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Far Cry 2 |OT| of Money, Diamonds, and Military Checkpoints


It's not actually trolling if you don't admit it
Alright, fucked around with Far Cry 2 for a couple hours tonight and I dunno, something feels off for sure. I don't know if the game feels souless or the fact that I can't put away my weapon or just that everything looks great technically but nothing feels truly organic... I don't know, can't put my finger on it.

I'm asking myself -- am I having fun? I guess the firefights are fun but I'm basically doing the first mission (intimidate some dude) and good shootouts are far and between. Enemies are a bit of a bullet sponge but it's not that bad. The guns feel okay too. I love the audio especially for firearms.

I will definitely put more time into it, but I was also a little dismayed at how "GTA" it felt once you were done with the tutorial.

More screens?


Big rant incoming:

So, I bought the 360 version. Played it for several hours, and I am going to exchange it for another game (a good advantage of many new potentially good games coming out in the same week). I am heavily disappointed in this game. In a few words, this is a mild version of Assassin's Creed for FPS gamers.

Having played Assassin's Creed, again, I am faced with a world that looks gorgeous and sounds gorgeous. It nails the theme of Africa in a visual and audible way. But having played the console version, it reminds me detestably of a technology demonstration. I must confess, my first impressions of this game were unanimously great early on, but faded somewhat closely nearing the release date. And now, it's just pathetic really. I am playing the game (on the hardest difficulty) and I don't like how the mechanics are either introduced or try to contribute to the overall experience. They're not cohesive or relevant to the game play. There is no thought to the game play. Most of the time, you just do something and you see how it works out. You fight against dozens of Africans and somehow, you're always victorious. A team mechanic would be much more interesting, rather than the lame holistic buddy system.

My main complaint is that the world is not content interactive. It's like a fashion model. Looks great on the outside, makes the right noises when I interact with her, but for that short moment, that's all she can. It looks like Africa, sounds like Africa, but doesn't feel like Africa.

My secondary complaints are controls and the combat. I never played the previous games either on PC or console, but I did try out the MP demo of Far Cry Instincts for the 360 and I detested its control scheme and the way the character behaved to user input. Way too flimsy and reactive. Since when is it normal to change the turning speed by quintupling it when the player has the right stick more than half-way pushed. BF: Bad Company did this too, but more effective. I think even Bioshock was using the same mechanic, but again, more effective. Far Cry 2's controls are pretty much the same compared to Far Cry Instincts and that pisses me off greatly. Decreasing the sensitivity, didn't really help either.

The combat is not to my likening. I need to shoot 5 rounds from my assault rifle aimed at the chest and head to surprise and kill an enemy. I have tried numerous times to do head shots, but somehow, I hit them in the neck and even that doesn't count as a lethal shot. The enemies simply don't react to their injuries at short ranges. You shoot endlessly until they're dead (I doubt that this is any different for lower difficulties). I did have one cool moment where I chopped my machete in the back of an enemy (I was playing at night, trying to be stealthy) and as he fell to the ground, choking, I stabbed the machete straight through his chest. As cool as the machete may be, remember what the machete is meant to do: to chop through dense jungle terrain. It's a heavy and sharp motherfucker that's meant to go straight through the toughest of leaves and the thickest of branches. The hilarity is, in this game, you can't chop leaves, branches or bush with the machete.

My tertiary complaints are the physics and vehicles in particular. It's fun shooting up a tree from a distance and see the branches drop like flies. But when you're up close and you shoot directly at any point of the tree, you will definitely not always break the branch in one or several shots. It's only on particular points of the tree that branches break off (not as advertised by the developers, and probably explains why the machete doesn't work on flora). Trees don't always lit up when you play like a pyromaniac and entire bush areas don't stay lit up in flames the whole time. I dislike the car handling. It's way too arcade, or in other words, not challenging. But at the same time, it's a huge part of the game play time. What the hell were they thinking? I think the weather system is actually the only physics aspect that was developed correctly. In the beginning, I set the time for night, and when I came out of the safehouse, there was a storm going on and the trees would act on the gushes of wind in an incredibly realistic style. It really gave the place a much more dynamic feel than when there is no wind gushing all over the place.

