Wouldn’t need to bring sick people to work if they didn’t fire unvaccinated people who could work if they test negative… simple as that.Because they are needed .. simple as that.
Dude it's a vaccine that has been scientifically proven to keep you and others safe. It's not a reason to have an existential crisis and start trying to voice our beliefs in the universe and the purpose of life.
Either get the vaccine or accept that there is going to be some issues when traveling abroad. This isn't fucking hard.
Jesus Christ.
Dude it's a vaccine that has been scientifically proven to keep you and others safe. It's not a reason to have an existential crisis and start trying to voice our beliefs in the universe and the purpose of life.
Either get the vaccine or accept that there is going to be some issues when traveling abroad. This isn't fucking hard.
Jesus Christ.
Yeah because enforcing your public health policies against someone who broke the law in order to get into your country is obviously the exact same as what China is doing.There must be some secret competition going between China and Australia we're not aware off.
Aside from the obvious health hazards it's really not much of a change to be honest. I was living with the stupidity of others long before covid showed up and I'll be living with people's stupidity long after it finally dies down.This is something you will have to live with as much as them, and you won't be bullying your way out of this problem.
Yeah because enforcing your public health policies against someone who broke the law in order to get into your country is obviously the exact same as what China is doing.
Aside from the obvious health hazards it's really not much of a change to be honest. I was living with the stupidity of others long before covid showed up and I'll be living with people's stupidity long after it finally dies down.
Yeah because enforcing your public health policies against someone who broke the law in order to get into your country is obviously the exact same as being a brutal dictatorship that runs actual concentration camps.
Aside from the obvious health hazards it's really not much of a change to be honest. I was living with the stupidity of others long before covid showed up and I'll be living with people's stupidity long after it finally dies down.
It seems like you are completely uninterested in an intellectual discussion, you aren't willing to consider why people believe what they do, and you just want to insult people that don't share your beliefs. If people's beliefs aren't their own choices, but instead a result of their interactions with society, or other factors outside of their control, you should have compassion for people who don't believe what you do. You should have even more compassion if you are right and they are wrong. If its outside of your control in a fundamental way, then its no credit to you that you are right, or lack of credit to them that they are wrong.
I've seen him have this same discussion with probably 20-30 nut jobs in this thread(the other thread) already. You are the same person those other were.It seems like you are completely uninterested in an intellectual discussion, you aren't willing to consider why people believe what they do, and you just want to insult people that don't share your beliefs.
This really is a philosophical question. Millions of people disagree with you to the point that they have said in polls that a significant amount of them will not change their mind on this issue regardless of evidence, regardless of whether or not they would lose their job, or any action that society takes to try to get them to do something. What are you going to do about this? They don't care when you express negative opinions about them.
You really should consider the philosophical question of why people believe what they do, and what the origin of that is. It has profound implications on how you approach them, and view society.
1: There are a significant amount of people that have moral objections to how the vaccine was made, and view taking it as cooperation with evil.
I've seen him have this same discussion with probably 20-30 nut jobs in this thread already. You are the same person those other were.
Maybe he just doesn't want to do it again today.
It stopped being an intellectual conversation the moment you took a stance against a scientifically proven vaccine and wanted to talk about the meaning of life.It seems like you are completely uninterested in an intellectual discussion, you aren't willing to consider why people believe what they do, and you just want to insult people that don't share your beliefs. If people's beliefs aren't their own choices, but instead a result of their interactions with society, or other factors outside of their control, you should have compassion for people who don't believe what you do. You should have even more compassion if you are right and they are wrong. If its outside of your control in a fundamental way, then its no credit to you that you are right, or lack of credit to them that they are wrong.
It stopped being an intellectual conversation the moment you took a stance against a scientifically proven vaccine.
It stopped being an intellectual conversation the moment you took a stance against a scientifically proven vaccine and wanted to talk about the meaning of life.
It's a higher form of intellectual conversation actually. I'm asking basic questions about why people disagree with you despite the fact that you believe you are right, and public institutions share your opinion. Your views have the backing of nearly anyone of real power across the world, including most of the experts on this very topic. So why do so many millions of others despite all of that insist on saying "No." Fundamentally why do they believe what they do. If you can't figure this out, there is a very high chance that you are taking the wrong approach to the problem.
Stop being a fucking twat, and get fucking vaxxed. Trying to pretend you're in it for some existential discovery just shows you to be a fucking cunt.It's a higher form of intellectual conversation actually. I'm asking basic questions about why people disagree with you despite the fact that you believe you are right, and public institutions share your opinion. Your views have the backing of nearly anyone of real power across the world, including most of the experts on this very topic. So why do so many millions of others despite all of that insist on saying "No." Fundamentally why do they believe what they do. If you can't figure this out, there is a very high chance that you are taking the wrong approach to the problem.
Stop being a fucking twat, and get fucking vaxxed. Trying to pretend you're in it for some existential discovery just shows you to be a fucking cunt.
Have you considered that God or Evolution (or maybe even both working together) might have created me specifically to be a disagreeable person on certain topics, and I don't have the free will to believe differently? What if the fundamental purpose of my life was to be this way? You are assuming a priori its even possible for me to change my mind, I'm questioning whether or not that is a valid assumption.
