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February WrassleGAF |BO-T| And Bo-ing is Half the Battle

That match was not good, guys. It's only my opinion of course, but come on.

It was a finisher spot fest, reversal reversal etc.. Cena sold the count out like shit, and flew around the ring at the end despite just going through what should be a grueling match.

I just hate when spotfests are touted like amazing matches. Psychology matters, not how many finishers they can shove into a match.

Piledriver was cool though.

Plus that hurricanrana was total shit. Why does Cena keep doing moves shittily? Does he think he will get props for doing new moves (poorly)? Randomly pulling out a move and doing is piss-poorly doesn't deserve props.


I admit I marked out hard for the piledriver, but yea, the fact that you knew there wasn't a chance in hell Punk was winning takes away from the match.



Ugh. Everytime, he pops up fresh as a daisy like NOTHING HAPPENED PREVIOUSLY. Just ONCE I want him to make his comeback, but actually sell the fact that he's just wrestled a gruelling match and taken a ton of punishment.

Seriously, the fucking worst. The WORST.

The WORST was Cena taking the Orton punt and IMMEDIATELY springing to his feet like nothing ever happened. After they had spent MONTHS building that move up as a career ender...


Thanks for that great match Punk, now it's time for your feud with the Undertaker where everybody knows you have no chance in hell of winning.

So Cena wins. Clean. In a non-PPV match. As buildup to Rock Cena II. And completely destroys the potential hype for the "Cena never beat Punk clean" angle.

Why? Why would you do this? What in fucking hell are they thinking?



this company.
See you next week!


What in fucking hell are they thinking?



Tomodachi wa Mahou
Seriously after that match having Rocky sending out a tweet instead of the usual walk out and stare him down is really fucking weak. Just terrible.


Cena vs Rock is going to be total garbage compared to that match. THAT is what your WM main event should be, Cena against his greatest rival Punk.
The WORST was Cena taking the Orton punt and IMMEDIATELY springing to his feet like nothing ever happened. After they had spent MONTHS building that move up as a career ender...

Or the Nexus slamming his head onto the exposed concrete...followed by him hopping up and beating all of them.

Cena vs Rock is going to be total garbage compared to that match. THAT is what your WM main event should be, Cena against his greatest rival Punk.

Now ex-greatest rival.


No One Remembers



this n**** did a hurricaranna


lol botched hurricanrana

The world's ugliest hurricanrana.

terrible hurricanrana hahaha

Worst. Huricanrana. Ever.


that fucking hurricanrana


I CANNOT BELIEVE that they decided to put the Cenacanrana in the finish of a match after how terrible the one against Dolph looked.

Of course, Cena managed to do an EVEN WORSE ONE tonight.

Cena Hurricarana and a Piledriver. What a match

That Cena-canrana was hilariously awful. :lol

I can't believe they showed a replay on the hurricanrana, it was just terrible! Awesome match though

Good match and I legit marked for the piledriver, but yeah @ that ending. Exactly why i couldn't really get into it. "Cena wins lol" isn't actually a joke, it's a scientific fact.
The world's ugliest hurricanrana.
lol botched hurricanrana
The world's ugliest hurricanrana.
Worst. Huricanrana. Ever.

and my favorite:


Ugh. Everytime, he pops up fresh as a daisy like NOTHING HAPPENED PREVIOUSLY. Just ONCE I want him to make his comeback, but actually sell the fact that he's just wrestled a gruelling match and taken a ton of punishment.

Seriously, the fucking worst. The WORST.


xbot xbot xbot xbot xbot
Rain the salt down upon me tonight - oh so good.

That match was grand, and you all know that hurricanrana went the way it did because Punk's weak ass couldn't hold him up and Cena was falling off of him.

Goodnight WrassleGAF! :)



WCW Monday Nitro 1/8/2000

Go home for Sin. I mean, I guess there still is Thunder, but it doesn't count. Disco Inferno is replacing Mark Madden. Madden was fired shortly before this. Mostly for being an asshole, but not for being a terrible announcer. Why wouldn't Stevie Ray just fill that spot?

