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Far Cry 2 |OT| of Money, Diamonds, and Military Checkpoints

I played the game stealthy. At first it was frustrating because of the overly sensitive enemies, but once I got used to it I had a good time pulling off some ninja-like raids. It helped immensely to do most of the big missions at night though.

Taking the stealth approach is time consuming though and I can see how some would eventually get bored of the game. I would literally hide in a bush for like 10 minutes scoping out an enemy camp watching the guys and planning out my moves. I got into the whole atmosphere of the game. Even so, I still think Ubisoft screwed up on the enemy AI. I mean I know they were going for realism but the sensitivity was a little ridiculous.

And yeah the infamous respawning guard posts sucked. Other than that I really liked Far Cry 2.
I had a memorable stealth mission in Far Cry 2.

I came upon a radio communications tower on a cliffside, after discovering a small path winding up a hill. At the bottom of the tower was an electrical box, probably for technicians to run diagnostics. With elite hacking skills, I broadcast a cellular message that I was a mercenary looking for work. Shortly thereafter, I received an anonymous voice-masked cell phone call. The ominous voice said to me -
"Listen Carefully. There is a target of opportunity in your area. If you sucessfully assasinate this individual, a payment of diamonds will be deposited into your account."
I needed new weapons and money talks, so "mission accepted." At my weapons stash, I loaded myself out for the mission with an AR16 w/ green dot scope, silent Makarov 6P9, and my new Silenced Dart Rifle with neurotoxin darts. It was dusk, and the mark was in a town far north. I quietly drove there, slipping past checkpoints off-road, until I made my way to a safehouse not far from the target. I waited until nightfall.

Midnight, and there was a fierce storm outside. Besides being pitch black, the wind was whipping up the trees and bushes, and the rain was falling loud and heavy. Driving to the mark was hazardous, as I could barely see the winding jungle road. When I was within a few hundred yards of the town, I left the assault truck I was driving by the side of the road. Keeping in the grass and shadows, I slowly crouch-walked the rest of the way. I came into the town through a hole in the back fence, and quickly surveyed the town.
I could carry out this mission a number of ways. My previous 'elimination' contracts in the no-fire zones had not gone smoothly, to say the least. The last time I used a "silenced" pistol, point-blank to my contract's head, I ended up running out of town with lead in my ass. Best to do assasinations in the towns from a distance.
Taking a quick survey of my surroundings, I spotted through the darkness the silhouette of what looked like a tall church bell tower. That would be my MOE - Method Of Execution...a silent sniper kill.
Still keeping low, I slipped unnoticed through some back yards and alleys, steering away from the soldiers that lightly populated the night. The chickens and goats barely noticed me. A street over, I overheard two guerilla fighters engaged in a conversation about going into the internet porn business together.
I found my way to the back of an abandoned church with the accompanying tall bell tower. I climbed up two 20 foot ladders to get to the top floor, which had a window that allowed me to overlook most of the town. I pulled my map out from my jacket chest pocket, and saw that my mysterious employer was updating my target's position in "real time" on my electronic paper map (lol.) The target was half way across the small town, and appeared to be mobile.
By now the rain had stopped, and now apparently a fog was rolling in. I had to act fast. I propped my silenced dart gun on the window sill, and peered through the scope toward his last known position. I could make out multiple individuals...which one was mine? Then I saw the giveaway; not only was he the only person not shouldering an assault rifle, my mark was wearing a fancy suit. And even better - smoking a cigarette to help further pinpoint him in the darkness. It would be his last cigarette.
He stopped in his tracks to take a drag, and I lined up the crosshair on his face. There was one soldier close by the target, and I hesitated for a moment. I didn't want any witnesses if I could avoid it. At the least, I wanted a few moments to start my escape. The toxin in this dart would almost immediately act on the target's nervous system, causing a fast-acting, albeit painful, death.
The nearby soldier turned his gaze away from my mark, which cued my trigger finger to scratch its itch..."TWIP". The weapon in my hand made a sound as if it dry spat. Through the scope, the fancy suit man's face exploded. (WTF is in these darts?)

