LOVED LOVED LOVED the Cena-Rusev opening. They made the US Title seem important and I'm totally fine with Cena winning it at Fast Lane. Does it mean as much for Rusev to have his first loss there compared to WM? No - but it means he can regain the title quickly at WM, and traditionally, they've had the guy who should win at WM lose there and then win on a B-show. They're doing it in reverse here, and that's good for building the future. Rusev not only stands to "beat Cena on WWE's grandest stage", but also do so for a title that can mean more throughout 2015 than it has throughout its WWE run.
Ambrose's Weekend Update was not exactly good - the highlight was the bad suit. Ambrose-Harper was okay, but nothing too special. Loved Dusty's promo - it was subdued, but effective. It was too short though. Dusts vs. The Dead Push was a match. I liked the return of whatever Cody's finish was called to turn on him instead of Stardust's bad flatliner, even though that move is better out of the fake hug bit. Roman and Byron exchanged Generic WWE Words. Roman's a dick.
Roman-Kane was nothing, but Bryan made this whole thing work by being great on commentary. Setup for Paige's dress getup was stupid, but she was hilarious. She beat Summer and was just perfect in this girly dress playing the whole thing for laughs. Seth-Dolph was okay, but got exciting until the finish, which was a fuck finish done PERFECTLY. Hopefully, it leads to Seth-Dolph on PPV and not just a wacky six-man tag with Seth and the goons against the mid-card Survivors.
The HHH-Sting hype video made HHH out to be a hell of a babyface, and then HHH said HE'S FIGHTING FOR WWE against WCW, here in 2015 - 14 years after WCW died. This led to more of HHH being put over, Flair coming out and HHH putting him over while Flair put him over. Then HHH shoved Flair down for warning him and HHH said NOTHING IS MORE IMPORTANT THAN WWE BUT HIS KIDS AND HIS WIFE. He's the heel here, in theory. D-Young and Generic SmackDown CAW with black trunks and tattoos were beaten up by the Ascension until Titus came down for a PTP reunion - good, they're great together and largely mediocre apart.
Nattie and Tyson vs. an Uso and Naomi was a match. Loved Tyson showing Nattie how to win with the sharpshooter instead of being cradled by it. YAY IT'S THE BIG DAWG out to do commentary. Nope - he's seated next to the commentators, so they don't trust him with a mic. Bryan tried to have a great match with Show and was having a good one while Roman took selfies and stretched. They had a damn good match even with this angle hurting things.They've really hurt Bryan and Roman. The former's character has been really hurt badly, while Roman's character never really got established and has just been killed by this writing. I liked the show-closing brawl overall, but they gave A LOT away here.
Screens -

"I'm the Titty Master, and you're not!"


Loved this shot

Steph Already Inducted Macho
Ambrose's Weekend Update was not exactly good - the highlight was the bad suit. Ambrose-Harper was okay, but nothing too special. Loved Dusty's promo - it was subdued, but effective. It was too short though. Dusts vs. The Dead Push was a match. I liked the return of whatever Cody's finish was called to turn on him instead of Stardust's bad flatliner, even though that move is better out of the fake hug bit. Roman and Byron exchanged Generic WWE Words. Roman's a dick.
Roman-Kane was nothing, but Bryan made this whole thing work by being great on commentary. Setup for Paige's dress getup was stupid, but she was hilarious. She beat Summer and was just perfect in this girly dress playing the whole thing for laughs. Seth-Dolph was okay, but got exciting until the finish, which was a fuck finish done PERFECTLY. Hopefully, it leads to Seth-Dolph on PPV and not just a wacky six-man tag with Seth and the goons against the mid-card Survivors.
The HHH-Sting hype video made HHH out to be a hell of a babyface, and then HHH said HE'S FIGHTING FOR WWE against WCW, here in 2015 - 14 years after WCW died. This led to more of HHH being put over, Flair coming out and HHH putting him over while Flair put him over. Then HHH shoved Flair down for warning him and HHH said NOTHING IS MORE IMPORTANT THAN WWE BUT HIS KIDS AND HIS WIFE. He's the heel here, in theory. D-Young and Generic SmackDown CAW with black trunks and tattoos were beaten up by the Ascension until Titus came down for a PTP reunion - good, they're great together and largely mediocre apart.
Nattie and Tyson vs. an Uso and Naomi was a match. Loved Tyson showing Nattie how to win with the sharpshooter instead of being cradled by it. YAY IT'S THE BIG DAWG out to do commentary. Nope - he's seated next to the commentators, so they don't trust him with a mic. Bryan tried to have a great match with Show and was having a good one while Roman took selfies and stretched. They had a damn good match even with this angle hurting things.They've really hurt Bryan and Roman. The former's character has been really hurt badly, while Roman's character never really got established and has just been killed by this writing. I liked the show-closing brawl overall, but they gave A LOT away here.
Screens -

"I'm the Titty Master, and you're not!"


Loved this shot

Steph Already Inducted Macho