Pyceb >>> (those not named Brock Lesnar)Rusev sells ANYTHING. Fucking wonderful. I love Rusev and everything he does. Perfect reaction. PERFECT. Same with Lana.
Rusev sells ANYTHING. Fucking wonderful. I love Rusev and everything he does. Perfect reaction. PERFECT. Same with Lana.
"Was that a threat?....I don't care what it was." Well, why'd you ask?
That couldn't have been on purpose right
I have no idea what they are doing with Reigns
I have no idea what they are doing with Reigns
I have no idea what they are doing with Reigns
Reigns just has more charisma being a heel or being the guy that doesn't care about anything but himself and isn't ashamed to admit it.
Unfortunately for most of this thread, Reigns has to consume the corpse of Daniel Bryan to complete his heel turn. It's for the greater good. Ten year plan.
If DBry is friends with Roman maybe the rest of us will be friends with Roman. Right?
I have no idea what they are doing with Reigns
Don't think it's so much Reigns is being turned heel. Moreso they are taking him back to his Shield persona and hopefully turning down the John Cena wannabe jokester character
I have no idea what they are doing with Reigns
They don't either.
there were 4 mania main event options that would have been perfect.
Everything else isn't comparable to any of these matches storyline wise.