatus? Ive been ordering from them in a pretty consistent basis for over ten years. They probably REALLY love me.

Sword Art Online 2 Episode 2

This episode was all about Sinon, and what a badass she is. Dodging bullets and using a sniper gun midair like a boss. I'm upgrading her ass to 7/10. The multiple shots we got of it this episode has given me a better appreciation for it.

And lol, those plant monsters still love them some Silica. Good to see last season's waifus are still with us,

Dont worry, they even manage to nearly ruin Sinon, as amazingly impossible as that sounds. They just cant help themselves.

35 mins of waifu cars and vocaloid/anime song remixes. This counts right?

Some are super well done though I gotta admit.

Looks interesting but Ill have to watch it later. It loads super slow.

I Can't Understand What My Husband Is Saying 11

What's the deal with all this terrible reality in my anime lately?

I dont see this reality you speak of?

Cowboy Bebop 5

If I had to make a list of my favorite single episodes of anime, this would surely be inthe top top three. As it's the first of the show's core mythology episodes, there's this incredible onus on it to set the stage for the rest of them and I've always thought it managed that easily. There's so much to like about this one as it finally addresses the issues of Spike's past which have been largely ignored until now save for the opening flashback and his cryptic comment about running away in episode 1. He just sort of exists in the world without being tethered to anything else aside from the doctor who sold him information in the second episode. When Jet has similar interactions with his Ganymede connection, there's a sense of a shared history between the two that was lacking with Spike's exchange.

This makes sense given Spike's past and his reluctance to acknowledge it as seen by his demand Jet share the story behind his cybernetic arm in exchange for his own story. (This, in turn, is great because it creates a sense of mystery around Jet's own hidden past for his featured episode down the road.) We're eased into Spike's history as he's drawn back into it against his own will as cold sense of obligation manifests. Without delving too far into details, it's amazing how much information was imparted to the viewer via just three avenues in this episode: Spike's conversation with Annie which touches upon his past with the Red Dragon syndicate, Spike's fight with Vicious and the words exchanged there that establishes their relationship and disdain for one another without ever touching upon the why of it all, and his memories which show glimpses of his former life. Each is part of the larger whole and no single one explicitly reveals Spike's past, instead creating a sort of pastiche of elements that become a little more clear upon examining them together but still retaining some ambiguity due to his memories being context-less and non-chronological.

Man I really cant wait to finally watch in HD. Its literally been over a decade in coming.
Tuesday is my day of happiness. And HOLY SHIT at the Ebay prices of these things. I could make so much profit. but I wont!

denki-gai 6

babbys everywhere, it's just like the sonyponies in the order thread chucking the worlds most petulant tizz over a laughable steampunk pile of qte's

i-its beautiful


I haven't watched the episode yet, but is
there any reason that caster doesn't use rule-breaker on Saber after she's an inch from death? I remember in the vn there was this weird moment where caster is all like "I'll get saber now!" and then there's the teacher/shirou battle and they retreat with nothing else happening, like caster just sat there and did nothing during the fight.

Everything happens in the story too fast, basically how it goes is:
Caster: "I'll take care of Saber"
Kuzuki: "Ok" then he knocks out Rin immediately
Then Shirou uses projection and everyone's shocked
Then Saber recovers

The anime just did a shit job of framing this.

Also don't know if it's been posted yet but Koe no Katachi will be an animated theatrical film: https://www.animenewsnetwork.com/ne...ice-anime-project-is-a-theatrical-film/.82166

mAc Chaos

Neo Member
I haven't watched the episode yet, but is
there any reason that caster doesn't use rule-breaker on Saber after she's an inch from death? I remember in the vn there was this weird moment where caster is all like "I'll get saber now!" and then there's the teacher/shirou battle and they retreat with nothing else happening, like caster just sat there and did nothing during the fight.

Not a spoiler if you saw the latest UBW episode, but:
She's just as shocked as everybody else by Kuzuki's display. In the VN it even takes Kuzuki a few tries to get her to snap back to reality. In the anime you can see her in the background during Kuzuki VS Saber, just as stunned as Rin and Shirou.


re: Akame ga Kill finale

Welp, guess I was wrong.
Keeping Tatsumi dead is surprising but I guess I wouldn't be surprised to see something like that happen in the manga too. Seeing the Emperor beheaded was a bit of a surprise too but I guess he couldn't really get off scot-free.

I think the divergence from the source material was a bit much to really overcome. Maybe they should have stopped after the Boric arc and waited.
Akame ga Kill 24 END

Awful, one of the worst anime of the year. Id put it down as bad as Tokyo ESP. Even Daimidaler was more entertaining then this.
Killing lubba was unforgivable but then Tatsumi too who just shattered in ice, how awful is that. Then the kid emperor didnt need to be beheaded, they could have let him roam the lands.
Senseless and badly written anime overall

Only Akame Ill involvement myself in the future with is hoping for an eventual Tatsumi body pillow, and the soundtrack. Why is great music wasted on bad anime.

Angry Grimace

Two cannibals are eating a clown. One turns to the other and says "does something taste funny to you?"
Akame ga Kill end

I think even if I had no knowledge of the manga, I would feel that something is INCREDIBLY off here. While the fight was decently animated, there's a clear power scale in the series that it defies, which was pretty consistent up until the back half of the filler episodes.

Then there's the shift in tone and how nothing is anywhere near as bleak as it should be. Add in the sudden importance placed on the titular character and it all becomes super weird.

But hey, I'll totally take some effective catharsis in this alternate reality, even if I can't find it wholey satisfying knowing it isn't canon. At least
Bors family doesn't get raped and murdered.

Passable/above average adaptation until it went completely off the rails with a tone-screwing original ending. White Fox did the best they could, but I'm just going to recommend the manga.

You're just assuming that didn't happen.
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