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Far Cry 2 |OT| of Money, Diamonds, and Military Checkpoints


IEDs are very good in convoy hits. Place on the road, hide and when they approach - kaboom. All the motorcades go about in a pattern, so if you miss it - it'll come around again.

Road blocks are a bit annoying. Evade them. Use the river. And boats! Or if not the river, just stay off road. You may need to take out 1-2 for each mission, but for the most part you can go around them easily. If I'm in a fast vehicle (like the buggy) I sometimes just run them. They can't catch me. Bazooka is good to have. Even if they pursue you with 1-2 SUVs, stop, get out, blow them up and continue traveling.

Enemies ramming you is probably the single most annoying thing. Like somebody pointed out, you're just walking and some idiot runs you over from behind. Instant death.


2 questions:

- How come sometimes when a buddy is injured, syringes don't help? One of mine was down and he took 3 injections and then he died, well, peacefully. Is this a way the game makes you use more buddies?

- Where do you find more buddies? Where is the russian guy? Does the game lead you to them when it's time or do you have to find them?


About the buddies, you have to find at least a good part of them. Somewhere in the south I found this guy injured after a plane crash who became my buddy after I helped him.


Gets to pilot the crappy patrol labors
Hmm. What's the deal here, I've only done like one mission for one of the two fractions, while I the other one is continuing to give me missions. Did I piss the first one (UFLL or something like that) off? Or am I supposed to do missions for the other gang for a while now?


Hard to say mate. If you like exploring in a beatiful African setting, and want to shoot bad guys then go for Far cry 2. Be ware though, you really have to grow into this game, if you catch my drift. The first couple of hours may have you thinking you don't like the game, but man the vista's and the atmosphere alone are worth the money if you ask me.

Anyway, I don't know what happened, but I actually like visiting the guard posts now. Could it have something to do with the fact that I bought the flamethrower? :lol I like killing of those guards now, I'm not afraid anymore. Has anyone been to the Slaughter House yet? Beautiful environment!


JSnake said:
Sorry, but no.

really? how come not? I mean a friend of mine just bought a new 800 euro laptop and that is the videocard he has, dual core processor ( can't remember which ) which is good too...so why not?


MMaRsu said:
really? how come not? I mean a friend of mine just bought a new 800 euro laptop and that is the videocard he has, dual core processor ( can't remember which ) which is good too...so why not?

The 3470 is a very low end card.


never left the stone age
Wow, they really nailed the engine. It runs at a solid 30 fps for me with everything at high/very high at 1280x1024

Intel DualCore 2 3.16ghz XFX Geforce 8800 512mB and 2048mB of ram. Running Vista.

I only played for like 20 minutes and did the first raid but this is awesome :D.
Using molotovs to start fires to lure the enemy in that direction while you flank them and kill them from behind is an awesome feeling.


JSnake said:
The 3470 is a very low end card.

Wow really? We tried Bioshock last night and that ran pretty decent on the highest settings..

But wow okay, lol I thought it was a pretty good card but it's not really for any new games coming out then?

sorry for the offtopic, but I'd hate to create a new thread for this so here it goes :

Is it easy to replace a videocard on a laptop and what would be a good pick.
I know the PS3 version has 720p output listed on the box, but does it support upscaling? One would have to enter display settings on the PS3, and uncheck every box except 1080i/p and see if it displays 1080
damn im not sure if i should play this on the 360 or my pc? I have a Ati 3870 w/ c2d and 4 gigs of ram which i believe is good enough to get most eye candy but I also would like to get achievements.


MMaRsu said:
Is a HD3470 256mb ram & 4gb ddr ram enough to run this game?

I'm not sure how that card compares to an 8600GT 256MB (pretty low end) but that's what I've got and it runs the game very well on a mix of low and medium settings.


all good things
kobashi100 said:
Damn so many mixed views. I leaving my house soon to buy a new game. Fabel II or Far Cry 2?

Ive got both and I am enjoying Fable 2 a whole lot more then Far Cry...
When I go into a enemy camp usually the two or three enemies that patrol it will attack. Other enemies that show up are not respawns of the original three but seem to be enemies for another camp or checkpoint within earshot. I think this is true because I'll go down the road a little to the next place where enemies should be but it is deserted.

The more I play the better I think the game is. I really like the structure and the firefights you get into are pretty damn dynamic sometimes. You can also approach situations in far more interesting ways than in other games. Hell, you can set a fire with the right wind direction and have it almost engulf a camp and kill everyone in it.

As far as the repitition with checkpoints, it will repeat if you continually drive in there and go loud. There are also so many routes you can take on the map where you can avoid much of the shooting.

I've had some super scary moments playing the game as well. Sometimes in broad daylight. The sounds jeeps make when they hit the throttle and accelerate towards you is excellent. Hearing that and seeing it explode through the dense grass fifteen feet from you is fricking awesome.


MMaRsu said:
Wow really? We tried Bioshock last night and that ran pretty decent on the highest settings..

