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Fear the Walking Dead - Season Two, Part One - Sundays on AMC


Blinded by the luminous glory that is David Bowie's physical manifestation.
And I guess she killed the red haired guy in the striped shirt too? Because he was in the water next to Travis. Damn, girl.

Yes. He threatened to kill the kid that she became attached with during the mini-series. It remains to be seen if he survives, but "fans" (using that lightly) have been pulling for them both to be on the show proper.

how did that kid get his face burned they crashed into the ocean not the sun

We don't know since the mini-series didn't show the crash, but I'd wager jet-fuel + engine burnout and them being sucked out the window.


Man, I'mma be really upset if that's the last we see of the Asian chick, after they teased her build since last year lol
I really liked Strand at first, but now they're definitely working overtime to turn him into the main villain/asshole of this group.


Hunky Nostradamus
I thought that was a solid episode. The scuba and sand dune stuff was neat - really unlike anything we've seen before in TWD's universe.

You could say he left her...




I'd wager jet-fuel + engine burnout and them being sucked out the window.

the jet fuel from the plane crash


Man, I'mma be really upset if that's the last we see of the Asian chick, after they teased her build since last year lol

Of course it's not. :p


I love all the fucked up zombies TWD gives us. That crab zombie was awesome.

For a second I thought Strand had a change of heart and was going to let them on the boat. What a dick, and right after the asian chick just said this is the worst it can get. lol

That Madison stare at the end though...
It's really hard to root for a cast of characters that constantly lets these things happen. The boat full of people, the kid on the island, the end of this last episode, all of it. If the boat had exploded when the show's three best characters and Chris were on the shore checking out the plane wreckage, I wouldn't have been too sad.
Decent episode but as usual all the tension is created by characters doing stupid shit.

Chris wandering off alone. Stupid.
Nick falling off the ledge into crab zombie. Stupid.

The stuff with Travis fixing the boat was pretty cool, especially when he reaches into the valve to pull out the guy's hand.

Strand is a major dick. Madison and Ofelia don't do anything.

I hope we haven't seen the last of kiwi chick.

Also, the guy in the plane would've been dead already. How many days has it been since Nick saw the plane start to go down? He hadn't even been incarcerated yet. Then he breaks out and they go to Strand's place, then the boat, then lollygagging around. A person can't survive without water for more than a few days.
That preview they showed during Talking Dead was a real head scratcher. Which is fantastic!

Preview Talk:
I still don't know why he's naked and in the middle of what looks like a military blockade? Have they already reached the border? Why HIM? Is he being a ninja? Why is he naked again? In the damn ocean naked with a thing tied to his foot?


I wonder when this show is actually going to become halfway decent. It just seems like it exists just to give us a new setting that we never saw in the main series (L.A., ocean, lighthouse, deserted island). It always feels like it's making a half-hearted effort to be different from the main show but really can't find a way to work with the characters in any way that the other show didn't already do better.

Strand is really the only potentially interesting character for me right now because he's consistent and the mystery surrounding him is always present but dealt with subtly. His actor also has the coolest voice. He literally could not be more opposite than Madison who just......ugh.
Madison has a dark and violent side. It's quite obvious. The show is ridiculously heavy handed in how much it hints at it. She's a ticking time bomb.

You really need to just break the people down for who they are to understand where they are going character development wise:

Daniel - Guerrilla/Survivor
Ophelia - Damsel/Vamp

Madison - Face/Dark Rogue
Travis - Innocent
Nick - Druggie/A Tier Survivor
Alicia - Ingenue/Bait
Chris - Angry Teen

Strand - Worldly Grifter/???
That moment with the rope cutting at the end was really effective, in that it cemented my hate for Strand. I hope Alex (plane crash survivor lady) becomes this show's Michonne and takes him down.

His actor also has the coolest voice.

The voice is why he seems like a joke character to me. He sounds like he's trying too hard to make every single word that comes out of his mouth sound dramatic, even when he's saying something completely menial. The way he speaks is almost cartoon-like in how exaggerated it is, which would be fine if this was a cartoon but it is not. Very hard for me to take it seriously.


