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Fat Princess |OT| Misogynistic Cake


Game rocks! :D Co-oping vs. the bots is fun. Lower player numbers are better though, because when playing 32 player games, the game often gets deadlocked which is annoying.


Drame said:
That would be me, but I don't need a blow job, just a PSN name will do fine.

I like 32 player games, more than 8vs8.

Do you mean 8vs8, like gaffers on each side or 8 gaffers vs. 8 randoms?
Yeah or gaffers vs. gaffers. I just think we should try out different numbers of max players to see what is the best.


Add me!

PSN id : GimmeCat
my bandwidth allows me to host up to 16 players only tho.

I prefer playing as worker; upgrading, repearing and feeding the biatch!


netguy503 said:
For the people that asked...from ps3trophies.org:
- Kill 88 enemies in a single online game without dying
This is the toughest Trophy in the game. Getting 88 kills in a single game is already tough, but don't worry though because Slickdan has come up with a solution (but is bandwidth dependent):

Ok so I found an easy way to get 88 kills without dying and without boosting. It's cheap but hey it works. Pick play with others and then pick control freaks. Choose the soccer map and start the game. You will be playing with all bots but it is considered online. Look around til you find the worker hat that also has the 2nd level to it (with the bombs). The map is so small that everyone goes for the soccer ball. When everyone is in the corner it is time to rack up the kills! Keep throwing bombs into the group and you will see death and carnage galore! This is also a very easy way to get the 6 kills in 1 second trophy too. Everyone starts as a villager so a bomb kills them in one hit. If you get hit or some random bot decides to mess with you just run away and you can rest in the corner somewhere. Nobody will mess with you. I was able to kill over 100 bots without even coming close to dying. So there you go. It only seemed like one of the hardest trophies to acquire. Easy as cake...

Oh wow... I just did that and got 200 sequential kills. Thanks for the tip, that was actually really fun. :lol


Drame said:
Sadly no, no lobbies what so ever. I'd say the best, and only way to get good games right now is by joining Gaf games.

Not only a lack of lobbies, but no server browser. You put in your choice of map and game type and it goes out and spend a few minutes finding a game, connecting, and sending you back to the menu.

You don't have the option of looking for a largely empty server (it prioritizes nearly full servers as was mentioned upthread) or exerting any sort of control.

For a multiplayer, online-focused game it really feels like the thing they paid the least attention to was the netcode and matchmaking.

Drame said:
Sorry, I totally missed the game that is already on part.

You can't change gametypes when the match is going, you have to quit and start a new match, with the game type you wanted.

Yeah. They really spent long minutes actually playing this online.


decon said:
Yeah or gaffers vs. gaffers. I just think we should try out different numbers of max players to see what is the best.


If we get games going today, we could give the 8vs8 a shot, of course every player would be from gaf.

Belgand said:
Not only a lack of lobbies, but no server browser. You put in your choice of map and game type and it goes out and spend a few minutes finding a game, connecting, and sending you back to the menu.

You don't have the option of looking for a largely empty server (it prioritizes nearly full servers as was mentioned upthread) or exerting any sort of control.

For a multiplayer, online-focused game it really feels like the thing they paid the least attention to was the netcode and matchmaking.

I know, Fat Princess still feels like it's in beta.

Good thing that Titan is handling the criticism really well, and promising some changes, so we could see a game tweaking patch really soon.


After playing quite a few matches, am I crazy for thinking this game is a complete mess?

At no point in any of the games I played did I feel like anything I ever did was having any real or meaningful impact on the tide of the game. You run around aimlessly killing opponents, but the individual battles all turn into little clusterfucks of chaos. Because you always re-spawn inside your own castle, even if you do breach the opponents castle and grab the Princess, it quickly turns into a fucking mess as 10 or more players are hacking wildly in the same room until everyone just dies, and the attackers go back to their own base to re-spawn. I really want to like this game, but honestly im' bored to tears with it after just a few hours. Meh...


lovin the game but it needs a server browser at the very least, waiting 3mins to connect just to get booted back to the start menu a few times in a row can be wearing.


Quixzlizx said:
Being able to drop resources into them is not a minor benefit, especially when you're harvesting the metal deposits at the middle of a map.

It is in the late game once you already have all of your upgrades finished. By then you might need a bit of wood (repairing gates, building ladders), but you're more or less done with metal and that benefit is more or less unimportant. Even when it's still around a small group of workers can easily clear an entire field of metal/ore in a very short period of time. Two or three cycles of this and you have all you'll ever need.

Naix said:
Agreed about the towers. Why didn't they allow you to spawn at them ? Would make so much sense.

