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Father and son kill neighbor in front of his wife because of a mattress (graphic video)

Bring a bat, keep stepping up to someone telling you to back off and then threatening to kill him and his family over and over again ...

Not surprised he was shot. He was the aggressor here. He was the one yelling and threatening the lives of the two hillbillies. There are consequences for your actions. These guys were legally carrying. Badass loud guy wanted trouble so he went and found it.

That is what the video says to me anyway. These guys will get off, and its because of this video showing how it went down.


Bring a bat, keep stepping up to someone telling you to back off and then threatening to kill him and his family over and over again ...

Not surprised he was shot. He was the aggressor here. He was the one yelling and threatening the lives of the two hillbillies. There are consequences for your actions. These guys were legally carrying. Badass loud guy wanted trouble so he went and found it.

That is what the video says to me anyway. These guys will get off, and its because of this video showing how it went down.

My favorite part of this is that crazy guys wife is recording her husband making violent threats like it does anything other then help their defense plea over her husbands death.

I mean what does she think she’s recording, two guys on their property lawfully carrying?


I'm sorry Americans. I'm fucking sorry but if I hear anyone defending gun rights anymore they go straight into the batshit crazy pile for me. There is no way you can convince me about this anymore. At all.

Guns for self defence my ass. The only defending people need is from themselves...
As if we give a fuck about a foreigners opinion about our rights


From what I watched, I do not understand any suggestion that the old guy murdered anyone. It seems clear self defense on his part. The son is certainly not guilty of first degree murder, but I could understand an argument about either second degree or manslaughter. I’m not sure I could convict of anything or not because of how fast it went down though. He saw his father under siege from a massive man who was threatening to murder both. it would depend on forensic evidence of where dead guy was when young guy started racking and firing shotgun. If already down a conviction is probably appropriate. But that is not guaranteed looking at the size and conduct of the dead guy and knowing first shots were from pistol. If he was still moving forward, which he well could have been, I would not be able to convict in good conscience.

To anyone saying why did they have guns out, sorry but conduct of deceased does not suggest they were in wrong to have guns out. If a guy will keep moving forward and threaten to kill guys with guns like that, the proper presumption is he was threatening to kill before guns were out too. And if a guy that size makes death threats and you have a gun, well, when exactly do you think you’re actually allowed to pull it out? Only after you’ve been mortally wounded?
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Ok so you have the right to KEEP arms for lawful purposes. So why does that mean these 2 guys had the right to bring their loaded guns to this encounter and then engage in an argument that escalated to the death of a person. Keep arms means to me you can have a gun locked up at home or a shooting range. Thats where we can debate the execution.

Leave aside for the moment that I believe the right extends to carrying a gun, an issue the Supreme Court hasn't explicitly addressed. What would you suggest? Given that people have the right to keep guns at home, what law would you suggest that would prevent them from using them in a crime?

For instance, say a person legally has a gun. He goes crazy and decides to go to a local store and shoot a bunch of people. You could pass a law against taking a gun out of a home; but the guy has already decided to commit the far more serious crime of multiple murders. So why would he be deterred by a law against carrying the gun to the site of the murders?

That's like fighting drunk driving by making it illegal to go outside a building while drunk. If the drunk doesn't care that's he's breaking the law by driving, why would he care that he's also breaking the law by going outside his house?

The only people who would be deterred from carrying by your law would be those who aren't planning to break the law - like those who carry them for self-defense.

That's why talking about gun control is a waste of time. It will simply never have a positive effect, and can only have a negative effect. Regardless, people just keep bringing it up, distracting everyone from finding practical solutions to the problems.


That's why talking about gun control is a waste of time. It will simply never have a positive effect, and can only have a negative effect. Regardless, people just keep bringing it up, distracting everyone from finding practical solutions to the problems.
There is no practical solution to the problem. If people decide they want to break the law, they will do it.

Gun control advocates often demand stupid proposals and emotional pleas because they have nothing left.