You are assuming a priori its even possible for me to change my mind, I'm questioning whether or not that is a valid assumption.
Yeah...you're a fucking twat. Your god created polio to cull people like you, but science decided to give you a fighting chance...unfortunately. Funny how that works.Have you considered that God or Evolution (or maybe even both working together) might have created me specifically to be a disagreeable person on certain topics, and I don't have the free will to believe differently? What if the fundamental purpose of my life was to be this way? You are assuming a priori its even possible for me to change my mind, I'm questioning whether or not that is a valid assumption.
Yeah...you're a fucking twat. Your god created polio to cull people like you, but science decided to give you a fighting chance...unfortunately. Funny how that works.
Never let people make you think you're crazy.1: There are a significant amount of people that have moral objections to how the vaccine was made, and view taking it as cooperation with evil.
2: There are people that are skeptical that you can really know the safety of any medical intervention on such a short timeline. If they developed a new treatment that was shown to prevent all forms of cancer tomorrow, I'd personally probably wait at least a decade before I decided to take that treatment, despite the fact that I am risking an illness that will kill me. I know this seems counter-intuitive, but if you don't know what the long term risk of an intervention it's impossible to make a rational analysis.
3: For many people especially in the US they generally don't trust the government or private corporations. Basically they think based on various scandals in government and private corporations they have seen in their lifetime, and read about in their parents lifetimes, that if the vaccine was dangerous they would not be told, it would be covered up, and you wouldn't know until it was too late. This is made worse by the overbearing demand that people get the vaccine. The attitude of pro-vaxxers to us seems cultish. I've never had anyone in my life so insistently demand that I do something. These demands come from people that I don't think would care about me in any other context, and would probably laugh in private at my misfortune.
4: Many of the people we know personally that have gotten the vaccine, or insist that we get it, are people that in other contexts have talked loudly for their desire of depopulation, and before Covid 19 would say they wished a plague upon the earth to wipe out all the "stupid people." Most of the pro-vax people I personally know have talked loudly about their desire for depopulation. You don't get to have credibility to me on a topic regarding the value of human life when you have talked about it like this in the past.
I think so.Who here believes people should be mandated to take the vaccine?
What adverse effects?
Don't worry crazy people rarely do.Never let people make you think you're crazy.
Long term effects won't exist. When people say that they don't know the long term effects they make out as if there's a gargantuan list of things medical science has provided us with that cause issues in the long run. Things that have happened involve treatments that are liable to cause issues because of what they're designed to do to the body. Typically this would be things that are designed to cause the body to do things that it naturally would not or to block things that it naturally would do, or involve the use of chemicals that are untested. The vaccines do not cause the body to behave in an unnatural way, they illicit a natural response. They don't involve any chemicals or compounds that are unknown to us, it isn't like they contain a sliver of mercury and oh whoops we didn't know it'd slowly poison your blood stream.1: There are a significant amount of people that have moral objections to how the vaccine was made, and view taking it as cooperation with evil.
2: There are people that are skeptical that you can really know the safety of any medical intervention on such a short timeline. If they developed a new treatment that was shown to prevent all forms of cancer tomorrow, I'd personally probably wait at least a decade before I decided to take that treatment, despite the fact that I am risking an illness that will kill me. I know this seems counter-intuitive, but if you don't know what the long term risk of an intervention it's impossible to make a rational analysis.
3: For many people especially in the US they generally don't trust the government or private corporations. Basically they think based on various scandals in government and private corporations they have seen in their lifetime, and read about in their parents lifetimes, that if the vaccine was dangerous they would not be told, it would be covered up, and you wouldn't know until it was too late. This is made worse by the overbearing demand that people get the vaccine. The attitude of pro-vaxxers to us seems cultish. I've never had anyone in my life so insistently demand that I do something. These demands come from people that I don't think would care about me in any other context, and would probably laugh in private at my misfortune.
4: Many of the people we know personally that have gotten the vaccine, or insist that we get it, are people that in other contexts have talked loudly for their desire of depopulation, and before Covid 19 would say they wished a plague upon the earth to wipe out all the "stupid people." Most of the pro-vax people I personally know have talked loudly about their desire for depopulation. You don't get to have credibility to me on a topic regarding the value of human life when you have talked about it like this in the past.
Yeah. Politics is just like sexual preference. It's inherent.What if its evolution? What if my genetics have made me this way? What if it is the case that because of my genetic background I was destined to come to these conclusions regardless?
Neither do totalitarians, especially considering the 'camps' for people that caught a disease in a supposedly free nation.Don't worry crazy people rarely do.
Neither do totalitarians, especially considering the 'camps' for people that caught a disease in a supposedly free nation.
Edit- I got my two shots, but I did that of my own choice. I'm not going to hate my neighbor just because you commies want to copy the CCP's cultural revolution. People are going to do what they're going to do, and I will always be on the side of personal freedom and autonamy.
Call a vaxxed person anti-vax of you wish, IDGAF.
No, two shots, don't care.You mean three shots, right?