I didn't even bother to watch him collapse to the ground. I quickly slid down the ladders to ground level. I could already hear the soldiers crying out in confusion, and they were hunting for somebody. I crouch-walked as fast as I could away from the voices, hoping I wouldn't get spotted. The assualt truck I came to town in was on the other side of those yelling voices, so that was no longer my 'out'. Like a darting shadow, I made my way though the town streets, with the fog settling down upon them. My nervousness caused involuntary reactions, like my shoulders hunching up and my peripheral vision acting like I had horse blinders on.
I made it to the road on the edge of town unseen, but the voices were still close by. A stroke of luck I almost didn't see in the night - a navy blue Jeep Liberty hardtop, parked empty on the side of the road. Not only were the doors unlocked and the keys in the ignition, but it was even pointing the way I wanted to go - the hell out of town. It couldn't have been any more inviting and welcome, like a surprise steak dinner to a hungry bum. I took ownership of the vehicle, and drove slowly and coolly out of the frantic town.

Mission accomplished.
True scenario I played out.
xDEILGYREx said:
I had a memorable stealth mission in Far Cry 2.

Mission accomplished.
True scenario I played out.

Yep I think I know what mission you're talking about. That was a good one. Like you, I also became immersed in the atmosphere of the game. Instead of just trying to hurry up and get everything done, I adapted to what Ubisoft were going for in this game, to the point where I was almost glad the enemies were sensitive. I liked the challenge. I remember that mission with all those African huts (forgot the name of the town, it's a real town), and I think I got through that whole thing barely being spotted, picking off guys one by one. Making it too the top, doing something up there, and then hang-gliding off the mountain. That was awesome.

I even didn't mind the traveling. Speeding down river in a boat through the jungle on the way to a mission felt real to me. Again though I can see how people would get bored of it all. I think a run and gun approach would just get frustrating also.

That silenced dart rifle was priceless. Easily my favorite weapon. Made the game almost too easy on occasion. I'd take a few perimeter guys out with it, then sneak in and get the rest with the silenced pistol.
I used the dart rifle frequently and it did help me get a jump on the enemies, but I was never able to utilize the silenced pistol and sub to any real effect. You have to be wayyyyy faster on the trigger and need surgical aim to pull that off-- I didn't really have the patience. But man, with proper AI/stealth and a few tweaks this game would be so amazing it would blow my face off. It's still awesome to me, but yeah. I can't wait to have a PC that can run it well to experience it in its full glory (logged dozens of hours in the 360 version).

What's the best site to visit for the must-have mods in FC2 (PC) by the way?

Mister D

One thing I really disliked about this game in addition to the other gripes that finally turned me off it for good was that there was no melee stealth kill. I have a sweet ass machete, I creep up slowly and carefully behind some guy, whip out my machete and plant it in the back of his skull. What happens? Instant death, no one alerted, I can move on and get my Jason Voorhees on. Nope, the friggin guy falls to the floor and starts wailing and screaming alerting the whole area to my presence so now I have to go through some precanned stabbing animation to shut his bitch ass up. It would have been so cool of Ubisoft to reward you for getting that close to a character unnoticed by giving you a silent assassin type kill but that would make too much sense I guess. So many bad decisions in what could have been a great game.


Finds Purchase on Dog Nutz
Every time I see this thread get bumped I hope it's about some sort of new PC mod that adjusts some of the more annoying aspects of this game. As a poster above me said, it could be soooo great...
I got so annoyed but this game the other day, played it online for a change, was in a 6 v 6 that ended up 2 v 2, I had the most kills (with 9) and the least kills, and we were winning, and I got "banned" from the game session, what a joke. Does that mean I got kicked? Either way really annoyed.

I need to get back to single player though...
Okay, I'm about 8% in, and my RPG has completely disappeared from my inventory. I thought at first that maybe the down button on my Dpad was broken (because, well, LOL at the 360 Dpad), but I can no longer access the primary crates (which I paid for) and I don't have a 4th weapon, and the game just got a lot harder as a result.

Am I fucked?


Guy Legend said:
I played through the entire game and never saw any crocs...

There aren't any predators in the game at all.

They said they would patch in predators, but they never did, apparently.

I know I wouldn't go swimming in a murky African river, when there might be a crocodile waiting underneath for you. Would really change how I would play the game.

Or even walking through a jungle, if jaguars and stuff were waiting up in the trees to pounce on you. That would have added so much to the game.


bengraven said:
Just got this game.

