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Fat Princess |OT| Misogynistic Cake


profit said:
The funny thing was, I was falling half asleep then (was getting kinda late here), and I thought we were actually having problems breaking through their defense :lol

Haha, I think atleast few thought about that, possibly the enemy team too.

But when we decided to end the match, it was over before we even knew it.


Got into my first game just then. Christ, it was laggy. Really disappointed that they still have this problem even after the beta... I hope they can fix it.


I'm glad this finally came out. Saw a couple of gameplay videos yesterday, was amazed of how much (loosely) it reminds me of TF2.


All right, I cleared out my friend list a little bit, so I have few spots open again.

Just add me on PSN, and I'll invite you to the chat.

Right now there are 2 GAF Fat Princess chat rooms, #1 and #2. Number #1 is full, at the moment, but you will get the same news in the room number 2, like when a game is starting and so on.
Drame said:
All right, I cleared out my friend list a little bit, so I have few spots open again.

Just add me on PSN, and I'll invite you to the chat.

Right now there are 2 GAF Fat Princess chat rooms, #1 and #2. Number #1 is full, at the moment, but you will get the same news in the room number 2, like when a game is starting and so on.
Just tried to send an invite, but it says you're maxed out.

This game really should have had clan/party support.


anyone got any tips for a useless newbie? i can't even beat the first chapter in story...played for about an hour just going around in circles with no side winning :(


Shadow780 said:
So afterwards their ups can become downs, jumps can become attacks, etc?

Pretty much.

sullyj said:
Sent Drame a request, anyone else feel free to add me. PSN sullyj

Remember, Drame is not my PSN nick, it's Halba.

I can't quarantee that my friend list is not full, but there should be couple spots left.

qwerty2k said:
anyone got any tips for a useless newbie? i can't even beat the first chapter in story...played for about an hour just going around in circles with no side winning :(

To make it easier, push up on the d-pad to command npc's follow you. With that it should be easy as cake.


Oh I'd love to try some proper online games after last nights dissapointment :p
Please add me as well. :)
PSN: Luminus-X
I'll be on in about an hour for a couple of games.


but ever so delicious
Finally got to play a game online and it's not bad. Unfortunately there was a few people who skipped around like crazy, running through walls and all sorts of strange shit. I guess this is why i prefer my PC gaming, local aussie server's are so needed for us when it comes to online gaming.

Having said that it was fun. I'm still a bit mixed, i'm not 100% sold on it just yet. The lava level didn't do alot for me, i thought it was a tad frustrating.

Don't have a favourite class just yet. A mate did say he enjoyed the default class since you can run around slapping people and stealing their items :lol . I may have to try that tomorrow.


Rummy Bunnz said:
This confuses me as well. I also agree with you about the useless manual, and that the game might be better with fewer players. As it is it's too hectic and combat is spread all over the map. I think the game might benefit from longer respawn times, and maybe an increased benefit to capturing towers, and...well a lot of things, really. I alternate between having a lot of fun and feeling very frustrated. I think maybe this game could be really awesome when played at a higher level, where all the roles are assigned at the start and all the teammates are on the same page. But it's difficult to play at a low level, since a few decent players can't carry a team, unlike a lot of other games in the genre. The mid and end game REALLY need tweaking.

Well, a big problem is related to the large number of players and the spawn system. Since you have a large number of teammates at any one time there is likely to be the majority of both teams ready and able to fight. Because you always spawn at the base and not towers or such you never manage to gain any ground in any noticeable fashion so even killing a bunch of people doesn't have much effect. Further since they spawn at base it means that when you get to the base to capture the princess there's almost always a mass of people freshly spawned there and able to fight you off without the need for much of anyone to ever actually play defense.

Look at most games and you'll see a big mass of people streaming to a large fight in the center of the map with little to no lasting change. Sometimes people manage to work together and get in and take the princess by skirting around this melee as much as possible, but you almost never see any other real change in the tide of battle. With this player size and mechanics there simply isn't any way for it to be possible. There is no way to gain a competitive advantage.

Give us a benefit to holding towers (defensive/healing radius, better protection to people inside) , let us spawn at them, increase the spawn timer on the losing team or even use tower possession to affect the respawn timer. This is fun game, but at a mechanical level it has serious problems that should have been rectified in playtesting and a some notable balance issues beyond even that.

