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Fall of Anime 2012 |OT2| O cursed spite, that ever I was born to UUURRRRYYY!!

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Little Inferno is way too much fun.



At least Lizbeth didn't got burned.


This isn't a particularly well constructed argument but I feel that it successfully explains the crux of my response: Shinji is a teenager.

Yes, but so are Asuka, Toji, Hikari et all, and none of them is near as over the top as Shinji. Not even Asuka, who is just as messed up as Shinji seems to be as up to eleven as he is.

I feel that it's worth pointing out that it's not "some people", rather, it's the vast majority of the fandom, at least based on polls and merchandise sales and the like. She has always been, and will presumably always will be, the most popular character in the franchise by what I imagine must be some order of magnitude. Which isn't to say that I disagree with you, just that there's even more crazy people than you make out!

Good golly.

Well that's even worse. I dunno, until ReBuild Rei barely even feels like a character at all, and the Rei Clones across anime are infinitely worse than her for this. Yuki Nagato of Haruhi feels much the same: even knowing what you're supposed to know about her, the only time I liked her character was when she wasn't acting like her normal self. That and the fact that she's intentionally the way she is because Haruhi wanted that.

Except Shinji, no one likes him.

I like Shinji. He's repulsive at times, yeah, but as of ReBuild 2, he's definitely got a spot in my heart. I'd go so far as to say that liking Shinji is half the reason he bugs me. Because I want the kid to do things for himself and succeed and be happy and he just WILL NOT DO IT.


Smile PreCure! 39

This was not only the best retelling of Cinderella EVER but also one of the most well animated episodes yet!



With this decade's take on Neon Genesis Evangelion, Ouma Shu of Guilty Crown is potentially close to or marginally better than Shinji as the best protagonist.
This is completely and utterly ridiculous even by DTL's trolling standards.


Ok, I'll preface this post by saying a couple things. It's going to be long. I'm sorry. Also, spoilers for Cowboy Bebop within. Since this is a thematic analysis, it's far too difficult to try to weed them out or even black them. I know at least one of you is watching the show right now, so please just skip right over this post. Ok, onto the meat of the content.

Cowboy Bebop: Loneliness,Belonging and the Past


See you, Space Cowboy!

As everyone knows, Cowboy Bebop is one of, if not totally, my favorite TV series of all time. It's a show that I rewatch on a yearly basis. This year, I decided to pay attention. Really pay attention in a way I haven't since my first run through. That's what's spawned this post. It's such a thematically rich work. There are so many themes you could dig deep into and explore. Loyalty, Trust, Betrayal, Perception vs Reality, Revenge, etc. All of them play a major role here. For brevity's sake, I'm focusing on what I consider three of the show's most major themes. Loneliness, Belonging and the Past.

Loneliness plays a major role for the majority of the show's cast. We see it everywhere. Even in some of the most ridiculous side plots, we can trace back a thematic thread to this idea. In the main crew, this theme is embodied first and foremost by Spike and Faye, Faye being the most overt.

Faye's lost herself to time. Not only does she have no memories of the people she knew and loved, even if she did they are likely long gone. She claims to not like attachment, to prefer to be alone, yet we see her hang onto the crew of the Bebop even when she has the opportunity to leave. She's transposed out of her era, and she's woefully aware of it. It's why she was such an easy target for Whitney after she first awakes. To combat this, she tries to harden herself. She tries to shut out others, but as she herself said, humans are social creatures. She can't help but be drawn to people even if it leads to pain.

Spike's not a character you'd immediately describe as lonely. He hides it well. His carefree nature, though, seems not to be a sign of true freedom. No, it seems more a mask. Often times, especially near the end of the series, you catch him looking empty. While he's surrounded by people, he's still isolated and tormented. He can't move forward, yet he cannot help but gaze back. It's still much better an existence than what his actions seem to have brought upon Julia. When we see Julia in "Real Folk Blues (Part 1)", we don't see the same woman Spike constantly flashes back to. We see someone cold and distant from years of being on the run. Her demeanor gives us a possible glimpse into what may have become of Spike had he not joined the Bebop. Sure, she warms up when she finally meets Spike, but there is still plenty of loneliness there. Both these people have ended up being isolated from the world. The only one who can break through that barrier is the other, yet years of being on the run must keep them apart.