Why am I not being attacked by crocs in the water or snakes in the grass? Kills the fun for me.
Just one of the many areas where Far Cry 2 should have been better. If Far Cry 3 (if that even comes out) continues this path and makes it more like STALKER we could have a classic on our hands. As it is, FC2 has a cool, blank gameworld with nothing worthwhile in it to do. Could have been a contender, they just didn't know what to do with it.


eXistor said:
Just one of the many areas where Far Cry 2 should have been better. If Far Cry 3 (if that even comes out) continues this path and makes it more like STALKER we could have a classic on our hands. As it is, FC2 has a cool, blank gameworld with nothing worthwhile in it to do. Could have been a contender, they just didn't know what to do with it.

I agree that it had the potential to be much, much better than it currently is, but I'm still happy with my purchase. Even though they semi botched it, especially with the clunky controls, it's still not like anything else out there.
Sho_Nuff82 said:
Okay, I'm about 8% in, and my RPG has completely disappeared from my inventory. I thought at first that maybe the down button on my Dpad was broken (because, well, LOL at the 360 Dpad), but I can no longer access the primary crates (which I paid for) and I don't have a 4th weapon, and the game just got a lot harder as a result.

Am I fucked?
maybe your RPG is broken? Weapons get broken in FC2. The RPG like after 10 shots or something.


Asmodai said:
I agree that it had the potential to be much, much better than it currently is, but I'm still happy with my purchase. Even though they semi botched it, especially with the clunky controls, it's still not like anything else out there.
I actually kind of agree. I even played through the entire thing, even though I was bored out of my mind for most of it. They definitely were on the right track, they just fucked up along the way. Btw, I thought the controls were fine actually. The game just feels like STALKER-light. They should have pushed it further in that direction, bringing in a survival element with dangerous wildlife and such would've made it so much better.

This is just one of those games I have a very strong love-hate relationship with. On the one hand, they made a fantastic gameworld in which I fully believe and am ready to get lost in. On the other hand, the missions are some of the most insipid, uninspired and boring ones I have ever played. It's as if they were an afterthought.


This is one of my favourite games of all time. I have never played anything like it, the way it drags you into the world makes it almost transcend all other games. Masterpiece.


eXistor said:
I actually kind of agree. I even played through the entire thing, even though I was bored out of my mind for most of it. They definitely were on the right track, they just fucked up along the way. Btw, I thought the controls were fine actually. The game just feels like STALKER-light. They should have pushed it further in that direction, bringing in a survival element with dangerous wildlife and such would've made it so much better.

This is just one of those games I have a very strong love-hate relationship with. On the one hand, they made a fantastic gameworld in which I fully believe and am ready to get lost in. On the other hand, the missions are some of the most insipid, uninspired and boring ones I have ever played. It's as if they were an afterthought.

Definitely. The atmosphere is incredible even without the predators. They needed both predators and large numbers of herbivores, especially the most distinctive African animals, like giraffes, hippos, lions, elephants, rhinos and crocodiles. If they had included those animals and no other ones, everyone would have been very happy, I think.

Personally the controls felt awkward and clumsy after playing COD4. The auto-aim only makes it worse, pulling your aim toward enemies like a magnet, it doesn't feel natural at all. I always play with auto-aim disabled, even in multiplayer.

Like in Assassin's Creed and Prince of Persia, Ubisoft Montreal created this amazing game setting, but they couldn't figure out how to mix up the objectives or make them interesting. I have the most fun in Far Cry 2 just playing it like Fallout 3 or Oblivion, wandering around in the vague search of some kind of objective. The actual missions are pretty lame most of the time.

Also, the fact that it takes a ridiculous amount of ammo to kill enemies with early weapons also hurt the realism. Realistic games should take 1-2 shots with an assault rifle to go down, not half a clip.
Caesar III said:
maybe your RPG is broken? Weapons get broken in FC2. The RPG like after 10 shots or something.

So how do I get it back? Do I have to buy another one or what?

Edit: And I have to say that, as much as I love the setting, this game has some of the worst audio quality of ANY next-gen game I've played. The voice-acting is an obvious flaw that's been pointed out, but it probably has the worst use of 5.1 directional sound of any FPS I've played in the last decade. I've found it counter-intuitive to listen for enemy footsteps or voices because they give you absolutely no clue to where they actually are. That, and you can't change the audio mix (music is either on or off with no sliders, and you can't mute the ambient "soundtrack").


