I killed a small village. That happened.
Actually you do not need if you want snap functionality but can be a little difficult anyways good idea to make foundation if you want snap to be easy.
Is it a viable choice for armor if you take into account the upgrades? It looks great and I don't feel like messing with armor customization all that much, would like to just set and forget about it.Also the Scoat armor can be upgraded by the guy that you meet the first time regarding the quest, the stats can be upgraded to 87. See kotaku link. The game doesn't tell you at all about this!ilver Shroud
Lol. Poor lil' guy.Good luck Protectron
I went with her on a date while Codsworth was my companion, he just appeared in the same location as where I ended up when the date was over.
Haha that was amazing.You'll have to uncheck "Use Gamepad" in the menu.
I think there was a BOS chopper flying and it got shot down? And he caught a stray laser shot? I honestly thought this was scripted at first because it was just too random and perfect.
Mission name spoilers:Do Institute up until Mass Fusion, then you can do BoS up until after the mission where you hunt a Synth you'll know by name and Railroad up until Patriot. Save there and then you can finish all three paths from that point.
Had my first crash EVER in 64 hours of gameplay.
That's hilarious. How did you get to tag enemies like that, MGS-style? Is that a feature of that gun? I assume it's not a mod as you are on PS4. Cheers.
I trust that you went straight onto metacritic and gave it a 0/10 "unplayable" review?
That's a scope mod. I think you get it through levelling the science mod perk? again because I don't think I got an answer. Any tips on gunplay to a Fallout noob. I feel like I enter a room and I have 4 people firing on me with automatics from all angles all the time. Seems I need a ton of stuff to recoup my HP, so any tips?
Asking again because I don't think I got an answer. Any tips on gunplay to a Fallout noob. I feel like I enter a room and I have 4 people firing on me with automatics from all angles all the time. Seems I need a ton of stuff to recoup my HP, so any tips?
I have a weird bug in Bobbi's quest: there is a "fragile wall" that the robot can't destroy. I select "activate" with X but nothing happens...
What can I do to fix this ? I've tried to reload a save, but still have the same bug.
I have a weird bug in Bobbi's quest: there is a "fragile wall" that the robot can't destroy. I select "activate" with X but nothing happens...
What can I do to fix this ? I've tried to reload a save, but still have the same bug.
But you did beat it didn't you? You used a tactic that anyone could have used without cobsole commands! The game itself tells you some areas further south have stronger enemies, and you could have still taken the missions from the othertwo to get stronger, or heck, you could have saw what the other factions were about..I did manage to beat that part now, by:
1. Partly breaking the game, by sending Piper home to Red Rocket, so that she took the route next to the mutants. That caused her to kill a bunch of the them by triggering the suicide bomber.. And then she of course doesn't die, but get up and keep harrasing some more.
2. Drawing one of them out the house far away, hiding from him, and then shooting him in the back when he was going back.
2. Taking out at least 5 of the super mutants by taking them out from that house. And for these, the house was so far away that they shot against me, but didn't bother running towards them.
3. Taking the last of the two legendary super mutants up close.
So, by cheating basically.
And I want to call bullshit on this mission even if I would have had a combat build for my character, considering the amount of super mutants there. This mission, a recon mission, ended with me taking out a super mutant stronghold, with a character that shouldn't be able to. If it's intended that you should combat them all, then it's a shitty mission that breaks immersion. And it's a bit of a dissapointment to encounter that just after having done the excellent Covenant quest.
I would have accepted this mission if would have been a later mission for the Brotherhood, or if there was a fair chance to use stealth, but it was neither.
Good luck Protectron
weren't mods supposed to be supported in the console versions too?
So my last few save files just literally decided it would vanish, and the most recent one available to me is literally a good 24 hours of work back. This isn't even including the numerous time my save files "curropted" for no reason whatsoever (although in those cases, I was able to load a very recent one up, I make lot of saves)
This game is fucking broken in every single way possible. Congrats for shipping out a defective product Bethesta, you manage to somehow top Skyrim and Fallout 3 in glitches/brokenness.
I have a weird bug in Bobbi's quest: there is a "fragile wall" that the robot can't destroy. I select "activate" with X but nothing happens...
What can I do to fix this ? I've tried to reload a save, but still have the same bug.
Talk to the npcs with you. One will have something to say. Yes, it is stupid.
My latest save is in the middle of that mission and holy fuck is ever prone to breaking. The path finding can't handle those tight tunnels with that amount of characters following. The floating robot you need to blow open the walls clipped into the uneven ground at one point and got completely stuck.Man, the AI path finding in that mission caused me no end of grief
Talk to the npcs with you. One will have something to say. Yes, it is stupid.
My latest save is in the middle of that mission and holy fuck is ever prone to breaking. The path finding can't handle those tight tunnels with that amount of characters following. The floating robot you need to blow open the walls clipped into the uneven ground at one point and got completely stuck.
aren't a bunch of mods already out?Mods tools are not even out on PC yet, the Creation Kit should arrive early next year, for now there's no official mod support.
I had a funny one where a Radscorpion burrowed up out of the ground in front of me, but rocketed straight up into the air when it broke ground. It died from the fall.I've only had two bugs in about 60 hours of play myself.
One is major - drinking buddy quest, the drinking buddy is completely gone and I can't progress.
One is minor - Stealth sniping like I do, headshot a Legendary Raider. His head exploded but his body literally launched like a fucking space rocket straight up in the air like 2 miles.
I can understand your angry because you've lost progress, I would be too. But I've been playing Bethsoft games since Morrowind and Fallout 4 is by far and large the least buggy game they've ever made.
I changed my autosave to save every 5 minutes and I quicksave constantly. I'm always worried about what might break.I have never used the command console as much as I've had to in this game. How the fuck do you platinum this game on a console? you don't, because half the game is buggy as shit and if even one quest breaks you're fucked.
No game will be 110% glitch free, but stuff on the level of what I and I know other people have experienced in just lame.
aren't a bunch of mods already out?
early next year, uh.
But you did beat it didn't you? You used a tactic that anyone could have used without cobsole commands! The game itself tells you some areas further south have stronger enemies, and you could have still taken the missions from the othertwo to get stronger, or heck, you could have saw what the other factions were about..
you're expecting a skyrim enemies level with you experience, catered to your pace experience, this is the wasteland mang, ain't no baby pacing here, get gud or get smart ; you got smart,and thats gud!
That was actually pretty epic..that ending shot especially the weapon and enemy made it worth the price of admission.Finally finished my first playthrough and sided with BoS (because reasons). Despite all the issues Fallout 4 has, combat is what puts this game in its place.
In celebration of completing my first playthrough I decided to make a power armor video to personally express what makes this game great. Enjoy and see you guys in the Commonwealth.
Knocking on Heaven's DoorGood luck Protectron
Dude you are going to places where brotherhood soldiers went and were never heard from alive is that for story context? They even let you get quests from two other npc's the whole while..1. Yes, further down south. This area was north of Diamond City.
2. I'm not expecting a Skyrim experience, not sure where you got that from. I'm expecting missions that makes sense with the context of the quests storyline. This didn't.
3. As for getting good, I don't really see being forced to use exploits inte the game as getting good.
Not completely sure why anyone would defend that mission like that. I like the game overall, it's awesome and it has several quests that is really good, but this was a poorly designed one.
Good luck Protectron
I'm expecting missions that makes sense with the context of the quests storyline. This didn't.