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Fallout 4 |OT2| Farming Simulator 2287


GerAlt-Right. Ciriously.
And I personally can't fathom a little trophy that does nothing but tell you you managed to do something is more appealing than being able to change the game to be more what you want and fixing stuff that wasn't done well.

I'm probably just old but I never got why people are so into trophies. Half the time all they do is tell you you managed to play the game like it was supposed (ooh, you finished the last chapter of the game which you needed to do anyways to finish the game). Personally I'd prefer less "trophies" and more stuff like in game rewards if you manage to do something (like Okami gave you a special item if you managed to find all the stray beads). Something that actually I can do something with.

But honestly trophies/achievements supposed to being something you can brag about to others, it makes sense to remove them if you use mods. You may not cheat but others will put stuff in that will make an achievement easier. And I can see BEthesda's point of view that they just don't have the time to screen every mod to make sure it can't be used to cheat for those mods. I mean if trophies/achievements have any meaning you lose it when you allow people to do stuff to the game to make the achievement easier to get than those who don't use the mod.

Trophy/achievement haters will never understand.

N° 2048

A single video of someone yelling isn't the same as a whole playthrough of trying to make a build work.

The Weirdist is also the only guy I know who did the almost impossible no kill run in Fallout 4. No other channel seems to try and do a playthrough with limit or challenges.

Many a True Nerd isn't working for I either.

Did you watch the video I linked? Or check his other videos? He doesn't scream at all. I'm 5 minutes into the video I linked and no screaming.

I'm confused.

edit: I think you're looking for actual play throughs not just build guides. Sorry.
Did you make over 60k each in resources?

Possibly with concrete and steel, but not as an individual total. I duped up to around 40k and doubled it, so if I run out I use the spare and double it again so it saves time. I keep the one I use in the workshop, and the spare in a container near the workshop.
I reloaded the save and stood still for about 5 minutes and it didn't crash, so it seemed OK.
Not sure if relevant, but right before the crashes, I made 9 eye bot machines and sent them searching. Is there a safe limit with them?
Possibly with concrete and steel, but not as an individual total. I duped up to around 40k and doubled it, so if I run out I use the spare and double it again so it saves time. I keep the one I use in the workshop, and the spare in a container near the workshop.
I reloaded the save and stood still for about 5 minutes and it didn't crash, so it seemed OK.
Not sure if relevant, but right before the crashes, I made 9 eye bot machines and sent them searching. Is there a safe limit with them?
How much bigger is Sanctuary than the default size? The closer you approach 60k with resource duping the more glitchy the game can get. Coupled with an inflated settlement size and a lot of complicated stuff going on like eyebot pods it would probably crash.
It's at about 3 quarters on the size bar. It's only really jumped when I added subway lights to basically every panel. I will have to scale it back quite a bit.
Only really built the eye bot machines because the area I cleared some room where I originally put 3 would fit 9. But I think the reward given for the located items is to low anyway.
My character though various bugs and glitches lost 20 carry weight and has a natural Energy resist of -10 can i create 1 time use items to boost those back to normal?
OK, so I will finally start playing now that patch 1.5 is out.
For a first playthrough, do you recommend the survival mod or the normal mode?

N° 2048

OK, so I will finally start playing now that patch 1.5 is out.
For a first playthrough, do you recommend the survival mod or the normal mode?

This guy just drops probably the biggest Fallout 4 patch news so casually hahaha

1.5 has gone final and is public! Yes yes yes!
Consoles next week :)


Starting today, Fallout 4's 1.5 update is public for all users on Steam.

Along with support for our upcoming add-on, Far Harbor, and additional gameplay optimizations, the 1.5 Update features the revamped Survival Mode which incorporates a number of changes based on beta feedback. Thanks again to all those who participated! The update is live for everyone on Steam and we anticipate it coming to consoles next week.

Also in development, Creation Kit and Bethesda.net Mods are still in open beta on PC. Our current plan is to make Mods available on Xbox One in May -- starting with a beta -- and bring Mods to PlayStation 4 in June.

Fallout 4 1.5 Steam Update (1.5.157)

New Features

New Survival difficulty
Survival adds additional challenges including no fast travel, saving only when you sleep, increased lethality, diseases, fatigue, danger and more. See the in-game Help menu for more details.
Characters set to Survival difficulty appear under their own Character Selection filter
Third person camera movement improvements when player is close up against walls and other objects

General stability and performance improvements
Fixed rare crash related to reloading a save that relies on Automatron
Fixed issue with the robot workbench camera not moving properly immediately after canceling out of the menu
Fixed issue with perks being repeatedly added when reloading a saved game while in robot workbench
Fixed issue with Ada not properly traveling to an assigned settlement
Robots can now be assigned as settlement vendors
Fixed issue with "Appropriation" where blueprints would not appear properly if the container had already been looted prior to getting the quest
In "The Nuclear Option," entering the Institute using the targeting helmet on Power Armor no longer inadvertently causes the player to go into combat, and become stuck in the Institute
Fixed distance check with Robotics Expert perk
While in Workshop mode, if the Jump button is remapped, the Y or Triangle button can still be used to jump
Fixed issue with "Defend the Castle" where speaking to Ronnie Shaw would not properly complete the quest
During "The Nuclear Option," fast traveling away from the Institute immediately after inserting the relay targeting sequence holotape will no longer block progression
Fixed issue where Workshop placed light bulbs would occasionally not light properly
Fixed occasional flashing issue with entering and exiting Power Armor
Fixed issue where terminals would not work properly after downloading and initializing an Add-On from the Add-Ons menu


There's a mod to fix the bridge in Sanctuary Hills! Thank you Lord!