Vicious is a character built on the idea of loneliness, but it's not the same type of loneliness experienced by Faye or Spike. It's very different. For Vicious, loneliness is a way of life. He distances himself from humanity so he feels nothing when he betrays someone to get ahead. Even though we see him walk around with a pet bird, which we are to assume is for companionship, he has no trouble discarding it if it meets his goals. We see it in his interactions with another lost soul Gren. Gren is forced to live in solitude due to Vicious's actions, yet Vicious can't be bothered to care. He used Gren as he uses any other stepping stone. He discards the friendship of his comrade in use of gaining more power.

Another major theme of the show is Belonging. It's interesting, looking back it's a theme that pervades the whole series, yet it isn't until "Hard Luck Woman" that it really comes into focus. All the characters of the show are looking for where they belong. It's this that brings them together. Yet, sadly, this togetherness cannot substitute for the real attachments they seek. Ultimately, this alliance has to fall apart. Ed finds her true family and, spurred on by Faye's words of "truly belonging is the greatest thing", must leave the Bebop. Faye after her memories return tries to return home only to find it destroyed. The only place she can find true belonging is lost to time, like so many of her things. She returns to the Bebop in an attempt to preserve what she has, but it's too late. Ed is gone and Spike's past is about to catch up to him. The only other home she knew has already collapsed around her. Spike is trapped in the past. At this point, it's the only place he belongs. He's no longer a man of the present.

That brings around the final, and possibly most major theme Bebop offers us. The past. Cowboy Bebop is arguably more a show about the characters pasts than their present actions. Each one of the ragtag band of misfits is scarred and haunted. Some of them where their scars physically. Jet has his artificial arm, Spike his eye. Some just carry this burden invisibly. Faye is deeply scarred by her lack of a past. Edward is as well, though she never really shows it. Edward wants the attachment of the family, that's why she jumps at the chance of living with her long lost father, even if it means ditching the closest thing to a family she's know thus far.

Faye's relationship to the past is by far the most complicated. She's running from her recent past, her debts and bad relationships. On the other hand, she's desperately seeking her far past. More than anything, she wants to uncover who she was. She hopes finding that will make her whole. Yet when she gets an opportunity to really find out, to talk to her former classmate, she runs again. Ultimately her past still catches her. It doesn't maker her whole as she'd hoped. Ultimately, it probably leaves her more broken. When she didn't have a past, she never felt regret or anger at being displaced from it. Yet now she does have it, all she can feel is sadness for how it's gone and never returning.

Taken as a whole, Bebop is a show about Spike's past. As has been mentioned, he lives more in it than the present. He's chasing Julia, the ideal woman he had to leave behind. He's chasing Vicious, the ex-comrade who betrayed him. When he finally catches his past, it's ultimately the destruction of everything he loves. His woman is taken from him again, his friends are broken apart, and all that's left is revenge. He must seek out Vicious. He must complete his story. It's all he has left. It's no coincidence that the last shot of him, as seen above, has his left eye closed. Even at the very end, all he can see is the past. Even though it's finally done, it still haunts him.


My Little Monster 2

The real me lives on the internet too, Natsume.

Still not really sure how I feel about this series. I really don't get Haru's character at all. I realize that part of the charm of his character is his wild unpredictability, but...I just don't know. The only really unpredictable things he did in this episode were
bringing the chicken to school and ruining Natsume's GAF meetup (or whatever forum she posts on, and now that I think about it, that really wasn't unpredictable at all)
. And this show really spends an inordinate amount of time on Shizuku's monologues, which wouldn't be bad if they didn't all drive the same fucking point home in each one.

