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Fear the Walking Dead - Season Two, Part One - Sundays on AMC

I didn't keep up with GoT so I'm stuck with this :( Would love to see what the fuss is all about with GoT though

It's easy to get up to speed, just watch lord of the Rings, pause every 15 minutes and watch a short online porno clip. Try to match it with the scene, so "dwarf nails bearded old man in comfy hole" for true immersion. Hey presto, you just watched GoT!

Back on topic, I'm losing interest in FtWD fast, the characters are mostly dis-likable morons. Needs a big cull.


People with crappy survival skills taking a stand against some zombies with crappy weapons. Man that was intense. Rick and co. are all hardened warriors that ohko everything in their paths, it can't do what FTWD does.


yeah, the Strand guy is a horrible horrible actor. The way he says his lines, it's like a cartoon character.

What was up with all the fast cuts in this episode though, it felt like a lot of scenes were missing and I was left wondering how the hell we went from Travis going into shock underwater to him suddenly pulling out sludge.

The same happened with the Asian girl her lifeboat, where was it? Was the boy inside all this time and no one saw him or the boat while looking for supplies? They suddenly showed it being pulled by their little motor boat.

Also, they all ran and fought their way back to their lifeboat and what better time to have a brother/sister hug that lasts about 10 seconds, right?

Such garbage.


Absolutely hating this series right now. Such terrible acting, so many "oh come on" moments. Writing is so bad and I couldn't care less what happens to any of these people. Gonna give it maybe one or two more before I stop completely. I hate that I'm not enjoying this... :(
I find myself hoping they will each die from their own crass stupidity. Especially the 'kids'

It's badly plotted, badly scripted, and badly acted. But hey! It's got zombies. People will watch.


People complaining about a show even though they know they will continue to watch it each week. Yup! This is a Walking Dead thread.
I have to hand it to the writers...they've got to be trolling us with Chris. They know everyone must want him to die, and they are just going to keep teasing us with it every week.

Overall I like Nick but I did think his blood covered scene was unrealistic by the TWD's own established rules. He wasn't nearly covered enough and zombies are shown to not be fooled people who don't quietly shuffle along. He did like six different things that should have gotten him swarmed and killed.

Yeah, I noticed that too. He would've been zombie dinner flailing around like that.

Strand is forgetting rule #1. Its the humans you have to watch out for.

Nah, he said in this episode that "people are the biggest danger out in the ocean." Probably why he's trying to avoid adding any more to the boat. Strand must already feel that he's losing control of the situation, and he's the kind of guy who always wants to be in control. Thus losing his patience and cutting the rope. Pretty sure the dude wasn't a "nice guy" prior to the apocalypse.

Asian girl will be back though. They wouldn't spend so much time developing her character just to do a one-and-done. Here's my theory – she'll get picked up by the mystery .50 cal boat, that boat will have a run-in with our boat, and Asian girl will save the day and end up on the three-hour tour with the rest of our bumbling idiots.

Outside of the low-IQ moments of this episode, what really bothered me is how all of the teens are already completely unfazed by the bodies in the jet crash, and laughing about putting on the blood-stained clothes of people from said crash. Really lazy writing on that front. I mean, they didn't even verbally mention, "Oh wow a plane went down." Just, instant acceptance of that fact, and hey, here's the captain's uniform! Let me put it on. And then let me hit on Ofelia while soaked in zombie guts.


Hunky Nostradamus
I like what the writers are doing with Chris by turning him into one of the better survivors on the show. Sure, he went off on his own, which was dumb, but he didn't really get into any serious trouble - he even killed a zombie and ended up having to kill a living person, which is clearly going to effect him in a pretty big way going forward. He's got more going on than most of the other characters thus far.


People complaining about a show even though they know they will continue to watch it each week. Yup! This is a Walking Dead thread.

The problem though is a lot of people were invested in TWD and stick around with the hope the show will return to its former glory. Maybe that's foolish, but TWD S1/2 were fantastic IMO.

If you lower your standards and expectations, FTWD is pretty entertaining even with its glaring weaknesses.
If the show keeps at the level it is currently at, this maybe one of the worst season twos in quite awhile. I liked season 1, but I have found nothing to like at all in these first 3 episodes.

Nope, not Glenn

It was a combination of Andrea and Rick. Andrea mentioned that the smell between the living and dead is very distinct, so Rick makes the hail mary play of covering themselves in walker guts to move through the dead outside.

Episode 2, Guts.

I watch the walking dead series more for the comedic effect. It's more background noise.

TWD is like a strong a C+ show to me. It's can be pretty average (still nowhere as bad as people make it as time), but over the years I have grown to care about the characters. This is unlike a certain show this thread is about.


Wants to outlaw technological innovation.
If the show keeps at the level it is currently at, this maybe one of the worst season twos in quite awhile. I liked season 1, but I have found nothing to like at all in these first 3 episodes.

Episode 2, Guts.

TWD is like a strong a C+ show to me. It's can be pretty average (still nowhere as bad as people make it as time), but over the years I have grown to care about the characters. This is unlike a certain show this thread is about.