Because almost every single other game released in the past decade or more that's had points you can capture does that.

Don't you see the point they're making about the futility of war as we fight over these nearly worthless towers that do next to nothing?

Naix said:
Also, is there a minimap ? Having to press select everytime you want to know wtf is going on is tedious.

I seem to recall seeing a video about a year or so ago when it first showed up at E3 where they specifically mentioned this. The map was designed to take up most of your screen so you're not constantly looking at it. It's not a bug, it's a feature.

I think that showing the enemy on the map is a bit of a problem though and if they were going to go with something like this they should have made it even larger so you could actually see what's going on. As it is the icons are large and there are usually so many people clustering around that you can't really make a lot of use out of it. Just a very general quick impression.

I've heard of at least one game where someone just stayed at base with the map open and commanded their team, but again, a larger map would work better there. Maybe give it some fog-of-war (towers give you visibility? Maybe along with spawn or something else?) and you'd have something pretty interesting and further the already nascent RTS aspects of the game.

Maybe it shouldn't be the default mode, but as an optional variant (Arcade mode servers and Strategy mode servers?) I think it would have some promise.

I'm sure they worked through a lot of different things, but just playing this for a comparatively short period of time it seems like we've come up with a lot of ways to vastly improve the game. Why didn't the dev team actually put this much into it? It looked pretty good and all of the assets seemed to have been in place last year at E3 so what have they been doing all year? Working on the netcode and tweaking the balance? AI improvements?


Drame said:
I know, Fat Princess still feels like it's in beta.

Yeah, it feels like it still needs a good six months of work. It's very much a beta product: everything is in place and playable, but it needs a final polishing step and to verify that everything works correctly and consistently not occasionally.

Drame said:
Good thing that Titan is handling the criticism really well, and promising some changes, so we could see a game tweaking patch really soon.

I'm more worried that they're blowing us off. The tone of the thing sounded far too much like "Well, some people have had some slight problems with connecting...." It sounds like they're ignoring the problems that the vast majority seem to be having and they think it's just down to bad matchmaking. Plus, there are also gameplay tweaks that should probably be made.

If they want this to have legs and last for a long time they should look at Blizzard. True, they probably don't have the time, money, and staff for that level of tweaking, but they really kept working on and balancing most of their games well after they'd been released. Diablo II and IIRC, Warcraft III even got fairly significant upgrades and new features patched in.


Mikey Jr. said:
Right on. The towers are absolutely useless and serve virtually no purpose besides some minor things like regen 1 heart and to drop some resources into them. Thats all. They do need some sort of greater benefit. Like you said, a penalty or an advantage to the other or your team. Spawning for example.
It seems like they expected games to be a lot shorter than the generally are and therefore thought being able to get a bunch of resources before the other team would make a huge difference.

Also, I noticed that the outposts with the iron doors are always secret passages, but you can only use them if your team controls that outpost.


Yeef said:
It seems like they expected games to be a lot shorter than the generally are and therefore thought being able to get a bunch of resources before the other team would make a huge difference.

Also, I noticed that the outposts with the iron doors are always secret passages, but you can only use them if your team controls that outpost.

Yeah, they teach you that in the single player. At least, they taught me that in the single player. It might have been one of those inconsistent pop-up tips.


Every-time I play this I think I'm trying to force myself like it.

The bugs and lack of any playable online is killing it for me.

I'm really tempted to complain (might wait & hope for patches), in case I do anyone know who I call in the UK for PSN refunds?


lawblob said:
After playing quite a few matches, am I crazy for thinking this game is a complete mess?

At no point in any of the games I played did I feel like anything I ever did was having any real or meaningful impact on the tide of the game. You run around aimlessly killing opponents, but the individual battles all turn into little clusterfucks of chaos. Because you always re-spawn inside your own castle, even if you do breach the opponents castle and grab the Princess, it quickly turns into a fucking mess as 10 or more players are hacking wildly in the same room until everyone just dies, and the attackers go back to their own base to re-spawn. I really want to like this game, but honestly im' bored to tears with it after just a few hours. Meh...

You must be doing it wrong, I'm assuming you haven't played in any of the GAF games. :lol :lol :lol


Belgand said:
Yeah, it feels like it still needs a good six months of work. It's very much a beta product: everything is in place and playable, but it needs a final polishing step and to verify that everything works correctly and consistently not occasionally.

I'm more worried that they're blowing us off. The tone of the thing sounded far too much like "Well, some people have had some slight problems with connecting...." It sounds like they're ignoring the problems that the vast majority seem to be having and they think it's just down to bad matchmaking. Plus, there are also gameplay tweaks that should probably be made.