Not dropped; I will watch episode 3, but I'm not exactly chomping at the bit waiting for it.
My Little Monster 8

Honestly felt like one of the better episodes this season for the anime. I think it was the whole thing with most of the people around Haru having worthwhile roles he included. However Shizuku proved just how horrible she is yet again.
Why in the world is she so cold to everyone, and then running away from Haru and then continually prolonging this huge roundabout circuit of feelings of love versus school grades. Who cares for grades, pursue love or something or just leave him and let him pursue other intriguing character relationships, gah!. No wonder she was punched.

Haru's friends were hilarious in that and many other moments, and as usual Yuzan and Yamaken.

Tonari no Kaibutsu-kun 8

Haru is definitely my favorite character, as his socially awkward, retaliatory personality is exceptionally endearing and quite original,

Shizuku is a somewhat flawed, but excellent and considerably intriguing character.

Natsume, once again, is a terrific character, as she consistently provides some of the best moments and hilariously exaggerated reactions in nearly every episode. Though not particularly ideal, it seems to be subtly foreshadowed that she'll eventually, if not already,
have feelings for Mitsuyoshi
, which, if this does occur, will only likely induce a heightened focus on her relationship with Sasayan, since it's starting to appear that he's
romantically attracted to her
. Regardless, it will be greatly interesting to see how their complex dynamic continues to evolve as the story progresses.

Yamaken's sudden infusion into the narrative feels thoroughly artificial and immensely forced. Of course, it's immediately evident that his sole purpose is to insufferably interject between Haru and Shizuku's relationship, attempting to
manipulate their emotions for his own selfish desires
, while existing as a singularly possessive sort of character. Basically, his
fear of Yuzan
is the only aspect of his characterization that is remotely likable.

Oshima's nearly as useless as Yamaken, but, thankfully, she's a far better character.

Agree on Haru and possibily Natsume for comedic moments
I thought it was clear from the start that Sasayan make like her, I mean they had so many scenes of them both together before this

I disagree on Yamaken, he's also been around before and in his role (the first time we meet him with Shizuku even)
when he was punched by Haru, if I remember correctly
. He is vital and keeps it interesting. IN this episode for at least bringing some life to the emotionless doll Shizuku, and
making the classroom scene excellent, even more being able to tell Shizuku what she is doing even wrong.

Oshima isn't useless either, shes continually proven to be a vital asset to enhancing many traits that make Haru even more of an endearing character for me.

Regulus Tera

Romanes Eunt Domus
Ok, I'll preface this post by saying a couple things. It's going to be long. I'm sorry. Also, spoilers for Cowboy Bebop within. Since this is a thematic analysis, it's far too difficult to try to weed them out or even black them. I know at least one of you is watching the show right now, so please just skip right over this post. Ok, onto the meat of the content.

Cowboy Bebop: Loneliness,Belonging and the Past
More Cowboy Bebop discussion is never a bad thing.

If I had to resume Cowboy Bebop in a sentence it would be a cartoon about a bunch of pathetic losers who cannot move on with time. It's a pretty sad state of things.
With this decade's take on Neon Genesis Evangelion, Ouma Shu of Guilty Crown is potentially close to or marginally better than Shinji as the best protagonist.

Regulus Tera

Romanes Eunt Domus
They all look pretty good, very expressive; shame they are all going to get murdered by Shaft's terrible animators.
This is the saddest piece of news I've read since people wanted to make another Hiroshima and/or Nagasaki out of the Gaza Strip conflict.
Kingdom 25

My prediction last week was wrong, guess this was a good place for a
four month time skip to avoid a training arc and just get straight into war. If Wang Yi dies in this, I just feel it for some reason. Oh well, hopefully Xin can fight beside him and reach him on the frontlines with the squad under his control.


More Cowboy Bebop discussion is never a bad thing.