I think the last season, mainly the start of the Negan Arc has put it up to B-Teir territory, and it will probably stay there. The show has already hit the bottom twice, and managed to recover quite a bit. (The first bottom being Season 2 and the second being Season 5A, and Season 5BE1.

The characters have to grow a lot before they are cared about.


People complaining about a show even though they know they will continue to watch it each week. Yup! This is a Walking Dead thread.

Im still not watching this season. I just come here to see if people enjoying it and if i should give it a go

Until now, the answer is no

And judging by the small number of replies in this thread after a new episode (comparing with regular TWD), i guess there s not a lot of people giving this show a try


make sure the pudding isn't too soggy but that just ruins everything
Cutting the rope was cold as fuck.

I just skim these threads now... some of you folks are oppressively negative about everything. It's so tired.

Anyway, as far as the show, idk not really doing too much for me right now. There are moments though.


Wants to outlaw technological innovation.
Im still not watching this season. I just come here to see if people enjoying it and if i should give it a go

Until now, the answer is no

And judging by the small number of replies in this thread after a new episode (comparing with regular TWD), i guess there s not a lot of people giving this show a try

Well we aren't going to know if the show is a go until the end of the season. The Walking Dead/Fear the Walking Dead is like a book and each episode is a chapter or if you want to be technical each eight episodes is a book or tells a story. You have to wait until it's over to judge it. There's a reason people love to binge watch the show and then start to hate on it once they have to go episode by episode.



80% rottentomatoes for this episode

Does it really deserve it or is it true that Tv critics think anything is great?

(when i see the amount of 100%s for tv shows on RT i really think Tv critics think anything is great)


Anyone else cheering on Chris for an early death? My god this kid is infuriatingly stupid. Not only is he approaching Andrea levels of moronic with his actions, he's also got Sasha's unlikeability. It was like they thought "how can we make the most annoying character imaginable? I know, let's mix the worst two characters from TWD".
I like what the writers are doing with Chris by turning him into one of the better survivors on the show. Sure, he went off on his own, which was dumb, but he didn't really get into any serious trouble - he even killed a zombie and ended up having to kill a living person, which is clearly going to effect him in a pretty big way going forward. He's got more going on than most of the other characters thus far.

Yes, common consensus is that people hate Chris and wish to see him die. But I have also noticed that there is a bit of a redemption arc starting with him. As of now, he is the only one who has lost a very close family member (Daniel experienced stuff like this growing up and doesn't count as he's mentally well past this). He had practice killing zombies as part of a routine (beach fence, crashed plane), and he has now killed a person out of necessity. By TWD standards this is character growth and increased mental/physical toughness. It's all even more of a level up as Nick being covered in blood and walking amongst zombies.

Question remains if the character of Chris will ever become likable. It may be a problem with the way he's currently written and all we need is for him to be reshaped from whiny shithead to hardened survivalist... or maybe the actor simply sucks and he will remain unlikable like Sasha and Carl. I don't want to hate on him for the sake of it, so I'd rather he does become likable.

Baron Aloha

A Shining Example
Honestly, I hated this episode for some reason... and I've been far more forgiving than a lot of folks with regards to this show. I think the stupidity of the characters is a huge part of it. Also I'm getting tired of the show trying to "boo" scare the audience like they did with the underwater zombie. I don't know if they were ever scary and if they were they certainly aren't scary anymore.

And if all that plane crap ends up being for nothing...wow.....

Also, wasn't that chick a doctor or a scientist or something? You'd think she'd mention that to try and secure a place on the boat.
I dislike the fact they're pretty much setting Strand up to be killed off soon. He's one of the cooler characters but they're making him into a cold hearted villain who Nick or Madison will probably kill in the season finale.

Also how were the big group of zombies able to catch up to Daniel and the new girl? At the pace the zombies were going they should have taken like an hour to get there but in the next scene they're right by them.


I thought this episode was a huge step up for sure. I think we got some actual development from some characters (mainly the younger kids, even if you hate Chris, things are happening to them. Alicia and Nick stood up and basically told their parents to stop babying them).

Next episode on the other hand looks like things are finally going to start happening. Pretty excited for next week. Also prefer having GoT around now, I watch it live and then watch Fear on DVR and skip the commercials :)
I thought this episode was a huge step up for sure. I think we got some actual development from some characters (mainly the younger kids, even if you hate Chris, things are happening to them. Alicia and Nick stood up and basically told their parents to stop babying them).

Next episode on the other hand looks like things are finally going to start happening. Pretty excited for next week. Also prefer having GoT around now, I watch it live and then watch Fear on DVR and skip the commercials :)

I felt the same way. The episode was a milestone for some of the characters. Correct me if I'm wrong but this was Alicia's first time actually going into combat with zombies, wasn't it? The kids overall saw some notable growth as survivors thanks to this episode.


Entertaining episode, which really is all I care about with this show. Not looking for a Mad Men or Breaking Bad here.

Chris is slowly becoming my favorite character while Madison has been regressing pretty rapidly this season. Plane girl should be a nice addition.


I thought it was funny when Strand said to Madison, "you're not a killer." The camera focuses on her face and nothing else is said. It wasn't subtle.


