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Far Cry 2 |OT| of Money, Diamonds, and Military Checkpoints


I just play several hours and don't see what the hype is all about.

There's way, way too much traveling and the gunplay itself isn't much fun. The AI is bad, and I didn't care about the story at all. The openness of the game doesn't do much for me either.


So probably this has been asked before so I apologize, but anybody knows the name of the song in the Jackal trailer?


WrikaWrek said:
I must be missing something. I've clocked in like 3 hours in the game already, looks amazing on PC, BUT, holy shit wtf is going on?

So, everytime i pick up a car and go somewhere i have to go through the same goddamn stupid "chases", kill the same dudes over and over and over again.

People said AC was repetitive, jesus christ, i'm already sick of this game. Does this change? Or this is how the game is always supposed to be?

You can avoid them you know. All guard posts are marked on the map. And yes, you're missing something. Read all the posts in this thread about how the game gets amazingly better the more you play.

eznark said:
playing this makes me realize that every single open world game needs quick save. That would have made GTA4 tolerable

Personally I'm really glad I'm playing on 360 so I don't have quicksave. Quicksaves always ruins games for me and its a real rush passing the fourth and last guard post before a safehouse, knowing that if you screw up and die you have to do them all again. I love it, and it would be ruined if I could save after every enemy I killed.

Reikon said:
I just play several hours and don't see what the hype is all about.

There's way, way too much traveling and the gunplay itself isn't much fun. The AI is bad, and I didn't care about the story at all. The openness of the game doesn't do much for me either.

So... basically you have no interest whatsoever in the concept. I think you should've bought another game :p


flipswitch said:
Is there a way with or without the camosuit to take out enemis without alerting their friends? I've tried a number of times to be stealthy, I would slowly sneak up on one, get out my knife and do him but they always find me almost instantly. This is one of the very few things that I'm not happy with.

Try using a silenced MP5 or pistol.

One other thing that I hate is, when you're gettiing shot at and not knowing who's shooting at you.It seems to happen to me all the time.

Sounds like you need to scout the area more before you rush in. If someone is shooting you from a distance, check where the fire is coming from and scan the high ground. Check rooftops and cliffsides.

I've put in a number of head shots on enemies but sometimes they take a whole clip to go down.Gun jamming! I hate it! And what's the deal with guns that 'age'.A bit stupid I think.

Guns are subject to wear and tear in real life too. Weapons need regular maintenance, especially out in a harsh African environment. If you want to avoid jamming, buy fresh guns from the dealers.
flipswitch said:
And what's the deal with guns that 'age'.



TTG said:
Always nice to be walking along a road, minding your own business, only to have some random civilian car with one person inside change his course to run you the fuck over. :/
:lol :lol :lol


Gold Member
Reikon said:
I just play several hours and don't see what the hype is all about.

There's way, way too much traveling and the gunplay itself isn't much fun. The AI is bad, and I didn't care about the story at all. The openness of the game doesn't do much for me either.

Same here. And the lack of wildlife is very odd. That could at least make things somewhat interesting.
Chiggs said:
Same here. And the lack of wildlife is very odd. That could at least make things somewhat interesting.
well, there's some wild life by the train tracks to the north of the map. zebras are fun to run over


flipswitch said:
I bought the camosuit but I didn't put it to 'use' much as I was driving around in my car to locations rather than sneakining in.But I'll try it later today.Apparently it makes you less easier to spot when you're crouching in low grass.

Is there a way with or without the camosuit to take out enemis without alerting their friends? I've tried a number of times to be stealthy, I would slowly sneak up on one, get out my knife and do him but they always find me almost instantly. This is one of the very few things that I'm not happy with.

I would like to hear some of your strategies in dealing with enemies in a stealthy way.They also can spot you from a long distances!.. it's annoying when your cover is blown.

One other thing that I hate is, when you're gettiing shot at and not knowing who's shooting at you.It seems to happen to me all the time.

I've put about 7-8 hours into it and I'm 12% complete.Moving from one place to another isn't as bad as you would think in an open world game, as there's usually a car or boat nearby. Gun play is a tad clunky.

I've put in a number of head shots on enemies but sometimes they take a whole clip to go down.Gun jamming! I hate it! And what's the deal with guns that 'age'.A bit stupid I think.

