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February Wrasslin' |OT| Observe THIS, Brother!


I get aces overcoming the odds, but fuck man so are Roman and Cena. He overcame far too many odds here. I don't see Suzuki as a credible contender anymore.

Yes, Suzuki is not a credible contender. I think that might have been the idea.

Okada has been presented far better and stronger than Roman. Not Cena level's yet but give it time.
They just went too far with it. There was something like a 10+ minute knee bar and figure four spot that was sold amazingly but led into dropkicks and dumping Suzuki onto his knee. It was a bit much. Compare to Omega vs Naito where Omega changes up his moveset, doesnt hit knee strikes with his injured knee etc. Or when he wrewtled Kushida at WK10.

It was still a tremendous and very unique match. Just went too far on a few things, I think. I really like Okada for what its worth.

On another note, I dont hate Elgin but he is starting to get go away heat with me. I cant bring myself to care about him going after the IC title with Naito. At all.


That NJ show was the definition of mediocre. It was a one match show which, while I will give credit for being unique, was just too damn long. If they try to make these 40 min "epics" Okadas thing its gonna be a long year.


That NJ show was the definition of mediocre. It was a one match show which, while I will give credit for being unique, was just too damn long. If they try to make these 40 min "epics" Okadas thing its gonna be a long year.

juice looked great, that match was worth the meh main event
"Fighting spirit" and submissions never look credible. If you are in a slug fest -punches, kicks, head-buts, knees elbows- it looks good, but if 3/4 of the match are spend working on the leg and it is just no sold in the end it makes the individual that worked the leg look like a weak loser.
New Beginning main event is the worst kind of match for me. I've never bought hard into matches that focus so heavily on that kind of limb work. It just does nothing for me.

Looking at all the wwe marks salivating to shit on this match is pretty funny though

I'm super into working the body hard matches when said body part factors into the finish of the match... which it did not here


Fighting spirit is not necessarily a bad thing of course, but that shit was just too much, fucking 10+ min submission holds only for him to get up and use his badly injured knee to hit his moves like nothing had happened *

*except when running which I guess is enough to be considered great storytelling now
Fighting spirit is not necessary a bad thing of course, but that shit was just too much, fucking 10+ min submission holds only for him to get up and use his badly injured knee like nothing had happened *

*except when running which I guess is enough to be considered great storytelling now

And the running sell happened exactly once, before and after that he had no problem.

No selling?

Almost all of his offense last night should have been affected by his fucked up knee. He was dropkicking without problem, lifting and deadlifting with no problem. Hell one of his big come back moved was Okada literally lifting Suzuki up and dropping his head hard on his fucked up knee with no problem and basically no selling after the fact...

Yes, Suzuki is not a credible contender. I think that might have been the idea.

Okada has been presented far better and stronger than Roman. Not Cena level's yet but give it time.

Last night was 5 times more Super Cena than peak Super Cena

They'd have been better off booking the "knee injury" to happen within the match. Overcoming that is less of a suspension of disbelief than having your knee destroyed prior to the match, going in with an already fucked knee to the point of having it taped and then surviving 40 minutes of work on it, only to be able to do ridiculous feats of strength and basically have it not impact your offense at all.


I don't have a problem with fighting spirit. In fact I love the idea that part of what makes it so unique is these guys have massive egos, and intentionally trading blows is a kayfabe characteristic of these super macho tough guys. Giving the opponent the chance to take their best shots in an attempt to withstand it is always cool to me.

What isn't cool is being trapped for well over ten minutes in a submission on an already injured knee after it has been worked over for half an hour and miraculously no selling. The collapse at the attempted rope run should have been the first sign that Okadas leg was completely fucked but it was a brilliant sell that was completely made pointless later.

And this from someonew who has barely started paying attention to the company


Just finished the main event. Okada did plenty of selling. He did forget to sell in some spots but still better than most.

That being said, the wrong guy won. Was Suzuki's time. Okada could've won it right back at Sakura Genesis and Suzuki-gun could still seem credible, but now it makes Suzuki-gun immediately seem weak.

I heard Okada saying Tiger Mask W a lot in the post match promo. I'd lol if he feuds with Ibushi and Ibushi stays being Tiger Mask the whole time.
Just finished the main event. Okada did plenty of selling. He did forget to sell in some spots but still better than most.

That being said, the wrong guy won. Was Suzuki's time. Okada could've won it right back at Sakura Genesis and Suzuki-gun could still seem credible, but now it makes Suzuki-gun immediately seem weak.

I heard Okada saying Tiger Mask W a lot in the post match promo. I'd lol if he feuds with Ibushi and Ibushi stays being Tiger Mask the whole time.

Okada sold when it didn't matter. In between spots and such. When it came time for it to really matter the knee was miraculously fine


I'm super into working the body hard matches when said body part factors into the finish of the match... which it did not here

It all depends for me. I like how the WK Hiromu/Kushida match went since Kushida's sub was rarely ever fully sunk in in that match. It was a real struggle. Compare that to the Dunn/Bate match where the sub was fully applied almost the entire time. Okada/Suzuki took that to the nth degree. I don't think it was a medoicre match though. It had real heat and picked up when Suzuki started really throwing hands.

The sudden no-selling doesn't bother me as much since I rarely get invested in those angles in the first place. I see it like Spiderman and web fluid. Or like superhero carnage and innocent bystanders. It doesn't have any influence until it suddenly does. It's just how it is in wrestling. They sell just enough to tell the story and then throw it away when they need to properly execute something.



Yeah that was garbage selling by Okada earlier today. He can still win with the rainmaker in the end, but it was the other moves where he was just putting weight on the worked leg like it was nothing that really took me out of the match.

He did a GREAT sell when Suzuki irish whipped him and he just dropped like a sack of potatoes. That was great. But it wasn't enough.


It's one thing to disagree mate, it's another to laugh at someone for enjoying something. Especially in a pro fucking wrestling thread, of all places.

Pikma makes a career of mocking everything while never taking the minute risk of actually showing he enjoys something. But he's a Devils and Stars fan. What could we possibly expect?


It's one thing to disagree mate, it's another to laugh at someone for enjoying something. Especially in a pro fucking wrestling thread, of all places.
Relax, I always mess around with Heromark like that

Like how I always give him shit for liking Juice Robinson but I do actually enjoy the matches he's had as of late


It's one thing to disagree mate, it's another to laugh at someone for enjoying something. Especially in a pro fucking wrestling thread, of all places.
Hey I see you having fun there.

Stop it.

Don't you know we are supposed to be misserable?

Happiness will expose the business
My money's on Boots, he must have a decent Lariat.

Watching ICW's (most recent?) London show with Jimmy Havoc on commentary, very dry, enjoying him.


Pikma makes a career of mocking everything while never taking the minute risk of actually showing he enjoys something. But he's a Devils and Stars fan. What could we possibly expect?
Devils? Stars? Are you trying to break kayfabe? Because I have no idea what you're talking about
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