But wow okay, lol I thought it was a pretty good card but it's not really for any new games coming out then?

sorry for the offtopic, but I'd hate to create a new thread for this so here it goes :

Is it easy to replace a videocard on a laptop and what would be a good pick.

Bioshock even STARTED on a 3470? Do you perhaps have it confused with a 3870? If so, then you should be good to go on high settings.


So, is it true that the weapons that you bought don't break or jam, or all weapons break and jam? That along with forever spawning cheating AI are two things (actually count malaria in for 3) that stops me from buying this game...
mxz said:
- How come sometimes when a buddy is injured, syringes don't help? One of mine was down and he took 3 injections and then he died, well, peacefully. Is this a way the game makes you use more buddies?

Can anybody answer this question?
Sushen said:
So, is it true that the weapons that you bought don't break or jam, or all weapons break and jam? That along with forever spawning cheating AI are two things (actually count malaria in for 3) that stops me from buying this game...

I believe the weapons you buy eventually degrade, but I've never really run into the problem myself. It's mainly an issue with the enemies weapons, when you pick them up they're likely to jam at some point. There are reliability upgrades though.


MMaRsu said:
Wow really? We tried Bioshock last night and that ran pretty decent on the highest settings..

But wow okay, lol I thought it was a pretty good card but it's not really for any new games coming out then?

sorry for the offtopic, but I'd hate to create a new thread for this so here it goes :

Is it easy to replace a videocard on a laptop and what would be a good pick.
I think it would run fine if you're okay with not having maxed settings. I have a Radeon x1950 Pro and it runs good on medium, still looks decent as well. However,

Fallout-NL said:
Door number three:
Dead Space.
Sushen said:
So, is it true that the weapons that you bought don't break or jam, or all weapons break and jam? That along with forever spawning cheating AI are two things (actually count malaria in for 3) that stops me from buying this game...

The weapons you buy do not break as far as I can tell. That is the reward for buying them.

I don't think the AI cheats. When I see an enemy appear infront of me I'll believe it but for now I think they are in the jungle or nearby when the shit goes down and they track to your last know position via audio cues you are making. If they are spawning it isn't an infinite spawn. You can completely clear an area of all enemies.

I've been crouched in the bushes two feet from an enemy and they haven't seen me until I go loud.

As far as bullet sponges, the heat distortion that comes off the rifles sometimes make it look like the enemy has been hit but it is just their silhouette warping. A hit has a blood gush.

Malaria is actually really welcome in the framework of the game. It adds that extra dimension of time and whether or not you have been out in the wild too long away from your meds.


Got a question about a choice you get halfway through the game:
When you get told that the APR has betrayed you, and you get to choose to either go to help your buddies at Mike's Bar or go to the Church and help the priest, will you still lose your buddies no matter what choice you make? I went to help my buddies of course but instead I only got to see them die :(


Sushen said:
So, is it true that the weapons that you bought don't break or jam, or all weapons break and jam? That along with forever spawning cheating AI are two things (actually count malaria in for 3) that stops me from buying this game...

I'm going to assume that the weapons you purchase actually do break, but it sure does take a long time. I've been using mine for quite a while with no jamming at all. You can guarantee that the ones you pick up off of enemies are gonna break on you after a bit though.

As for the AI / respawning... yeah, its there, but I haven't found it to be all that terribly annoying. For one, if you happen to be riding one of the vehicles with a turret, that thing can mow down a majority of the checkpoints you encounter. If you don't feel like fighting though, theres a buggy in the game that moves fast enough that you can pass a checkpoint with little to no hassle.

Lastly, the malaria...hasn't bothered me one bit. I really don't see it as taking anything away from the game, if anything it pulls you into this world a little more. It adds quite a bit of intensity to have a malaria fit right in the middle of a fire fight :) and if the idea of having malaria still bothers you, keep in mind that the fits really don't happen often at all.

If you are willing to push through the beginning of the game, it really opens up and ends up being a shit ton of fun (and after some high end weapon purchases you feel unstoppable :D )


Warm Machine said:
The weapons you buy do not break as far as I can tell. That is the reward for buying them.

The weapons you buy will break/jam at some point, but when they do you can simply go back to one of the weapon stores and get a new one for free.


well i'll be damned if this isn't the overall best looking console game out there

pics ! (sorry for the lack of variety, haven't had much time to walk to different locations and experiment with different lighting/weather conditions).



















heh, offscreen pics. A little too dark, i just put the camera on a tripod and shot with a remote.
Speaking of variety, i've actually encountered lots of different and gorgeous locations, hidden stuff and villages.
I am not using cars anymore, i just walk everywhere. Real hiking simulator !


Tkawsome said:
Can anybody answer this question?

The same thing happened to me. It seems scripted, since I only had two of those syringes yet I was able to inject him three times, and no matter how many times I reloaded my quick save and tried again he wouldn't recover. I even tried reloading a save from 10 minutes before this particular fight he was injured in and it still did the same thing.


zon said:
The weapons you buy will break/jam at some point, but when they do you can simply go back to one of the weapon stores and get a new one for free.

