people not wanting sex scenes in here are fucking crazy.
No, people belly aching about no sex scenes in a video game that offers so much more are maladjusted perverts who probably got off on making 2 go joes "do it" before the invent of video games.people not wanting sex scenes in here are fucking crazy.
All the goodness of awkward dialogue, really bad physics, mixed with glorious Bethesda bugs.
Imagine a Mass Effect sex scene but with this
anyone?hey, just wondering if someone can give me an idea of about how much of the main quest i've completed. the last main quest i finished was. thanks."dangerous minds"
No, people belly aching about no sex scenes in a video game that offers so much more are maladjusted perverts who probably got off on making 2 go joes "do it" before the invent of video games.
I Know how to generalizing too.
Is there anything I should avoid picking up? I keep finding myself running out of space (and even Codsworth running out as well), when I go out.
Man, Im loving this cannon. This thing does more damage than what the stats and VATS would tell you.
Using "tag for search" on only rare components is super helpful.
I also tend to not pick up weapons or armor unless it's something I'm actually going to use.
Preparing the plans for my mutifruit operation and I'm wondering which settlement has the most arable land?
Also does the power armor only bring your weight limit to 310? Cause my weight out of the armor is 300.
diamond city is the biggest city i've found in my 56 hour playthrough which is pretty sad since its actually pretty small, [Freeside from NV is bigger.
Freeside is also mostly empty space, however.
you heard the man. time to get the go joes
Is it possible to [Clear] everything? Or just the places with big interiors?
Man, Im loving this cannon. This thing does more damage than what the stats and VATS would tell you.
Using "tag for search" on only rare components is super helpful.
I also tend to not pick up weapons or armor unless it's something I'm actually going to use.
Hit the 40 hour mark just now, level 22
Still not been to Diamond City. Just traded Codsworth for Strong since I've maxed out the relationship with the former. Found a good shotgun which I stripped down, and attached the mods to my Legendary shotgun. Upgraded my armour a bit, though I had to lose 2 Luck to equip a piece with better base stats
Do shotguns count as non-automatic rifles in the perk chart? Got some levels to spare before I can upgrade Gun Nut or Armourer, and got what I need from Lockpicking and Hacking. Thinking Local Leader 2, just so I can store junk anywhere and have it ready at my base of operations at the Red Rocket, and so I can sell guns/buy ammo there.
Ammo balancing seems a bit off, hit capacity with my sniper ammo, but I'll be struggling for 10mm and Shotgun Shells unless I buy some soon, or start finding more of it.
Went into this little pre-war office with a locked vault/inaccessible terminal and a couple of synths in it, the music was brilliant in there and I don't normally notice these things
Also killed thealien in the cave and got the blaster, didn't find the crashed ship though
The game is brilliant. Similarities to Fallout 3 are a problem for some, but its a strength for me. There's nothing else quite like it, and its not like they release one every other year.
This might be a dumb question but what are the most commonly sought after rare components?
You can make Oil at the Chemistry Table.
Was SO freaking happy when I noticed that. Now it's just screws and that kinda stuff that holds me back. Used to go on hunts for Oil and Adhesive and it was super annoying.
This might be a dumb question but what are the most commonly sought after rare components?
Holy crap, I don't think I've ever even touched a chemistry table. Thanks so much for the tip. Oil, Screws, and Copper are the hard ones for me.
For me right now;
rare = copper, oil, screws
rare rare = nuclear material, fiber optics
Yes. I noticed that the double barrel shotgun and even the laser rifle's damage were increases when I leveled up the associated perk. The double barrel shotgun easy reaches 90+ damage with rank 1 gun nut mods and rank 2 of the non-auto rifle damage buff perk (that I can't recall its name).
*cue 80's porno music*
Scrapper perk>farm weapons>scrap them.
You can also stack scavenging stations in settlements.
My Legendary Lucky Shotgun does 90 base damage, 20 shells per drum, fire rate of 22 and double crit damage
Cheers. Will upgrade that again soon then, pretty much entirely use sniper rifle/pistol/shotgun and the pistol is starting to lose its effectiveness compared to the other 2.
Ive rang the bell at all my settlements and dogmeat wont show up. I got the ungrateful jerk some new armor.
Ill do that then, thanks.I had that issue until I built a kennel for him went on an adventure came back and he was sitting in it
the hell is that and where do I get one![]()
I think the hack 50 terminals trophy is glitched for me I'm pretty sure I hacked way more
Had a really weird experience with the story today. I was at the story quest where you have to, but of course I was doing side quests and got involved with the Railroad and joined their ranks. When I finally went to acquire it, my story brought me back to the Railroad, notacquire a Courser chippeople who originated the quest for me. It really just didn't make sense to have it, take it somewhere where it was never mentioned, and have to give it up there without any sort of prompting or narrative connective tissue. Like, the only waypoint was to that group, not anywhere that made logical sense (in fact, I visitedVirgil or any of the Goodneighborand he wouldn't even speak to me!)Virgil
Did anyone else have a similar narrative gap and does my joining the Railroad lock me out of future stuff?