That moment with the rope cutting at the end was really effective, in that it cemented my hate for Strand. I hope Alex (plane crash survivor lady) becomes this show's Michonne and takes him down.

The voice is why he seems like a joke character to me. He sounds like he's trying too hard to make every single word that comes out of his mouth sound dramatic, even when he's saying something completely menial. The way he speaks is almost cartoon-like in how exaggerated it is, which would be fine if this was a cartoon but it is not. Very hard for me to take it seriously.

You're right but that's why I latch onto his character more than the others. I'm just getting bored of the others so whenever Strand speaks I actually listen to what he says because he's the unique voice in the crowd. His dramatic facade could also be a big part to his character, in that he might not be who he seems. I hope he sticks around long enough so the show could actually explore something like that. Hell, I hope I stick around long enough watching this show :p


Strand is the only character on the show worth a shit. Followed closely by Daniel. Everyone else on the show is fucking stupid, and I don't give two shits if they die.

I almost turned off the television and walked away after Nick fell down the cliff. The inability to create tension without characters doing disgustingly idiotic shit is getting old.


Preview Talk:
I still don't know why he's naked and in the middle of what looks like a military blockade? Have they already reached the border? Why HIM? Is he being a ninja? Why is he naked again? In the damn ocean naked with a thing tied to his foot?

well the naked thong is easy to answer: the thing tied to his leg was a waterproof bag presumably holding his clothes so he could get to shore and re-dress in dry clothes. Everything else? Whaaaaa...?
I enjoyed last night's episode, the ending made me feel some anger since the plane survivor is a bad ass and can't wait till she catches up and has her revenge.
Strand had to make a point....you can't save everyone. You would think the rest of people on the boat would have understood that (the only person who is being realistic is the Spanish father).
Strand had to make a point....you can't save everyone. You would think the rest of people on the boat would have understood that (the only person who is being realistic is the Spanish father).
It's been like two weeks for them. If it was the main group, Rick would still be in "We don't kill the living" mode and Hershel would be thinking that the walkers were just sick people that could be saved

I think people might still be hopeful and naive at the start of an apocalypse.
I like how this group refers to zombies as infected. Rick and co. calls them walkers. Just thought that was interesting.

I don't know which side to side with. Strand makes a good point, they cannot support more people. No more survivors. Both sides offer very human points of discussion. It comes down to which side is more human to you. Save more people, burn more resources or no more people, less resources consumed.

I'm 60/40 Strand. They have to think more of themselves first and not of other people. They cannot support anymore people.


This has to be the best episode yet of the show IMO...even though the first two episodes were build ups, they did a nice job.

I feel like Alice might be like Morgan from TWD where we did see her for one episode but we won't see her for a while. I am sure Alice will eventually resurface later on finding Strand and the group but that will be a strange encounter.


That moment with the rope cutting at the end was really effective, in that it cemented my hate for Strand. I hope Alex (plane crash survivor lady) becomes this show's Michonne and takes him down.

The voice is why he seems like a joke character to me. He sounds like he's trying too hard to make every single word that comes out of his mouth sound dramatic, even when he's saying something completely menial. The way he speaks is almost cartoon-like in how exaggerated it is, which would be fine if this was a cartoon but it is not. Very hard for me to take it seriously.

Agreed with you on all accounts. Never understood the love for Strand.
Strand is the only character on the show worth a shit. Followed closely by Daniel. Everyone else on the show is fucking stupid, and I don't give two shits if they die.

I almost turned off the television and walked away after Nick fell down the cliff. The inability to create tension without characters doing disgustingly idiotic shit is getting old.

Yeah but Daniel roaming around the dunes yelling "Chris! Chris!" at the top of his lungs was pretty idiotic too.


Supersonic, idiotic, disconnecting, not respecting, who would really ever wanna go and top that
Cutting the rope was ice cold. That's going to come back on them in some way. Be interesting if that's how they create an antagonist for themselves. Kid ends up dying, woman from the plane blames them.

Nick falling into the pit was laughably bad. But I'm glad that it established them finding out how to walk past the infected.

Chris is going to turn into a psycho killer, isn't he?

Daniel and the kids actually held their own pretty well there at the end. I was impressed, even though they were backed into a corner.


