So I've been trying to find an answer to this in so many different places and have had no luck, so, FalloutGaf, help a wastelander out.
Basically, I'm trying to plat the game and need to use various saves and reloads for the faction questlines. Right now I'm thinking that my "main" save isn't going to be with the Brotherhood, so I've been holding off on them for now, but I also want to do as many quests as I can in each faction to maximize the amount of XP I get before I have to start messing with save/load. So my basic question is, I know where to halt questlines for Institute/Railroad before I have to start playing carefully with saves, but Brotherhood is real up in the air and I've seen no concrete info. So does anyone know how far I can get into the Brotherhood quests before I anger another faction and screw myself out of trophies in my main save? I've seen responses saying don't even join the Brotherhood or I can go as deep as Blind Betrayal before I have to start manipulating save/reloads. It's all very confusing since I haven't gotten one straight answer.
or, would it just benefit me to do the Institute/Railroad trophies then just side with the Brotherhood until the end? Is there any benefit to siding with them that I'm unaware of (Mind you, I've at best met that Decon guy and haven't touched anything else so I don't know much about what the faction offers)