Expected two rednecks killing innocent guy for nothing.
Got two very calm gentlemen who clearly were facing living proof that evolution exists.

Hope they will not get in trouble for that. I can't see why why anyone could suggest they should get prison time. Especially the father was super calm and always pointed gun down calmly saying "back off" or "if you take in 3 foot range i will kill you"

It reminds me a lot of oldgaf threads about how someone who is getting attacked by fists or bat shouldn't actually use more lethal way of defending yourself, despite the fact that you can end up dead or heavily disabled by just using fist or bat.

It is like people don't have imagination or saw fights only on tv in movies.


Unconfirmed Member
Fucked up but holy fuck the now dead father is a fucking retard. They have weapons and said they will shoot .... continues to threaten/provoke. Sorry for his kids for having such an idiot dad and sadness that will follow for them. Wife is stupid as well for not calming things down.
Oh wow you actually saw the video

They shot him because he was threatening repeatedly to bash their brains in with a bat and escalating even after they had pulled guns and warned him to back off. Thread headline is misleading. It was self defense.
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What the hell are the courts thinking setting bail at $25,000? These are people who pull shotguns out in front of a man's children and kill him in front of his wife.

They shot him because he was threatening repeatedly to bash their brains in with a bat and escalating even after they had pulled guns and warned him to back off. Thread headline is misleading. It was self defense.

Bring a bat, keep stepping up to someone telling you to back off and then threatening to kill him and his family over and over again ...

Not surprised he was shot. He was the aggressor here. He was the one yelling and threatening the lives of the two hillbillies. There are consequences for your actions. These guys were legally carrying. Badass loud guy wanted trouble so he went and found it.

That is what the video says to me anyway. These guys will get off, and its because of this video showing how it went down.

After they whipped out a gun in front of his wife, brother and their children over a piece of trash. It may have been "self defense" when they were attacked but they deserve to have their skulls caved in for taking it that far in the first place. How could you even live next to someone when they've pulled a gun on you in front of your family like that? It's easy to sit there and say that he should've just backed down when you're not living next to these lunatics.

Some of you guys excusing this behavior are just as fucking crazy as they are.
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They shot him because he was threatening repeatedly to bash their brains in with a bat and escalating even after they had pulled guns and warned him to back off. Thread headline is misleading. It was self defense.

I admit i went with a neutral as i could title, the video really speaks for itself. Originally i was going to post "Man gets himself killed because of a mattress"


That guy had some serious anger issues not to have a clear enough head to realize the situation wasn't in his favor, yet still trying to provoke those two rednecks. Especially with his wife and kid there... not too bright.

I agree with this. I don't think the guy deserved to be shot

He might not have deserved it, but he def asked for it.
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What the hell are the courts thinking setting bail at $25,000? These are people who pull shotguns out in front of a man's children and kill him in front of his wife.

After they whipped out a gun in front of his wife, brother and their children over a piece of trash. It may have been "self defense" when they were attacked but they deserve to have their skulls caved in for taking it that far in the first place. How could you even live next to someone when they've pulled a gun on you in front of your family like that? It's easy to sit there and say that he should've just backed down when you're not living next to these lunatics.

Some of you guys excusing this behavior are just as fucking crazy as they are.

But mah children. Having a family does not give you right to be aggressive nor threatening.
That dude screamed and shouted he will kill that dude and his son, then he go baseball bat from his brother and was coming for that dude with piston and that pistol dude said:

"If you come into 3 feet range i will kill you" clearly warning him.

Dude ignored that and still was coming. That dude with piston shot 2 shots in air, while that dude instead of stopping moved on and throw baseball bat at dude. This is where son took a shotgun and shot him.

So no. Kindly fuck off with your "mah family" argument, also while argument started over piece of trash when dude started threatening that he will kill them it no longer was about trash.

Especially when you look at behavior of both parties. Dude with his son were calm while other party non stop threatened to kill them.
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Leave aside for the moment that I believe the right extends to carrying a gun, an issue the Supreme Court hasn't explicitly addressed. What would you suggest? Given that people have the right to keep guns at home, what law would you suggest that would prevent them from using them in a crime?

