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February Wrasslin' |OT| Royal Reignble Fallout. NO HOLDS BARRED, SMARKS!

LOVED LOVED LOVED the Cena-Rusev opening. They made the US Title seem important and I'm totally fine with Cena winning it at Fast Lane. Does it mean as much for Rusev to have his first loss there compared to WM? No - but it means he can regain the title quickly at WM, and traditionally, they've had the guy who should win at WM lose there and then win on a B-show. They're doing it in reverse here, and that's good for building the future. Rusev not only stands to "beat Cena on WWE's grandest stage", but also do so for a title that can mean more throughout 2015 than it has throughout its WWE run.

Ambrose's Weekend Update was not exactly good - the highlight was the bad suit. Ambrose-Harper was okay, but nothing too special. Loved Dusty's promo - it was subdued, but effective. It was too short though. Dusts vs. The Dead Push was a match. I liked the return of whatever Cody's finish was called to turn on him instead of Stardust's bad flatliner, even though that move is better out of the fake hug bit. Roman and Byron exchanged Generic WWE Words. Roman's a dick.

Roman-Kane was nothing, but Bryan made this whole thing work by being great on commentary. Setup for Paige's dress getup was stupid, but she was hilarious. She beat Summer and was just perfect in this girly dress playing the whole thing for laughs. Seth-Dolph was okay, but got exciting until the finish, which was a fuck finish done PERFECTLY. Hopefully, it leads to Seth-Dolph on PPV and not just a wacky six-man tag with Seth and the goons against the mid-card Survivors.

The HHH-Sting hype video made HHH out to be a hell of a babyface, and then HHH said HE'S FIGHTING FOR WWE against WCW, here in 2015 - 14 years after WCW died. This led to more of HHH being put over, Flair coming out and HHH putting him over while Flair put him over. Then HHH shoved Flair down for warning him and HHH said NOTHING IS MORE IMPORTANT THAN WWE BUT HIS KIDS AND HIS WIFE. He's the heel here, in theory. D-Young and Generic SmackDown CAW with black trunks and tattoos were beaten up by the Ascension until Titus came down for a PTP reunion - good, they're great together and largely mediocre apart.

Nattie and Tyson vs. an Uso and Naomi was a match. Loved Tyson showing Nattie how to win with the sharpshooter instead of being cradled by it. YAY IT'S THE BIG DAWG out to do commentary. Nope - he's seated next to the commentators, so they don't trust him with a mic. Bryan tried to have a great match with Show and was having a good one while Roman took selfies and stretched. They had a damn good match even with this angle hurting things.They've really hurt Bryan and Roman. The former's character has been really hurt badly, while Roman's character never really got established and has just been killed by this writing. I liked the show-closing brawl overall, but they gave A LOT away here.


Screens -

"I'm the Titty Master, and you're not!"


Loved this shot

Steph Already Inducted Macho

This was the first time the WWE has somewhat managed to build a character out of reigns. I really like the whole cocky handing out shirts to the crowd bit and signing autographs. Well done.


Besides Roman no selling a bunch of moves I actually really liked that finish. Their desires to go to Mania boiled over into full in hatred of each other.
So I guess that since Bryan is the coward who initiated that second round of fighting AND resorted to the chair shot during said brawl, I guess he's the one turning heel Sunday.
reigns/bryan will be good

bryan can make anyone look like a million bucks in the ring and roman is quite good when he is carried

gonna suck when bryan gets pinned, which is 100% happening. do not get your hopes up. reigns will be facing brock at WM.
This is the first time in a while that I'm actually sort of invested in a main event from WWE. No talking, just fighting. Two guys who are hungry, and are willing to walk over each other to get to Wrestlemania.

...good job, WWE. You'll probably never do it again, but good job.

That is golden lol
Hollywood Reigns works for me. Why can't they just do that?

The way that ending went makes me think we might see a triple threat. Kept both guys looking strong.
Hollywood Reigns works for me. Why can't they just do that?

The way that ending went makes me think we might see a triple threat. Kept both guys looking strong.

They have something to work with when it comes to Reigns after tonight. First time I actual saw some sort of legitimate character.


Seems like they are trying to make roman look like a brawler, which makes it seem 100% that he is going against lesnar.
Reigns vs. Lesnar is still happening. As is Reigns winning the title.
The only thing that remains in question is whether D.Brine is part of the match at Mania or not... and, at last report, he was planned to be.
They have something to work with when it comes to Reigns after tonight. First time I actual saw some sort of legitimate character.