Asmodai said:
Definitely. The atmosphere is incredible even without the predators. They needed both predators and large numbers of herbivores, especially the most distinctive African animals, like giraffes, hippos, lions, elephants, rhinos and crocodiles. If they had included those animals and no other ones, everyone would have been very happy, I think.

Personally the controls felt awkward and clumsy after playing COD4. The auto-aim only makes it worse, pulling your aim toward enemies like a magnet, it doesn't feel natural at all. I always play with auto-aim disabled, even in multiplayer.

Like in Assassin's Creed and Prince of Persia, Ubisoft Montreal created this amazing game setting, but they couldn't figure out how to mix up the objectives or make them interesting. I have the most fun in Far Cry 2 just playing it like Fallout 3 or Oblivion, wandering around in the vague search of some kind of objective. The actual missions are pretty lame most of the time.

Also, the fact that it takes a ridiculous amount of ammo to kill enemies with early weapons also hurt the realism. Realistic games should take 1-2 shots with an assault rifle to go down, not half a clip.
I agree with this. There's a weird acceleration in the sticks where as it feels slow to get a lead on a target, but if you apply more pressure to the stick all of a sudden the acceleration kicks in and you can overshoot your target.

I mean, this is Ubisoft Montreal. The same dev house that worked on Rainbow Six: Vegas and the acceleration/aiming felt fine in that game. I really had wished they would have programmed the aiming in Far Cry 2 just like RS:V.

Hopefully, they adjust it in the inevitable Far Cry 3. I think the franchise has plenty of potential. Even with the weird aiming, respawning checkpoints, and hungry jeeps, I still liked the game.

Nothing like setting your watch for 7:00 in the morning, then walking out of your safe house and looking at that glorious sunrise. Really good looking game. And no install to boot (PS3 version).


fps fanatic said:
I agree with this. There's a weird acceleration in the sticks where as it feels slow to get a lead on a target, but if you apply more pressure to the stick all of a sudden the acceleration kicks in and you can overshoot your target.

I mean, this is Ubisoft Montreal. The same dev house that worked on Rainbow Six: Vegas and the acceleration/aiming felt fine in that game. I really had wished they would have programmed the aiming in Far Cry 2 just like RS:V.

Hopefully, they adjust it in the inevitable Far Cry 3. I think the franchise has plenty of potential. Even with the weird aiming, respawning checkpoints, and hungry jeeps, I still liked the game.

Nothing like setting your watch for 7:00 in the morning, then walking out of your safe house and looking at that glorious sunrise. Really good looking game. And no install to boot (PS3 version).

To be honest, I thought Rainbow Six Vegas and its sequel both had shitty controls, even on the PC. Though they didn't have the weird acceleration that Far Cry 2 had.

Nobody comes close to COD4 controls on the consoles, in my opinion. I genuinely wish that for Far Cry 3, and any other console shooter for that matter, that they rip off COD4's controls to a tee.


Asmodai said:
To be honest, I thought Rainbow Six Vegas and its sequel both had shitty controls, even on the PC. Though they didn't have the weird acceleration that Far Cry 2 had.

Nobody comes close to COD4 controls on the consoles, in my opinion. I genuinely wish that for Far Cry 3, and any other console shooter for that matter, that they rip off COD4's controls to a tee.
At least the button/stick layout was just like COD4 out of the box, which I appreciated. ;) L1/R1 for aiming/iron sight, circle to crouch, L3 to sprint, etc. But yeah, the aiming/acceleration feels so smooth in COD4 that if it were copied to a tee, I wouldn't mind.

It could take away from fps titles' individuality a bit. Each shooter has its own little quirks in their controls to adjust to. But I really like the aiming in COD4. Hope Far Cry 3 gets it at least closer to that game's aiming.


Sho_Nuff82 said:
So how do I get it back? Do I have to buy another one or what?