For instance, say a person legally has a gun. He goes crazy and decides to go to a local store and shoot a bunch of people. You could pass a law against taking a gun out of a home; but the guy has already decided to commit the far more serious crime of multiple murders. So why would he be deterred by a law against carrying the gun to the site of the murders?

That's like fighting drunk driving by making it illegal to go outside a building while drunk. If the drunk doesn't care that's he's breaking the law by driving, why would he care that he's also breaking the law by going outside his house?

The only people who would be deterred from carrying by your law would be those who aren't planning to break the law - like those who carry them for self-defense.

That's why talking about gun control is a waste of time. It will simply never have a positive effect, and can only have a negative effect. Regardless, people just keep bringing it up, distracting everyone from finding practical solutions to the problems.

That is exactly why I say take the guns away. Not only the rights, but the guns with them.

I agree it's difficult, but I can't agree it is impossible. The ones standing in the way are the American people, not the the way the laws are constructed...
But mah children. Having a family does not give you right to be aggressive nor threatening.
That dude screamed and shouted he will kill that dude and his son, then he go baseball bat from his brother and was coming for that dude with piston and that pistol dude said:

"If you come into 3 feet range i will kill you" clearly warning him.

Dude ignored that and still was coming. That dude with piston shot 2 shots in air, while that dude instead of stopping moved on and throw baseball bat at dude. This is where son took a shotgun and shot him.

So no. Kindly fuck off with your "mah family" argument, also while argument started over piece of trash when dude started threatening that he will kill them it no longer was about trash.

Especially when you look at behavior of both parties. Dude with his son were calm while other party non stop threatened to kill them.

Are you kidding me? You're going to excuse these pieces of shit pulling out a gun because of a dispute over literal garbage? You may be able to excuse the shooting itself in the name of self defense but what about the situation that led up to the video? Again, it's easy to sit there and spew a bunch of bullshit online about how these men were completely justified for "standing their ground" but I bet you all would either be pissing and shitting your pants or mad as hell, full of adrenaline if someone put a gun in your face in front of your family.
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Are you kidding me? You're going to excuse these pieces of shit pulling out a gun because of a dispute over literal garbage? You may be able to excuse the shooting itself in the name of self defense but what about the situation that led up to the video? Again, it's easy to sit there and spew a bunch of bullshit online about how these men were completely justified for "standing their ground" but I bet you all would either be pissing and shitting your pants or mad as hell, full of adrenaline if someone put a gun in your face in front of your family.

If you start to say "i will kill you" then yes, I would pull anything i have in that moment and say back off. I will not give shit if you have family or not. Because i don't fucking know if you are someone who say stupid stuff all the time or you really mean it.

And that dude clearly did it. He pulled a gun and said back off multiple times in calm manner.

but what about the situation that led up to the video?

You mean that part where they put out trash while their insane neighbour started to threaten them with death ? Regardless if they were in the wrong or not for trash issue when their neighbor started to threaten them they had right to pull out their guns.

Secondly dude didn't get killed just because he threatened them. He got killed because he was going with baseball bat at them and moved past the 3 foot mark dude with a gun said to him that he will shot him if he crosses it. So literally trash doesn't matter.

Dude would live if was not stupid enough to get bat and come right at them. So it was entirely his fault here. Nothing to blame dudes for trying to save their own lives from clearly insane man.
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Don't Americans know that you can like, aim at the legs or something? Nobody is going to stand up from a shotgun blast at his feet.
I mean, he's got a bat so you can take all the time in the world to aim and knock his legs off.
It's this kind of second amendment absolutism that makes my carry mandatory in the first place, because apparently context doesn't matter and any lunatic can stick a gun in your face at any time for any reason as long as they feel adequately "threatened".


It's this kind of second amendment absolutism that makes my carry mandatory in the first place, because apparently context doesn't matter and any lunatic can stick a gun in your face at any time for any reason as long as they feel adequately "threatened".