Played a bit of Survival mode and it seems like you get hungry/thirsty way too quickly.

Protip: You can fill empty bottles (beer, Nuka Cola, milk, bourbon, etc.) at lakes and streams to get dirty water.

Protip 2: Wait till you're at/near a settlement to do this so you don't get weighed down.


Shame that they didn't review their copy a bit more on that new game-mode and just basically made some minor tweaks to their original formula.

The new systems they introduced with it (Hunger/thirst/weighted ammo ...) are cool, but having them not available as an option in other difficulties just seems very odd.

The difficulty curve of the game didn't really change much, at best it has been shaved a lot in the early game , and a tiny bit at endgame, but there is still that mid-game rise that makes your character go from zero to god-hero of the wasteland in a few levels.

The worse, every DLC so far makes some aspects of this new survival mode completely trivial, as if settlements didn't already enough as they were.

Frankly, new systems aside, it's imo as bad as the old one for different reasons, and the worst part is they took away the choice of playing one or the other by overwriting the old one,

At least we have mods ,,,
Nope, you can change to survival mode at any time. But if you don't like it and switch back to say Normal or Hard you can never change back to Survival mode on that character again.

Cool. I started a new character on the old Survival mode because I was tired of waiting and didn't want to start over again.
Ugh, I tried loading up my game on Xbox One and I get stuck with a near-infinite "syncing game data"-screen. I let it run once, and once it reached 50% it gave me an error.

Normally that'd be fine, since I still have my saves stored on my HDD, but this time the only save the game can find is a quicksave from a long time ago, from only one of my characters.


Damnit, can't wait to try out survival mode.I'm a little worried about the having to save at a bed (and more annoyed you have to sleep to save. Talk about killing my rp) and also the slower respawns (I honestly think that sounds like a bad idea. It's not like the game already doesn't respawn pretty slowly as is. Combine that with no fast travel it will get boring fast <- and I know cause i don't fast travel as is and think it could respawn faster as is).

Some one on reddit posted about making a realism mod that sounded a lot more like what I want (it's like survival but more focused on realism, sounds a bit harder really, and none of the stuff I worry about the survival mode). I'm hoping he does it and it comes to consoles.

NCR Redslayer

NeoGAF's Vegeta
Finally got platinum. Now to level up some more, finish the dlc trophies, and I'll be done until the new patch hits or the boston ha'rbor dlc comes out.
On PC, I'll be looking for a customizeable survival mod.


I'm thinking about trying survival, but the lack of save is a deal breaker for me. The game has crashed on me regularly when building or clearing stuff out of my settlement. I suppose I could always have a bed handy (I did get a mod for that), but I treat my settlement building projects like PhotoShop design projects (e.g., I tend to save like a madman after every serious change), so that's silly.

I think a better Survival Mode would be one that enables quick/auto/manual saves while in safe zones/settlements only. I know that may sound nitpicky, and it damn well might be, but I really don't see how it's a smart idea for a game this heavily steeped in mods to disable saves like that.

It's not "immersive" when my game crashes due to a mod having a memory leak and I forgot to go to my bed even though I'm well rested just to save lol.

EDIT: Another idea I just had that I think would work well enough: give players a few different ways to save outside of just sleeping. Perhaps rip off Resident Evil and other games, wherein the player can craft journals that have limited uses (pages) that can be written in, and can only be written in outside of combat/when enemies aren't near. You'll also need to have a pen or pencil handy to do said writing.

In addition there could also be a Holotape recorder you could craft with a high enough Science perk to "record" your progress similarly, but the tapes can only be recorded over so many times before they "wear out," forcing you to craft/find more.

I don't know, maybe my ideas suck too, but I just feel like there needs to be more ways to skin the proverbial cat here without sacrificing the "survival" aspect of it nor the playability of the game itself.
Is Fallout 4 (on PC) just not launching for anyone else or just me?

Got the game back at launch and put maybe 30 hours or so into it before setting it aside. It was working fine on my PC back then (970, 4670K, 16GB of RAM) but I just tried to launch it today for the first time in several months and it just doesn't launch.

I hit "Play" on the launcher and it does one of three things:

  1. Acts like it will launch the game with the spinning windows circle icon then just not do anything
  2. Acts like its going to launch the game then the launcher just comes right back up
  3. Or it acts like its going to launch but it gives me a "Fallout 4 has stopped working" windows error
I've been trying all sorts of solutions like verifying the game cache, disabling and uninstalling all mods ( I think I only had the full dialogue one in the first place), running Steam and Fallout4.exe as admin, uninstalling and reinstalling the game, downloading the newest Nvidia drivers- nothing is working. Is it something with the new 1.5 patch maybe?

Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated!


Is Fallout 4 (on PC) just not launching for anyone else or just me?

Got the game back at launch and put maybe 30 hours or so into it before setting it aside. It was working fine on my PC back then (970, 4670K, 16GB of RAM) but I just tried to launch it today for the first time in several months and it just doesn't launch.

I hit "Play" on the launcher and it does one of three things:

  1. Acts like it will launch the game with the spinning windows circle icon then just not do anything
  2. Acts like its going to launch the game then the launcher just comes right back up
  3. Or it acts like its going to launch but it gives me a "Fallout 4 has stopped working" windows error
I've been trying all sorts of solutions like verifying the game cache, disabling and uninstalling all mods ( I think I only had the full dialogue one in the first place), running Steam and Fallout4.exe as admin, uninstalling and reinstalling the game, downloading the newest Nvidia drivers- nothing is working. Is it something with the new 1.5 patch maybe?

Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated!

I've had this problem with 1 or 2 being the result since practically launch. I quit the game and quit out of steam, relaunch steam, relaunch the game, and it works. No idea why it does it.


Well that new survival mode keeps getting better and better ...

Seeing how they nerfed carry weight even further, I just dabbled a bit with a heavy-gun character bumping strength to 10 on purpose even if you don't need it, and basically with one weapon, full armor, and the basic ammo/food/water supplies -> can't loot shit :/

Which led me then to try and see how just going around scavenging for stuff to build settlements would go with my actual character, and it's bloody frustrating in the worse way possible.
Seems like the most practical way to get supplies for building actual full fledged settlements is now shipments, which emphasizes even more the need for high Charisma to make the most of what little you can loot as if Charisma wasn't already too valuable for settlements in the first place ...
Ugh ...

Once again, a real shame that axing carry weight was the only solution they came up-with to make the number of bullets/chems/healing items you carry matter ...

Add to that, that building complex stuff in settlement mode has become the biggest hassle ever without having quicksave at your disposal to place things properly, if you use settlement building for more than a place to put a bed, farms and a water pump the whole thing and all the cool possibilities to build fun things is basically ruined.

That's basically a deal-breaker for me playing this game-mode despite the good parts, and all I'm left with is Very-Hard which I never played in the first place ....
Well done Bethesda.
Surprised to see that this is only £15 in CEX. Gonna pick it back up once Far Harbour drops. Excited to see if Survival mode makes it as challenging as I hope it will.


There's an official mod that let's you auto save in survival.

Oh, and DON'T try to download the Boston Radio mod. It crashes the client right now. They're working on it though.

N° 2048

Pretty much the only thing worrying me about Survival Mode is settlements.

You could just make a bed and keep moving it with you then save but that's tedious. Much easier to hit start+quick save.

So I think my Survival Mode character will not focus on more than one settlement, I'll probably just make a base for me and my companions, until console mods :p
Quick question about refined water. I have essentially set up spectacle island as a water farm, so my water option at the top of the UI in workshop mode is 999 and doesn't rise if I add more water treatment machines.
If I added more, am I generating excess water and the 999 limit is just as high as the number goes, or is it doing nothing and water is restricted to an output of 999 units, making the excess machines useless?
After being off NeoGaf for about two weeks and reworking my arena completely, I finally finished it. It's in Abernathy Farms which I kind of regret because of the slope but it had the biggest open space (Since I already exhausted Starlight Drive-in) and it works with a few glitches.

This is the first version

This is the final version

Cages and traps are handled by switches. The first design had to be scrapped due to power conduits being too close together and keeping power circulated when they should have been turned off by a switch. The final design is three stories with two large cages on top.

I hope they add something so the entire crowd doesn't start shooting inside although with my "Hell" switch, it helps.
The gallery including the previous version and its massive amounts of power conduits can be found here


A video of a full arena run is here
The one person 100% happiness method is working. At 96% (had to pause however).

I decided to pick Costal Cottage. I hate that settlement, ruined house and that big hole in the middle. Thanks to the DLC I gave a great concrete structure looking out over the water, with a garden on the roof, the fusion generator and lots of defence.

I covered the hole with a concrete walkway that has oil lamp posts making a path from the door to the garage that holds the work benches.

I really like it so far so hopefully will get 100% soon and I can start attracting more settlers.

My only problem is all my other settlements are very heavily build on and would need to do major work and get major amount of resources in to do anything different. I hope the new DLC has more settlement areas...

NCR Redslayer

NeoGAF's Vegeta
Finally got Science 4 and got the jet pack mod. Man does it waste ap fast. Used it to get the free fall legs from the Mass fusion building.
I did it. 100% happiness and the achievement.

Tedious to the extreme, the amount of variables that seems to happen to stop me getting it in the past.

Its done. I can rest easy for next DLC. I hope there isn't anything as bad as this in it.
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