Anyway, I'm enjoying the game for what it is.No loading during areas is a positive, the HDR in the game is excellent and I enjoy just exploring..I found this racing buggy, like the thing you drive in HL2.Great for escaping in a hurry but there's no gun turret.MP I havn't checked out.

That's all for now.

The thing about the AI is if one guy knows where you are, everyone knows exactly where you are. It's instant. Combine that with the fact that the AI will see you coming from almost any distance and it makes it very hard to sneak up on anyone.

A typical scenario would be to approach a mission from a far and from high ground, scope out some targets that are on the outskirts of camp and try to pick those off with a sniper rifle. Then go into the camp from a weak side, directly to your objective.

What ends up happening is as soon as you fire one bullet(from a sniper rifle), the whole place is instantly aware of where you are and now they're all coming after you. You're probably gonna get one or two cars with turrets after you and the people on foot will cover a lot of distance quickly, nobody remains on their post... and this is where the game gets sloppy. It doesn't work well at all to have you vs even 5 guards and a 4x4 like most open world games would. You can't see the enemies clearly so you lose track of them, the weapons aren't really built for this sort of combat... it's basically a clusterfuck.

So far, what I found works best is finding the most direct approach to your target then blowing shit up. :lol The more crap you can set on fire/blow up, the more distracted the guards will be. It's like they switch from being an all seeing, hive mind army to how they're suppose to react. It's also important to always be on the offensive, that way they don't have as much of a chance to gang up on you. I find that accurate/long distance weapons with a tech 10 secondary are much better than the standard assault rifles.

It seems sniping works best for 3-5 person guard posts. "Stealth" is best left for 3 person guard squads outside a locked safe house. We'll see how camo and silenced weapons change that or not...
flipswitch said:
Is there a way with or without the camosuit to take out enemis without alerting their friends? I've tried a number of times to be stealthy, I would slowly sneak up on one, get out my knife and do him but they always find me almost instantly. This is one of the very few things that I'm not happy with.

I would like to hear some of your strategies in dealing with enemies in a stealthy way.They also can spot you from a long distances!.. it's annoying when your cover is blown.

I've actually been successfully stealthy not only without a camo suit but without a silenced gun. Very early in the game, you're given a mission to destroy a group of faction supplies... it may even of been part of the tutorial I don't remember exactly.

Anyways, I drove up to the area and stopped quite a distance from the location to sneak up. There was a guy standing on a deck overlooking the entire camp with an RPG, at first I snuck behind and killed him with the machete but that caused one of the other guards to start shooting at me. I reloaded and instead of knifing him I took a shot at his head with my pistol from about 20 feet away. It alerted the guards but not to my location, just to the fact that the guy was killed, I ran around a huge rock to the opposite end of the camp and was lucky enough to get there just in time for another guard to be turning around. I crouch walked behind him and one-shot him with my machete and it didn't alert any other guards at all. From his location I killed two other guards with my pistol that were standing about 150ft - 200ft away (the pistol is surprisingly accurate at long distances, I've killed snipers before with it) with head shots. After that I knocked out two guys at once with a grenade which set the whole camp off but I probably could of ran and hid if I wanted to.

Now, I have a silenced pistol and a sniper (still no camo suit) and am usually able to clear small guard posts without being spotted by any of them... mostly by sniping them all before they have a chance to run around and find me.

flipswitch said:
I've put in a number of head shots on enemies but sometimes they take a whole clip to go down.Gun jamming! I hate it! And what's the deal with guns that 'age'.A bit stupid I think.

I can agree with the number of bullets it takes to down an enemy sometimes. Head shots are well and good though, the problem is the accuracy of your weapons I think. Going into gunfights I almost always prefer a pistol over a machine gun (especially since I try and carry a sniper everywhere), it's just easier to snag a head shot. It takes a hell of a lot of bullets in the chest to take down bad guys though, I swear I've pumped more than one full shotgun shell into a few guards chest before they fell.
I really think the assassin's creed comparison I made a few pages ago is apt. (Before scooter on 1up show, I might add :lol) Just like that game, if you dislike this game, you're probably going to hate it. There are a lot of annoyances and problems.

