I am lvl 11 and I have no new gear. Let alone stat boosting gear -.-
Gotta kill the legendaries for the stat boosting gear

. For the other stuff in early game you really gotta learn to craft some. Oh, and I killed wolfgang before he even talked to me *grin* (I figured my character had little sympathy for drug dealers and she stopped and listened to the NPCs conversation first, she was fresh out of the vault. Now occasionally she'll take drugs but not often).
But, if you insist on talking to him, run soon as he stops talking (and maybe zig zag some to make a harder target) and then hide when you are a decent distance (if it still says danger run again). THen sneak a little farther away and let the brackets start moving away from the caution til hidden and then sneak attack him

Honestly, you really gotta start thinking and getting creative if you want to survive in survival. Situations are going to change and you are going to have to get creative to fix them. Every time you try notice what gets you killed instantly and what seems to maybe work/have a chance. Trial and error. If that is too annoying for you and not fun (it can be a little frustrating but so rewarding once you find a tactic that works), maybe you are right in your first inclination and survival is not for you. I mean I love survival but I'm used to dieing a lot (I suck at games) and having to figure out some way to give myself advantages (cause I'm not really good at being a quick shot, my aim is terrible and I gotta have some time to make a good shot. It's why I almost always do a stealth/sniper build). But even survival has taught me sometimes stealth is not enough. I've had to think outside the box for my usual tactics. And I love that!