Edit: And I have to say that, as much as I love the setting, this game has some of the worst audio quality of ANY next-gen game I've played. The voice-acting is an obvious flaw that's been pointed out, but it probably has the worst use of 5.1 directional sound of any FPS I've played in the last decade. I've found it counter-intuitive to listen for enemy footsteps or voices because they give you absolutely no clue to where they actually are. That, and you can't change the audio mix (music is either on or off with no sliders, and you can't mute the ambient "soundtrack").
Probably just need to go to the storage house at any gun shop. RPG goes in the "special" slot along with guns like the Dart Rifle, the LMGs, and the Flamethrower, so that's the crate you need to have a fresh one in your safe house.

I really do like this game aside from missions being boring sometimes (mostly side missions), but I'm also playing the PC version, and that was the lead version instead of the console ports. So I have no problems with any aiming or anything. In fact it's really refreshing because there's no crosshair, so it feels more like really aiming.


I'm liking it, but I was hoping for a bit more sense of danger from being in Africa. The animals didn't have to interupt firefights, they could have been in the areas outside of civilization. Animals would prefer to stay away from man anyway. It would really give the game a better pace anyway - firefight, sneaking away from lions, firefight, jump in water, but watch out for crocs, firefight, throw an enemy in the water and watch him be ripped to shreds.

It's a shame no one cares to mod this.
This is probably how a lot of people feel but oh man, I love and hate this game. It has some of the most brilliant ideas in any shooter ever, along with amazing graphics and atmosphere, yet, it also some of the most dumbass design choices and rushed elements about its presentation.

Gee what a weird game, much like other Ubi games this gen
Sho_Nuff82 said:
So how do I get it back? Do I have to buy another one or what?

Edit: And I have to say that, as much as I love the setting, this game has some of the worst audio quality of ANY next-gen game I've played. The voice-acting is an obvious flaw that's been pointed out, but it probably has the worst use of 5.1 directional sound of any FPS I've played in the last decade. I've found it counter-intuitive to listen for enemy footsteps or voices because they give you absolutely no clue to where they actually are. That, and you can't change the audio mix (music is either on or off with no sliders, and you can't mute the ambient "soundtrack").
You're nuts, I thought Far Cry 2 had some of the better audio in a next-gen game to date. Always had the music off, ambient sounds were freaking amazing IMO. Never paid much attention to the positional audio, but I assume it must have at the very least been decent, else I would have noticed.

To answer your question, did you buy it? When you buy a weapon, another (new?) one is always in the shack next to every weapons shop. You buy the 3 crates to store different types of weapons, more useful for storing different loadouts. Get some diamonds and buy some weapons. Doing the weapons dealer missions will open up tons better stuff quick!
I pretty much started out the game with the RPG, and I used it for the first handful of missions (4 or 5), I don't think I ever officially bought it. It jammed a handful of times (like the rocket would just sputter out, and I'd have to run to avoid being blown to bits), do the weapons just full-on break to the point that they're no longer usable?

I left a weapon shop and noticed that I couldn't press down to reselect it, and went over to my weapon shack and it's nowhere to be found. :(

I have only 3 weapons, this kind of sucks.
Sho_Nuff82 said:
I pretty much started out the game with the RPG, and I used it for the first handful of missions (4 or 5), I don't think I ever officially bought it. It jammed a handful of times (like the rocket would just sputter out, and I'd have to run to avoid being blown to bits), do the weapons just full-on break to the point that they're no longer usable?

I left a weapon shop and noticed that I couldn't press down to reselect it, and went over to my weapon shack and it's nowhere to be found. :(

I have only 3 weapons, this kind of sucks.
All weapons will jam/break eventually, but you can buy reliability upgrades for each of the ones you buy. IIRC, the RPG should be up on the back right wall (all bought weapons are hanging on the wall) Just bang out a few of the 'central city' main missions and a few of the weapon dealer missions and you'll be sitting pretty.
I beat the game over X-mas holiday last year, and I've been itching to replay the game. It has some issues, but overall one of the few game that made me actually FEEL like a mercenary. Until someone does a better job, this is one of my favorite games.


I found stealth in this game to be surprisingly rewarding. I also loved the ending. Especially how
it brakes every established game convention (1. Try not to shoot up the green zones. 2. Do not kill your buddies (unless they ask you :lol )).
I'm a little over 50% done with this game (PS3), and like everybody else, I have a love/hate thing for it.