This game was marketed in a pretentious way, like many big budget games are. And once in a while, I fall for this kind of shit. Anyway, I can summarize this game as a failed attempt to make a shooter that immersed the player into Africa, because of several obvious things. By trying to make the character behave very realistic in a stylized way, but by keeping the rest arcade or niche, such as the controls, the vehicles, the combat, the buddy system, etc.., they failed to see the obvious flaws that sprout from this design choice. It doesn't feel cohesive. Its less than the sum of its individual parts.

I tried many times to immerse myself into this game, but was pulled out of it again and again by the horrible combat and the seeming emptiness of the world. The lack of animals, both herbivores and absolutely, the carnivores, is a major turn off. That may be realistic in a way, but not when I am in a jungle. I want to see animals, so I get the impression the place is alive and dynamic. It's the choice between the down-to-earth and stylized approaches for realizing concepts, that these designers completely missed the point off. And all of the features and content, that provide interaction for the player, seem to be present for the necessity of interaction, rather than, that it meets the requirement that it's fun or interesting to do the interactions in the first place. The game has most likely a commercially large enough audience, but overall, I would say, that it is not even worth 50% of its price, and its been in development for more than 2 years!

It's basically an Assassin's Creed, but not as terrible as one. I remember a video preview I watched several weeks ago on a Dutch videogame website, where the developers talked about how awesome it was in Africa, how they experienced many cool things in Africa, but then a journalist rebutted the enthusiasm of the developers and the audience by asking whether anything of that was actually in the game itself. This resulted in a rather sketchy argument between developers and audience, and it showed that the developers didn't really spend that much time investing their experiences into the game itself. That alone should have been regarded as a red flag, in retrospect.
Nice rant, agree with most of it.

However, in Assassins Creed the gameplay element felt relevant to the game, it's just that they got boring after doing them for the 50th time. In Far Cry 2 they throw in stuff just for the sake of having features in the game, where they perhaps should have concentrated on making a solid shooter instead. AC was more focused too, sure you could choose from time to time, but it never got that GTA gameplay going where the openess is more important then the gameplay itself.

I get the feeling that if the game REALLY had cared about being a PC shooter and if they've made the world smaller this could have been something. Now it's just an unfocused console shooter and a quite standard one at that.


The hilarity is, in this game, you can't chop leaves, branches or bush with the machete.

yeah i spent the first 10 mins trying to cut through leaves and plants :)
this is quite idiotic, really, i thought the machete was there for this exact purpose (instruction manual explicitly mentions this actually).
oh well. i haven't played a lot but from what i've seen so far i'm inclined to agree with your rants; point is, game's world is just too gorgeous for me to trade the game in :) i'll just have fun roaming around not really caring about gameplay mechanics, exactly like i still do in Assassin's creed from time to time.
DarkUSS said:
I'd like to see some PS3 screens before I decide to buy this game. Can anyone post some?:D

Like every other multiplatform game it's...

PC >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 360 > PS3

Or something like it. Looks is not the problem in either version afaik.

Lyte Edge

All I got for the Vernal Equinox was this stupid tag
Got this on 360 and am just not feeling it AT ALL. I agree that something just seems off. The long load times (even when SAVING, WTF?) and having to constantly download custom maps in multiplayer kinda sucks, too. I think I'm just going to take a loss and sell this off ASAP. There's just too many new games out now that I am enjoying much more.
Lyte Edge said:
Got this on 360 and am just not feeling it AT ALL. I agree that something just seems off. The long load times (even when SAVING, WTF?) and having to constantly download custom maps in multiplayer kinda sucks, too. I think I'm just going to take a loss and sell this off ASAP. There's just too many new games out now that I am enjoying much more.
What about the shadows?

They look awesome upclose but after like 5 feet they look grainy, very strange...


Expansive Ellipses
Staff Member
Okay, after putting more substantial time in:

-Bad weapon/bullet feedback. Mostly can't tell where bullets land, enemies don't react to being shot (just a little blood) unless it's to die or to occasionally get knocked down in a nearly-lethal hit. Audio cues are poor.

-Bad weapon balance. 5 rounds to the chest from a H&K G3 (that has a muzzle flash that takes up the whole screen and poor full auto accuracy) to kill, but one shot to the chest from a Springfield 1903 sniper rifle? 7.62 Nato and .30-06 are similar rounds, but I guess the magic of bolt action makes the sniper rifle five times more powerful. Assault rifles, at least the G3 and AK, are useless, and I had far more success running around at short-medium range against multiple attackers with a bolt action sniper rifle than a battle rifle or assault rifle. Absurd.