But people sold on the world and the concept of the game will quickly overlook it and have a great time. The game isn't perfect, but it's not this shitty, boring, repetitive experience other people are saying either. It's something you've really got to try, and appreciate what they've accomplished.

I really enjoyed assassin's creed too, but this is a better game than that.
So I just completed the scrapyard mission, the one where you have to destroy the compressors and...

I got to the part where my Russian Buddy is in a fire fight. As usual, he gets wounded right after I kill the last guy. I run over to heal him, and nothing happens, he says he needs another, so I give him another shot, and still nothing happens. I give him one last shot, and he just dies. Is that suppose to happen? Or do I have to finish the game without a buddy who gives different ways to complete faction missions?


Put Fable 2 away for a little while since this game has been sitting around all week unopened, and after a few hours I really like it. It's quite disappointing there is so little wildlife around, and that guard posts restock with enemies so quickly, but otherwise I love the sandbox approach and hope it becomes more widespread in FPS games, just like it's slowly taking over the way racing, RPG and action games are being made.

I'm not having the same problems others are with the know-it-all-AI, maybe because I'm being very cautious in sneaking up on camps and trying to locate everyone in camp before making my move. I'm playing on Hardcore with auto aim and crosshair off, and the difficulty feels sufficiently challenging. I don't agree that the weapon feel and sounds are all that good, though. Rainbow Six Vegas does "gun porn" a lot better. I'm also a huge stickler for details in FPSes -- if I shoot at windows, they should shatter. If I shoot at objects on tables, they should either break or fly off. If I shoot at flimsy looking wood, it should splinter. This game passes almost all of my anal retentive tests. Yay!

From Dead Space to Saints Row 2 to Fable 2 to Far Cry 2 to Fallout 3 next week... man! Best. Month. Ever.



Why do there have to be spawning enemy jeeps everywhere you drive? It's bad enough we have to drive so much, but getting attacked the entire route...

I bumped the difficulty down to Normal, because it's way harder to figure out which direction you're being shot from in this game.

Also I got my first crash, unexplained. The program flickered a bit then closed.


It's not actually trolling if you don't admit it
I just saw a shitload of wild life in my session just now.

Packs of deer or boars and zebras too.

I'm having a lot of success with stealth without the camo suit, which isn't available to me yet. I'm just going around doing weapons merchant missions right now with my bolt action sniper rifle, silenced pistol, RPG combo.

You can pretty much snipe people from far away and while they'll be alerted that some shit is going down, they won't know where you are. If I can't take all of them out because one last guy is hiding, I'll go creeping in with my silenced pistol and try to find him.

I just took out a couple guards for one of my safe houses silently. Machete kills make noise because the guy screams. So I always silence pistol headshot the first guy (which makes no noise) and then sneak up on the 2nd guy and machete him.

Is there a way to machete someone and do a 1-hit fatality style move if you catch him unawares? So far, I've had to machete someone, then do the heart stab while he's on the ground.

This game is so damn pretty sometimes. Seriously. And damn fun too. I'm into it. How do you show your framerate while you play in real-time? I tried the showFPS = 0 command in the console and nothing happens.



Zzoram, I got the same crash as you. Twice this evening. Flickers, then black screen back to desktop.


I just finished up the main missions in the first part of the game and am about to make my way south.





Cool fire pic thrown in because there can never be enough cool fire pics.
chespace said:
This game is so damn pretty sometimes. Seriously. And damn fun too. I'm into it. How do you show your framerate while you play in real-time? I tried the showFPS = 0 command in the console and nothing happens.

showfps = 1


chespace said:
Zzoram, I got the same crash as you. Twice this evening. Flickers, then black screen back to desktop.

I get that too. Seems to happen after about an hour or so of play. I think its a regular problem for those of us with 4870x2s and vista 64.
Why are people so mad about the AI? Sure, snipers are a pain, but I've noticed that crouching and going round a building, say, and I'll see enemies still shooting at where I *was* and not where I am - that is if they haven't decided to try and flank me. Helps a lot if you use a silenced pistol and take aim at the head very carefully.