If I had to resume Cowboy Bebop in a sentence it would be a cartoon about a bunch of pathetic losers who cannot move on with time. It's a pretty sad state of things.

For a show that takes a really fun, exciting tone most of the time, if you step back a second it's really quite sad. Almost no one, with the exception of maybe Ed, ends that show in a happy state. Spike is a super likable character, yet he's kind of a pathetic person.


With this decade's take on Neon Genesis Evangelion, Ouma Shu of Guilty Crown is potentially close to or marginally better than Shinji as the best protagonist.


Looks like they published on the official site the color versions of the Sasami-san@Ganbaranai design drafts that were posted here before:

As a reminder, from top to bottom, these characters are voiced by Kana Asumi, Chiwa Saito, Kana Hanazawa, and Ai Nonaka.

Ugh. I can already predict people's reactions to this.


When I wrote about Yukki of Mirai Nikki in the manga thread, I nearly submitted the post with his name as Shinji, I must have subconsciously thought of original Shinji from Evangelion and Yukki as equals for a few moments.


Now that I'm finished with Cowboy Bebop, and with all this Eva talk, I'm going back to rewatch Eva. It's weird, I could be watching new shows, yet I keep going back to old standbys. It could be worse. Eva's fantastic and it's been years since I saw the series. Look forward to coming at it with fresh eyes.


My Little Monster 7-8

This show had so much promise at the start but I find the way it's been increasingly becoming more and more predictably shoujo to be much to its detriment.

At least it still looks good.


Are there actual legit articles comparing Madoka Magica to Eva? I did read a few for Guilty Crown compared to Evangelion.

I know there's plenty of serious (suspect) sentiment, but it's mostly that Madoka is one of the most successful late night anime since Eva that spurs the comparisons.

Guilty Crown seems like it takes more direct inspiration from Eva, it just completely fails at it.


I'm sorry to shatter your world view, but I feel that these two videos explain why I made that statement:

Spoilers for ET: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kWcg3cITkTI

Spoilers for Jaws: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=f2K-YedETiI

I still strongly disagree. I do think sound can greatly add to a scene, and that it can be really crucial in addition to the visuals. They're both obviously important but I would still rather have impressive visuals over sound. The work by Goldsmith in Alien for example is crucial for some of the more tense moments but the visuals themselves are also of the highest importance.

Regulus Tera

Romanes Eunt Domus
Now that I'm finished with Cowboy Bebop, and with all this Eva talk, I'm going back to rewatch Eva. It's weird, I could be watching new shows, yet I keep going back to old standbys. It could be worse. Eva's fantastic and it's been years since I saw the series. Look forward to coming at it with fresh eyes.
Watch Utena. I wanna read your reviews on Ikuhara's madness.


Watch Utena. I wanna read your reviews on Ikuhara's madness.

I'll get to it soon. Sounds right up my alley. The more insane something, the more likely I'll love it.


Just read the AO ending. Can't wait to see the final two. Oh god. This is DtB S2 level.

This is EXACTLY what I want to hear. There is no saving that show, might as well go batshit insane. Cannot wait.
Cowboy Bebop: Loneliness,Belonging and the Past
I had always heard the theme of "companionship" being a major part of Watanabe's work, but I had never really considered it from the perspective of loneliness.

Your post really made me want to watch the series through again. It's been about two years since I last watched it in its entirety.


I had always heard the theme of "companionship" being a major part of Watanabe's work, but I had never really considered it from the perspective of loneliness.

Your post really made me want to watch the series through again. It's been about two years since I last watched it in its entirety.

You totally should. It's really worth going back into. As for the companionship, you could totally come at the same theme from that direction. Bebop is about this group of misfits coming together in hopes of finding some companionship, but ultimately failing due to their pasts getting in the way.


You totally should. It's really worth going back into. As for the companionship, you could totally come at the same theme from that direction. Bebop is about this group of misfits coming together in hopes of finding some companionship, but ultimately failing due to their pasts getting in the way.

just waiting for the blu rays
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