The game world is so immersive and beautiful. Turn off the music, climb a high cliff to watch the sun come up and listen to the wind blow through the trees. Or soak in the atmosphere with a cool boat ride down a river in the evening; taking in all the sights as you skim along the water. The sounds are great and the lighting is fantastic. One of the best game worlds ever created.

But the safe-house save system on consoles absolutely sucks. Traversing the terrain can get tiring. And what in the hell are those hang gliders good for?

I also wish there were more friendly villagers scattered about. Everyone hates me in Africa. I'm trying to help!

And why does everyone talk so fast? It ridiculous. I had to turn the subtitles on just so I would know what's going on.

Plus, there are still a few game breaking bugs. I narrowly escaped the "steamboat" bug. Luckily I had a save file in a convenient location, otherwise I would have just quit at about 40%. I had to re-do a few missions, but not too bad. Why they don't fix this I have no clue.

But the world keeps bringing me back. It's sooo close to being a classic.


QUESTION: the PC version got a patch a while back that "fixed" the fov for widescreen resolutions. Did either of the console versions also get this patch?


Junior Member
McBacon said:
This is one of my favourite games of all time. I have never played anything like it, the way it drags you into the world makes it almost transcend all other games. Masterpiece.
Yeah i was gonna post this. I absolutely adore the atmosphere and world Ubi created for this game.


learnedhand said:
I'm a little over 50% done with this game (PS3), and like everybody else, I have a love/hate thing for it.

The game world is so immersive and beautiful. Turn off the music, climb a high cliff to watch the sun come up and listen to the wind blow through the trees. Or soak in the atmosphere with a cool boat ride down a river in the evening; taking in all the sights as you skim along the water. The sounds are great and the lighting is fantastic. One of the best game worlds ever created.

But the safe-house save system on consoles absolutely sucks. Traversing the terrain can get tiring. And what in the hell are those hang gliders good for?

I also wish there were more friendly villagers scattered about. Everyone hates me in Africa. I'm trying to help!

And why does everyone talk so fast? It ridiculous. I had to turn the subtitles on just so I would know what's going on.

Plus, there are still a few game breaking bugs. I narrowly escaped the "steamboat" bug. Luckily I had a save file in a convenient location, otherwise I would have just quit at about 40%. I had to re-do a few missions, but not too bad. Why they don't fix this I have no clue.

But the world keeps bringing me back. It's sooo close to being a classic.
There is exactly one mission I can recall where its a good idea to use one. Otherwise it felt more like a novelty (though it was in FC1, but according it the direction of the sequel that never happened anyways) than a viable travelling method.
Almak said:
There is exactly one mission I can recall where its a good idea to use one. Otherwise it felt more like a novelty (though it was in FC1, but according it the direction of the sequel that never happened anyways) than a viable travelling method.

Yea, they're sort of entertaining to use, but if you bump to the side just a bit it's really easy to spin out of control. That, and one bullet up in the air can take you down.
DigiMish said:
You need to use the hang gliders to get a couple diamonds in the game, otherwise they are unreachable.
I keep thinking the diamond on top of the train at the refinery (the one right next to the storage tanks) is somehow reached by glider, but that particular diamond has killed me repeatedly, and I've never grabbed it.

Anyway, I was disappointed with the hang glider, I thought you might be able to catch some currents and go super high or stay aloft for more than 30 seconds.


One thing this game should have had was flyable small aircraft, like the Cessnas you see.

Hell, you even see them flying in the intro, and then you see a friend flying one in the missions.

How stupid is it that you can't fly them? Light aircraft like that are one of the best ways to get around the African savanna quickly. Instead you get the gimmicky hang glider. Bah!

Still a great game. But add crocodiles, lions, and flyable Cessnas, and suddenly it would become twice as good.


learnedhand said:
And what in the hell are those hang gliders good for?

One time, I was scouting out a village I had to attack, and realised that while one path took me to a cliff face, there was a hang glider at the top. So I parked my jeep and went on foot.

Fucking rambo'd my way in, taking cover and blasting dudes. Using nades and molotovs, pistols and all.

Killed the dude, and then ran to the hang glider I saw before, and rode away to safety. Bullets whizzing past my head, so crazy!


Asmodai said:
One thing this game should have had was flyable small aircraft, like the Cessnas you see.