EDIT: HD 4870s have DX10 issues I believe. It's an ATI issue not a FC2 issue too afaik.
While the console versions obviously don't stack up to some of the PC screenshots I've seen in this thread, I still think this is the most beautiful game I've ever played on a console. Not necessarily in terms of raw graphical might (although it's damn impressive, and smooth, and lavished with AA, and doesn't seem to tear), but just... the world. Creeping through the undergrowth with god rays gleaming on your machete... seeing a goat scamper out of the path of your buggy as you pull up to a safe house at dusk... watching the wind move through the trees.


More than a member.
Shake Appeal said:
While the console versions obviously don't stack up to some of the PC screenshots I've seen in this thread, I still think this is the most beautiful game I've ever played on a console. Not necessarily in terms of raw graphical might (although it's damn impressive, and smooth, and lavished with AA, and doesn't seem to tear), but just... the world. Creeping through the undergrowth with god rays gleaming on your machete... seeing a goat scamper out of the path of your buggy as you pull up to a safe house at dusk... watching the wind move through the trees.
Imho there are some console games already better looking than FC2 on my PC (max settings) so...best console game ever (looking wise) dont think so. But it looks cool.

Wollan said:
So, is it overall the best fire in a game yet?

Looking? no. Realistic? yes


I do think it's one of the best looking games on consoles right now, and possibly the most impressive technically.
It's not the small details, but the whole package is stunning; those forests are unbelievable at times and everything runs smooth, with AA, with unified dynamic lighting and very detailed shadows being casted by EVERY object in sight including blades of grass and leaves (lol, no shadow for the main character though).

I've just bought dead space too and while it's regarded as a great looking game - and it does look nice - it doesn't have to deal with anything near half the stuff Far Cry 2 has to put onscreen and still menages to have some horribly pixelated shadows.

I also found myself enjoying the game more than i was expecting, lately; it does get better (and i suspect it will get even better when i unlock camo; enemies spotting me from kilometers when i'm crawling in tall grass is getting annoying) and just like Assassin's creed, it gets much better when experienced in short sessions.
Other than character growth (thru upgrades and items) i don't see how the game could evolve though; there doesn't seem to be a huge variety in missions, i don't expect the game to suddely start throwing different enemies at you. Both this and Assassin's Creed lack some sense of progression and discovery, despite their huge and beautiful game worlds; after i have unlocked the second half of the map i don't see myself playing another mission, i'll probably be satisfied with exploring the game world without a purpose.
Here's my update with camo.To be honest, it plays just like having no camo on.I couldn't tell the differnce.It just felt the same.I think I'm going to buy that silenced postol.About the size of the game map, I went down to the train statation where you can visit the other areas of the game, and you'll find another two maps which are the same size as the first one.So it's a huge game.
Reikon said:
I just play several hours and don't see what the hype is all about.

There's way, way too much traveling and the gunplay itself isn't much fun. The AI is bad, and I didn't care about the story at all. The openness of the game doesn't do much for me either.

That about sums it up for me as well. Driving around is no fun cause there's barely any driving physics to speak of, and fucking everyone's trying to kill you (so driving around is overly difficult).

chespace said:
I tried the showFPS = 0 command in the console and nothing happens.

Yeah, just showfps 1. Help tells you 0, but that's incorrect.


SonOfABeep said:
I really think the assassin's creed comparison I made a few pages ago is apt. (Before scooter on 1up show, I might add :lol) Just like that game, if you dislike this game, you're probably going to hate it. There are a lot of annoyances and problems.

But people sold on the world and the concept of the game will quickly overlook it and have a great time. The game isn't perfect, but it's not this shitty, boring, repetitive experience other people are saying either. It's something you've really got to try, and appreciate what they've accomplished.

I really enjoyed assassin's creed too, but this is a better game than that.

Well put, man. Anyway, I love how I'm impressed by the graphics every time I go into a safehouse, save, and then go back out, stepping into the light. It looks so atmospherical at times, mostly in day time. I really hope that more FPS games in the future are going to take place in an open world like this. It's so immersive.
Tr4nce said:
Well put, man. Anyway, I love how I'm impressed by the graphics every time I go into a safehouse, save, and then go back out, stepping into the light. It looks so atmospherical at times, mostly in day time. I really hope that more FPS games in the future are going to take place in an open world like this. It's so immersive.

That would be the HDR, a glowing effect it has.Looks awesome.