Do you understand what this phrase means? :
"I will kill you"

Tell me now who in video said it.

Don't Americans know that you can like, aim at the legs or something? Nobody is going to stand up from a shotgun blast at his feet.
I mean, he's got a bat so you can take all the time in the world to aim and knock his legs off.

It is very easy to miss moving target especially things like legs even with shotgun. Dude got shot in face with shotgun because probably dude targeted his body rather than head.
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Do you understand what this phrase means? :
"I will kill you"

Tell me now who in video said it.

In most cases, it means jack shit.

Should Casey Hudson have visited all those people that threatened him over ME3's ending then? Because he was clearly being threatened...
What the hell are the courts thinking setting bail at $25,000? These are people who pull shotguns out in front of a man's children and kill him in front of his wife.

After they whipped out a gun in front of his wife, brother and their children over a piece of trash. It may have been "self defense" when they were attacked but they deserve to have their skulls caved in for taking it that far in the first place. How could you even live next to someone when they've pulled a gun on you in front of your family like that? It's easy to sit there and say that he should've just backed down when you're not living next to these lunatics.

Some of you guys excusing this behavior are just as fucking crazy as they are.

We don't know the problems they have had with this person in the past. They obviously hated each other for a reason. So all we can do is look at legalities.

On one hand we have two calm hillbillies that are legally carrying firearms. They must have thought they needed it for protection. Why? We don't know. Maybe the angry guy punched their face in a time before. Who knows. But they are legally carrying.

Next, we have angry yelling guy threatening to kill these two hillbillies and threatens to kill their families. He is in a rage and has a baseball bat. The hillbillies are calmly telling him to back off, keep his distance, and the guy keeps coming at them. How can you put that on the hillbillies when they are obviously defending themselves?


Don't Americans know that you can like, aim at the legs or something? Nobody is going to stand up from a shotgun blast at his feet.
I mean, he's got a bat so you can take all the time in the world to aim and knock his legs off.

Because they were eager to kill him, they just waited till the moment they could kill him and not be punished by law. And that stupid man gave them that.
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here is fun stuff:

victim portfolio:


and his social account:



"in most cases"
When someone says it and then goes with baseball at you after that ?
Does that count for your "most cases" or not ?

Thing is, the guns clearly escalated thr situation. If there wouldn't have been guns in this situation, it would've progressed a lot differently. For starters, those 2 gentlemen wouldn't have thought they were such big shots in front of a lunatic with a baseball bat...


Thing is, the guns clearly escalated thr situation. If there wouldn't have been guns in this situation, it would've progressed a lot differently. For starters, those 2 gentlemen wouldn't have thought they were such big shots in front of a lunatic with a baseball bat...

That makes it even more clear cut they should've called the police instead of playing cowboy.

To bad they are not telepathic and can read people history and real intentions like you can.

HE pulled out gun because he felt threatened and he is allowed to do that and from video it clearly shows who was threatening who.
His son who actually shot that dude never was part of initial argument from start. He only got there after shouting was started in order to protect his father.

In your words they should clearly get hit by that dude and don't shoot regardless of other party action because he pulled out gun.

Sorry mate but you behave like 15 year old kid which starts a brawl and then argues that your opponent shouldn't use knife because it is not fair.
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I am willing to bet 100$ that if those guys would be instead woman and her daughter you would see entirely different reaction.
Don't Americans know that you can like, aim at the legs or something? Nobody is going to stand up from a shotgun blast at his feet.
I mean, he's got a bat so you can take all the time in the world to aim and knock his legs off.

You've never touched a gun. This isn't CoD.
Thats the point, I was responding to this

"They shouldn't be able to have knives, baseball bats, drain cleaner or bricks, either. And certainly never drive a car. So where exactly do we stop in curtailing the rights of the people, in hopes of making the assholes less dangerous? "

Exactly its stupid to compare doing something about gun rights to stoping driving, drain cleaner, bricks etc...