In addition, you don't even have to wait until your current one breaks. So long as you have the weapon purchased, anytime you happen to pass by a weapon shop just stop by and swap your slightly used one for a brand new one w/ full ammo.


big_z said:
just played 3 or so hours. im guessing there is nothing to this game other than take mission, drive across the map, shoot some guy, rinse and repeat until end. it's like the assassins creed design but in fps form.

the world would be fun to explore if there was more interesting shit and animals instead of just tons of camps, checkpoints and junk. the respawning is annoying as hell... as soon as something is out of view it resets back to the defualt.

i dont know, i kind of want to play more but at the same time to me it feels like a waste of time since i've basically seen everything the game has to offer in terms of gameplay....

the potential this game had was huge but the execution is heavily flawed.


BobFromPikeCreek said:
GAF fails. This game never ceases to impress me.

Indeed. I've spent the whole day today just unlocking all the guard posts and safehouses on the map, and I've never gotten bored. Haven't done a single mission today. Not one.


y'all should be ashamed
I can't understand how people would say the environment is empty and boring.

I enjoy driving around empty African savannas a hell of a lot more than cities with cars and people. Might explain why FarCry is getting more time than Midnight Club. :p


It's not actually trolling if you don't admit it
I've had my purchased weapons start jamming and deteriorating but it was over the period of a couple game days and I did a lot of swimming. You can see the guns start to get really dirty at that point.

Really adds to the tension of a firefight, I'll tell you.

But yeah, no big deal. I just went and swapped it out for new guns when I got to a weapons dealer.

I like this little touch. You get wet, your guns suffer.


Gold Member
chubigans said:
I can't understand how people would say the environment is empty and boring.
because it is
one level in crysis has more animals than the whole world in far cry 2
eso76 said:
<awesome pics>
Yeah, this game is beautiful, huge, and plays so smooth. I think graphically it's a more impressive open word than GTA, the quality of the lighting and shadows on everything is wonderful in motion. I put about 3 hours in last night, the world opened up, and I had a blast fighting in-game from dusk through the next morning. The night time lighting is gorgeous, I was driving around, and actually found my visibility to be better with the headlights off. At one point, off-roading I ran into an enemy camp in the savannah under a giant tree. I snuck up, lit the tree on fire, and as the flames spread and the soldiers freaked out, I snuck in and cut them down from the back. Fucking amazing.

So far the malaria hasn't been a big deal. Enemy roadblocks are easy, or you can just drive around them. And the weapon jamming / first person healing is actually pretty immersive, I love the animations (biting a bullet out of your palm!)

Here's a question: do the upgrades you buy affect all weapons of that type in the world, or just the ones from the gun dealer?


chubigans said:
I can't understand how people would say the environment is empty and boring.

I enjoy driving around empty African savannas a hell of a lot more than cities with cars and people. Might explain why FarCry is getting more time than Midnight Club. :p

I can, if they only play during the night. The night is terrible, but holy shit is daytime amazing in this game.


Warm Machine said:
I don't think the AI cheats. When I see an enemy appear infront of me I'll believe it but for now I think they are in the jungle or nearby when the shit goes down and they track to your last know position via audio cues you are making. If they are spawning it isn't an infinite spawn. You can completely clear an area of all enemies.
Thanks for insightful explanations. What I meant by cheating AI was from another comment that the moment you see a guy in telescope of you sniper rifle, they all come to you like they know where you are, already. Is it true? Since the overall game's theme is in realism, enemies immediately finding out where you are without you making noise or any clear sign makes no sense to me. So, the other comment like you could just hide 2 feet away by ducking in a tall grass sounds rather awesome to me.


all good things
man, im terrible at this game. I can never tell where enemies are... blah, im usually good at first person shooters..

maybe i should turn the crosshair on.

Oh and why doesnt my game look as good as those pics lol, im playing the 360 version on a 65" inch HDTV and I think it looks awful


Az987 said:
man, im terrible at this game. I can never tell where enemies are... blah, im usually good at first person shooters..

maybe i should turn the crosshair on.

Oh and why doesnt my game look as good as those pics lol, im playing the 360 version on a 65" inch HDTV and I think it looks awful

thank you. god, i dont get the deal with the graphics.
i had the ps3 version and i considered it to look really bad, like nowhere near as good as people are making it up to be.

i returned it for bioshock and living happy now.


It's not actually trolling if you don't admit it
Just overclocked my Q9550 CPU to 3.6 GHz and ran a FC2 benchmark on ranch medium test.

Everything maxed out via DX10 @ 1920x1200 and 4xAA. No v-sync.

Average Framerate: 69.07
Max. Framerate: 114.66
Min. Framerate: 25.75

The 25.75 dip lasts for maybe 1 second during when the camera swoops over a huge fire right before it goes into the farm/barn area and shit starts exploding.

Otherwise, I'm seeing framerates hovering above 60fps most of the time.

Awesome. Now to benchmark Crysis. :)

EDIT: Ran the FC2 benchmark again on ranch small this time, since that seems to be the standard.

Average Framerate: 61.71
Max. Framerate: 89.22
Min. Framerate: 42.64
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