If not far all of the travel what has taken me 12 hours to accomplish in this game could probably have been done in 2 hours.

The assassination quests on the 2nd map are a pain in the rear. None of the radio towers are anywhere near a bus depot and every kill task takes you to a) the other side of the map, or b) the center of the map.

Game is beautiful but the lack of variety coupled with far too much slogging kills it in the end.

Playing through the second chapter it is really just a rehash of the first with more/more powerful weapons.

Another thing that bugs me is that there is no such thing as a stealth kill. Silenced dart rifle, at night, at max range, first shot is a headshot kill... nobody besides target has line of sight to me... and they still know exactly where I am. Putting silenced weapons and the camo upgrade in the game was just a tease. Take my advice: Ignore silenced weapons, ignore cammo upgrade. Stick with the SVD, and SMG and the special of your choice and just get a decent position on their base and open fire. Since they're going to come at you anyways might as well take advantage of the situation.

You can shoot and scoot and remain out of close combat but the game mechanics do not reward you for this in any way other than making the game take even longer.

Ultimately very simple/shallow gameplay that comes in a very shiny wrapper.


Zzoram said:
Not really. It's just better at spreading.

I don't know. I'd be hard pressed to think of a game with better looking fire. I'm sure there are games with fire that looks as good, but at most not much better, and certainly not as dynamic.
Ledsen said:
You can avoid them you know. All guard posts are marked on the map. And yes, you're missing something. Read all the posts in this thread about how the game gets amazingly better the more you play.

But you really can't. The buses only take you so far and trekking through the wilderness is too slow. The watchposts also see you even when they shouldn't so lots of them are impossible to skip.

And while some things actually get better the more you play (weapons etc) the basic retarded design never goes away.


jakershaker said:
But you really can't. The buses only take you so far and trekking through the wilderness is too slow. The watchposts also see you even when they shouldn't so lots of them are impossible to skip.

And while some things actually get better the more you play (weapons etc) the basic retarded design never goes away.

Yes you can. It's only in the central jungle where it's hard to avoid them in a vehicle, in the outskirts you can drive around. Also they take maybe all of 30 seconds to kill if you use the mounted machine gun on your jeep. I can understand why some people are irritated by the guard posts, but I don't care at all. I even think they're fun. They could've had longer respawn times, and being able to pass peacefully would've been cool, but that's about all I can think of and it's not that important to me.
Ledsen said:
Yes you can. It's only in the central jungle where it's hard to avoid them in a vehicle, in the outskirts you can drive around. Also they take maybe all of 30 seconds to kill if you use the mounted machine gun on your jeep. I can understand why some people are irritated by the guard posts, but I don't care at all. I even think they're fun. They could've had longer respawn times, and being able to pass peacefully would've been cool, but that's about all I can think of and it's not that important to me.

I haven't got to the second area yet but most of them in the first one are pretty much unavoidable. It's never that you can take a short cut to where the mission is you always have to deal with a couple of guard posts and the cars they send after you. You could drive way off course and avoid them but that's not really an option.

But you obviously love repetitive gameplay with no apparent consequence for the 'real' game. The rest of us are hoping they release a patch to remove the stupid shit they thought would be good gameplay, now it's just the usual Ubi padding. So far something around 75% has been shit that I don't feel matter at all, the missions and story parts are fine but short compared to the unnecessary stuff they put in.


Should not be allowed to breed
PC version without mouse sensitivity option? I can't find it!

also, moving the mouse feels like there are two or thee predefined speeds, just like a fucking console gamepad.

what the hell is this shit? console port? god damn it


jakershaker said:
I haven't got to the second area yet but most of them in the first one are pretty much unavoidable. It's never that you can take a short cut to where the mission is you always have to deal with a couple of guard posts and the cars they send after you. You could drive way off course and avoid them but that's not really an option.

But you obviously love repetitive gameplay with no apparent consequence for the 'real' game. The rest of us are hoping they release a patch to remove the stupid shit they thought would be good gameplay, now it's just the usual Ubi padding. So far something around 75% has been shit that I don't feel matter at all, the missions and story parts are fine but short compared to the unnecessary stuff they put in.