I know, I don't really know Titan's history with supporting their titles, but wasn't Titan Studios just formed for Fat Princess?

In any case, I really hope we will see a patch which will knowledge all the issues many players are having. I don't think they can just let it slide by saying "it's only the minority". I say it's a good point that Titan is commenting the feedback, and not just ignoring it completely.

What you said about Blizzard is true, the support for their titles is amazing. I don't expect to see same kind of support from Titan, but even small fixes could be crucial.


----- ------
Gowans007 said:
Every-time I play this I think I'm trying to force myself like it.

The bugs and lack of any playable online is killing it for me.

I'm really tempted to complain (might wait & hope for patches), in case I do anyone know who I call in the UK for PSN refunds?

You have a small chance but they wouldn't give you a refund if you don't like the game. You would need to complain that the online doesn't work for you and it has bugs.

Call here:08705 99 88 77 (UK ps3 support)


I agree that the game needs more work. Specifically I feel like the combat needs muchos polish. There is no great sense of feedback when you are attacking someone, and there is no satisfaction in the combat. There is very little depth to it either.

This game would rock if it was a Diablo-esque RPG instead. I love the art style and I feel it's being wasted on this unfinished multiplayer rubbish. The art style and current gameplay mechanics with a little more polish would work great in an RPG environment.


Drame said:
I know, Fat Princess still feels like it's in beta.

BF1943 had connection problems for three days when it released, and so do many other games.

Fat Princess is better than a lot of $60 games out there, yet people still complain.

The classes are very well balanced, and everything seems very polished. I don't see too much wrong with the game, except for the connection problems, but that will no doubt be getting fixed.


So, I just got the Ring Sting trophy sort of unexpectedly after playing a game of soccer. In case this wasn't obvious before, you need to heal 6 characters, burn 6 characters, curse 6 characters, and freeze 6 characters at the same time during a game, but each on a separate occasion. The trophy description is poorly worded.


Muffinman said:
You must be doing it wrong, I'm assuming you haven't played in any of the GAF games. :lol :lol :lol

Not yet. Im' sure it will help, but it still won't change the fundamental problems I have with the game. I was expecting a bit more than something where you mindlessly spam 'square' over and over and over. I still think its fun, but I just don't see this as something anybody will be playing two months from now, and that dissappoints me. I was hoping for a lot more from this game.


Razorskin said:
You have a small chance but they wouldn't give you a refund if you don't like the game. You would need to complain that the online doesn't work for you and it has bugs.

Call here:08705 99 88 77 (UK ps3 support)

cheers man I'll buzz them now.

I have done this a few times with XBLA games by calling up Xbox Support and getting a full refund (Stating Not Refundable means nothing to UK consumer rights) but now I want to do it with same with PSN.

Fat Princess is just plain busted online, I've given up trying to force myself to like it and will wait for a patch.


Muffinman said:
I don't know about you, but i've played plenty of craptastic $60 games.

Fat Princess is so much fun, well worth the $15.

I assume you work on the game or for the company? You have made less than 10 posts total in your time on NeoGAF, all of them slavishly to defend an obviously broken game.

The game is completely borked. Arguing that there are worse games you could buy instead is just sad.


Muffinman said:
BF1943 had connection problems for three days when it released, and so do many other games.

Fat Princess is better than a lot of $60 games out there, yet people still complain.

The classes are very well balanced, and everything seems very polished. I don't see too much wrong with the game, except for the connection problems, but that will no doubt be getting fixed.

Well I enjoy the game, and I still hope some things could have been done better. Fat Princess is a fun game even now, but with fixing it would be even better.

The classes right now are unbalanced, especially classes with area of effect abilities, like dark priest and ice mage for example. This depends on the player, so you could say they're indeed balanced.

I'll try to get the chat invites fully done today, and add those who requested it before.

Seems that, KilgoreTrout can't host games today, so me and my puny 8 player matches seem to be the only one going today. Although later there could be someone else hosting from gaf so keep an eye on this thread.

But for now, I'm off to sauna.


lawblob said:
I assume you work on the game or for the company? You have made less than 10 posts total in your time on NeoGAF, all of them slavishly to defend an obviously broken game.

Just because the game needs patching, it does not mean it's broken.

I'm not defending the game, more like making a point.

I'm sorry my opinion offends you, but what's with all the bashing ?
Now you understand the complaints from the beta. This is just the worst of the biggest hyped PSN games. It lacks much depth at all, and is just kind of unloveable, despite the art style and production values being great, the basic gameplay is pretty much rubbish and unfulfilling. I can only assume that Get 88 kills Without Dying is some kind of joke on the devs part as well.