The slippery slope argument is stupid and a deflection.

I know what you were responding to.

Those are things that can be used as weapons. When someone is going from "I can own scissors or Drain-O, where do we draw the line at stopping people from owning weapons," you don't say , "Well, if we're not going to stop people from owning guns, why not let us rape people?"
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Ulysses 31

Ok so you have the right to KEEP arms for lawful purposes. So why does that mean these 2 guys had the right to bring their loaded guns to this encounter and then engage in an argument that escalated to the death of a person. Keep arms means to me you can have a gun locked up at home or a shooting range. Thats where we can debate the execution.

Lets say the guy wasn't killed, and you saw a video of him telling those guys he is going to kill them and he walked into your gun shop, you wouldn't have any issues selling him a gun? Knowing that he is going to murder 2 people when you sell him that gun?
Too bad?

... what if a woman wants to have an abortion? Republicans force her not to have one.

So take away all guns. You know all that will do is take the guns away from those that are responsible owners, right? The criminals aren't giving up their guns.

So now you have defenseless civilians to fend for themselves with knives against the entire south side of Chicago who will be locked and loaded. That should go well...you would be giving the guys that commit these murders a free ticket to break and enter anywhere they wanted with no worry of someone defending themselves. Nice work.


Yea, and in London there is a knife problem.
You think if they had knives instead it would end much different?

In this scenario I actually think it would have. Guns make it very easy to kill someone, you just aim and pull a trigger. With knives there is still a degree a physicality to it. You have to move in close and stab an object into your victim, often repeatedly. A frail child could point a gun at at a 6'4 man and kill them, that same child may struggle to kill the same person with a knife.

In this example you have an old man in poor physical health (based on the condition of his body) and another middle aged man in equally poor condition physically confronting a much larger aggressive male. They may have been able to defend themselves with knives but it would have been a hell of a lot harder and I doubt they would have been able to kill their victim so effortlessly which in turn may have made them use more caution in their approach.

Often in London the people being killed with knives are kids in gangs or unfortunate people caught up in gang disputes. These are people that go out with knives with the intention to kill rather than random arguments that escalate into murder.

Sure you can kill someone with a knife but guns undeniably make the act much easier and if something is easy to do then it's easy to understand why it may happen more frequently.


Like okay dude, that was enough to not take you serious anymore.

Like what?

Like that when you assume that someone is piece of shit by their looks. Which is something half people in this thread do just by virtue of not wearing a fucking T-shirt and being obese. If this was a mother and her daughter people would scream how awesome mother was that stopped insane man from doing her harm.

Sure you can kill someone with a knife but guns undeniably make the act much easier and if something is easy to do then it's easy to understand why it may happen more frequently.

IT also makes that much easier to defend yourself form such people.
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Why would a smaller guy or a woman should take shit from a big guy just because he is stronger?
Guns in American prevent a lot of rapes, in Europe there are a lot more rapes in some cases.

Edit: Also how do you explain the Muslims that facebook lives the rape and torture of a Swedish woman had guns?
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Nose how to spell and rede to
(calm, collected)
I’m going to shoot you if you do X, Y, and Z.

Fuck you it’s an alley mattress!

You can’t shoot someone for doing X, Y, and Z just because you’ve told them not to.

Man 2 does X, Y, then Z.

Man 2 gets shot.

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What context? Three batshit insane people who shouldn't have had weapons in the first place? Because that's the context for me. The fact that people have guns in their home, people like this. I don't trust anyone with a gun by the way. Ever.

I would. But I would ask myself why anyone would have a weapon at home anyway. Have one? Been nice knowing ya. Get that shit away from me. I want nothing to do with anyone having a gun at home. Anyone. Don't fucking care what the excuse might be. You have one at home I instantly distrust you and I will instantly block you from my life. So would my wife.

“Does that mean we can’t be friends? Why Ike! Whatever would I do? I know let’s have a spelling contest!” - Doc Holliday

Even if you lived in one of those commie cities here in America that don’t allow you to ever take your gun out of your home, you would be surprised at how many people you know own a gun. They may not tell a stick-up-their-ass person like you, since you seem to be more trouble to tell than it’s worth, but you better believe they’re all around you.