Yeah, I love repetitive gameplay, I'm such an idiot for thinking the core gameplay is fun, unlike "the rest of you". Because apparently everyone except me hates the game (I'm assuming you're the head of the Far Cry 2 Haters Union or something?). Wow, you really got me there.
Maybe I will rent this game. It seems like Ubi didn't do anything about the A.I.'s ability to detect you no matter where you are, especially with them having eagle eyes. I hate games like that. I don't mind realism, but they just went too far.


I've played the game for a few hours so far and I do think it's awesome. My main complaint with the game has to be there is too much driving, and everyone hates you. It would be nice if there were one or two more bus stations in the middle of the map. Having them only at the four corners seems kind of pointless. I also wish the enemies at the checkpoints wouldn't shoot me all the time, I just want to get the the main mission.

I know I'm making it sound worse than it is but that is really the only complaint I have so far.


spyshagg said:
PC version without mouse sensitivity option? I can't find it!

I believe it's under Game in the option screen.

...yeah, the mouse does feel a little weird to me too, even after adjusting the sensitivity. I'm having problems getting headshots with the sniper rifles even when the enemy is barely moving.


Puts the M in Member
ThePeacemaker02 said:
I've played the game for a few hours so far and I do think it's awesome. My main complaint with the game has to be there is too much driving, and everyone hates you. It would be nice if there were one or two more bus stations in the middle of the map. Having them only at the four corners seems kind of pointless. I also wish the enemies at the checkpoints wouldn't shoot me all the time, I just want to get the the main mission.

I know I'm making it sound worse than it is but that is really the only complaint I have so far.

it's like a summary of the 1up show segment on far cry 2 :lol


ThePeacemaker02 said:
I've played the game for a few hours so far and I do think it's awesome. My main complaint with the game has to be there is too much driving, and everyone hates you. It would be nice if there were one or two more bus stations in the middle of the map. Having them only at the four corners seems kind of pointless. I also wish the enemies at the checkpoints wouldn't shoot me all the time, I just want to get the the main mission.

I know I'm making it sound worse than it is but that is really the only complaint I have so far.

There is a Bus Station in Pala.


Hahaha, so good. I was taking out these guys on this guard post, and suddenly I heard one guy saying something like 'Glimlach, blablabla, anders schiet ik je aan flarden', which is Dutch for something like 'Smile, or I will blow you to smithereeens'. Was weird hearing Dutch all of a sudden, especially with the south-African accent. Awesome.


So damn gorgeous. Got the 360 version yesterday and I'm reeeeaaaally into it. Gets more playtime than Dead Space right now.

Everything is so... beautiful.


Gets to pilot the crappy patrol labors
I'm liking the game, but I'm kinda annoyed with all the check points. I try to just drive past them sometimes, but it's not unusal for them to just hop in their trucks and follow me and pretty much destroy my car.

It seems like the enemies got x-ray vision or something too. They'll just shoot through vegitation and all. At one point there was a boat just spraying me with bullets, even though I was laying down on a slope with tall grass and I couldn't see the boat at all. But somehow it managed to hit me over and over again.

In another mission I was gonna take some douche out in a shanty town. That mission was a nightmare. They spotted me all the time, and when running through all the different houses and shit there (it's like a maze) they'd just spray through the walls and hit me, even when there was no one to spot me.

EDIT: They should have made it possible to just pass the check points without having to fight, so that the enemies might be hostile (and then you'd have to fight), other times friendly and sometimes let you by if you bribe them.

EDIT2: The GPS -- why didn't they use the same function from GTA IV and Saints Row, highlighting the roads to your missions?


ItsInMyVeins said:
EDIT2: The GPS -- why didn't they use the same function from GTA IV and Saints Row, highlighting the roads to your missions?

well, road signs pointing to your objective turn red to show you what direction to take, i think that's more than enough


just played 3 or so hours. im guessing there is nothing to this game other than take mission, drive across the map, shoot some guy, rinse and repeat until end. it's like the assassins creed design but in fps form.

the world would be fun to explore if there was more interesting shit and animals instead of just tons of camps, checkpoints and junk. the respawning is annoying as hell... as soon as something is out of view it resets back to the defualt.

i dont know, i kind of want to play more but at the same time to me it feels like a waste of time since i've basically seen everything the game has to offer in terms of gameplay....

the potential this game had was huge but the execution is heavily flawed.
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