The problem is that the character he is starting to be good in is a cocky asshole. Not exactly top babyface. But I like the way he's doing it, no doubt.
Hollywood Reigns works for me. Why can't they just do that?

The way that ending went makes me think we might see a triple threat. Kept both guys looking strong.

which means the ppv will end in a stupid way like bray/ambrose a couple ppvs back

wouldn't be surprised if a stadium light falls on both of them

just have bryan pin roman cleanly but make roman look super strong and then do reigns vs cena at WM

cena goes over rusev at fastlane to make himself look strong going into WM
It won't work

If they have a match that looks like the end of Raw just now and Reigns survives it, he'll be over with enough of the audience that whatever happens at WM won't matter. They're trying to do the Stone Cold/Bret thing and get him over by going through hell with the most technical guy on the roster. I'm willing to bet him getting his mouth busted open wasn't a mistake either.


this is how it's gonna go

screwy finish in the main event, leads to triple threat at mania

screwy finish with cena/rusev, cena goes over clean at mania

it's a free ppv, and the filler ppv between rumble and mania. of course nothing is going to happen.
Yeah, even when Meltzer reported the three-way idea, he said there was almost no chance of Reigns being out of the match entirely. The question now is just if they stick with the three-way. And after how good that segment was, I don't see why not. Bryan and Reigns have chemistry the way they are working it.
I think they should do the Cena/Punk NOC 2012 double pin finish for Reigns and Bryan. Have them hit each other with all their stuff and nothing works, then a roll-up leads to both being pinned. It's not as terrible as a DQ or countout and gives a reason for a triple threat.


WHy didn't they just resign brock before they gave him the title and the taker win?

Because Brock won't resign until after his contract expires so he can use the UFC and Bellator offers for leverage.


I think they should do the Cena/Punk NOC 2012 double pin finish for Reigns and Bryan. Have them hit each other with all their stuff and nothing works, then a roll-up leads to both being pinned. It's not as terrible as a DQ or countout and gives a reason for a triple threat.

How about both men injure themselves so Cesaro stands up to fight Paul and Bork?


Yeah, even when Meltzer reported the three-way idea, he said there was almost no chance of Reigns being out of the match entirely. The question now is just if they stick with the three-way. And after how good that segment was, I don't see why not. Bryan and Reigns have chemistry the way they are working it.

Yup. Adding an unstoppable force like Brock to the mix just makes the thing even better.

EDIT: I'm partial to a double KO finish. Sells both as mean MOFOs, which is what you need to take down Brock.
god fastlane is going to be filled with dumb match endings

just have bryan beat reigns then start a feud with cena

it's so dumb for them to be wasting cena star power on guys like bray and rusev at mania. he should be feuding with future huge names like reigns at WM. they could book it as the second biggest match on the card and actually get reigns over. a guy like rusev should be feuding with ryback or ziggler or another jobber.


I just really want Brock vs Bryan 1 on 1. I don't want Roman in there potentially shitting it up.

Actually I'd he okay with Roman being there of it was a triple threat elimination match.
god fastlane is going to be filled with dumb match endings

just have bryan beat reigns then start a feud with cena

it's so dumb for them to be wasting cena star power on guys like bray and rusev at mania. he should be feuding with future huge names like reigns at WM. they could book it as the second biggest match on the card and actually get reigns over. a guy like rusev should be feuding with ryback or ziggler or another jobber.

Cena/Reigns will probably be next year's Mania main event. The real passing of the torch.
If they're going towards a triple threat at WM, Bryan/Reigns calls for a time limit draw or double KO after an absolute war. Doing a double pin or 2 ref controversy or whatever other garbage just takes away from the battle they'll go through.


I'm eager to see how Vince will fuck up next year's Royal Rumble. By then Roman will probably be fine and have a strong backing, which means Vince will have Big Show win the Rumble.

I forsee all future Rumbles getting exponentially worse until Vince finally gets his Wrestlemania 30


I think they should do the Cena/Punk NOC 2012 double pin finish for Reigns and Bryan. Have them hit each other with all their stuff and nothing works, then a roll-up leads to both being pinned. It's not as terrible as a DQ or countout and gives a reason for a triple threat.

Because Brock won't resign until after his contract expires so he can use the UFC and Bellator offers for leverage.

thats now but brock had no offers a year ago.

UFC is desperate to get non roiders and Bellator has cash to spend.
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