CEO Flair comes to the ring. They're in St. Paul, so it is kind of like a homecoming for Ric. He claims Sin is the biggest PPV of the year. That's one way to lower expectations for the rest of the year. Flair is sick of Mike Sanders and doesn't even know how he got the commissioner job. Way to watch the shows, Ric. Sanders will put his commissionership on the line against Cat at Sin. Ric doesn't know what to do about the title match after Thunder. This brings Double J out. Sid didn't beat him, so he still gets his title shot. Ric says there just might not be a three way dance at Sin at all. Scott Steiner comes out. Now it will be a 4 way dance! Jarrett vs Steiner vs Sid vs Mystery Man! Flair shows footage of Jeff lying to Scott last week. He then books Jeff vs Steiner for the title tonight!


TO THE BACK. Goldberg and Sarge arrive. Goldberg throws a table and wants to know where Kronik is. Sanders complains to the Harris Brothers about Cat. He books Ron against Cat tonight. Ron is growing his hair out. Shane confronts Flair and security in the back. Shane thinks he should be in the main event at Sid. He's already booked. Sid vs Shane Douglas tonight!

Shannon Moore vs Chavo Guerrero Jr

Shane on color. Chavo decides to make this a title match. If Shannon wins, Chavo will get the rematch at Sin. So Shane has to make sure Chavo wins again. This is a pretty good, competitive cruiser match that hasn't been seen on WCW since the Spring of 1999. Well, until Shannon botches a springboard rana. He slipped off the ropes. Chavo won with a great brainbustahh. Probably the best TV cruiserweight match for real since whenever Blitzkrieg was around. Shane dumped Chavo out of the ring after the match.

TO THE BACK. Kwee Wee and Paisley are watching a monitor when Mike Sanders punches him. Vito runs Sanders off. Hidden camera catches Ric talking with Totally Buff.

The Cat vs Ron Harris

Ron has shaved his head in the past 10 minutes. "Look at how well shaved Big Ron is." Lol. They're back to dressing in suits. Cat tries to talk his way out of this match, but then says they look like two baby Frankensteins. I think Disco called Cat a shit head. Cat and a Harris brother? Gross. Ron wins after twin magic and an H-Bomb.

TO THE BACK. Gene is with Cat. He dances to prove you can't stop him.


Hugh talks with Sid. Hugh wants a little piece of Shane left for Sin. You could hear the director counting down.


Jeff and Scott argue. Gene is with the Thrillers. Sanders has booked a Minnesota Massacre. Vito/Kwee Wee vs randomly selected opponents. Anyone interfering will be fined or suspended. Totally Buff talk with Kronik. They got Kronik booked against Goldberg and Sarge.

Lance Storm vs Kidman


Lance is branching out into black and red tights. A Canadian Penalty Box match is set between these teams at Sin. Hopefully this gets some time. Fucking Konnan and Disco on color? Finlay Roll! Lance catches a dropkick while trying a springboard move. BK Bomb only gets 2. Super kick also gets 2. A chair is wedged in the corner. Lance goes head first. Kidman had the win, but Awesome pulled Kidman out. Both teams brawl. All of this was right in front of the ref who did nothing about it. Kid Krusher for the win.

Shane Douglas vs Sid

Sid has dropped the tights and is now wearing jeans. Sid controls the brawl on the floor, but Shane takes over once it gets in the ring. Shane blocked a chokeslam, Sid blocked a belly to belly. Sid wins with the powerbomb. Steiner and Jarrett attack Sid as he's walking to the back.


TO THE BACK. Gene is with Flair. He says he'll suspend Jeff and Scott if they take it easy on each other tonight. He makes Jim Duggan the special ref for the Penalty Box Match. God, I hope Duggan SWERVES everyone again.

Terry Funk comes to the ring. He says he's the king over and over and says Ric Flair is trying to destroy him by booking him against nobodies. He wants Goldberg. And Steiner. And DDP. He says something racial against Meng that gets muted. Crowbar comes out to stop this shit. He idolized Funk. "You should idolize me." He started ECW and is the extreme wrestling in the US. This whole time, Daffney is dancing with sparklers.


Crowbar cuts a good promo about becoming the leader of the new hardcore revolution. Crowbar is quickly becoming one of my favorite guys. I don't know why they didn't let him cut promos like this for the past year. Funk bails from the ring. Meng hits him with a chair. Daffney hits Meng with a wooden chair which didn't break. He kicked her in the face. Meng does the Death Grip through a wooden chair on Crowbar.