Outside of the commie cities, it would be impossible to cut people out of your life that own a gun. I live in North Carolina. Around 80% of the people I know own a gun. The other 20% just haven’t told anyone the own a gun. You would have zero friends if you lived here.

I would re-evaluate my opinion if I were you. Tens of millions of Americans own a gun and don’t act like these idiots. Of course you’re not American so maybe I shouldn’t care what you do with your opinion because it doesn’t count.

One last thing, are you one of those people that think guns are so evil that you would NEVER watch a movie where you root for the hero who uses a gun in a positive way to defend themselves or someone else? Do you and wifey cut that out of your lives, too? Or are you just a giant fucking hypocrite?


Guns in American prevent a lot of rapes, in Europe there are a lot more rapes in some cases.
Erm, what cases? Don't bring up Sweden please.

try and make an entire race look bad just for one incident.
there There are about 50 gun murders per day in US (less than one of those, by police). Adjusted for population size, it's about 25-ish higher than in other developed countries. And then you have Japan with insane single digit figures.


“Does that mean we can’t be friends? Why Ike! Whatever would I do? I know let’s have a spelling contest!” - Doc Holliday

Even if you lived in one of those commie cities here in America that don’t allow you to ever take your gun out of your home, you would be surprised at how many people you know own a gun. They may not tell a stick-up-their-ass person like you, since you seem to be more trouble to tell than it’s worth, but you better believe they’re all around you.

Outside of the commie cities, it would be impossible to cut people out of your life that own a gun. I live in North Carolina. Around 80% of the people I know own a gun. The other 20% just haven’t told anyone the own a gun. You would have zero friends if you lived here.

I would re-evaluate my opinion if I were you. Tens of millions of Americans own a gun and don’t act like these idiots. Of course you’re not American so maybe I shouldn’t care what you do with your opinion because it doesn’t count.

One last thing, are you one of those people that think guns are so evil that you would NEVER watch a movie where you root for the hero who uses a gun in a positive way to defend themselves or someone else? Do you and wifey cut that out of your lives, too? Or are you just a giant fucking hypocrite?

Your use of commie cities already tells me enough. Enjoy your freedom. A hard fought freedom that is becoming more and more decadent by the day.
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There is no practical solution to the problem. If people decide they want to break the law, they will do it.

Gun control advocates often demand stupid proposals and emotional pleas because they have nothing left.

I love this argument. Why even bother to have laws at all, then?

Why do we have a speed limit? People are just gonna do 90 down the freeway anyway.
Why are there DUI laws? Drunks are just gonna drive drunk anyway.
Why are there B&E laws? Criminals are just gonna rob and burgle your shit anyway.
Why are there laws against rape? Rapists are just gonna rape anyway.


Erm, what cases? Don't bring up Sweden please.

there There are about 50 gun murders per day in US (less than one of those, by police). Adjusted for population size, it's about 25-ish higher than in other developed countries. And then you have Japan with insane single digit figures.
Well, America is a big place.
If you include detroit, I think that skews the numbers a lot.
And detroit was ruined by democrats and socialism and unions.

Apart from Houston, most cities in Texas are less violent than London and other cities in Europe.


There is no practical solution to the problem. If people decide they want to break the law, they will do it.

Decades ago, after massacre of 16 kids back in 1987, UK has tightened gun laws. They had one mass shooting since then.

Apart from Houston, most cities in Texas are less violent than London and other cities in Europe.
But that's not specifically rape.
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Decades ago, after massacre of 16 kids back in 1987, UK has tightened gun laws. They had one mass shooting since then.

But that's not specifically rape.

Well first of all. it shows that even in London where guns are banned, there is more violence than most cities in Texas where there are gun rights.
The rape data is something I will dig up for you as well.
But you can already see London is less safe than most Texas.
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