I'm 50/50 on Strand. At times he's the coolest of the bunch, says the most sensible things and comes across as the best thing about this show. At other times you can sense that he's acting and using an affected voice. It reminds me of Rick from a few seasons ago with his head tilt and serious business voice.

Overall I like Nick but I did think his blood covered scene was unrealistic by the TWD's own established rules. He wasn't nearly covered enough and zombies are shown to not be fooled people who don't quietly shuffle along. He did like six different things that should have gotten him swarmed and killed.

I have to wonder if we're really done with Alicia's radio friend or the bigger ship that was chasing them... or were they one and the same? That needs to be wrapped up at some point. I'm thinking it was a Coast Guard Cutter hijacked by pirates (or just military attacking civilians and hoarding supplies). That would explain a bigger yet faster ship + equipped with serious firepower.


Strand is great in a b-movie villain kind of sense, he makes every word sound over the top and he is shady for no reason, since he controls the boat anyway.
Just watch the episode. I don't know why but nicks my favorite. The annoying rebel teenage character is so damn annoying but I guess in terms of timeline the outbreak is still new. I'm not sure how I feel about strand yet a part of me agrees with him. I feel like he's the Shane of the group


Anyone else cheering on Chris for an early death? My god this kid is infuriatingly stupid. Not only is he approaching Andrea levels of moronic with his actions, he's also got Sasha's unlikeability. It was like they thought "how can we make the most annoying character imaginable? I know, let's mix the worst two characters from TWD".

Other than that, things have been pretty good. The dialogue has been a huge improvement over S1, even if the characters are still kinda clunky/dumb here and there. Big improvement over the first episode with the last two, imo.

Loving the change of scenery/cinematography improvement. TWD has desperately needed this for seasons now.


That 15 minute web series was spread over what felt like 50 weeks...and the main character of that only gets one episode?

I hope she appears again at some point...with vengeance. Otherwise this is a decent troll by the writers.


Hunky Nostradamus
That 15 minute web series was spread over what felt like 50 weeks...and the main character of that only gets one episode?

I hope she appears again at some point...with vengeance. Otherwise this is a decent troll by the writers.

Of course she'll be back. I have no idea why so many are convinced that this is the last we've seen of her.


Of course she'll be back. I have no idea why so many are convinced that this is the last we've seen of her.

A good conclusion to the web series would be her appearing again as an undead floater.

Either that, or she comes back with an eye patch, and her burnt friend driving a tank.


Interesting episode. I actually like the kids more and dislike the adults 10x more (minus Salazar). I like where Chris is heading, especially if they make all this count in a meaningful way. Sadly, Alex is my favorite character and who knows when we'll see her again.

Ultimately, I think that it's way too soon in the apocalypse for them to be cutting rafts loose. I get not trying to save the dozens in the first episode but this was two people. It's been like 2 weeks since this all started and I hate these people making the decisions. I suppose it should be expected since these are the same characters who unleashed the walkers on L.A. last season but I can't root for them.

And what the fuck is wrong with Nick? Why the hell would he keep that filthy, walker blood shirt on? That's disgusting, unsanitary, and someone with some sense should have told his ass to take that off immediately. Wft? And his momma should make him comb his fucking hair. No good mother would let their kid walk around like that I don't care what the situation. They are living on a multi-million dollar yacht, not sleeping in the woods in Georgia. Comb. Your. Hair. Nastyass.


Anyone else cheering on Chris for an early death? My god this kid is infuriatingly stupid. Not only is he approaching Andrea levels of moronic with his actions, he's also got Sasha's unlikeability. It was like they thought "how can we make the most annoying character imaginable? I know, let's mix the worst two characters from TWD".

I was really hoping he would get scratched on his ankle during that shot in the plane when they did a close up of his feet. I kept thinking he would get scratched and the group would have to amputate (much like what TWD group had to do with Hershel).

But yeah, one of my least favorite people on the show.


Strand is forgetting rule #1. Its the humans you have to watch out for.

He thinks the others will fall in line, where in fact he is disliked and outnumbered.

After that stunt, wouldn't be surprised if he got a bullet to the head.
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