Latest from Big Mike's e-fed;
All joking aside, I heard their debut show was decent, so I'll give 'em a chance.
Latest from Big Mike's e-fed;
All joking aside, I heard their debut show was decent, so I'll give 'em a chance.
The constant contrast between Booker's fake ye olde English voice and devolving into his standard when angered made promos a treat.I want to hail King Booker but this theme being a five-second loop over and over and over again is killing me.
Bridges was the shit back in the dayStrowman vs Big Show.
This is the greatest main event in WWE history.
Also, Nash Bridges > Cunt Knows Best
That theme...Someone say Silk Stalkings?!
I hate you Enzo...
I hate you Enzo...
Man the feels
Fuck the WWE hipsters. Jericho deserves another run for, "Perfect. It's a new list!" alone.
While it's sad to see this friendship end, Kevin needed this.
I would say it'll bring the heat back but for what, if he's going to job to Goldberg in the next PPV.
When did Punk have such heat? I remember it always being mixed for him even when he was a heel.The most HEAT since Punk
He finally gets heat 6 days before he loses the belt.
I careNo one cares, bring on the part timers