-Bad inventory system. Why do I have to choose between carrying a sidearm and carrying an improvised explosive device (basically remote detonation c4 equivalent)? Do the giant explosive devices fit in my pistol holster? Why does the MP5 fit in the primary slot (with the assault rifles and sniper rifles) while the other submachine guns fit in the secondary slot (with the pistols and explosives and single shot grenade launcher)? Why the hell is this choice being made for me? Why can't I just pick the loadout I want with the limitation being the number of items or the weight or anything that isn't so damn arbitrary and counter-intuitive?

-Bad enemy AI. They don't take cover, they don't coordinate, they often freeze in place or react to seeing you right in front of them by turning their backs, etc. etc. etc. Not a compelling enemy, and there are just these idiots to fight, nothing else (trigens lol).

-Bad graphics. Kinda reminds me of old voxel games in some ways, don't like the look of the environments at all. It has its moments, but the game is not a perpetual sunset (nor should it be), and the lighting model under normal circumstances is extremely flat and low tech. The character models are bad, with 20th century lip syncing and stiff animation. The first person hand model is awful. Fire and explosions aren't bad, but the fire does not spread intelligently or in a complex manner, unlike what was suggested in all the previews.

-Advanced physics model? Dynamic destruction? Nope. Walk off a cliff and you'll slide frictionlessly down. Have a high speed head-on collision and the two vehicles come to a stop effortlessly and without damage or deformation. No real way to interact with the environment at all except to set the brush on fire.

-Bad missions. I haven't done a lot of what seem to be the main story missions, but the side missions are crap and often involve you going to the opposite side of the damned game world to complete them, which becomes tedious quickly (the bus quick travel does not help much).

-Game world is devoid of interesting content. A bunch of roads, a bunch of military checkpoints, a small town in the center and some environmental variety. That's basically it. It doesn't feel even vaguely like a real place or a place where it would make sense to fight for control over.


despite all its shortcoming i tried so hard to get into it. but like the poster above me said, something feels off, the enemies take forever to kill and its just not satisfying to kill them. oh and getting pretty far into the game without saving and dying prompts me back to my last save checkpoint.............wich is the start of the game. taking it back tomorrow with a POS. i was really looking forward to this game :(

edit: agree with everything evilore said
Bullet sponge enemies is disappointing to hear, one of the things that really pissed me off about Crysis. Maybe if they get enough complaints they'll release a "realism" mod that at least allows centre mass shots to be one/two shot kills.
cleveridea said:
you guys picking up from gamestop, what was their preorder bonus actually? Limited edition case? Card with codes to enter for free missions? And is the map actually useful ie large and provides lots of detail?
Anyone know anything about the supposed map? Is it inside the case? How big is it? Is it actually worth anything at all?

Where is the download code? Is it really on the sticker on the cardboard sleeve? Does the code posted earlier in this thread (THaCupR4) work for every copy? (In other words, is it on every disc and just needs a silly offline code to unlock?)

Circuit City says they offer a downloadable (doesn't say from where, does anyone know?) version of Far Cry 1


with the purchase of FC2 and that sounds like a better deal if the map is crap and the extra missions are unlockable with any copy.


Wow the hate sure came in hard and fast in this thread huh?

I'm about 1 to 2 hours in and I'm loving it so far. Yes, the combat isn't as good as it can be (enemies take way too many bullets to die, IMO) but I'm loving the sand box world and the fact that you can approach a situation from so many different angles.

The graphics (on a 360) are simply breathtaking and this is probably one of the most realistic jungle I have ever seen. I don't even think MGS4 and Uncharted captured the feel of a jungle as well as this. Those PC screens in this thread do feel a little too clean and organic though.


TEH-CJ said:
despite all its shortcoming i tried so hard to get into it. but like the poster above me said, something feels off, the enemies take forever to kill and its just satisfying to kill them.

I'm glad to see that most of the gamers feels the same about this game as I do.
What made this game tolerable is definitely the quick-save feature, otherwise I'd throw this game out the window instantly.
I think tedious and uneventful are a few of the reasons why this game fails.