- Lock on is just weird and glitchy. It should default to whoever is closest, not some random dude who just ran to the other side of the map and youre still aiming at him.

- Range class, particularly the Upgraded Ranger, needs a massive damage boost. They are almost literally useless at this point compared to the Workers/Mage/Priest's projectile attacks.

- A time limit needs to be imposed which either initiates some sudden death or anything which means the game doesn't become an endurance test of "see who sticks it out the longest and who leaves and lets the game's fucking rubbish AI replace them".

- Bot balancing in online games just doesn't work, especially if your AI isn't particularly good. Just have team balancing or whatever.

- I'm not convinced the Catapault just doesn't break the game really. Actually being able to blast into the enemy castle sort of defeats the point of any siege stuff and defenses.

- A FUCKING SERVER LIST. Theres no excuse to not have a browseable list of currently hosted games and their Pings. No matter how great you think your matchmaking is, its a flawed concept. Okay, the one big online multi game Halo 3 doesnt have Server Lists, but thats mainly because theyre arrogant assholes enjoying the safety of a massive franchise. You do not have the same luxury Titan.


just called Sony Support, they have logged the issue are going to check my complaint but as they are the publisher and if they don't get back to me soon I'm expecting to get my full refund.


The musket is too slow on reload for the most part. Though a flame aided musket shot will rip through everyone.

Though i've only played a few ranked matches and the series of friend matches last night with nearly a full team of real people on each side, all I see needed is a few damage adjustments and some sort of sudden death.

And yeah a server list would be nice. Eventually, even Valve had to add that to Left 4 Dead.


Now I can't even get into a single game. This is really sad for the devs, for a download only game like this, having a completely broken online will absolutely kill their word of mouth sales, not to mention the 1,000 other problems with balancing and gameplay. I really don't understand how its possible to have a large beta for a game, then five months of additional development time, only to release such a rough product.
Muffinman said:
Just because the game needs patching, it does not mean it's broken.

I'm not defending the game, more like making a point.

I'm sorry my opinion offends you, but what's with all the bashing ?

unless the game is rehauled in the next patch.....it is broken
unbalanced classes, lag that ruins combat, terrible netcode, catapult, respawn time

frankly, the game just isnt fun. Its just a huge cluster fuck with the hopes of being the bigger cluster fucked team that wins the game. Im gonna try and get my money back somehow and go back to playing wipeout fury and BF1943


Played a few games, am not seeing what the hype was all about here. Everything seems very unpolished, and the classes unbalanced. Not only that, but I was getting a full 2-5 second lag after attacks. Not only that, but it took several tries just to find a game, and the seeking process takes about 1-5 minutes, with no way of canceling. Also not finding all the forced internet memes in the game funny. Bored into turning it off after a few games.
Guess I have to give it a better chance.

Overall not an enjoyable quick hands-on, I had a lot more fun with it's "cousin" Castle Crashers


y'all should be ashamed
bwahahaha @ people trying to get their money back. Good luck with that. :lol

Had a great two hour game time yesterday...it takes a while to get in (5 minutes or so) but once your in it's all gravy. Some of you guys need to lighten up a bit and just wait out the problems. That's how most online games start out it seems.


SecretBonusPoint said:
- Lock on is just weird and glitchy. It should default to whoever is closest, not some random dude who just ran to the other side of the map and youre still aiming at him.

- Range class, particularly the Upgraded Ranger, needs a massive damage boost. They are almost literally useless at this point compared to the Workers/Mage/Priest's projectile attacks.

- A time limit needs to be imposed which either initiates some sudden death or anything which means the game doesn't become an endurance test of "see who sticks it out the longest and who leaves and lets the game's fucking rubbish AI replace them".

- Bot balancing in online games just doesn't work, especially if your AI isn't particularly good. Just have team balancing or whatever.

- I'm not convinced the Catapault just doesn't break the game really. Actually being able to blast into the enemy castle sort of defeats the point of any siege stuff and defenses.


The server list is the only one that should have been in from launch. I agree that the ranger feels underpowered especially when compared to the mage, which needs a slight nerf imo.

Give them time, I know it's been through a beta but I've never had a massive stalemate in any game I've played so far and the lock on is a bit dodgy. What do you suggest though? If you get hit doesn't it interrupt your lock on? If it auto-targets the person closest and he runs away and your hit you're left healing someone else.


haldalish said:
unless the game is rehauled in the next patch.....it is broken
unbalanced classes, lag that ruins combat, terrible netcode, catapult, respawn time

frankly, the game just isnt fun. Its just a huge cluster fuck with the hopes of being the bigger cluster fucked team that wins the game. Im gonna try and get my money back somehow and go back to playing wipeout fury and BF1943

Broken? Seriously some of you need to lighten up: lag can ruin combat in ANY online game so I don't see that as a genuine complaint. What's wrong with the respawn time? Too long? Too short?