Hell, you even see them flying in the intro, and then you see a friend flying one in the missions.

How stupid is it that you can't fly them? Light aircraft like that are one of the best ways to get around the African savanna quickly. Instead you get the gimmicky hang glider. Bah!

Still a great game. But add crocodiles, lions, and flyable Cessnas, and suddenly it would become twice as good.
I felt like such a dick when I ran over a gazelle, I wouldnt imagine how I'd feel if I'd run over a lion (I love cats). :( Completely agree about Cessnas though. Such a miss too. The vistas from one of those thing would be breathtaking.

McBacon said:
One time, I was scouting out a village I had to attack, and realised that while one path took me to a cliff face, there was a hang glider at the top. So I parked my jeep and went on foot.

Fucking rambo'd my way in, taking cover and blasting dudes. Using nades and molotovs, pistols and all.

Killed the dude, and then ran to the hang glider I saw before, and rode away to safety. Bullets whizzing past my head, so crazy!
Yup thats the one.
My approach was completely different though. I stealthed that whole place and seriously they never even knew I was there.


DeuceMojo said:
I keep thinking the diamond on top of the train at the refinery (the one right next to the storage tanks) is somehow reached by glider, but that particular diamond has killed me repeatedly, and I've never grabbed it.

Anyway, I was disappointed with the hang glider, I thought you might be able to catch some currents and go super high or stay aloft for more than 30 seconds.
Oh man, you don't know how many times I've tried to grab that diamond. It seems so in reach yet I can't figure out how to grab it.

I've walked to the top of those storage tanks and tried to jump onto the train to see if that worked but no luck. I parked the truck next to the train and jumped on the hood to see if that worked... No dice. :(

What's also weird is that I've sworn I completed all the cell tower missions but I've never gotten the trophy for it (PS3). I'll look on my map and there won't be any more missions available.

Asmodai said:
One thing this game should have had was flyable small aircraft, like the Cessnas you see.

Hell, you even see them flying in the intro, and then you see a friend flying one in the missions.

How stupid is it that you can't fly them? Light aircraft like that are one of the best ways to get around the African savanna quickly. Instead you get the gimmicky hang glider. Bah!

Still a great game. But add crocodiles, lions, and flyable Cessnas, and suddenly it would become twice as good.
Yeah, I remember the mission where I had to back up a buddy of mine. I got to the airport and saw the plane sitting there and I thought wow, maybe I'll get to fly the plane now? Walked up to it but couldn't get in. Damn...


Sho_Nuff82 said:
I pretty much started out the game with the RPG, and I used it for the first handful of missions (4 or 5), I don't think I ever officially bought it. It jammed a handful of times (like the rocket would just sputter out, and I'd have to run to avoid being blown to bits), do the weapons just full-on break to the point that they're no longer usable?

I left a weapon shop and noticed that I couldn't press down to reselect it, and went over to my weapon shack and it's nowhere to be found. :(

I have only 3 weapons, this kind of sucks.
well, I don't think you can unlock it then until you get the diamonds to buy it.

fwiw in my experience on the PC version, the best weapons if you are going rambo are: AK47 (best assault rifle, insane durability and accuracy with upgrades, and you get it early), star .45 or eagle .50 (.45 is unlocked earlier than the .50 so buy the .45 as soon as it's available, then buy the .50 later) and the RPG. the .50 is a freaking handcannon and since it's a desert eagle I just refer to it as Bullet Tooth Tony's friend. I think you can buy the RPG pretty soon if not already. Once you buy a gun just go to the warehouse next to every gun shop and all your bought weapons will be hanging from gun racks, so pick one up for each slot and grab some ammo.

I've tried the LMGs and they're a little disappointing. The uzi is a good one for the handgun slot, but it's easier to get ammo out in the field for the .50 pistol and I like how easily it drops guys (2-3 shots maximum at close range, easy to aim, headshots are instant kill). I like the RPG for the simple reason that I keep running into vehicles, so rather than throw a grenade and time it, I just fire a rocket and watch everything fly. When I get back into it I'm going to pick up the flamethrower and give it a try, just because I like the fire effects in this game.

edit: also if people are talking about the diamond case I think they are (it's on top of a train next to a water tower or something?) I got it by doing a running jump and just lucking out and catching a corner of the train. I bet there's some other way to do it, but hell if I know what it is.
ooo i have to leave my mark on this thread.

