Yeah but some of these armors are actually missing a leg or arm. I assume i need to take this off another armor in the wasteland and transfer it over to that power armor, right?
Yes, you are right. I thought you already had the armor was trying to add it and it wouldnt appear on the frame.
But yea, some armor parts can be bought, some looted from enemies and some can be found from armor just laying around the world, if your just stating. I know of a power are thats very close to vault 111, like you can get it within 5 minutes of leaving vault 111.
once you reach the red rocket gas station, just head directly east till you reach the giant satellite dish thats like 5-6 stories high, when going east, once you see the satellite in the distance, keep your eyes peeled for a crashed vertibird before you get to the satellite, theres a power armor just sitting there next to the bird. No core though. But there's a core in the tunnels under red rocket though.
You can check there real quick and see if the armor your missing is on that frame.