JIMMY HART FUCKSHIT. This stuff was all Jimmy's idea. He'd go on a morning zoo show and challenge them to a fight. Then the zoo guys would talk about Jimmy Hart and the match non stop for a few weeks for a local house show. All Jimmy's idea to boost some house show sales. Good for him, I guess, but WCW didn't even really run many house shows to begin with and these segments are fucking annoying on TV.

TO THE BACK. We see a shot of Flair's door. Then a shot of Sanders' office where something was exchanged in his jacket pocket.

Kronik vs Goldberg/Sarge

Disco is pissed that Kronik are wrestling for free. Kronik work over the broken arm of Sarge. Sarge plants Crush with a DDT. Goldberg falls doing a super kick. Spear on Crush. Totally Buff attack Sarge on the floor. Goldberg doesn't see any of this despite looking right at it. Jackhammer on Wrath for the win. Goldberg falls off the apron trying to get to Buff. Lex ripped the cast off and hit Goldberg with it. Luger hit Crush for some reason.


Minnesota Massacre Last Man Standing Match

Mike Sanders was "randomly" selected. As were Palumbo and O'Haire. And DDP! And Kevin Nash! I thought Vito and Kwee Wee were supposed to be in this. It's still a handicap match. I don't know why the NBT are so mad. Disco makes fun of DDP doing yoga. Obviously Disco didn't know how to Hulk it out. Palumbo and O'Haire superkick each other at the same time. Now everyone is down. Kwee Wee and the Mamalukes hold off the rest of the Thrillers. Kanyon Cutter! Jackknife to O'Haire. The ref calls for the bell and declares DDP and Nash the winners without even counting the Thrillers out. They hit their finishers and were declared the winners. This was stupid. The Insiders easily just beat 3 of the Thrillers at the same time. Why am I to believe they couldn't do the same in a normal tag match?

Scott comes out and says he will not have this match with Jarrett.

TO THE BACK. Jeff walks in the back and also says it won't happen.

Scott Steiner vs Jeff Jarrett WCW Championship

Disco points out that both men have their wrestling gear on, both have had their entrances, and the title is in the ring. Ric Flair comes out and says he will strip Steiner of his title and remove Jeff from Sin if they don't have this match. Midajah has a replica WCW Championship. Where is the bent title? Jeff shoves Midajah, which makes Steiner mad. We DO have a main event! SWERVE! They had a really good match last summer, but there isn't much time for them to do much and we still need the mystery man to show up. Sid runs in and hits hilariously weak punches. The Mystery Man! It's not Scott Steiner! Crowd was barking, but he didn't reveal himself.

Pretty good show, actually. It didn't particularly make me excited for Sin, but it was a pretty big improvement over most of 2000. It's really amazing what a couple of good undercard matches can do for a whole show. Two good matches made a show with Ron Harris vs The Cat seem pretty good.



I like the champ not wrestling every week, and not even showing up every week.

It makes the champ seem above the game and his participation is a special event.

Of course, it's only because The Rock is a movie star doing this as a hobby, but it's something to borrow ideas from for the future. No need for the champ to wrestle every week against randoms. He's the champ. Fuck that.


Its sad that I've been more entertained by all of the Diva pictures that most of RAW tonight.

...And now that Cena won, I won't be watching Wrestlemania.


Tomodachi wa Mahou
I like the champ not wrestling every week, and not even showing up every week.

It makes the champ seem above the game and his participation is a special event.

Of course, it's only because The Rock is a movie star doing this as a hobby, but it's something to borrow ideas from for the future. No need for the champ to wrestle every week against randoms. He's the champ. Fuck that.

This is what they should have done with Lesnar.
Good match and I legit marked for the piledriver, but yeah @ that ending. Exactly why i couldn't really get into it. "Cena wins lol" isn't actually a joke, it's a scientific fact.
that was a good match I can't event front I was smiling throughout 95% of it but man as soon as Cena no sold the GTS into the STF I lost my smile.
Hold up. I KNOW strobogo isn't synchronizing the posting of his WCW recaps w/ Raw and/or thread activity.

I thought this was all straight from your head to the screen to us. Now that I know you're SITTING on them for RATINGS......

Dood. You sold out.
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