In every game I've played so far 32p never feels too much. People rarely seem to be gathered in one place at the same time anyway. But yeah, enjoy trying to get your money back in and let us know how that goes.


chubigans said:
bwahahaha @ people trying to get their money back. Good luck with that. :lol

I would prefer having a working game everytime but i'll get a refund in the UK it's there responsibly to do so.


haldalish said:
unless the game is rehauled in the next patch.....it is broken
unbalanced classes, lag that ruins combat, terrible netcode, catapult, respawn time

frankly, the game just isnt fun. Its just a huge cluster fuck with the hopes of being the bigger cluster fucked team that wins the game. Im gonna try and get my money back somehow and go back to playing wipeout fury and BF1943

I don't think the classes are unbalanced, it all depends on the player, and teamwork.

For example, two classes that work well, when used in synergy by good players usually owns, but each class separately is not near as effective.

So to summarize, it's based on skill/teamwork.
Moobabe said:
Broken? Seriously some of you need to lighten up: lag can ruin combat in ANY online game so I don't see that as a genuine complaint. What's wrong with the respawn time? Too long? Too short?

In every game I've played so far 32p never feels too much. People rarely seem to be gathered in one place at the same time anyway. But yeah, enjoy trying to get your money back in and let us know how that goes.

yes, broken. easily the worst psn experience Ive had and i own over 25 psn titles. The respawn time is waaay to short. Lets raid the castle and kill everyone only to have them respawn before i can even get the princess out the castle.....wtf is this..


SecretBonusPoint said:
Now you understand the complaints from the beta. This is just the worst of the biggest hyped PSN games. It lacks much depth at all, and is just kind of unloveable, despite the art style and production values being great, the basic gameplay is pretty much rubbish and unfulfilling. I can only assume that Get 88 kills Without Dying is some kind of joke on the devs part as well.

The 88 kills trophy is EASY just follow what I posted on the last page. Start a soccer match and play with all bots, while they are all huddled together chasing the ball, become a worker and BOMB THEIR ASSES! The soccer mode counts as online it is also how you can get another trophy I think (6 kills in one second?, read my description on the last page). So there you go two trophies at once.


haldalish said:
yes, broken. easily the worst psn experience Ive had and i own over 25 psn titles. The respawn time is waaay to short. Lets raid the castle and kill everyone only to have them respawn before i can even get the princess out the castle.....wtf is this..

Over 25?! I've seen teams cap the princess without everyone being dead but I agree, maybe a couple more seconds would have been nice.


Neo Member
People are really putting too much effort into over-analysing this game.

It's plain dumb-fun. The developers had described it as a 'my first PSN game' before launch, and that's pretty much how it's turning out by the looks of things.

There are definitely issues that need to be sorted out - connection problems and lock-on being the two largest in my opinion.

But picking apart the balance and stuff - were people expecting this to play like KillZone or something?

It's like complaining that Mario Kart is poorly balanced.
Oh wow, I have just noticed my awesome new tag :lol :lol Thanks to whatever mod blessed me with this really quite ominous subtitle.

I think the problems I have with the game are definitely that combat feels way too standoffish to be fun. The warrior for instance, when upgraded should have a charging attack, not a swiping one, so that when being buffed by Priest, he is just a living spear of pain, and a great way to charge down castle doors. The game has all the defense classes right, but none of the Attack classes feel right at all. There are people here saying they prefer the Worker for attacking with Bombs, and theyre right. And thats not how it should be at all.


Wow, I'm actually enjoying the game... Surprised to see this much hate. Its not perfect, by any means, but I'm having a good time. Definitely a 7/10, 8/10 for me.


haldalish said:
yes, broken. easily the worst psn experience Ive had and i own over 25 psn titles. The respawn time is waaay to short. Lets raid the castle and kill everyone only to have them respawn before i can even get the princess out the castle.....wtf is this..

You dont raid and kill everyone then try to take the princess. If you waste time trying to kill everyone within the castle, they'll just be that much closer to respawning and chasing you down. Bust up their defenses, cause their team to enter a state of disarray, then get a team of 4-5 people to take the princess while everyone else keeps up the attack from around the castle.

Now of course if they have your princess, then an all out attack is whats needed.
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