Seriously, we've noticed a number of major issues like this and the game has barely been out for 48 hours. You'd think that if they tested it properly people would have noted these problems. Were they simply blind to them for some reason or was it rushed out before it could be balanced and tweaked? It's a beautiful cake, it looks great, it's sugary and tasty, but it's a gooey, runny mass in the middle. It needed more time in the oven.

hugejeans said:
I am enjoying the game just wish the instructions were better.Or do you play the single player to get a better understanding.

Yes. Read all the instructions and then play through single player until you understand. it's not that hard. I don't know why people seem to think that resources are building specific of banked or something. It uses the exact same mechanic that just about every RTS since Dune II has used.

Developers: do not allow people to play online until they have completed a tutorial of some sort. This goes for all team-based games of this sort. Make certain they understand what they're doing so we're spared the sort of people who just blindly rush into online play without reading or trying to learn anything. FP has some huge gaps in documentation (e.g. almost all of the advanced abilities), but playing with real people with absolutely no knowledge of the game is like just getting behind the wheel and driving in heavy city traffic.

In a way the people doing America's Army have a really good system going where you actually have to be authorized and trained to play or use anything advanced.

Bootaaay said:
Does anyone know if it's possible to change the gametype between matches if you're the host?
Drame said:
Just have the game type highlighted, like Princess Rescue and just push left and right to change the game type.

From within a game that's already going on? How do you get to that screen without quitting the game in progress? I've been looking around and I can't seem to find it either.

They really need to give more control to the host. Yes, people can vote from between a narrow selection of maps (with vague, unexplained icons... YAY! Looks like "do again", "next map in sequence", and "new map, out of sequence"), but the host can't even change to a specific map.

Mikey Jr.

Belgand said:
Well, a big problem is related to the large number of players and the spawn system. Since you have a large number of teammates at any one time there is likely to be the majority of both teams ready and able to fight. Because you always spawn at the base and not towers or such you never manage to gain any ground in any noticeable fashion so even killing a bunch of people doesn't have much effect. Further since they spawn at base it means that when you get to the base to capture the princess there's almost always a mass of people freshly spawned there and able to fight you off without the need for much of anyone to ever actually play defense.

Look at most games and you'll see a big mass of people streaming to a large fight in the center of the map with little to no lasting change. Sometimes people manage to work together and get in and take the princess by skirting around this melee as much as possible, but you almost never see any other real change in the tide of battle. With this player size and mechanics there simply isn't any way for it to be possible. There is no way to gain a competitive advantage.

Give us a benefit to holding towers (defensive/healing radius, better protection to people inside) , let us spawn at them, increase the spawn timer on the losing team or even use tower possession to affect the respawn timer. This is fun game, but at a mechanical level it has serious problems that should have been rectified in playtesting and a some notable balance issues beyond even that.

Seriously, we've noticed a number of major issues like this and the game has barely been out for 48 hours. You'd think that if they tested it properly people would have noted these problems. Were they simply blind to them for some reason or was it rushed out before it could be balanced and tweaked? It's a beautiful cake, it looks great, it's sugary and tasty, but it's a gooey, runny mass in the middle. It needed more time in the oven.

Right on. The towers are absolutely useless and serve virtually no purpose besides some minor things like regen 1 heart and to drop some resources into them. Thats all. They do need some sort of greater benefit. Like you said, a penalty or an advantage to the other or your team. Spawning for example.


After finally getting into a decent game last night, my opinion so far of the final is that it may be TOO balanced. It is very difficult to break stalemates, as stated above. 24 players instead of 32 would have the double benefit of opening the game up AND making stalemates harder to achieve.

Of the games I played where stalemates were prevented or broken, they boiled down to two things:

1) Rushing the Mage upgrade for the Ice Mages (charged Ice Mage AoE = win button) and then coupling them with Priests. Then, they rushed the resources to keep the other team from upgrades and wore them down.


2) A massive bomb rush on a map with catapults.

Everything else devloved into a grind at the map chokepoints that lasted a while. Oh and FFS, give us server lists >:|


Mikey Jr. said:
Right on. The towers are absolutely useless and serve virtually no purpose besides some minor things like regen 1 heart and to drop some resources into them. Thats all. They do need some sort of greater benefit. Like you said, a penalty or an advantage to the other or your team. Spawning for example.

You regen one heart when you go into the tower? I was thinking that might be the case....

The lack of clear information in this game is staggering. Yes, most games of this type develop a body of non-official wisdom, but they barely explain anything even for fairly crucial gameplay elements.