But what I have realised is that the game is a lot more playable if you only do a few missions at a time then quit for the day.
If they fix the AI, Enemy Accuracy and Enemy Hitpoints, it'll probably be 10 times more fun.
VaLiancY said:
Charging handles and ejection ports on the wrong side of the gun. It's the gun whore in me but I find that so annoying. -_-
Chiggs said:
Yeah, I noticed this in STALKER, too. Why do they do this?

It makes the side of the gun you're looking it more visually interesting. We had big arguments about this on one of the Bond games I worked on.
Kabuki Waq said:
ok so this game is now unsold and will be a rental. Thanks for the impressions guys you saved me some cash.

I was going to pick up the game this weekend, but thanks to you and a few other reviews, I'll stay away from it, finish Bioshock, and wait for Resistance 2.


Is it just the haters being more vocal or is this game really all that bad? I mean, considering the average review seems to place it around the upper 8s or a 9...I'm assuming it can't be as god awful as some of you are saying.


EviLore said:
Okay, after putting more substantial time in:

-Bad weapon/bullet feedback. Mostly can't tell where bullets land, enemies don't react to being shot (just a little blood) unless it's to die or to occasionally get knocked down in a nearly-lethal hit. Audio cues are poor.

ive sniped with the g3 from great distances and saw the blood.

-Bad weapon balance. 5 rounds to the chest from a H&K G3 (that has a muzzle flash that takes up the whole screen and poor full auto accuracy) to kill, but one shot to the chest from a Springfield 1903 sniper rifle? 7.62 Nato and .30-06 are similar rounds, but I guess the magic of bolt action makes the sniper rifle five times more powerful. Assault rifles, at least the G3 and AK, are useless, and I had far more success running around at short-medium range against multiple attackers with a bolt action sniper rifle than a battle rifle or assault rifle. Absurd.

Aim for the head! I was taking out guys left and right very easily. I have no trouble controlling the recoil of the g3

-Bad inventory system. Why do I have to choose between carrying a sidearm and carrying an improvised explosive device (basically remote detonation c4 equivalent)? Do the giant explosive devices fit in my pistol holster? Why does the MP5 fit in the primary slot (with the assault rifles and sniper rifles) while the other submachine guns fit in the secondary slot (with the pistols and explosives and single shot grenade launcher)? Why the hell is this choice being made for me? Why can't I just pick the loadout I want with the limitation being the number of items or the weight or anything that isn't so damn arbitrary and counter-intuitive?


-Bad enemy AI. They don't take cover, they don't coordinate, they often freeze in place or react to seeing you right in front of them by turning their backs, etc. etc. etc. Not a compelling enemy, and there are just these idiots to fight, nothing else (trigens lol).

Wouldnt say bad AI because they have flanked me...inconsistent, yes. They are very easy (on normal) to trick though.

-Bad graphics. Kinda reminds me of old voxel games in some ways, don't like the look of the environments at all. It has its moments, but the game is not a perpetual sunset (nor should it be), and the lighting model under normal circumstances is extremely flat and low tech. The character models are bad, with 20th century lip syncing and stiff animation. The first person hand model is awful. Fire and explosions aren't bad, but the fire does not spread intelligently or in a complex manner, unlike what was suggested in all the previews.

Bad graphics? Which games to you consider to have good graphics? (do not say Crysis!!)

-Advanced physics model? Dynamic destruction? Nope. Walk off a cliff and you'll slide frictionlessly down. Have a high speed head-on collision and the two vehicles come to a stop effortlessly and without damage or deformation. No real way to interact with the environment at all except to set the brush on fire.

This isnt Grid man..how fun would it be if every tree you hit damaged the vehicle? (well it kinda does...you need to get out and repair it after a few tree collisions)....you would get no where. Thats the fun of it...I blow through those check points to get the bastards to chase me...then I take it off road!!

-Bad missions. I haven't done a lot of what seem to be the main story missions, but the side missions are crap and often involve you going to the opposite side of the damned game world to complete them, which becomes tedious quickly (the bus quick travel does not help much).

IDK, im enjoying them so far *shrugs*

-Game world is devoid of interesting content. A bunch of roads, a bunch of military checkpoints, a small town in the center and some environmental variety. That's basically it. It doesn't feel even vaguely like a real place or a place where it would make sense to fight for control over.