I know a lot of people are down on the show in this thread, but I'm still liking it so far. The latest episode was the best yet & I feel like things are starting to pick up. Only thing that really stood out as really poor to me was when Nick fell off the cliff next to the zombie covered in crabs. Just the way the scene was framed immediately coming back from commercial just felt kinda odd & unnecessary.

Did like Nick discovering the zombie camo though, that was a nice touch. I think the show is going to get better as the season develops more but for right now I still think FTWD's biggest draw are the West Coast locales we get to see unlike on TWD.


make sure the pudding isn't too soggy but that just ruins everything
Entertaining episode, which really is all I care about with this show. Not looking for a Mad Men or Breaking Bad here.

Chris is slowly becoming my favorite character while Madison has been regressing pretty rapidly this season. Plane girl should be a nice addition.
Addition? That was a pretty clear subtraction. The only way she and the kid makes it back to this group is if they turn around for her (seems very unlikely) or the supposed ship that's hunting them picks her up while in pursuit. I would personally find that quite contrived and tbh not a story thread I'd want to follow. Cutting the line and stranding them at sea for a second time was a harsh conclusion, but watching them be picked up by marauders... gross, no thanks.

Nothing else seems reasonable or plausible.


Supersonic, idiotic, disconnecting, not respecting, who would really ever wanna go and top that
I thought it was funny when Strand said to Madison, "you're not a killer." The camera focuses on her face and nothing else is said. It wasn't subtle.

I'm betting that Madison killed her ex-husband way before the outbreak, or something dark like that. They never talk about him, and there is something just off about her. She was the first one who was okay with killing people they know in Season 1.

80% rottentomatoes for this episode

Does it really deserve it or is it true that Tv critics think anything is great?

(when i see the amount of 100%s for tv shows on RT i really think Tv critics think anything is great)
RTS for shows are completely inaccurate because those are usually based on reviews of the pilot or the first few episodes

And 100% on RT doesn't mean perfect, but only that all reviews were considered positive by the writers. But positive can as low as a 5/10 (aka average)


Addition? That was a pretty clear subtraction. The only way she and the kid makes it back to this group is if they turn around for her (seems very unlikely) or the supposed ship that's hunting them picks her up while in pursuit. I would personally find that quite contrived and tbh not a story thread I'd want to follow. Cutting the line and stranding them at sea for a second time was a harsh conclusion, but watching them be picked up by marauders... gross, no thanks.

Nothing else seems reasonable or plausible.

Maybe. But after teasing for months how someone from the Airplane shorts would be joining the main cast I sorta just assume she'll end up with the group.
RTS for shows are completely inaccurate because those are usually based on reviews of the pilot or the first few episodes

And 100% on RT doesn't mean perfect, but only that all reviews were considered positive by the writers. But positive can as low as a 5/10 (aka average)
5/10 is considered "rotten" on RT
Maybe. But after teasing for months how someone from the Airplane shorts would be joining the main cast I sorta just assume she'll end up with the group.

Alex was listed in the main cast while the guy who was playing Jake was listed as Guest/Co starring so Alex is for sure back but it loooks like Jake's days are numbered.
Just watched the episode..

Strand is Frank Grimes. A real person stranded in TWD universe.

I cheered when he cut that line. If that's what it takes for these idiots to get in their heads that they have to look out for themselves then so be it.


make sure the pudding isn't too soggy but that just ruins everything
Maybe. But after teasing for months how someone from the Airplane shorts would be joining the main cast I sorta just assume she'll end up with the group.
This might sound pretty bad, but I do hope you're right. She is the hottest girl, by a margin imo. So yeah that's a shallow reason, but it is what it is.

Just cannot imagine a plausible way to do it. Show is already stretching things to the point of strain... and I'm not an overly critical viewer.


make sure the pudding isn't too soggy but that just ruins everything
Just watched the episode..

Strand is Frank Grimes. A real person stranded in TWD universe.

I cheered when he cut that line. If that's what it takes for these idiots to get in their heads that they have to look out for themselves then so be it.
No. He is a fucking coward to wait until they were so far out at sea.

I cannot wait until he dies horribly. He was cool until that moment though. And not letting them on was fine. But "stranding" them at sea a second time was inhumane and he is a cowardly shit.
Just watched the episode..

Strand is Frank Grimes. A real person stranded in TWD universe.

I cheered when he cut that line. If that's what it takes for these idiots to get in their heads that they have to look out for themselves then so be it.

That woman they left behind was a 100x more competent survivor than most of their current group combined, though.

For all the praise that Strand gets, he didn't think this one through at all. He should at least vet people before throwing them out like garbage. She would have been a really valuable member of the crew. If surviving is so important to him, he should have thrown out Chris overboard and let Alex take over his room on the ship. lol

The only reason he hasn't thrown out Alicia or Chris yet is because it would infuriate their parents, and he needs the parents on his side so he can continue using them for their skills. Unfortunately for him, cutting that tow line seems to have pissed off Madison anyway, judging by her face at the end of the episode. She looked ready for war.
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