After the turd Far Cry one, i decided to invest in the CE of FC2. And god damn what an awesome desision i made. This game is awesome, the whole setting, the visuals, the immersion i loved every second of it and cant wait to replay it again.

Shame about the multiplayer thoe, they should of just used the resources on
beefing the shitty endings up


I really wanted to play this game stealthy, but once I got one enemy they all got alerted and it would just be a straight-up shootout. I never did get the hang of the whole stealth aproach.
Got to the second map area and then soon after gave up on the game - it got too repetitive.
Overall an ok game, but seems like a bit of a missed opportunity to be a great game to me.

DennisK4 said:
I really wanted to play this game stealthy, but once I got one enemy they all got alerted and it would just be a straight-up shootout. I never did get the hang of the whole stealth aproach.
Got to the second map area and then soon after gave up on the game - it got too repetitive.
Overall an ok game, but seems like a bit of a missed opportunity to be a great game to me.
Yeah, me too. Hate to admit giving up on a game, but yeah, when the Jackal rescues you from the sandstorm, I just quit. Still think it was a great concept though, hopefully FC 3 is like a landmark achivement in gaming...


DeuceMojo said:
I keep thinking the diamond on top of the train at the refinery (the one right next to the storage tanks) is somehow reached by glider, but that particular diamond has killed me repeatedly, and I've never grabbed it.
That's interesting. I found that to be a really easy jump, compared to some others I've encountered. (It took me a long while to get up to one of the ones in that "mud hut village", below the kilns.) The train is easy: Climb the stairs on the tanks until you are overlooking the case, jump up on the railing, back up a bit, and then run and jump. I think it took me two tries because sometimes running jumps fail to trigger. The toughest part is making sure you don't jump clean over the car.

I've come across two diamonds that I don't know how to get to. One is on a rocky outcrop overlooking the "crash site". Another is on some rocks next to the river that leads north away from that major city on the lake. Does anybody know if either of those require using a hang glider?

Anyway, I just started playing this for the first time about a month ago. I really like it. I'm making progress, but it's a very time consuming game the way I play. I hardly ever drive, because I find it awkward to keep pulling up the map so I don't bumble into a checkpoint. I prefer to walk, or take an airboat. Or, you know, just take the bus. :D

I like just walking through the bush, soaking up the atmosphere. Some of the bird calls remind me of Hawaii, so that part is pleasant. ; ) I really haven't encountered anything about that I "hate". The safe-house save system forces me to be extra cautious, because you can lose a lot of progress otherwise, but I'm okay with that. The game glitched once when I was "liberating" one of those resistance houses with the malaria drugs inside -- I killed everybody, but the house didn't unlock. So, I went back a save, walked to nearby safe house, slept, and then went back and killed the respawned dudes again. It unlocked that time.

Other than that, it's been awesome. Just kinda slow. I've no real complaints about the AI. They are about as observant as real human players would be. They do seem to communicate telepathically, however. Once even one of them has a theory about where you are, they all do. That's particularly annoying when some dudes that were just driving by come crashing into your hiding spot! I've learned to quickly put a tree in between me and the sound of an approaching jeep!


Thought about making a LTTP thread for this game, but hasn't been that long since an update here, so...

Yeah. I'm only half an hour in or so (late day at work and too tired to play a game...so sad!), but I'm really digging this game. It looks freaking gorgeous, there's already a pretty decent variety in the available approaches to missions/weapons, and the flamethrower is a hell of a lot of fun.

So what's going to kill it for me? The driving?

Right now, I'm really looking forward to a more extended play session.

EDIT: Reading through more posts now, and I see what may potentially "kill it" for me. Fingers crossed, though! ;)
The biggest complaints people made were the respawning guard posts and overly sensitive enemy AI, which makes the slealth aspect too difficult. The game also gets repetitive after awhile and the traveling can become tedious.

Even with those flaws though, I enjoyed the game a lot and really got into the whole atmosphere, and when I got used to the stealth that became my favorite part of the game. Sneaking around enemy camps at night taking them out silently one by one never got old for me. I ended up putting about 50 hours into the game.
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