Mikey Jr. said:
Right on. The towers are absolutely useless and serve virtually no purpose besides some minor things like regen 1 heart and to drop some resources into them. Thats all. They do need some sort of greater benefit. Like you said, a penalty or an advantage to the other or your team. Spawning for example.

I agree, but there is one thing that the towers are awesome for.

Farming points! If there is a tower with a ice mage, dark priest and a priest, you can rack up good amount of points in no time.


Drame said:
I agree, but there is one thing that the towers are awesome for.

Farming points! If there is a tower with a ice mage, dark priest and a priest, you can rack up good amount of points in no time.
Yeah, that sounds like fun. Really?

Is there any way to search for games with for example 16P maximum? This feels like Killzone 2 all over again; the game is totally broken with 32 players, yet that player count is basically enforced by design.


ACE 1991 said:
It seems like this game really needs some patching. Does NeoGAF still reccommend picking it up at this point?

It depends on you, if you like games about teamwork this is a game for you.

Also daily Gaf games are really really fun, and there hasn't been connection problems when the host is from Gaf.

In the end, I'd jump in now. The game requires some patching that is true, but it's still fun, even now.

VNZ said:
Yeah, that sounds like fun. Really?

To me, it's fun :)

VNZ said:
Is there any way to search for games with for example 16P maximum? This feels like Killzone 2 all over again; the game is totally broken with 32 players, yet that player count is basically enforced by design.

Sadly no, no lobbies what so ever. I'd say the best, and only way to get good games right now is by joining Gaf games.


I agree with 32 players being to many. The first game I played was 4vs4. I actually think that this game does better with 8vs8. Classes and overall tactics becomes more important when playing with a small amount of players.

Next time we play just host a game with 10-16 slots and make 6-10 private slots. We also need to decide teams beforehand :p


i had been complaning about this game since yesterday but today i had hosted a game and played with a friend. We were at the same team against Bots..
It was really fun this time.
Magic number was 16! more than 16 players become a mess and very chaotic. 16 players on black forest is really fun!


Drame, i can't get to my PS3 anytime soon, i'd appreciate it if you could send my a friends request if you have the space. My PSN nick is in the online forum.

I'm a long time GAF clanner over a number of games so i know all about japanese culture something something.


decon said:
Next time we play just host a game with 10-16 slots and make 6-10 private slots. We also need to decide teams beforehand :p

I'd say 16 private slots, full gaf team versus some randoms. Usually if the game is about Gaf vs. randoms, Gaf takes the red team.

I agree, the Gaf vs. Gaf matches were unbalanced to the max.

Facism said:
I'm a long time GAF clanner over a number of games so i know all about japanese culture something something.

No problem, I should have couple spots open right now.


KilgoreTrout said:
We thought this was crazy:


Take a look at this:
:lol :lol :lol[/QUOTE]

Too bad you didn't get more, that was the most epic game I have ever played on Fat Princess.

I can't believe you guys actually lost against our broken down team.

Our Worker hats glitched on us, and they stopped spawning, not to mention we had no castle door. :lol :lol


Belgand said:
From within a game that's already going on? How do you get to that screen without quitting the game in progress? I've been looking around and I can't seem to find it either

Sorry, I totally missed the game that is already on part.

You can't change gametypes when the match is going, you have to quit and start a new match, with the game type you wanted.


Drame said:
I'd say 16 private slots, full gaf team versus some randoms. Usually if the game is about Gaf vs. randoms, Gaf takes the red team.

I agree, the Gaf vs. Gaf matches were unbalanced to the max.

No problem, I should have couple spots open right now.
32 players is just too many. 8vs8 is much better.


Mikey Jr. said:
Right on. The towers are absolutely useless and serve virtually no purpose besides some minor things like regen 1 heart and to drop some resources into them. Thats all. They do need some sort of greater benefit. Like you said, a penalty or an advantage to the other or your team. Spawning for example.

Being able to drop resources into them is not a minor benefit, especially when you're harvesting the metal deposits at the middle of a map.


Agreed about the towers. Why didn't they allow you to spawn at them ? Would make so much sense.

Also, is there a minimap ? Having to press select everytime you want to know wtf is going on is tedious.


Nachkebia said:
To whom do I need to give a blow job to get invited in god damn gaf game? :lol

That would be me, but I don't need a blow job, just a PSN name will do fine.

decon said:
32 players is just too many. 8vs8 is much better.

I like 32 player games, more than 8vs8.

Do you mean 8vs8, like gaffers on each side or 8 gaffers vs. 8 randoms?
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