KrawlMan said:
Is it just the haters being more vocal or is this game really all that bad? I mean, considering the average review seems to place it around the upper 8s or a 9...I'm assuming it can't be as god awful as some of you are saying.

its just the reviews and haters all mention the same things and those things are very important to me when I play an FPS.


I think the best word to describe FC2 is "tedious", why oh why did they think it was a good idea to have you drive across 75% of the map for almost every mission (some missions even require you to do it twice, ugh)? Not to mention the guard posts who magically has a new batch of guards after 5 minutes, or the never ending amount of jeeps with machine guns you encounter.

With a few tweaks this game could improve alot, but I doubt the devs will do it.


DarkUSS said:
I'd like to see some PS3 screens before I decide to buy this game. Can anyone post some?:D

On the consoles, the game looks terrific as well, though texture detail and some extra particle and lighting effects have been toned down. The PS3 version runs a little brighter than the 360 version, but this is easy to off-set with the in-game brightness meter. The PS3 version of the game was prone to a bit more hitching. During one story sequence the visuals froze for 2-3 seconds while the characters kept talking. I experienced some half-second hitches out in the world as well, usually when driving quickly or moving into new areas that needed to be streamed in. It's a minor gripe, but it will be enough to irritate some gamers. I noticed a good deal of screen tearing as well as some moderate pop-in, but this occurred with a similar frequency on both the 360 and PS3. While both versions look great, the hitching in the PS3 version is enough to give the 360 version a slight recommendation in this category.

The PS3 version's install might irritate some gamers (though Microsoft's latest update will allow 360 owners to finally install games to their hard drives), but they are nearly identical. The only real differences are the PS3's occasional framerate hitches and the dropping of some sound effects during hectic gunfights. These issues don't really hurt the experience in any major way, but will be a minor irritation for some.



source: IGN


EviLore said:
-Bad inventory system. Why do I have to choose between carrying a sidearm and carrying an improvised explosive device (basically remote detonation c4 equivalent)? Do the giant explosive devices fit in my pistol holster? Why does the MP5 fit in the primary slot (with the assault rifles and sniper rifles) while the other submachine guns fit in the secondary slot (with the pistols and explosives and single shot grenade launcher)? Why the hell is this choice being made for me? Why can't I just pick the loadout I want with the limitation being the number of items or the weight or anything that isn't so damn arbitrary and counter-intuitive?

This is my single biggest issue with the game. Why can't I carry an assault rifle in place of the heavy weapon? I really hope this gets addressed in a patch though I know it's probably never going to happen.
WOW at all the hate. Wow.

And NO ONE is talking multi-player. Seems like everyone's problems with the single player wouldn't factor in there. And you're not getting a better map editor on the consoles, for, like, ever.


Well I have really to do my apologies to ubisoft to blame ps3 version at the beginning : great great job, if the only difference is occasionally itch of fps, I don't forget the code is native on pc, so, great result.


Digital Foundry pixel pusher
Hmm, those PS3/360 shots actually don't look bad at all. I mean, the game obviously looks nicer on the PC, but it's not the world of difference people were making it out to be.


KrawlMan said:
Is it just the haters being more vocal or is this game really all that bad? I mean, considering the average review seems to place it around the upper 8s or a 9...I'm assuming it can't be as god awful as some of you are saying.

This. Reading the reviews and then the impressions here makes you wonder if there are actually two different versions of Far Cry 2.:lol


Expansive Ellipses
Staff Member
sparky2112 said:
WOW at all the hate. Wow.

And NO ONE is talking multi-player. Seems like everyone's problems with the single player wouldn't factor in there. And you're not getting a better map editor on the consoles, for, like, ever.

I don't have any confidence in the multiplayer after seeing the shooting mechanics in SP, but I'll give it a try now.


sparky2112 said:
WOW at all the hate. Wow.

And NO ONE is talking multi-player. Seems like everyone's problems with the single player wouldn't factor in there. And you're not getting a better map editor on the consoles, for, like, ever.

I have tried the multiplayer but cant get into it because of the bad shooting.


I never finished Stalker..the shooting mechanics drove me nuts, so I stopped playing half way through..I am enjoying this much much more.
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