No, two shots, don't care.
Florida bro here, nobody cares.The horror….
Florida bro here, nobody cares.
Stop being a fucking twat, and get fucking vaxxed. Trying to pretend you're in it for some existential discovery just shows you to be a fucking cunt.
This is all so much better if you read it in a west Sydney accent.
Wearing jackboots.
I'm sorry... I'm sorry but...
I have no idea what "free West media" is, but it sounds ridiculous
Every single "in short" is conspiracy theory/triggered political bullshit, purpose built to satisfy the algorithms. Gaf mods would eat it for breakfast...
I dunno, I'm sorry but i just can't think of a more laughable source, i mean, is this performance art? Are you deliberately posting it for a gag? In which case, bravo bravo
If u are actually reading stories on a site like that then PLEASE, TAKE A BREAK FROM SOCIAL MEDIA IT'S DOING SOMETHING BAD TO YOU, jah bless
Here's the fact guys:
He's a dumbass ego maniac who thinks whatever his serbian spiritual guide told him about covid is more true then what science says. He's not vaccinated, like a moron.
Even Nick 'the dick' Kyrgios, who is speaking out against Novak's treatment, is vaccinated "for the safety of others and my mother".
I can't visit my sick mum in Australia because international travel is too hard atm, and I'm fully vaccinated. The idea that this wanker could play unvaccinated just because he's good at hitting a ball and running around is bullshit. And anyone saying he should be above the rules is just engaged in brown nosed hero worship and should pay more attention to themselves.
Can you give me a list a pre-approved sites so I don't commit this sin again.If u are actually reading stories on a site like that then PLEASE, TAKE A BREAK FROM SOCIAL MEDIA IT'S DOING SOMETHING BAD TO YOU, jah bless
Deportation also gives him a 3 year ban from entering the country. He might not ever play that major tournament again.
And I'm okay with that.
I feel dumber after reading that.Have you considered that God or Evolution (or maybe even both working together) might have created me specifically to be a disagreeable person on certain topics, and I don't have the free will to believe differently? What if the fundamental purpose of my life was to be this way? You are assuming a priori its even possible for me to change my mind, I'm questioning whether or not that is a valid assumption.
Y'all can fuckin stay out of Florida unless you want to spend money here, then you can GTFO afterwards.THE HORROR!
Who dafuq wants to be in Florida, besides AOC?
Anything not hyperlinked to you through twitter, Facebook, Instagram, google, or any other provider which employs search algorithms to funnel negatively skewed political content to your eagerly clicking fingers, or any alt right forums you may have made the mistake of subscribing to.That's not the only site reporting it.
Can you give me a list a pre-approved sites so I don't commit this sin again.
Do it at gunpoint then.T Taxexemption T tsumake
Here's the deal guys.
You've found a thread on a forum that has outlawed politics where you want to speak up for your problems with the vaccine. Good for you.
The problem is that whereas in the past this forum was replete with people who would clap you on the back and support you to the hilt, they've all been banned for spreading toxicity. The people who are left, likeNobody_Important , are on the right side of history and the correct side of this discussion. You are basically outed as having allowed social media algorithm jockeys to make your mind up for you.
First of all, there is no intellectual conversation to be had about vaccine scepticism. Because any reasons* to not get this vaccine are by nature both subjective and false. You felt reasonable saying those things in your first post, T Taxexemption , which should have been your only post, but if we go outside your algorithm addled brain you'll see that you're actually not typing on gaf, you're on a street corner twiddling a straw fan with an aluminium hat on.
*Medical exemptions are valid, those poor people, but being anti-vax does not automatically give you grounds for an exemption.. as reasonable as that may seem on reflection.
Second of all, and here i must briefly bring inTorrent of Pork though I'd rather not, vaccines are not grounds for personal freedoms. I made this point earlier in the thread: we would want to apprehend, punish and shun someone having unprotected sex and spreading STDs - likewise we want to apprehend, punish and shun Novak Djokovic, who has been caught having unprotected conversations and spreading the virus. The only valid equivalence to deliberately spreading covid is deliberately spreading other infectious diseases, NOT standing atop a mountain waving the flag of freedom with a six pack and a busty woman wrapped around your leg.
What you guys are oblivious to is that Covid vaccinations are not taken in a vacuum. You say that anybody should have the right to make a choice, and that we can't deny them, but when that choice affects other, innocent people, it becomes a legal matter.
I suspect roughly the same proportion of the population who don't take the vaccine will one day be shown to equal the rough proportion of the population who are incapable of empathy for strangers. Don't feel bad, it's not a universal skill.
I'll leave it there, i don't think i can say it any more clearly. I want you to consider the door to you posting replies to this post closed if you are planning on citing:
- individual freedom of choice in this context
- conflations between authority and evil
- anything you could only believe if you've swallowed an algorithm-generated opinion piece hook, line and sinker
- any propositions based on the foundation of your fundamental lack of empathy for strangers.
- any replies that take one small part of this post and focus on it, in an attempt to undermine its general truth.
I'll post any of these criteria which your quotes fall under as my reply to your replies, as and when they do so read.